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Your doctor should regularly Lifestyle modifications are an DYSLIPIDEMIA
check up on your cholesterol important first step in
preventing and treating high "HIGH CHOLESTEROL"
levels. The only way you can
cholesterol levels.
be diagnosed with
Some modifications that may
dyslipidemia is by looking at be recommended are:
results from a lipid panel Eating more fish
screening. Including more fiber in
Normal levels (on average) of your meals
cholesterol are: Limiting trans fat
LDL less than 100 Increasing exercise
Losing weight
HDL greater than 50
Limit alcohol intake
Triglycerides less than 150 Your doctor may also
and Total Cholesterol less prescribe you a type of
than 200 medication called statins.
If you have more or less Statins decrease the natural
cholesterol than what is in the production of cholesterol by
expected range, lifestyle your liver.
The main goal of treatment is
modifications will need to be
to decrease LDL, Triglyceride,
made and a diagnosis of
and total levels while
dyslipidemia may be put in increasing HDL.
place. body-a By: Kenneth Durbin
Your body naturally
produces cholesterol
You also get cholesterol
from the food you eat:
Red meat
Egg yolks
Fried Food
SYMPTOMS & Processed Food
WHAT IS IT? Pastries
Ice Cream
Dyslipidemia is a higher than As cholesterol builds up in Age, a family history of high
normal amount of cholesterol your arteries, they will become cholesterol, and a lack of
in the blood. narrower. This will lead to an regular exercise are also
It is manageable with lifestyle increase in blood pressure. factors that increase your
modification and medication Cholesterol in your arteries risk of developing
but it is a lifelong condition. will also increase your risk for dyslipidemia.
a blood clot, which may
develop into dangerous
conditions like a heart attack
or storke.

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