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The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884

VOL. CXLI NO. 19 Appleton, Wisconsin April 22, 2022

Campus culture and policy shifts as COVID-19 cases spike

Joey Davis not having fresh air or the abil- event where it was decided that
Staff Writer ity to stretch my legs and clear because campus was mask op-
________________________ my head only made me feel tional, the event would be too.
In Week 3 of Spring term, more trapped. It can be kind of She described the decision as
Lawrence University saw an anxiety-triggering to only see a calculated risk but lamented
uptick in COVID-19 cases. On the same walls for a week.” that the case count was more
Sunday, April 17, 67 new stu- The student also said that than expected.
dent cases and 75 total active in their experience, there was a Thompson emphasized
cases were reported, the high- lack of information about the that blame does not rest solely
est total count of active student process of leaving isolation, with the President’s Ball, citing
cases and the second highest and that it was unclear when pregame parties and afterpar-
total active cases on campus they could come back to cam- ties that took place the same
for this school year. On Tues- pus and whether a positive test weekend. Furthermore, ac-
day, April 19, it was reported result would start the 5-day cording to Thompson, SOUP
that 19 additional community isolation period over again. does not regret the decision
members had tested positive. The anonymous student that was made given the info
An anonymous student, also spoke on surveillance test- available at the time, but rather
who had tested positive for CO- ing, arguing that it should be sees the President’s Ball as a
VID-19 and was, at the time of brought back. A student survey learning experience. Future
interview, in isolation, spoke posted on Facebook and Insta- events will be handled on a
on how isolation affected them. gram by the Lawrentian shows case-by-case basis, following
This student will be referred to that many members of the stu- the campus’s guidelines as a
as X. Despite showing symp- dent body agree. Out of 227 rule of thumb.
toms on Monday, the student responses, 81% of respondents Another anonymous stu-
was unable to test until Tues- said that surveillance testing dent who tested positive for
day, when their roommate dis- should be resumed. However, COVID-19 and has been isolat-
covered that they had a spare opinions on whether or not ing, spoke highly of Lawrence’s
rapid test left. According to more precautions should be response to positive results,
the interviewee, the response taken were less pronounced. particularly the relative luxury
from Wellness Services after The survey also asked of staying in a hotel room or
they were informed of a posi- students if the President’s Ball Airbnb. This student will be
tive test result was quick and should have been handled dif- referred to as Y. They see the
orderly, for which the student ferently. 83% responded with virus as just something we
was grateful. some variation of yes, offering have to live with now and argue
A student prepares to put on their masks as they head into Warch.
Students in isolation are potentially valuable insight that surveillance testing makes Photo by Alana Melvin
given a $50 per day allowance into how the student body little to no difference for how
for food. The anonymous stu- wants to see future events han- costly it is. Y was surprised to “Increased student posi- he has navigated this term’s numerous emails from stu-
dent, who was staying at the dled. 27% of respondents said see the return to yellow light, tivity rates, the availability of COVID-19 rates in the class- dents informing him that they
La Quinta Inn to wait out their that there should have been but thought it was a good shift quarantine and isolation space, room. Sieck acknowledged were close contacts or had test-
isolation, lamented that the testing done beforehand, while overall. as well as local access to hospi- that choir is a higher risk ac- ed positive for COVID-19.
room key for isolating students 16% of respondents said that Erin Buenzli, Assistant tals are the indicators that are tivity for an infectious respi- “I’m grateful that we’ve
had been deactivated after day masking should have been re- Dean of Wellness Services, stat- considered for a change in the ratory disease such as COV- been well-masked and pre-
one of their stay. The inability quired. 37% of responses said ed that symptomatic students indicator or changes to proto- ID-19. As such, the 130-person vented a super-spreading event
to go outside made isolation a that both precautions should are being tested at the present col.” said Buenzli. choir learning Brahms’s “Ein in choir, but the sheer number
very unpleasant experience, ac- have been taken. moment and that there are no Buenzli also expressed deutsches Requiem” has con- of infections/close-contacts
cording to the student. Lillian Thompson, co- plans to institute surveillance her faith in the students to tinued to be fully masked since on campus suggests we need a
“Not being able to go president of the Student Or- testing at this time. However, continue to honor the pledge the beginning of this term and brief pivot.” wrote Sieck in the
outside had a huge negative ganization for University Plan- should the need arise, Wellness despite COVID-19 fatigue and through the weeks as green email to the choir.
impact on my mental health, ning (SOUP), talked about Services does have the capacity the return to masking. light status switched to yellow. This week’s Student Wel-
not to mention my physical the planning process for the to do so, she said. On April 20, Stephen Sieck, Associate On Thursday, April 14, fare Committee meeting saw
health.” they said. “My space President’s Ball. SOUP had a Lawrence offered a one-day op- Professor and Co-director of Sieck moved choir rehearsals concerns coming from students
already felt pretty cramped and conversation leading up to the portunity for PCR testing. Choral Studies, spoke on how to Zoom after he had received in music ensembles and the-

New LUCC Vice President elected

Nathan Wall will take over on April 27. meetings this May. LUCC VP I thought it would be
News Editor The LUCC Vice President Louleid was a member of a good way to help shape the
is responsible for a number of the Black Student Union (BSU) campus body and make it a
Sophomore AddaFadila duties, including chairing the and Lawrence International comfortable and safe space for
Louleid was elected Lawrence Finance Committee and pre- (LI) and is a student from Mo- everyone.”
University Community Coun- siding over council meetings rocco. She will serve alongside Davis expressed a desire
cil (LUCC) Vice President on when LUCC President and Davis, parliamentarian Jasper for more structure and stream-
Saturday, April 9. Louleid was junior Malcolm Davis is un- Kashou, a junior, and treasurer lined processes at LUCC, which
elected in a special election to able. As LUCC President, Da- Monique Johnson, a sopho- he hopes to work with Louleid
replace outgoing LUCC Vice vis chairs General Council and more, among other students on on. Specifically, he talked about
President and junior LaDora the Steering Committee, which the Cabinet. having a monthly newsletter
Thomas. Thomas has stayed oversees club recognition, as “I always wanted to get inform students of LUCC go-
on as interim LUCC Vice Presi- well as meeting with mem- more involved in the Lawrence ings-on, as well as revamping
dent as no one had run for the bers of the administration and community.” said Louleid. the LUCC website and increas-
position in February. Louleid observing Board of Trustees “Once I saw the application for ing social media presence.
Photo of AddaFadila Louleid.
Photo from AdaFadila Louleid.

Sports Variety Features A&E Op-Ed


Joe Kortenhof makes Student Recital: Ami Names and statues are
Why SAASHA? Historical Photo Feature
52nd place... Hatori, Piano important, but policies...
2 NEWS April 22, 2022

SAASHA hosts events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Marzuka Amal Campus Center on Tuesday, relating to sexual assault and tians through the recognition lective.” environment.
Staff Writer April 12 at 5 p.m. trauma and SAASHA not be- of survivors’ safety and needs.” First-year Lydia Wheeler SAASHA will also be host-
Despite the wind and ing taken seriously as an LUCC Even though certain stu- expressed her feeling of ing a series of “Take Back the
Disclaimer: The Staff
rain, the rally drew at least 25 committee. dents’ expressing their frustra- empowerment after being at Night” events for survivors of
Writer for this story is an
students, faculty and admin- Karki, co-chair of SAA- tion with LUCC’s treatment of the rally. sexual assault and allies, in-
LUCC class representative
istrators. The agenda for the SHA spoke multiple times SAASHA was a large part of the “Coming out and being cluding an LU Rock Painting
on the SAASHA Commit-
rally, presented by junior Tee throughout the rally. She in- concerns surrounding the rally, a part of this rally has been event on Monday, April 25 in
Karki, co-chair of SAASHA in formed everyone present what SAASHA has made clear their great.” said Wheeler. “Being front of Main Hall, a labyrinth
In honor of Sexual Assault
her opening speech, included SAASHA as a committee ex- intention to work with LUCC. able to hear people’s experienc- walk and craft fair on Tuesday,
Awareness Month (SAAM),
various concerns. One of these pects from Lawrence Univer- “At the end of the day, es and opinions paired with all April 26 at the First Congrega-
Lawrence University’s Student
concerns included SAASHA sity. LUCC is here to better the cam- the helpful information makes tional United Church of Christ
Alliance Against Sexual Ha-
not being taken seriously in “We want the safety of pus and we believe our inten- me feel more confident.” and a Denim Day and Open
rassment (SAASHA) in tandem
Lawrence University Commu- survivors to be seen as what tions line up with the values At the rally, multiple Mic event on Wednesday, April
with other student organiza-
nity Council (LUCC) spaces it is, essential for the general they uphold as well.” said Karki students expressed their frus- 27 in the Wriston Auditorium.
tions has been working towards
like General Council meetings. wellbeing of all people on this in her speech. “This conversa- tration and hopes for Law- The SAAM events will end
hosting events and rallies.
Other concerns included sur- campus.” said Karki. “We want tion and rally are not to be- rence University. Karki urged with lighting lanterns at the
To start off the month,
vivors’ well-being not being the voices of those who want to little nor undermine LUCC as students to find out who their Sustainable Lawrence Univer-
SAASHA organized a Rally
prioritized, not being informed speak to be amplified and those a whole, but much rather ask class representatives are and sity Garden (SLUG) fire pit on
with assistance from Appleton
of adjustments impacting SAA- who do not to be protected. We that we work together rather reach out to them regarding Thursday, April 28.
Students for a Democratic So-
SHA such as the hiring of a new want to ensure the basic right than against each other to con- concerns and expectations to
ciety (SDS) in front of Warch
Title IX director and events of holistic safety for all Lawren- tinue making progress as a col- better Lawrence University’s

Co-Chair of SAASHA junior Tee Karki speaks at the rally. A student holds a sign reading ‘Title IX discriminates.’
Photo by Adam Fleischer. Photo by Adam Fleischer.

Student athletes express hopes and concerns for Athletic

Department as search for full time Athletic Director begins
Nathan Wall of Athletics Kim Falkenhagen fé Entenza-Sierra, a member of by not putting the nose swab all Athletic Department when it in the Strategic Investment
News Editor has stepped in as Interim Ath- the Women’s Volleyball Team, the way in, which they believe comes to policies as well as Initiative. C also expressed a
_______________________ letic Director. rules around COVID-19 were led to far more false negatives concerns. desire for better sexual assault
The search for a new A search committee made inconsistent, and felt like the than normal when taking rapid C stated that they feel prevention in the department.
Lawrence Athletic Director is up of staff, students and fac- protocols changed too much, tests. C felt that it was unfair to like a lot of Athletic Depart- Abaray stated that she
ongoing after Kim Tatro, for- ulty is looking for a full-time being strict one week and re- waste 45 minutes of their time ment staff don’t understand was unaware of the concerns
mer Athletic Director, stepped replacement, and Abaray will laxed another week. According in the morning if the test wasn’t how mentally and physically students had about COVID-19
down from her role and moved be chairing this committee as to her, this caused confusion, even going to be done correctly. draining it is to be an athlete but acknowledged that com-
to a position where she’s man- she supervises the Athletic Di- which led to athletes who didn’t Both Entenza-Sierra and a student at the same munication strategies between
aging funds that are part of the rector. Abaray added that the want to wear masks feeling like and C feel that Lawrence staff time, pointing out that they students and staff can always
Strategic Investment Initiative search committee is looking they could get away with not have a responsibility to model often skipped meals in order be improved. She also ex-
for the Athletics Department. for an athletic director who is doing it. good behavior for students by to get to rapid testing and then pressed a desire to providing
This change was announced visible in the community, cares “There was an inconsis- wearing masks and properly practice on time. C also men- student athletes with the re-
in an email sent to Lawrence about students, and has strong tency in protocols.” said Enten- conducting tests, and that tioned the fact that they don’t sources they need. Abaray en-
students, faculty and staff on leadership skills. za-Sierra. “Therefore, athletes some staff members were get paid, and don’t have much couraged students to come to
Monday, Feb. 28, from Chrys- Student athletes ex- feel they can do whatever they inconsistent in modeling that time to work on campus while her if they have concerns and
tin Abaray, Chief of Staff to pressed a variety of concerns want and get away with it.” behavior. completing schoolwork. need someone to talk to.
President Laurie Carter. in the Athletic Department One anonymous student Both athletes as well as Entenza-Sierra expressed “I am always available and
Women’s Volleyball that they are hoping will be ad- athlete, referred to in this story a second anonymous student a desire for more therapists openly welcome any conversa-
Coach, Senior Woman Admin- dressed once a full-time Ath- as C, agreed with this sentiment athlete, referred to in this story specifically geared towards tions.” said Abaray.
istrator and Associate Director letic Director is hired. and mentioned that rapid test- as B, expressed a desire for athletes, and feels that mental
According to junior Mari- ing was often done incorrectly better communication in the health is not being prioritized

Campus culture and policy...

continued from page 1 Join
atre productions, considering the difficulty of mask-
ing while performing in both disciplines.
Further changes to protocols include reducing
capacity in the Brengel Dining room and opening up
additional spaces in Warch to eat.
as a writer or photographer.

If interested, visit

April 22, 2022 SPORTS 3

Joe Kortenhof makes 52nd place in Boston Marathon


pionships, he posted a 52nd place could very well handle a tough mara- on the day of the marathon, an ath- picking up the pace.” Kortenhof’s
Gannon Flynn finish. It’s a shame athletics in 2020 thon, and he set out to train by reach- lete with his own repertoire of suc- good management of pace allowed
Staff Writer
______________________________ were cut so short for COVID mea- ing out to a former coach of his from cess. In 2018 and 2019, Villanueva him to break through the second
I’ve covered Joe Kortenhof a sures – by that time, Kortenhof had Lincoln High School in Portland. Su- received MVP honors back-to-back, half of the race, where most runners
number of times in my time at Law- added two conference track titles to zanne Perry, a teacher of cross coun- with an All-Midwestern Conference find their biggest challenge. Heart-
rence. I didn’t exactly have a choice his it’s no surprise that Joe is con- try and an experienced runner her- Award in the 10000-meter run and break Hill, a 20-mile marker on the
– Joe dominated the cross-country tinuing to pursue athletics after Law- self, laid out a plan for training over an Academic All-Midwestern Confer- Marathon’s path, is a steep uphill sec-
scene in 2019 and 2020, and his rence, and he just reached another the course of three months – much ence award in ’18 as well. tion. Joe didn’t see it as a downside,
name was always next to some sort impressive 52nd place at the 2022 of which took place during the harsh The seasoned runner was help- though, and had his mind set on the
of achievement. He was an all-con- Boston Marathon. East Coast winter. Thankfully, equal- ful to compete with, according to Joe: finish: “It was pretty much downhill
ference champion four times in his This past fall marked Joe’s first ly punishing snowstorms in Appleton “We ran the first 12 miles of the race for the last six miles of the race and it
career, as well as the owner of the marathon run, new for an athlete that gave him plenty of preparation for together, and he helped me keep the was amazing.” The refreshment of a
third-best 8000-meter time in school specialized in intense and far shorter these conditions. pace pretty conservative at the start. downhill run set him up for the 52nd
history. In 2019, Joe received All- runs. However, this didn’t prevent During the race, he had some I was thankful for him to be there. place finish – 185 places above his
Midwest Region Honors, and upon him from picking up a solid 2:24:36 solid motivation as well – competi- Because I was more conservative at Lake Forest rival.
accepting a NCAA Division III cham- in New Hampshire at the Manchester tion with a former rival. Lake Forest the start, about halfway through I felt
City Marathon. Such a time proved he runner Jorge Villanueva joined him amazing and then I was able to start

Why you should never spend €100 million on a footballer

Sean McLaughlin This move at least seemed to lona along the way, further embar- ing 19 and assisting 7 in 37 matches ful transfer on this list, at least at the
Sports Editor make some semblance of sense at the rassing his contractual employers, across all competitions at just 18 time of writing. Mbappe had promise
______________________________ time, as Coutinho came in to replace and currently sits on loan at Premier years old. But with a massive fee to become a world star when PSG
Since the astronomical €222 the outgoing club legend that is An- League side Aston Villa. He seems to comes massive expectations, and Fé- signed him as an 18 year old in 2017,
million fee PSG paid for Neymar in drés Iniesta. They seemed to possess finally be enjoying his football again, lix hasn’t met them. Now in his third and he has proved himself. In the five
2017, the transfer market has gone similar skill sets to some extent, with but at age 30 and having wasted his season in Spain, he’s never cracked 10 seasons since, Mbappe has finished
haywire. Gone are the days when both being very technically gifted, peak years, this move was a failure league goals in a season, and seems fourth in the Ballon D’or, scored 111
€20-30 million got you a top quality diminutive passers and capable of for all involved, and an expensive one to have stagnated. He also faces stiff goals in the league alone, played in
player, let alone a world superstar. As controlling the game from the middle at that, with (potential) add-ons tak- competition for minutes from Ángel a Champions League final, won the
we progress into the ‘20s, the €100 of the field. The issue was, Coutinho ing his eventual price as high as €180 Correa to play in his favored number World Cup and scored in the World
million mark has become the corner- didn’t want that role. He wanted to million by the time he leaves this 10 role, meaning it has been difficult Cup Final, and is now linked with a
stone number to be banded around play further forward as a luxury at- summer. for him to maintain a sustained run €200+ million move to Real Madrid.
regarding players deemed “world tacking player, pulling the strings in Rating: Barcelona have pulled of good form. No one can fault his de- Mbappe now sits alongside Erling
class” if any club wants to have a try and around the box as opposed to in another blunder, 1/10 fensive work rate, as he consistently Haaland as one of the favorites to
at buying them. The trouble is, that midfield. As a result, he was left to 3. João Félix, Benfica to puts up quality numbers in pressures dominate world football when Messi
figure also seems to be a curse. To compete with Messi, Dembele and Atlético de Madrid summer and ball recoveries for a forward as and Ronaldo finally retire in the near
date, there have been eight transfers eventually Griezmann for minutes. 2019, €126 million expected in Diego Simeone’s system. future and is France’s main hope to
that have cracked the £100 million He quickly fell out of favor, and even Remember that Griezmann But he was brought in to be a striker, retain the World Cup this winter in
mark, and they have almost all turned had to watch as his former side beat transfer I ranted about a few lines and not the average one he’s been Qatar. Whatever the fee they paid for
out to be complete flops. This week, Barcelona in the semifinals of the ago? Well, here’s how Atleti used the ever since. him, Mbappe was worth it and more.
I’ll be taking a look down the list at 2018-19 Champions League before massive fee they received. They didn’t Rating: hopefully more to come, If he had won a Ballon D’or by now,
four such transfers and assessing if it winning the title. exactly cover themselves in glory ei- 4/10 this transfer would have a perfect
was really worth breaking the bank. He’s since had a loan spell at ther. 2. Kylian Mbappe, Monaco score.
4. Philippe Coutinho, Liver- Bayern Munich where he won the On the surface, this also looked to PSG summer 2017, €180 mil- Rating: stellar, 9/10
pool to Barcelona summer 2018, Champions League in 2020, scoring like a good idea. Félix was the bright- lion 1. Neymar, Barcelona to
twice in an 8-2 demolition of Barce- est prospect in Europe in 2019, scor- This is perhaps the only success-
€135 million See page 8

Bodybuilding and its risks

due strain on various organ systems Considering that bodybuilders spend conditioning needed to step on the 1992 just after competing. The most
Antonio Gonzalez
Staff Writer over time. Although overly-muscled a lot of time in the gym, undergoing Olympia stage. Anabolic steroids can conditioned bodybuilder Andreas
bodies may be the ideal for profes- muscular and cardiovascular stress disrupt the endocrine system with the Munzer passed away in 1996 after
This past week, the bodybuild- sional bodybuilding, it is not the ideal nearly daily, it is safe to consider introduction of exogenous hormones total liver and kidney failure due to
ing community was struck with a when it comes to health and longev- them athletes in some sense. There and long-term use can severely hin- chronic diuretic use from which he
devastating loss with the passing of ity. The organ systems most damaged have been many cases of the virus der the ability for the body’s natural achieved his iconic look.
world-class bodybuilder Cedric Mc- by bodybuilding tend to be the heart, causing long term effects to the many processes to ever recover, hence why The recent tragic losses have
Millan. Cedric was a military and liver, and kidneys, but with the recent high-level bodybuilders who got CO- many retired bodybuilders are on opened the eyes of many fans of
family man and an inspiration to bouts of cardiac arrest, the spotlight VID. some form of testosterone replace- bodybuilding and particularly the
many in the world of fitness, inspir- will be put on the cardiovascular Cedric McMillan himself was ment therapy. athletes themselves. Many have ad-
ing all to become their best selves. system. The heart may become over- hospitalized after his run in with the Anabolic steroids themselves vocated for more routine blood tests,
Cedric McMillan brought one of the burdened with the task of pumping virus. The risk of myocarditis is likely and how they act on the body is not which check for proper metabolic
most complete bodybuilding pack- blood through 240+ lbs. of a body on enhanced by the strain already put on usually the most dangerous practice and hormonal function in people, as
ages to the stage, mixing sheer mass frames that were never meant to hold the heart as well as the stress on all in bodybuilding, but the mismanage- often as possible. Some have advo-
with classic aesthetic lines. His Ar- that much size. the organ systems, possibly reduc- ment of steroid cycles can cause fairly cated for changing the emphasis on
nold Classic 2017 performance was Considering that the anabolic ing overall immune system function. severe damage to the kidneys in the conditioning in the scoring criteria in
one of the best physiques to ever steroids and human growth hormone There is also the risk of myocarditis case of oral steroids. Other drugs order to prevent the use of diuretics,
grace the bodybuilding stage and his that are utilized in bodybuilding can due to vaccination that cannot be such as insulin or diuretics are wildly opting for more of a focus on size and
victory speech afterwards will speak enlarge the cardiac muscles of the ignored if all factors for the spike in dangerous. The use of insulin is a shape. Some athletes have changed
to all who hear it. With all his great heart as well, the heart can become recent deaths are being considered. high-risk practice used due to insu- divisions, opting to go down to lower
attributes, it is hard not to find a fan very susceptible to failure. Dallas No one is certain of long-term effects lin’s inherent anabolic properties of weight classes such as Keone Pearson
of Cedric McMillan. McCarver, a young promising body- of either COVID or vaccination for preventing cell breakdown and aid- who went from the 212 division back
Unfortunately, Cedric suffered a builder who passed away in 2017 at the virus, so it is important to keep ing in protein synthesis, but its use to classic physique after last year’s
heart attack on April 12 at the age of just 27 years old, was found to have a an open mind when the bodybuild- can cause severe and even fatal hypo- deaths of former Mr. Olympia, Shawn
44. His death marks one of the many heart weighing over 800 grams which ing community is trying to keep their glycemia (low blood sugar) to body- Rhoden, aged 46, and Keone’s former
that have torn through the fitness is nearly three times the mass of the athletes safe. builders who already tend to be very fellow classic physique and 212 com-
community in the last couple of years. average human heart. Individual ge- The last factor and one of the insulin sensitive individuals. The use petitor, George Peterson, aged 37.
Particularly, heart failure seems to be netic response to steroids and train- biggest associated strictly with of diuretics is common to achieve the Many have also advocated for
the most prevalent cause of death ing can affect the rate of and overall bodybuilding is anabolic steroids, grainy shrink-wrapped look that is the downsizing of competitors when
among professional bodybuilders. growth of the heart, but accumulating performance enhancing drugs, and desired when on stage. They are not they are not competing and or are
There are many factors to consider 250+ lbs. of on-stage weight to even diuretics. Clearly, the average hu- typically used until the last weeks of already retired, in order to allevi-
that make the bodybuilding lifestyle 300 lbs. and more in the off-season man body is not meant to build and prep for a competition. ate the stress on their bodies. The
inherently dangerous, but also re- increases the burden of the heart maintain professional bodybuilder Diuretics dry out individuals of bodybuilding and fitness community
cent factors surrounding COVID-19 drastically. levels of muscle mass on its frame. much of the water in their bodies, al- has taken these tragedies as an op-
may account for the abnormal spike A more recent cardiac burden The average person has nowhere lowing the skin to press tight against portunity to advocate for healthier
across top level competitors. that has arisen in the last few years near the endogenous hormonal sup- the muscles, showing striations practices that will allow everyone
A major factor that contributes is the emergence of COVID-19 and port to sustain muscle development and conditioning beyond what can to enjoy the sport and lifestyle that
to the unhealthiness of the profes- related dangers. We have all heard of and maintenance on that scale. Not achieved through diet alone. With is bodybuilding in the long term.
sional bodybuilding lifestyle is the the risk of myocarditis among those to say people cannot build large and this immense dehydration and severe
sheer weight packed on the frames who have suffered from the virus. The impressive amounts of muscle natu- electrolyte imbalance, bodybuilders In Memory of Cedric McMillan.
of most bodybuilders. Having large effects of infection can affect the en- rally, but there is clear assistance can pass away suddenly like the late,
amounts of body mass can put un- tire population, even trained athletes. needed to ever reach the size and great Mohammed Benaziza did in
4 VARIETY April 22, 2022

Lawrence University Creative Writing Club Spring Serial Story; Part 2

The Cows Have Eyes

By Sullivan Shubert
Been flipping burgers here blame him, though, it was all soon go with Mr. Elliot into the bath- lately. They’ve apparently taken to the kitchen to close the screened
at my diner for twenty-five years covered in flies anyway. I cooked room… but that’s just because he ambling around in circles for hours window and check the ketchup and
now, and I ain’t never seen, heard… his burger on the griddle, same as could barely stand without getting at a time, with hardly a “moo” mustard again (which still smelled
or smelled anything like it. I’m always, and the ketchup and mus- the spins, saying he needed one of out of any of them, and Farmer fine), and along with the crick-
alone now: Cheryl and Alvin have tard both smelled perfectly fine. I those newfangled x-rays for some Cranston told me they’ve been try- ets and grass rustling in the wind,
wrapped up for the night and head- even spritzed some of that fancy reason. Marlin’s also been harping ing to bite him. Even the… piles I heard what sounded like some-
ed home. Nothing left to do but sanitizer on the counter before the on about the guy’s missing brief- they’ve been leaving behind don’t thing big plodding by. It sounded
hold the fort for one more hour party arrived, and it was as clean as case, but I know he’s lying, I saw look healthy in the slightest. The too quiet to be a cow, but I was
in case a final customer stumbles a whistle, so where did I go wrong? him take it… along with his lat- last time he remembers behavior so jumpy that reason didn’t mean
in. I hope someone does, so I’m The name on his receipt is est disgusting milkshake. God only like this was during the war. Is a thing to me. They weren’t any
not alone with my thoughts again. “Henry Elliot,” and people were knows what he intends on doing Potterfield heading towards some closer when I came back, which
Writing them down on napkins like poking fun at him at the party for with it; if he was a real detective, sort of cow uprising or something? would have been the perfect time
this will only keep me from los- being an out-of-towner. Mr. Martin he would’ve turned it in to the I don’t know, I just cook ‘em, but to get me, so hopefully, they’re…
ing it for so long. It’s so quiet, I was even joking that I should drop real authorities right away. I would judging by what the farmers have what am I even thinking… and why
can hear the flickering fluorescent a bit of cow pie in his drink to report him, but the investigation been saying, I’m not finding Mr. am I writing it down!? I’m being
lights; buzzing, just like the flies. “give him a taste of country life, might come back to haunt me. I Martin’s joke quite so funny any- paranoid, and this isn’t helping one
It’s almost black outside the doors, Joe!” but that was just banter. He want to tell somebody, but if I do, I more. Maybe it wasn’t me… maybe bit. Even if my food had nothing to
but I can still see a bit of sun peek- didn’t deserve to die… he was polite could lose it all: the diner, my life’s it’s the cows themselves! But… that do with that fella’s death, if some-
ing over the cows and cornfields; to Cheryl, never yelled at me or savings, even my lovely Louise. I doesn’t make any more sense. I body finds this, they’ll throw me in
red, just like the blood. It must Alvin to hurry up with his food, never meant to hurt anybody. I had my burger for the day, same the loony bin instead, if the guilt
have been me. It must have been and tipped well; what more could remember every person who didn’t as always, and when I gave Cheryl doesn’t send me there anyways!
that burger I served him, I don’t I ask for? Not like that old kook like my food, like that time another and Alvin theirs on their last break Well, the hour’s up now. I’ll
see how else it could have hap- Marlin, or “Detective” Marlin, as out-of-towner threw his burger on before the party, they didn’t say turn on the stove one final time,
pened. For two days, that poor he likes to call himself; he doesn’t the floor and said it tasted terrible. anything was off; the food has been toss this in the fire, and be done
guy was pretty much living in that even tip, just grabs his disgusting I went home and cried that night. tasting just as good as ever. I’ll be with it. God knows what I’ve done…
stall, with what must have been the chocolate and pickle-slice milk- And now… I’ve killed someone. sure to check Mr. Fausette’s report but I’ll be having lots of sleepless
worst case of food poisoning on this shakes and goes… how do you even It’s all black outside now, but as soon as he’s done examining the nights until I know too. To anyone
side of the Mississippi. I wanted to think to try something like that!? out in the fields, I can see the body, and maybe then we’ll finally else who reads this, you’re either
call whatever hotel he was staying I’ve heard Marlin’s mumblings… glint of cows’ eyes looking into the have an answer. God, or a hell of a snoop.
at and arrange for him a refund, he’s convinced Mr. Martin killed building; it’s like they know what I can’t believe I’m saying this,
but I couldn’t make out a word he that Elliot fella… thinks there’s an I’ve done… that I’ve killed one of but the cows are closer. I can see
said from behind the door. I left affair going on… that Mr. Elliot and my own for a change. Are they their faces in the yellow glow of
him some more food and water Celia Martin went into the bath- the Supreme Court of Potterfield? the streetlight. I wish they were
outside the stall just in case, but room to do something shameful, Come to think of it… my suppli- ambling around in circles, because
he never touched it. Can’t say I but that’s a bunch of bull. Celia did ers say they’ve been acting strange this is just plain creepy. I went to

Hungry Creatures Why SAASHA?

By Mara Logan By Madeleine Corum
Song of the Week: "Reality are uniquely able to pull them all that we live on. As a student of
Check" by Noname together. Not one of these move- color in a predominantly white
Content warning: There ments is as strong alone as they institution. We all deserve to have
will be a broad discussion of are when they stand with all the control over ourselves, to have
Sexual Assault (SA) in this others, because otherwise, they a say in what we do and do not
article. can never fully capture the expe- want for ourselves, especially in
Last week, SAASHA (The rience of all members of their a time when we have control over
Student Alliance Against Sexual movement. so little else.
Harassment and Assault) held a SA impacts all of us. Men Student organizations work-
rally calling on LUCC to work and women and gender-noncon- ing towards the inclusion and pro-
with us in prioritizing survivor forming people can be victims tection of marginalized students,
safety and fighting back against and survivors of SA. People of all Black students, brown students,
SA on campus. I’m here to talk economic, ethnic and racial back- first-generation students, interna-
about why LUCC, student organi- grounds can be victims and sur- tional students, poor students and
zations and all students on cam- vivors of SA. In particular, Black queer students: do you feel that
pus should work with SAASHA and brown women and people your body and autonomy have
towards the common goal of safe- who identify under the umbrella been protected by Lawrence?
ty and autonomy for us all. of LGBTQ are disproportionate- Does Lawrence take you and
I’m an ethnic studies major ly victims and survivors of SA your demands seriously? LUCC:
and a gender studies minor, and (Know Your IX). There are count- Lawrence is using you to do the
one of the most prevalent ideas less other friends and loved ones work of protecting and serving us
in both fields is the idea of coali- of survivors who are also affect- so they don’t have to. Our safety
tion building. Black women, and ed. I, as a white queer person and autonomy have often been
particularly Black queer women, assigned female at birth on cam- placed in your hands, when you
going as far back as the Combahee pus, am myself a survivor, and are students too, and just as much
River Collective of 1974, have the- cannot even get close to counting at risk as the rest of us. We fight
orized about how the interlocking the number of survivors I know for you too.
nature of their oppression on the personally on both of my hands. This is not just SAASHA’s
grounds of their gender and race Beyond this, the right to fight. This is your fight too. We
has put them at the bottom of safety and autonomy over one’s are fighting for Black women, for
the social hierarchy. In particular, body is one that belongs to all of queer people, for all students who
poor Black and brown trans and us. If Lawrence does not respect feel they can’t speak up because
other queer women have never the right to safety and personal of their documentation status or
been historically welcome in anti- autonomy of survivors on cam- the scholarships they need to stay
capitalist movements, civil rights pus, how do you know they will at Lawrence. We need you all to
movements or women’s move- protect your right to safety and fight with us.
ments, and certainly not in main- autonomy over your body? Your And when that call comes,
stream society. These queer Black body as an athlete, who runs and you better say hello. No hesita-
feminists theorize that because swims and throws and fences. As tion, no hiding deep down below,
of their position at the intersec- an artist or a musician, whose no beg your pardon, you better
tions of these movements, they body creates the art and music stay and grow your liberation.
April 22, 2022 VARIETY 5

Weekly Crossword
By Kelly Foy

Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Lawrence Life

By Jeff Mason
The following is a work of satire.

Hello, fellow Lawrentians. It being towed. While the professor is get back to you, you’ll likely have
is a cold and windy spring here in off chasing after their status sym- just enough time to contract and
Appleton, but rumors of summer bol, take this opportunity to log disperse COVID. How you get it is
circulate. Meanwhile, the sky does into the classroom computer and up to you, but once you have tested
not look quite as miserable as it put on your homemade PowerPoint positive, the easiest place to start
did only a few weeks prior, and presentation. If you’re in need of a spread is obviously in Andrew
daylight savings is no more, which a good one, send me an email — I Commons. You’ll want to make sure
means campus will soon be bustling have a presentation on the impor- you’re being very breathy when you
with life — students, river bugs, tance of Minecraft YouTubers and walk up to random strangers and sit
and so forth. As we emerge from their influence on the music indus- down with them to tell them about
our winter dwellings, it’s easy to try. (You think I’m lying? Think your senior capstone, and how they
get optimistic about the rest of the again.) should come see it. If the strangers
year, especially for all you seniors 3) Prank your roommate. ask “Weren’t you suspended?”, or if
like me. So what is the best way We’re a little late for April Fools’, Campus Safety interrupts your din-
Bad Lawrence Poetry #1 to spend the rest of the academic
year? Here are some helpful tips to
but that’s no biggie. That holiday
is mainly reserved for cute little
ner so rudely, simply cough in their
face and bolt. Running will be good
guide you into spring: ticky-tacky stuff that everyone can training for my fifth and final tip for
By Kelly Foy 1) Get kicked out of the VR. It giggle at afterwards. No, our motto having a healthy Lawrence life.
doesn’t matter how you get yourself is “Go big and get sent home.” Fill 5) Senior streak. Every year,
banned from the Viking Room, all your roommate’s toothpaste bottle hundreds of Lawrentians gather
Class. Class. Class. Class. Class. that counts is that the last time with Elmer’s glue and record the outside of Memorial Hall to partici-
Ping. Email. Check? you enter the establishment should results. Or fill their water bottle pate in the country’s largest annual
Go home. Home. home. be the last time you’re allowed to with vinegar. A personal favorite of streaking event, or something like
Lights are on but no one’s there. enter the establishment. At a place mine is to find a friend who owns that. It doesn’t really matter about
There. There. where carving your initials into the a cat and borrow their litter box, the specifics. Besides, do you want
hair . hair and makeup? table is an encouraged practice, it then give your roommate a 4 a.m. to be just another pair of cheeks in
Breakup. may be difficult to find a way to wakeup call by tossing the contents the crowd, or do you want to cause
The phone is breaking up make this divorce permanent. A on them. Be honest — you weren’t a real stir? All those posers will
with no power. For an hour. few suggestions: if pool and darts going to talk to them over the sum- be streaking midway through the
Hour hour hour. are not to your fancy, come up with mer anyway. term, which is why the real play will
Our campus. something more entertaining. Call 4) Create the next spike in be to do your senior streak at grad-
Muddy because the rain. the new sport “Extreme Darts” or COVID cases. If you’ve gotten this uation. For added thrill, bring this
Mudd. Mudd. Mudd. “Hardcore Pool” and make up the far down the list, you’re probably all full circle by covering yourself in
BOOM. Electric fire. In Mudd? rules as you go. Also, if you’re sober a little bit afraid to go outside. Or Elmer’s glue. See how far you can
Shout . Box? when you’re forcefully removed maybe you’re no longer allowed to, get before becoming stuck to some-
Where… to shout? from the premises, you’re doing it depending on how successful your thing/someone or succumbing to
AAAAAAAA wrong. trials have been thus far, or how the hardening of your sticky outer
Shouting in . the box. 2) Impersonate a professor. So many incidents have been reported. mold. Scream “Notice me!” into the
Consider the box shouted. now that you’re no longer allowed But chances are the legal system crowd. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.
It feels yelled at. in the campus hangout spot, it’s at Lawrence has yet to process the With that, you have suc-
I don’t care. important that you make your pres- issues that will lead to your expul- cessfully emerged from your col-
Email- ence known in the academic world sion, as long as you haven’t wait- lege chrysalis and into the “real
No update will update soon. as well. This one will be a little more ed more than a month since your world” of post-Lawrence life. Your
Email. tricky, but you can get creative with first formal complaint and haven’t whole lives are in front of you,
No update will update soon. it. The best way to keep the profes- reminded the administration that Lawrentians. Now that your four
Email. sor from showing up during your you’re due for a meeting about years here are done, it’s time to
COVID GUIDELINE CHANGE. lecture is to create a distraction. your academic status but have not decide where your next four years
Mr. Presidents Ball Received their Booster Find out what car your favorite yet received a time to be scolded. will take you — or maybe a judge
Last week. professor drives, then tell them it’s While you’re waiting for them to will decide that for you.
Power in buildings.
Power is on.
But no one is home.
Phone is breaking up.
No power.
No one is home.
6 FEATURES April 22, 2022

Historical Photo Feature: Snapshots of

Lawrence’s changing landscape

Before Youngchild Hall existed, the fantastically named Underwood Observatory stood overlooking the Fox River. In
the aerial photograph above, circa 1901-1910, you can see the observatory next to Sampson House, which still stands
today. To the right, Professor of Physics John Millis teaches students to use the telescope in the observatory, circa
Photos and information provided by Lawrence University Archives.
Above: ARC2011-012; Right: ARC2009-081

On the other side of the Underwood Observatory stood Alexander Gymnasium I, which was also razed to make space
for Youngchild Hall (photo circa 1919). To the right is a winter scene at the observatory, circa 1920-1957.
Photos and information provided by Lawrence University Archives.
Above: ARC2009-084; Right: ARC2009-085

Have a story
to share or want Scan the
to see something QR code
published in The and submit
Lawrentian? a story pro-
Know of people posal. We
or events on look forward
campus that to hearing
you’d like to see from you!
April 22, 2022 FEATURES 7

Globalizing the struggle against

occupation: Puerto Rico
Nathan Wall After annexation, Puerto Rico has been tively. lature to the FCB, which answers to the federal
News Editor treated like a colony by the mainland United The U.S. Navy has also used the Puerto government, once again putting Puerto Rico’s
States government. Puerto Ricans cannot vote Rican island of Vieques as a military base. For budget under U.S. federal control.
In 2017, Category 5 Hurricane Maria hit in U.S. presidential elections, and although decades, the eastern half of the island was used After Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico’s
the Caribbean, killing 3,059 people, mostly in they have the right to elect delegates to the U.S. as a testing ground for weapons, including former Governor Ricardo Roselló and former
Puerto Rico, but also in Dominica, Haiti and Congress, like other territories, those delegates nuclear weapons. According to the Puerto Rican president Donald Trump set out to privatize
the United States. Maria was the deadliest cannot vote. After annexation, the U.S. appoint- Health Department, Viequenses are 27% more as much as possible, including the energy grid
Atlantic Hurricane in 183 years. After the dev- ed military governors who maintained strict likely to be diagnosed with cancer than those and the school system. In fact, part of the bil-
astating storm, former president Donald Trump control over the island until democratic elec- living on the main island due to the radiation lions in aid that Trump held back from the
drew criticism for holding up billions in aid to tions were instated under President Truman. from these tests. The Navy was repeatedly cited island were withheld in order to force Puerto
Puerto Rico and calling Puerto Ricans lazy. He On May 21, 1948, Governor Jesus Piñero, the by the EPA for violating the Clean Water Act Rico to privatize the electric grid. Part of the
also made the news for tossing paper towels at last appointed governor, imposed “la ley de during the weapons tests, but a federal district 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which Democrats
hurricane survivors when he finally traveled to mordaza”, or a gag law, on Puerto Rico. Gag court in Puerto Rico ruled that the Navy was and Progressives criticized as a “tax cut for the
the island. laws prohibit discussion about topics the gov- acting under its legal obligations, and anyone rich,” established Opportunity Zones, which
Discrimination against Puerto Ricans ernment wants to silence. This law in particular harmed was “collateral damage.” are tax havens overseen by the Department of
didn’t begin with Trump, though. For centuries, banned Puerto Rican nationalism and patrio- Puerto Rico has been subject to neoliberal Housing and Urban Development. Opportunity
the indigenous Taíno population inhabited tism and forbade the displaying of the Puerto values from the Reagan Era to the present. Zones were capped at 25% of a state’s area, but
the island. After the arrival of Christopher Rican flag and was not repealed, being declared In the 1980s, Puerto Rico privatized its pub- an exception was made for Puerto Rico, which
Columbus and the Spanish colonizers, the Taíno unconstitutional, until a decade later. lic health and telephone systems, offered tax saw 98% of the land turned into an Opportunity
population declined significantly, not unlike U.S. doctors have been notorious for con- incentives to mainland U.S. businesses who Zone, further starving the state of funds. The
Indigenous peoples in what is now called the ducting medical experiments in Puerto Rico. operated on the island and rewrote labor laws Center for American Progress denounced this
United States. In 1898, war between Spain and Puerto Rican women were told by U.S. officials to be favorable to employers rather than work- as “government-sanctioned gentrification.”
the U.S. broke out, largely over the indigenous- that they were receiving safe, reversible birth ers. Although Puerto Rico and the U.S. have
led independence movement in Cuba against control procedures, but were instead subjected In 2012, the Luis Muñoz Marín new executives, Governor Pedro Pierluisi and
Spanish rule. The U.S. seized on the opportu- to dangerous experimental treatments or ster- International Airport in San Juan was priva- President Joe Biden, the situation remains
nity, leading to the Spanish-American War. The ilization surgeries to which they didn’t consent. tized, starting a new wave of neoliberalism that largely the same. PROMESA remains in effect,
U.S. won, and acquired the Spanish colonies Many of these operations were approved by the functioned as a reaction to the debt imposed and Governor Pierluisi is a former member of
of Guam, the Philippines and Puerto Rico. Puerto Rican Eugenics Board. Dr. Cornelius on Puerto Rico largely due to tax breaks for the FCB. Even as Representatives Alexandria
Cuba gained an independence that was very Rhoads, a U.S. doctor, purposefully infected companies starving the government of funds. In Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Nydia Velázquez
closely monitored by the U.S. until the Cuban Puerto Ricans with cancer. The U.S. was also 2016, the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, (D-NY), both Puerto Rican-Americans, propose
Revolution of 1959. Guam remains a U.S. terri- responsible for many massacres of Puerto Rican and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA) estab- legislation to relieve Puerto Rico’s debt and
tory, while the Philippines gained independence people during and after the Spanish-American lished the Fiscal Control Board (FCB) to handle allow Puerto Rico more sovereignty, the future
after World War II and Puerto Rico has been War, such as the Ponce and Rio Piedras economic matters. PROMESA handed over con- of Puerto Rico’s status remains unclear.
claimed as a territory since 1898. Massacres, which killed 19 and 4 people respec- trol of Puerto Rico’s budget from the state legis-

Historical Photo Feature, cont.

On June 27, 1963, Olga Smith ‘24 and a classmate look at the Underwood
Observatory cornerstone as the building was being razed to make space for
Youngchild Hall.
Photo and caption provided by Lawrence University Archives.
Right: ARC2009-088

Aerial view of Underwood Observatory circa 1940-1957.

Photo and information provided by Lawrence University Archives.
Above: ARC2009-083
8 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT April 15, 2022

The Book Club


Student Recital:
Ami Hatori, Piano
Helen Panshin bly depicting Robert’s separation from allegrissimo Scherzo with a lento
Staff Writer Clara. When listening, I imagined a Intermezzo in the middle of it. The
Mikayla Henry does it really answer anything – for man standing alone in a wasteland, scherzo sections were lighthearted
Junior Ami Hatori began her or maybe as the sole survivor on a and seemed at turns to skip along
Columnist we know as much as the biologist
_____________________________ recital on Saturday, April 16 by battered ship at sea. Following this, or to waltz, though there were also
tells us, which allows VanderMeer
With COVID cases high again, announcing the piece she would be Schumann began a singable, romantic a few more intimate and reflective
to perfectly extend his mystery into
and the Midwestern weather being as playing: Piano Sonata no. 1, op. 11 melody, which Hatori played with a moments. Though the intermezzo was
two sequels.
inconsistent as ever, it’s hard not to by Robert Schumann, in four move- poignant tenderness. The movement marked lento, it had its share of fast-
Now, where does the film
feel like we’re in a poorly written sci- ments. She proceeded to thank her then progressed into a sort of bitter- er moments, including a presto run,
adaption go right, and where does
ence fiction film. While I love terrible friends, family and teacher, George sweet conflict between the desolate one of several moments during which
it go awry? To give the directors
CGI as much as the next person, it can and Marjorie Olsen Chandler and the tender before shifting gears Hatori’s ability with the pedal shone
some credit, they had an interesting
take away from whatever fragmented Professor of Music Catherine Kautsky, completely. through; she allowed notes to lin-
plot but not much to go off of with
plot remains. That being said, you for their support before taking her In the later part of the first ger and then subside with an exacti-
VanderMeer’s novel. That being said,
might be wondering why I’m talking place at the piano. movement, Schumann abandoned the tude that made them sing out without
it’s understandable that some cre-
about films rather than books in a Her chosen piece was dedicated adagio marking of the earlier parts becoming muddied. The movement
ative liberties were necessary. While
book-themed column – I promise by the composer to Clara Wieck, an and opted for the opposite end of ended seemingly flippantly after the
most of the characters in the book had
I’m not taking over Levi’s gig! My accomplished pianist and composer in the tempo spectrum, with an alle- reappearance of the scherzo.
limited interaction and failed to even
latest read has been “Annihilation” her own right, whom he would marry gro vivace section. The music took The final movement of
have names, the directors decided
by Jeff VanderMeer, which is the four years after its publication. When on a playful, dance-like quality, after Schumann’s first piano sonata encap-
to make the team more dimension-
first book of the “Southern Reach” I met with Hatori before her recital, which a left-hand melody gave the sulated the struggle of the entire piece
al. This makes sense, since I doubt
trilogy. The book was later adapted she explained to me the backstory impression of a tenor voice singing to by alternating between hopeful and
viewers would sympathize much
into a film starring Natalie Portman, of the piece. Robert and Clara were Clara through a flurry of excitement. despairing characters. It began with
with characters named “Surveyor”
and Oscar Issac, the star of Marvel’s in love, but her father disapproved Finally, the first movement concluded grandiose, majestic chords that cre-
or “Biologist”. Instead, they were
“Moonknight” series. While the of their relationship and did every- with a much less dense texture that ated a ceremonial atmosphere, then
given names, distinct personalities,
movie may have been far from stel- thing he could to keep them apart. recalled the sense of loneliness with shifted to a lighter, daydreamy tex-
and they even had moments of kin-
lar, I don’t plan on reviewing it in- The piece was a love letter to Clara which it opened. ture, and continually returned to the
ship. While necessary, I still didn’t
depth, but rather plan on reviewing Schumann, a composer in her own The second movement was by former. This was interrupted by a
find it as effective as VanderMeer’s
the book and pointing out aspects of right and his wife, incorporating the far the shortest of the four. It was an dissonant and brooding section – per-
approach. Similarly, they also gave
it that the film unfortunately had to theme from her composition Pièces innocent-sounding Aria which began haps Robert was imagining his and
dimension to our biologist, making
alter to make it blockbuster worthy. Caractéristiques op. 5, no. 4, titled with an endearing melody in the mid- Clara’s wedding when reality intrud-
her a lovestruck widow of sorts with
In VanderMeer’s book, readers “The Ghost Ballet,” throughout. dle register of the piano. Right-hand ed. The piece was then consumed in
a complicated marriage. Our book-
follow a biologist and her team as Robert Schumann also struggled octaves soon entered in the piano’s frenzy before it ended with a bang
biologist had a complicated mar-
they venture into Area X, which has with a mental illness which is now upper register, and the left hand then and the audience burst into a stand-
riage, but beyond that she seemed
been cut off from the rest of the thought to have been bipolar disorder. took over a similar theme in a deeper ing ovation.
mainly focused on her work more
world. The previous teams have all Hatori said she understands the piece register, resulting in an exchange of Hatori told me that she was glad
than anything. She wasn’t exactly
been lost, killed or return as empty as a musical portrayal of his life, and high and low that could easily be to be able to be in the room with her
likeable, granted that wasn’t neces-
shells dying of cancer. The teams she attributes the constantly changing interpreted as a duet between Robert audience, feeling a connection with
sarily VanderMeer’s intent. But the
are all sent to document as much character of the piece to his internal and Clara. Because of how the high us as she played. When asked about
movie portrayal didn’t feel remotely
information as they can about the turmoil caused by his unfulfilled long- notes sparkled in this movement, I her perspective on performing, she
like the same woman I had spent
area, the lifeforms that live there and ing for Clara and his psychological envisioned the higher voice as stars said, “I just want to share this beauti-
195 pages with. Beyond that, the
the origin of this strangely pristine condition. against the night sky of the lower ful music with everyone.” It was clear
film is vaguely similar to the book,
place. The book is a written docu- The first movement of the sona- voice. that her efforts were received with
but the plot was changed signifi-
mentation of the biologist, and it’s ta, titled “Introduzione”, started by The third movement was an gratitude and appreciation.
cantly, and made to be more action-
both intriguing and frustrating to see creating a scene of desolation, possi-
packed to keep an audience engaged.
everything from her point of view. And, unlike the book, the directors
She purposely withholds information attempted to wrap up most of the
from the readers, even lies, and her mystery in a nice little bow promptly
vocabulary fails to describe some of instead of waiting for two sequels.
the strange phenomena occurring. However, despite my criticism, I do
One of the major points where this is give them credit for making Area X
noticeable is when she discusses the come to life. While our book-biol-
other members of the team. None of ogist was limited with her descrip-
the characters have names besides tions, the directors were able to per-
their occupation, such as the sur- fectly capture the grotesque beauty
veyor or the psychologist, for she of the environment, which helped
doesn’t find it necessary to share bring out the unsettling atmosphere
anything else – a strange choice on that VanderMeer was attempting to
VanderMeer’s part, but a creative create with his strange plot structure.
one regardless. While we are simul- While I can’t say I would
taneously given a boatload of infor- recommend the film adaption of
mation yet none at all, it was amazing “Annihilation” – you might need to
to see how VanderMeer could create ask for Levi’s input – I can confi-
such a disturbing atmosphere with dently say that the “Southern Reach”
limited descriptions. Without giving trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer is perfect
too much of the plot away, I can for those in the mood for a slow-burn
comfortably say that the ending of science fiction series with a minimal Junior Ami Hatori performs Piano Sonata no.1, op.11.
the book doesn’t wrap up all of the page count. Photo by Rongyan Song.
information in a nice little bow, nor

Why you should... showed the world the power of the

Qatari-backed PSG project. And yet,
leaving Barcelona was to leave Mes-
si’s shadow and win the Ballon D’or,
when PSG have crucial Champions
League matches. Truth be told, he
many important ones to be consid-
ered a success.
continued from page 3 has he worked out? With a price so which he has failed to do, having not hasn’t made much of a difference. Rating: Underwhelming, 5/10
PSG summer 2017, €222 million high, only a perfect outcome would even made the top 10 in that time. The only exception to this rule was
The man whose transfer made have been called justified. And that He has never played more than 20 making the Champions League final
the rest of these possible, Neymar’s simply hasn’t happened. league games at PSG, and never man- in 2020, where he was exceptionally
2017 move reset the bar for transfer Neymar has been plagued by aged 20 league goals in a season. He quiet in a 1-0 loss. One cannot deny
prices in the football world. His price injuries since his arrival in Paris. is also regularly injured at key points his brilliance, with tricks and flicks
tag was more than double the previ- He has missed nearly 100 matches in the season, regularly picking up galore, but he has simply missed too
ous record of Paul Pogba, and really through injury. His express goal at knocks in the post-Christmas period many matches and gone quiet in too

“Everything Everywhere All at Comic Character Spotlight:

Once” Review: An original, if
overstuffed multiverse comedy
Scarlet Witch
Kat Girod power was amplified as she honed destroy this dangerous bond, Agatha
Levi Homman The film’s premise is as ridic- Columnist her sorcery with the assistance of the Harkness used sorcery to erase
Staff Writer ulous and ambitious as the title Witch, Agatha Harkness. Wanda and Wanda’s memories of her children.
_____________________________ Welcome to this week’s Comic Agatha also worked together in the In the short story “A Study in
implies, and from a visual and aes-
“Everything Everywhere All Character Spotlight! Last week we 2015 “Scarlet Witch” series to com- Scarlet” (1992), Agatha’s memory-
thetic standpoint the film executes its
at Once”, 2022, directed by Daniel were able to discuss Doctor Strange bat and examine supernatural threats. blocking spell wore off and Wanda
ideas to great success. There are some
Kwan and Daniel Scheinert — 4/5 in anticipation of “Doctor Strange in This relationship between Wanda and was able to mourn the loss of her
excellently choreographed and edited
stars the Multiverse of Madness” (2022). Agatha calls into question if the future children properly. She also mistakenly
sequences of hand-to-hand combat,
“Everything Everywhere All at Similarly, this week we’ll be continu- Disney + television series “Agatha: created an alternate timeline where
paying clear tribute to the Hong Kong
Once” has exploded into theaters. ing that trend by looking at another House of Harkness” will explore some she was able to see a life where her
action films of the 1980s and 90s, as
As of this week, the sophomore out- character who will also play a vital of these older comic book storylines. children and husband, Vision, could
well as former Yeoh collaborator Ang
ing from Daniel Kwan and Daniel role in the film: The Scarlet Witch, Will Wanda seek out Agatha’s help remain together. Although this time-
Lee. The visual effects, which were
Scheinert (known collectively as just Wanda Maximoff. in understanding her power as the line was fleeting, it comforted Wanda
apparently assembled by a team of
“Daniels”) rests above 90% in both First, who exactly is the Scarlet Scarlet Witch? and aided in her ability to cope with
no more than seven people, help the
the critics’ and audiences’ sections on Witch? The Scarlet Witch was written The “Scarlet Witch” comic series her loss and suffering.
confusing and explosive concepts that
Rotten Tomatoes. It’s also currently by Stan Lee and the artist Jack Kirby. also reveals that Pietro and Wanda’s If any of this sounds famil-
the script conjures become concrete
the highest-rated movie of all time She first debuted in 1964’s comic book adopted parents are biologically their iar to fans of the Marvel Cinematic
and digestible. This is especially seen
on the movie-oriented social media series “The X-Men” with her brother, aunt and uncle, while the previous Universe, it is because the hit televi-
in the humor of the film, which may
platform Letterboxd, and is already Pietro or Quicksilver, as a part of Scarlet Witch, Natalya Maximoff, was sion series ”WandaVision” (2021) was
have seemed too silly and juvenile on
in discussion as one of the best mov- the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The their real mother. Immense power is loosely based on a variety of these
paper but come to belly-laughing frui-
ies of the year. While the film is brotherhood believed in the domi- shown to run in the family as Wanda comic book storylines. In the series,
tion when realized through puppetry
certainly fun, funny, and engaging, nance of mutants - a unique species of and Pietro’s grandfather was the Wanda created an alternate dimen-
and CGI — a particular “Ratatouille”
and is almost definitely a step up humans born with supernatural abili- Scarlet Warlock. sion where she could live in harmony
reference is an excellent example of
from the Daniels’ last project “Swiss ties - over humans. However, Wanda The Scarlet Witch also became with her husband who passed away
when to take a joke “too far.” The
Army Man,” it’s a highly derivative and her brother were shown to be a member of the Avengers – a trade- in reality and eventually gave birth
cast completes these moments; Yeoh
work that struggles to keep emotional hesitant to partake in the schemes of mark band of superheroes in Marvel to twin brothers. However, one of the
is always a pleasure, Hsu is a revela-
and narrative intimacy within its own the group and only sought safety from Comics – following her debut. major themes of the series was the
tion and Quan makes a welcome and
bombastic premise. danger through their membership. Romance was in the air between idea of accepting grief and all the pain
hilarious return to acting.
“Everything Everywhere” stars Interestingly, her origins along- Wanda and her android teammate that accompanies it. It was therefore
When “Everything Everywhere”
Michelle Yeoh as Evelyn Wang, side that of her brother have been Vision as they first kissed in the “Kree- important that Wanda eventually let
succeeds, it excels, but there’s almost
a tired, middle-aged woman who altered repeatedly. In the 1960’s it was Skrull War arc” in the “Avengers” this alternate reality go and accept
definitely a few bumps along the way.
owns a laundromat with her hus- shown that Wanda and her brother (1971) comic book series. In 1975’s her loss.
While the jokes are often hilariously
band Waymond, played by “Indiana were the mutant children of Django “Giant-Size Avengers,” they were wed. In “WandaVision (2021),”
inventive, there are also a fair number
Jones” child star Ke Huy Quan. Also and Marya Maximoff, both Romanis. She later used the power of magical Wanda Maximoff was portrayed by
of jokes that fall disappointingly flat,
supporting Yeoh are James Hong as In 2015’s “Uncanny Avengers” it is forces to impregnate herself and gave Elizabeth Olsen who also appeared
too childish to even be saved by the
Evelyn’s senile but strict father and revealed that the children were adopt- birth to twin sons Billy and Tommy. in films such as “Avengers: Age of
forceful pace at which the story bar-
Stephanie Hsu as Evelyn’s angsty les- ed and given to their parents by a Unfortunately, Wanda and Ultron” (2015), “Captain America:
rels forward. This is made even more
bian daughter, who Evelyn treats with geneticist named High Evolutionary Vision’s marriage saw disaster in the Civil War” (2016), “Avengers: Infinity
apparent by the way the comedic
as much disdain as her father did her. who experimented on the children. “Vision Quest” story arc which was War” (2018), “Avengers: Endgame”
moments leave so little room for the
When the Wang family is audited by This experimentation resulted in the a part of the “Avengers West Coast” (2019), and the upcoming “Doctor
emotional core of the story: Evelyn’s
IRS agent Deirdre (Jamie Lee Curtis), siblings’ superhuman abilities rather (1984) series. Vision was disassem- Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”
relationship with her family. The film
Evelyn soon discovers that she can than the previous storyline where they bled and turned into an unfeeling (2022).
makes some bold claims about life,
jump into different dimensions, expe- were born as mutants. being who denied the opportunity to As the Scarlet Witch is one of
love and the universe, but it doesn’t
riencing alternate realities and time- Wanda’s vast number of power- feel again, ultimately ending his mar- my favorite Marvel characters, I was
expound on them, and they end up
lines. Once the exposition is out of the ful abilities as a sorceress include riage with Wanda. Wanda’s pain and eager to talk about her. I’ve always
feeling like an afterthought. The sol-
way, Evelyn is tasked with preventing energy and elemental manipulation grief did not cease there as a demon been fascinated with Wanda as she
idly emotional moments are the ones
the collapse of the multiverse, forcing alongside flight. Notably, she is able to lord named Mephisto absorbed her has never been firmly on the side of
in which the Daniels wear their influ-
her to utilize the skills and knowledge access chaos magic, a magic so power- children into himself in order to link “good” or “evil” and often would lie
ences boldly on their sleeves, drawing
from the infinite versions of herself to ful it can alter existence and reality. himself with Wanda’s soul. In order to comfortably in-between the two.
directly from the style and imagery
fight an evil galactic entity and learn In 1974’s “Avengers” Wanda’s
of, notably, Wong Kar Wai and the
how to love her husband and daugh- Wachowski sisters, but even these
ter in the process.
See page 11

David Pickar
The Avant-Garde: Like snowfall in April
ing across a windy lake. Lyrical lines work. It took him awhile, so the clari- personal and subjective. You, the Did I enjoy them? Meh. On a Friday
Staff Writer were overlapping, creating waves of netist shouted out the title, then Mark audience member, set the expecta- night, I wasn’t ready for a concert
ostinati in perpetual movement cen- turned to the mike and spoke the tions of the music you listen to, and of avant-garde repertoire, but nei-
Like snowfall in late April, some tered around six pitches, punctuated title “Fainting is Up, Whooshing is you have the power to change them ther am I ready for more rain in this
things are beautiful, but become rath- by pizzicato string plucks. What was down… [apologetically] It’s that new! as frequently as you wish. Mark’s week’s weather forecast. Maybe some
er unappreciated in the wrong con- the instrumentation you ask? Piano/ [At least] I know the notes!” This was verbal introductions between pieces dissonance is good for me though.
text. This was my take on the “Bang on synth, clarinet/bass clarinet, guitar, probably the lightest mood through- were crucial to this end, to help the It’s a healthy reminder that life isn’t
a Can All-Stars'' concert this Friday.  upright bass, and one percussionist out the concert, as the works ranged audience choose to better receive the like my Spotify recommended playl-
In a spirit of full disclosure, I manning a still extensive but not over- in topic from labor unions, and social- music from the lens of its intended ist, and more like a concert - a variety
must confess: I pre-gamed before the whelming setup to me as a biased ist idealism to grief and tragedy in purpose, no longer having ignorance of pieces that I have to learn how to
concert. No no no, not with alcohol. percussionist. response to 9/11. The meaning of as a cop-out for disinterest. listen to and experience, even when it
Even on a Friday night, I don’t get This concert in both setup these various works was explained Was this concert full of intrinsi- snows in April.
to drink on the job (unless I would and sound exemplified the group’s by Mark before a composition began, cally valuable works of sonic art? Yes.
review a brewery). However, I did founding ideology voiced by guitar- as there were no lyrics in the pieces
preview their Spotify playlist. I figured ist Mark Stewart in his witty and themselves.
that with a name as eccentric as “Bang winsome introductions between piec- There were a couple of other
on a Can All-Stars,” I could expect to es. He explained that the group has tunes, with varying textures of equal
hear and see a cross between STOMP! been "making a home for music that parts odd-meter grunge rock and
and the Blue Man Group, complete didn't have a home" since its found- mid-period Stravinsky, with some
with light show and pyrotechnics, ing. This was a rather eloquent way Phillip Glass thrown in for good mea-
all sorts of percussion and impro- of saying that they play stereotypi- sure. Each contained lots of repeti-
vised instruments including trash cally difficult, dissonant and unpleas- tive patterns that slowly morphed and
cans, brake drums and other rattley ant music. I respect that, to have the evolved over time, but not very rap-
things. Sadly, I was very disappointed. guts to go against the grain, especially idly. At times it felt like watching an
In spite of my preliminary research when your livelihood is dependent '80s horror film, where foreboding
which shifted my expectations, there on people's perception of an unpopu- music suggests something’s about to
were no trash cans, smoke machines lar music genre. Despite their mostly happen, but without a screen to view
or drum solos at the concert. melancholy music, a rather humorous and dialogue to follow.
The first tune, “sunray”, depict- moment occurred when Mark was At the end of the day, the indi-
ed all the things a ray of sun can trying to remember the name of the vidual and corporate experience of The group Bang on a Can All-Stars performs the piece "sunray" by David Lang.
do. Seemingly reflecting, twinkling next piece, a recently commissioned music-listening still remains deeply Photo by Alana Melvin.
against different textures, shimmer-
April 22, 2022

"Slander" and "Missed Connections": two sides of the same coin

Miri Villerius I am already not the hugest fan EITHER of these pages. Regardless of Lawrentian moderator who runs the I am an admin of) that has more than
Copy Chief of the multiple iterations of Lawrence how kind Missed Connections might page. 1000 members was founded and is
_________________________ "Missed Connections" Instagram seem at a glance (and compared to While "Slander" (as the name run by students. It has been unaf-
pages (@lawrencemissedconnec- Slander), this unpredictable anony- grossly admits) has individuals walk- filiated with the Lawrence admin for
Earlier this week, an unof- tions, @missedconnectionslu and @ mous nature is what makes the harm ing around campus not knowing multiple years since its inception. I
ficial Instagram account called "LU larryumissedconnections) which are done by both pages stochastic. whether they have been, well, slan- think people often join this group
SLANDER" started gaining traction accounts where people submit anony- While "Slander" in its first dered Missed Connections has people because they want to make sure they
before a swift deletion. Whether @ mous messages. While these are gen- few hours alleged a number of walking around feeling invisible and don't miss information on current
lu_slander disappeared due to being erally framed as positive or cute mes- Lawrentians as rapists and predators, isolated for not being posted about events and goings-on at Lawrence
reported or the account moderator's sages to crushes, my opinion is that "Missed Connections" has been teeter- or complimented. They both invite shared by community members, and
conscience is unknown. The page's bio "Missed Connections" and "Slander" ing on thin ice for a while with posts you to unhealthily check in con- it's the 1000+ members that make the
stated unashamedly "THIS PAGE IS are two sides of the same stochastic that are clearly meant for anonymous stantly whether you're afraid of or group truly impactful and legitimate.
FOR YALL TO TALK YO SHIT" and, at coin in their anonymity and uncertain sexual gratification. These comments desire to be posted about, creating On the other hand, I think people fol-
my last count, had more than 110 fol- impact on the individuals who get targeting individuals might have a a Frankenstein's monster of a pub- low Missed Connections and Slander
lowers. The page was an anonymous called out on either. sexualized compliment or even sexual lic square for our Lawrence commu- because they have a fear of miss-
message board for, as the name sug- While I would not call for as ideation concerning the recipient, but nity that feeds off of social anxiety ing out (FOMO) on the latest wacky
gests, slander between Lawrentians. rigorous a demolition of Missed they all lack the same crucial thing: and FOMO for the cheap thrill of anonymous compliment or insult and,
Stochastic terrorism is an impor- Connections as I would and did for consent of the person being called being able to say some outlandish silly make no mistake, the 100+ followers
tant concept that's become more well- Slander, neither of these platforms out. things anonymously. who ended up joining Slander made it
known in recent times and will help to are healthy. They create a bastard- These are two sides of the same Also to note, with the state of impactful too.
understand the issues at hand here, ized, alienating sense of community coin. One alleges sexual harassment internet privacy and security, espe- I have been an on-and-off
though I'll save you all the after-school at Lawrence. to serve unreliable and dubious jus- cially concerning social media data, indulger in and receiver of Missed
special on what cyberbullying is and Missed Connections has, in my tice, one risks sexual harassment to being constantly contested through Connections and I don't have an issue
why it's bad. Basically, stochastic ter- experience, been a place for ironic serve an unreliable and dubious com- various data breaches and data min- with everything posted there (anony-
rorism is the use of mass communica- jokes, general queries, glad handing pliment. Both solicit messages anony- ing scandals, I don't think it's a guar- mous queries which don't single out
tion to target an individual victim or between friends, occasional sincere mously, giving them the stochastic, antee that what gets posted about a individuals actually seem to be over-
group with the indirect consequence attempts to reach out and, worst of uncertain nature where the anony- person without their consent doesn't whelmingly positive in my opinion),
of inciting unpredictable violence all, anonymous sexualization of fel- mous poster has no accountability come back to bite them down the line. but I'm taking this "Slander" moment
against this victim. The unpredictable low Lawrentians. The issue with my whatsoever for the people they might I cannot emphasize the following as a wake-up call to largely disengage
violence is what makes it "stochastic"; description here is that we do not be hurting or affecting through their more: following these pages legiti- with Missed Connections, and I invite
the targeting and incitement of vio- know and can never know the sincer- post. Furthermore, whether some- mizes them and makes them relevant. the rest of you to do the same.
lence make it terrorism. ity, intent or potential harm caused by thing gets posted is left to an unknown The Shoutbox Facebook group (which

Names and statues are important, but policies matter more

Renaming a lake on stolen Native
Nathan Wall land is good, but renaming that lake
News Editor
_________________________ does not remove the pollutants and
carcinogens from the lake, nor does
Over the past several years, there it give the lake back to those whose
has been a growing movement in this ancestors it was taken from. Tearing
country to address our longstand- down statues of Confederate traitors
ing racist history. Part of that con- does not stop police brutality and
versation has been around statues mass incarceration against African
of Confederate and colonial leaders Americans.
and renaming places with derogatory Liberal politicians in big, blue
words in the name. cities will often make symbolic chang-
For example, since 2015, protest- es like these to seem as if they’re act-
ers have defaced and torn down stat- ing on important issues, while they
ues of figures like Confederate General further ignore systemic problems like
Robert E. Lee, Ku Klux Klan founder poverty and racism. In 2020, a sec-
Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Spanish tion of 16th Street in Washington,
colonizer Christopher Columbus. D.C. was permanently renamed Black
Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, of Lives Matter Plaza by Mayor Muriel
the Laguna Pueblo Nation, the first Bowser. However, that same mayor is
Native American woman to serve as increasing funding for the D.C. Police
a federal cabinet secretary, has called Department for 2023.
for the renaming of locations contain- These contradictions do not take
ing offensive words such as “squ**”, away the importance of renaming
which is an extremely offensive term offensive names. Language truly does
used for Native American women. reflect thought, and a more inclu-
In our state of Wisconsin, 28 sive language means a more inclusive
geographical features currently culture. Cultural changes are good,
use this word, and plans have been and important, because it’s important
announced to change it. Even the that people feel like they belong in
names of streets, parks and ski resorts society. My argument is that cultural
have been changed to reflect a more changes do not go far enough. While
tolerant and welcoming society it is important, for instance, that a
and language; to be clear, this is a majority of Americans support same-
good thing. Language reflects how sex marriage, that does not directly
we think, and it is important that address the housing needs of home-
Native American women and other less queer youth. Nor does renaming
marginalized people do not see words a street provide Black Americans with
used to demean them used to name the reparations they’re owed.
parks, bodies of water and streets. It Culture and language are impor-
is important that Black people do not tant, but we can’t let politicians get
have to walk through their downtowns away with just doing the bare mini-
under the watchful eye of long-dead mum. We need to demand that the
generals that fought to ensure they’d same politicians who tear down stat-
be enslaved forever. ues and rename monuments also pro-
However, these actions are sym- vide the material support that these
A Otāēciah (Crane), 2021, view from inside an indigenous sculpture on campus.
bolic, and meaningless if not com- communities need. Photo by Chris Cornelius.
bined with concrete policy solutions.
April 22, 2022 OPINIONS & EDITORIALS 11

Students' protest against LU sexual misconduct shortcomings

Marifé Entenza-Sierra factors of which we may extract with sexual assault in some form. As this held a protest calling out Lawrence’s image of Black culture in the United
Staff Writer regards to sexual assault and miscon- is an extremely sensitive topic, espe- lack of accountability concerning States in remembrance of the late civil
_________________________ duct in our Lawrence campus. cially for survivors of sexual assault, I ongoing cases of sexual assault and rights leader. The artists proceeded
I first came here in the fall of will not detail the horrific incidents in misconduct on campus, emphasizing to send a two-part letter to a group
In January of 1969, two con- 2019, and from that winter onward, and around this campus. However, I the importance of our students’ con- of students asking them to answer a
ceptual artists set out to criticize and various sexual assault allegations will candidly admit that I have experi- tinued support and activism. survey and send it to the director of
change the apparent shortcomings had already engulfed my ears. These enced unwanted attention from some I now harken back to a previ- the MoMA at the time. The results in
in the Museum of Modern Art. In conversations were halted when most of my peers and have fully known ous time of revolution. Here, the art- that case were bittersweet: The direc-
this case, a museum in the Upper students returned home due to the that nothing would be done if I spoke ists, Faith Ringgold and Tom Lloyd, tor did resign, but nothing was done
West Side of New York claimed to original COVID-19 outbreak in the out about my experiences. Thus, I penned a letter to the director of the to further include artists of color in
be honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin United States. After two years of coex- am enraged, disillusioned and disap- MoMA criticizing a previous exhibi- more exhibitions for years thereafter.
Luther King, Jr., while also perpetuat- isting in a pandemic, we have settled pointed at Lawrence University for tion that honored the late Dr. Martin However, the Lawrence community
ing elitist institutionalism and evad- into a state of normalcy and compla- its gross mismanagement and lack of Luther King, Jr. for its lack of repre- is sufficiently united, educated, and
ing minority representation. Although cency. Now, I again find myself hav- public acknowledgement of serious sentation of Black artists. They then opinionated in this topic so as to
not related at face value, I believe this ing everyday conversations in which issues plaguing its student body. stated that the museum required a actively seek out reparations for our
story contains several intersectional people confess to being survivors of In light of this, SAASHA recently wing that portrayed a harmonized contemporary plights.



This letter consists of one part. Here, you will fill in, cut out, and insert the paper into a drop box on the third floor of the Warch Campus Center. This docu-
ment will also have a QR code link attached to a survey with the same questions. These replies will be personally sent to the Dean of Students, Chris Clarke, to
demonstrate our solidarity and care for the actual wellbeing of our community. Thank you for your active involvement and support.

1. Does the annual Everfi training help educate you on issues of sexual violence and/or abuse?
2. Do you feel as if Lawrence protects and cares for your wellbeing as an individual?
3. Do you think Lawrence could utilize more of its resources for precautionary and accountability measures regarding sexual misconduct?

4. Do you think Lawrence clearly states its protocols and procedural methods with regards to reports and/or complaints of sexual assault and misconduct?
5. Do you think Lawrence will protect its own image-driven interests instead of actively supporting its students on an individual basis?
Scan this QR code to access the
6. Do you feel safe at Lawrence University? online version of this survey.
7. Is there anything you would like to add from the aforementioned questions?

Everything, Everywhere... tion rather than genuinely developed tered can be clearly seen in their a new generation made by a new gen- its larger themes, it feels impossible
relationships between characters. work, but executing such a nonsen- eration; it’s violently unsubtle, bright- not to love it. “Everything Everywhere
continued from page 9 The central idea of “Everything sical premise to the level of success eyed and good-hearted, and while it’s All at Once” is in theaters right now.
moments feel like cookie-cutter imita- Everywhere” is excessively turgid, and that they reached nears what many sometimes frustratingly boyish and
the roadblocks that Daniels encoun- would call a miracle. This is a film of crass, to an extent that weighs down

The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The
Lawrentian does not endorse any opinions piece except for the staff editorial, which represents a majority of the editorial
board. The Lawrentian welcomes everyone to submit their own opinions. For the full editorial policy and parameters for sub-
mitting articles, please refer to the masthead, which is located on the back of each edition.
12 COMMUNITY April 22, 2022

Photo Poll
— Editorial policy is Editors-in-Chief:
Jamie Dong determined by the editors. Alex Freeman
Taylor Hughes
Staff Photographer Any opinions that appear
unsigned are those of the Copy Chief:
majority of The Lawrentian’s Miri Villerius
How do you protect the environment in your everyday life? Editorial Board.
Managing Editor:
— Letters to the editor are Amber Gu
encouraged. The editors
reserve the right to edit for News Editors:
Sophia Schultz
style and space. Letters must Nathan Wall
be emailed to:
lawrentian@lawrence. Variety Editor:
edu. Submissions by email Amir Zarandi
should be text attachments.
Sports Editor:
— All submissions to edito- Sean McLaughlin
rial pages must be turned in
Features Editor:
to The Lawrentian no later Lucian Baxter
than 5 p.m. on the Monday
before publication. Arts & Entertainment Editor:
Shirley Xu
— All submissions to the
editorial pages must be Opinions & Editorials Editor:
“I recycle plastic bags at Lawrence “Not making leftover food.” “I reuse plastic bags.” Evan Ney
accompanied by a phone
and at home and try to buy refillable — Christine Chang — Hung Nguyen
number at which the author
products that produce waste.” Photo Editor:
can be contacted. Articles Alana Melvin
— Angela Vanden Elzen
submitted without a contact
number will not be pub- Web Manager:
lished. Elizabeth Rienstra

— The Lawrentian reserves Copy Editors:

the right to refuse to print Mikayla Henry
Rebecca Page-McCaw
any submissions received Rose Williams
after the above deadline
Layout Editor:
— Letters to the editor will Paola Saldana Galvan
be edited for clarity, decen-
cy, accuracy and grammar.

— Letters to the editor

should not be more than 500
“I always make sure to finish all “I will reduce the use of single-use “I tend to avoid drinking bottled
of my food and only take what is plastics.” water; I use my own reusable water
necessary.” — Maria Yang bottle.” Members of
— Kepler Shao — Nate Smith the Associated

“Compost food in the bins on our “I don’t waste food.” “I use a reusable water bottle.”
floors.” — Riko Ogihara — Valeria Nunez
— Rachel Joo

Unedited Board Jamie Dong, Alana Melvin

Staff Photographer, Photo Editor

Rose Williams, Nathan Wall, Evan Ney,

Copy Editor News Editor Opinions & Editorials Editor

“I learn more about how to “I don’t drive, and I don’t dump oil “I continue to wear five-year-old
counteract the systemic issues into the Amazon.” pants and never lobby Congress to
that are largely responsible for protect the interests of fossil fuel
environmental damage.” investors.”

@TheLawrentian /Lawrentian @the_lawrentian

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