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Appendix 1 - Appraisal Report - Blank


Sea Staff Appraisal Report

Confidentiality: All items contained in this report are to be treated in strictest confidence
Circulation: Restricted Staff – as per procedures

Personal Details
Surname Period of Report
Forename(s) Discharge Book #

Date of Birth Date Joined Company

Rank Employee #


Training Courses completed since last Appraisal
1 Date:
2 Date:
3 Date:
Section A
Joining Interview: Conducted by Date:
Record of Discussion (Main points and objectives to achieve this voyage.)
Signature of Interviewee Date:
Section B
Mid Term Review Conducted by Date:
Summary of mid term review to include any amendments to objectives and an assessment of the effectiveness of any
training undertaken whilst on leave or during the first half of the appointment
Signature of Interviewee Date:
1st Reporting Officer Sign. Date:

Appendix 1 - Appraisal Report - Blank
Section C/1 Performance Review: To be completed by 1st Reporting Officer
1 Performance is consistently outstanding 4 Performance is not fully up to requirements
and some improvement is necessary

2 Performance is significantly above 5 Performance falls well short of the needs of

requirements the job

3 Performance fully meets the normal na Not applicable to this appointment

requirements of the rank

All Personnel 1 2 3 4 5 na
Acceptance of Responsibility: The degree of willingness
1 to accept responsibility and see duties through to the full.

Use of Professional Knowledge: How well knowledge

2 gained through study, training and experience is applied to
the job.
Initiative: Use of sound common sense and the ability to
3 raise sensible suggestions which could improve efficiency

Communication Skills: Communicates clearly at all

4 levels: content, style and language are suited to the
audience and the situation.
Reliability: (a) Normal Circumstances. Whether
5 punctuality and determination are as required. Whether
supervised or not/
Reliability: (b) Under Pressure. The ability to remain in
control, effective and determined under exceptionally
difficult circumstances
Team Skills: Is open, honest and courteous in dealing
6 with staff and colleagues and listen to their views and
Personal Attributes: Accepts change and develops new
7 skills to respond to changing circumstances

Officer / PO Only
Written Work: The ability to make the meaning of
8 written work easily understood and to complete
administrative paperwork as required.
Judgement: Whether decisions and recommendations are
9 timely and appropriate, and show that consequences have
been considered.
Organisational Ability: The planning and control of
10 work to make best use of available resources and
minimise waste.
Leadership: Explains clearly what is expected from staff
11 and acts quickly to deal with issues that affect the team.

Appendix 1 - Appraisal Report - Blank
Section C/2 – Overall Assessment Section D Promotion to Rank
Based on the performance given Assessment
1 Consistently outstanding 1 Exceptionally fitted

2 Significantly above requirements 2 Well fitted

3 Fully meets normal requirements 3 Fitted

4 Not fully up to requirements and 4 Likely to become fitted

some improvement is necessary

5 Performance falls well short of 5 Not fitted

requirements for the Rank

Special Factors: Any special factors, which have Supporting Comments:

affected overall performance, should be recorded
briefly below:

Section E – 1st Reporting Officer’s General Comments

I confirm that the strengths and weaknesses highlighted in this report have been fully discussed with the Job Holder
during the course of the reporting period.
Signature: Name (in Block Capitals)


Section F – Job Holders Comments

I have read and discussed the contents of this report.

Signature: Name (in Block Capitals)


Section G – Master’s Comments

Signature: Name (in Block Capitals)


Appendix 2 - Appraisal Report - Blank


Sea Staff Appraisal Report

Confidentiality: All items contained in this report are to be treated in strictest confidence
Circulation: Restricted Staff – as per procedures

Personal Details
Surname Oxstead Period of Report 03/Jan/04–30/Mar/04
Forename(s) John Ian Discharge Book # DB 00008915
Date of Birth 07 – Nov- 1980 Date Joined Company 17 – Jun - 2001
Rank Deck Cadet Employee #

Qualification GMDSS (GOC)

Ship Atlantic Tern
Training Courses completed since last Appraisal
1 Date:
2 Date:
3 Date:
Section A
Joining Interview: Conducted by B. Creevy (C/O) Date: 6th Jan 2004.
Record of Discussion (Main points and objectives to achieve this voyage.)
1 To complete NVQ Task Book
2 Understudy OOW for Bridge watchkeeping duties
3 Understudy OOW for Cargo Operations duties
Signature of Interviewee -RKQ,DQ2[VWHDG Date: WK-DQ

Section B
Mid Term Review Conducted by B. Creevy (C/O) Date: 22nd Feb 2004.
Summary of mid term review to include any amendments to objectives and an assessment of the effectiveness of any
training undertaken whilst on leave or during the first half of the appointment
1 Priorities remain the same as at initial interview.
2 Good confident progress achieved on the bridge.
3 ROR standards and knowledge need to be improved and maintained.
4 Expect to mange own time to achieve the above three priorities
5 Must maintain enthusiasm
Signature of Interviewee -RKQ,DQ2[VWHDG Date: QG)HE

1 Reporting Officer Sign. %ULDQ&UHHY\ Date: QG)HE

Appendix 2 - Appraisal Report - Blank
Section C/1 Performance Review: To be completed by 1st Reporting Officer
1 Performance is consistently outstanding 4 Performance is not fully up to requirements
and some improvement is necessary

2 Performance is significantly above 5 Performance falls well short of the needs of

requirements the job

3 Performance fully meets the normal na Not applicable to this appointment

requirements of the rank

All Personnel 1 2 3 4 5 na
Acceptance of Responsibility: The degree of ¥ +DVDFWLYHO\VRXJKW
1 willingness to accept responsibility and see duties through 2XWDGGLWLRQDOGXWLHVWRPD[LPLVHWUDLQLQJ
to the full. 
Use of Professional Knowledge: How well knowledge ¥ +DVDSSOLHGKLV
2 gained through study, training and experience is applied NQRZOGZJHFRUUHFWO\DQGDSSURSULDWHO\GXULQJWKH
Initiative: Use of sound common sense and the ability to ¥ +HKDVVRXQGLQLWLDWLYH
3 raise sensible suggestions which could improve efficiency ZLOOLQJWRDVNTXHVWLRQVWKHQDSSO\DQGDGDSW

Communication Skills: Communicates clearly at all ¥ *DLQLQJLQFRQILGHQFH
4 levels: content, style and language are suited to the RQDGDLO\EDVLV0XVWOHDUQWRSURMHFWKLVSUHVHQFH
audience and the situation. ZLWKPRUHJXVWR
Reliability: (a) Normal Circumstances. Whether ¥ &RPSOHWHO\UHOLDEOH
5 punctuality and determination are as required. Whether 
supervised or not/ 
Reliability: (b) Under Pressure. The ability to remain ¥
in control, effective and determined under exceptionally
difficult circumstances
Team Skills: Is open, honest and courteous in dealing :RUNVZHOOZLWKLQD
6 with staff and colleagues and listen to their views and 7HDPOLVWHQLQJDQGOHDUQLQJWKURXJKRXW
Personal Attributes: Accepts change and develops new ¥ 'HYHORSLQJQHZVNLOOV
7 skills to respond to changing circumstances DWHYHU\DYHQXH$SOHDVXUHWRQXUWXUHDQGZDWFK

Officer / PO Only
Written Work: The ability to make the meaning of ¥ *RRGFOHDUDQGFRUUHFW
8 written work easily understood and to complete UHSRUWV)UXVWUDWHVKLPVHOIZKHQKHSURGXFHVOHVV
administrative paperwork as required. WKDQILUVWFODVVDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ
Judgement: Whether decisions and recommendations ¥ *URZLQJLQFRQILGHQFH
9 are timely and appropriate, and show that consequences ZLWKKLVMXGJHPHQWDQGGHFLVLRQV/LVWHQVWRKLV
have been considered. 3HHUVDQGZLOOLQJWRDGDSW
Organisational Ability: The planning and control of ¥ +DVZRUNHGWLUHOHVVO\
10 work to make best use of available resources and WRHQVXUHDOOUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVWDNHQKDYHVXFFHVVIXO
minimise waste. FRQFOXVLRQV
Leadership: Explains clearly what is expected from staff ¥ 
11 and acts quickly to deal with issues that affect the team. 

Appendix 2 - Appraisal Report - Blank
Section C/2 – Overall Assessment Section D Promotion to 3/0 Rank
Based on the performance given Assessment
1 Consistently outstanding 1 Exceptionally fitted

2 ¥ Significantly above requirements 2 ¥ Well fitted

3 Fully meets normal requirements 3 Fitted

4 Not fully up to requirements and 4 Likely to become fitted

some improvement is necessary

5 Performance falls well short of 5 Not fitted

requirements for the Rank
Special Factors: Any special factors, which have Supporting Comments:
affected overall performance, should be recorded
briefly below:

Section E – 1st Reporting Officer’s General Comments


I confirm that the strengths and weaknesses highlighted in this report have been fully discussed with the Job Holder
during the course of the reporting period.
Signature: Name (in Block Capitals)
 Brian Creevy
10th March 2004

Section F – Job Holders Comments


I have read and discussed the contents of this report.
Signature: Name (in Block Capitals)
 John Ian Oxstead
12th March 2004.

Section G – Master’s Comments


Signature: Name (in Block Capitals)

William Brian Cant
14th March 2004.

Appendix 3 - Appraisal Report 2 - Blank

Vessel: Rank: Period:

Family Name: First Name: Company ID#

Performance Assessment Particular Characteristics

Particular characteristics Employ Super To be completed by Supervisor + -
Professional knowledge Service orientated
Diligence and Interest Quality awareness
Reliability Planning ability
Communication Cost awareness
Safety Creativity
Teamwork Loyalty
Efficiency English (appropriate for rank)
Career Development
Further Job Objectives, Supplementary Training and Aims: (to be completed by employee)

Supervisor’s Comments:

Master / Chief Engineer’s Remarks:

Leader Potential (For officers only)

Factors: Empl Super To be filled in by the Supervisor: Super
oyee visor Special activity performed by the officer: visor
Result orientated
Envisage & anticipate future development
Set goals and achieve them
Use available resources Promotion Potential
Communication values, norms and policies Promotion recommended (now):
Develop new working practices Promotion recommended (later):
Develop his/her own and others skills Promotion not recommended:
Oversee complex / problematic situations Not applicable:

Name (employee) Signature:

Name (Supervisor) Signature:

Name (Master) Signature: Date:

Marine Department Follow Up.
Name: Signature: Date:

Name: Signature: Date:

Appendix 4 - Appraisal Report 2 - Complete

Vessel: Euro Spirit Rank: Deck Cadet Period: 12/Jan/04–03/Apr/04

Family Name: MacLeod First Name: Michael Company ID# D/00/02356

Performance Assessment Particular Characteristics

Particular characteristics Employ Super To be completed by Supervisor + -
Professional knowledge 4 4 Service orientated ¥
Diligence and Interest 3 3 Quality awareness ¥
Reliability 3 3 Planning ability ¥
Communication 4 3 Cost awareness
Safety 3 3 Creativity
Teamwork 3 3 Loyalty ¥
Efficiency 3 3 English (appropriate for rank)
Career Development
Further Job Objectives, Supplementary Training and Aims: (to be completed by employee)

Supervisor’s Comments:
Master / Chief Engineer’s Remarks:
Leader Potential (For officers only)
Factors: Empl Super To be filled in by the Supervisor: Super
oyee visor Special activity performed by the officer: visor
Independence 3 3 Has understudied 3 /O and made ¥
Result orientated 3 3 good progress
Envisage & anticipate future development 3 3
Set goals and achieve them 4 3
Use available resources 3 3 Promotion Potential
Communication values, norms and policies 3 3 Promotion recommended (now):
Develop new working practices 4 3 Promotion recommended (later):
Develop his/her own and others skills 3 3 Promotion not recommended:
Oversee complex / problematic situations 4 4 Not applicable: ¥
Name (employee) Michael MacLeod Signature: 0LFKDHO0DF/HRG

Name (Supervisor) K. Breene (C/O) Signature: .HYLQ%UHHQH

Name (Master) N.B. MacMahon Signature: 1RUPDQ%0DFPDKRQ Date: 03/Apr/04

Marine Department Follow Up.
Name: Signature: Date:

Name: Signature: Date:

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