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i ELEVATOR . CONTROLS ; CORPORATION + 3525 LaGrande Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 428-1708 — (916) 428-1728 Fax ; MODEL V800/H800-P3 INTROLLER sa MANUAL FOR FIELD RE-PROGRAMMING AND USE OF ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTICS. © 1994 Flevator Controls Corporation Rev 1/97 \ All information contained hercin is confidential and is proprietary to Elevator Controls Corporation and 4 is not to be used or reproduced without prior written consent of Elevator Controls. Hains. F + 3097 ttouveado ane ash Nn uD E10} == =a, a Ee a So i oe = HA Ee Olle ee mer tate te eee : = ee Oe es [ees [rao [ae oer 090 [Pier [for |Peres| ag sae eee of a Fier feEeH ie 3a Hee} Sa eee te eee Egg tiers ea ae = a eee aan arma |— S| ee | Eee tiee East ies oS, Tf ee ua [ze ye ia EE 2 Ee eS eee se z bye bie eat ee ats aca —[-esy— ted | et ee Ere gees ae oT a ae Seas Ba ae (san| eee Csi setae i ee Si - 2 @' 8 © 0 © B ga yaa SNISM SVs ANOHSH Meee AONTUGAY ONINVADOMa 8d—od [ _ STOMLNOD YOLVATTE Table Of Contents Introduction .*..... wi ts ss Section I Re Programming Using the On-Board Dignostics Selecting the Elevator Status Display Selecting the User Display Changing a User Display Menu Direct Access User Display . Serial EEPROM Set Clock Time . A: FaultLog . B: Fault Log . System Timers 2.0... ee System Variables, A: System Control... B A: Stopping Table .. B: Stopping Table Security Coding ...... A: Mem Flags List . B: Mem Flags List . A: Elevator Timers ... stem Control. B: Elevator Timers . A: Alt Call Scheme B; Alt Call Scheme Password Access ..... . Appendix A- Working with Hexadecimal Numbers Converting Hexadecimal Numbers . Changing Hexadecimal Numbers . Appendix B- Using Direct Access for Viewing System Flags .. «Page | . Page 2 «Page 3 » Page 4 Page 5 . Page 6 «Page 6 «Page 6 Page 7 . Page? - Pages - Pages Page 11 -- Page 12 . Page 13 - Page 14 Page 16 » Page 16 Page 28 ++ Page 20 -.Page 22 Page 22, Page 22, . Page 22 Page 23 Page 23 Page 24 . Page 25 troduction ‘Throughout this manual certain areas of text will be accentuated with labels as shown below. ‘These labels represent safety wamings, cautions, and interest areas. The labels are explained below: WARNING This label denotes operating procedures and practices that may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage if not followed correctly. altention in order to avoid ‘equipment damage. This includes special adjustments to controller parts that are important for correct ‘operation Note This label is used to bring attention to areas of special interest within the text, as well as useful and informative procedures. Throughout this instruction manual, it is assumed that the field personnel doing the reprogramming has experience dealing with microprocessor reprogramming. This manual should be read in its entirety before any actions are taken, in order to familiarize yourself with the operation of the processor and the controller. Note The car A/B switch on computer board does not necesarily indicate machine room cars A/B, unless one computer is used to control two cars(older systems). Otherwise, car A on computer board refers to car under "this" computer's control. Ignore all "B: ..." menus keep car A/B switch in Car A position. Note Part # MPC-P8._-P7 does not contain a 24 hour time clock. The information about the "Time Clock" in this manual do not apply to MPC-P8 -P7. Also, it does not drive the IBM-PC port, and it is not used with group systems. Page 1 Section I RE-PROGRAMMING USING THE ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTICS The P8 microprocessor (MPC) board is pictured below. ‘The reprogramming and diagnostic controls are located on the bottom right-hand side of the P8-MPC. ‘The liquid crystal display (LCD) is also used by tie on-board diagnostics. The LCD is located at the top center of the P8-MPC board. rouuiy saanute DIP Switches Push Buttons Diagnostic Controls Elevator Controls P8 Microprocessor Board Layout WARNING Do not depress the reset buiton (labeled RESET) on the board { while elevator is in operation as it will cause the car to come | to an immediate stop. ‘The four DIP switches and four push buttoas make up the diagnostic controls. The name and function of cach control is summarized in a table on the next page. The buttons listed in the table from top to bottom correspond to the buttons on the P8 going from left to right. ‘The name of each button on the left column of the table corresponds to the labels on the PS board and to the labels on the drawing above. For more information on the function of each button, please refer to the sections later ia this chapter. Page 2 Push Button Functions Button Name Button Function ON/OFF DIP switch Selects between elevator stains and user display ‘ADB DIP switch Selects between car A and car B for a single computer duplex system. MENU/SUB DIP switch Selects menu or sub-menu display in the user display | VIEW/EDIT DIP switch Selects view parameter or edit (change) parameter in the | user display, | UP push but Selects the next menu or | DOWN push button clects the previous menu or sub-menu in the user display. _ | ‘SHIFT push button Selects the next parameter or digit in the edit (change) | parameter mode in the user display. | WR (WRITE) push button Saves the changed parameter permanently on the edit (change) parameter mode in the user display. Selecting the Elevator Status Display Move the ON/OFF DIP owitch to the OFF position. The Elevator Status display is now selected and the LCD will display up to four of the following messages. The LED's display the highest priority code below: 2000 BGO ee saci 8888 2888 '& {kee to see us iin sont ae soe mae ON A MENU VIEW 8650 coe os: beeeusirED Fs. or aorTow OF ms 36800800 ot | RenmuanaD Fi oven Sa FuoaRs 8380 SRee oS | RELAY eves ison barcsrms At ennon A gy g y 8888 $080 a. Exrmguane woraa. coNorHON OFF B SUB EDIT. 0630 8080 oo | EARTHQUAKE AsnemuAi Conotton ‘Sop0 soo oe sont sea a apn on at Sit Dior TOE 800 8800 So | Saya sre cnt a ova w tam bene amen os | amRTEORNT SERVICE 0000 #880" or | Sur oF sunvicr Tar ELAPSED 86599000 9 : teivr ros oi cat Geos couw ix | Lose OF HAL Cal. coMDWON (x0 40 BUS) 0080 S868 aF : Tor SLWEOM! LNUTS VIRED BACEWORDS. Inno seem cr | sorreat StowOCWN LAUES WIRED BxckVARDS. Sc08 Ooe8 17: tenants DoW 0 Geee 2 : Leveune oP Gove eee a7 inreuNG ZONE w/uo OFF Gcoe coco is | ke ueveue sone 4 Beso Oeco+as | UerOR INET THER LOY elk Glvaeo) Mores St Traction) ewe cagc 9s | MING To RE LEVEE w/G OFF £ 8688 088% fa | Excaim stuck iN TY! em BLOWN MER RELAY DANER \ begeoeoe ia | ExecuTINe mann GroeneN Bue ro biseareNex cos Bese eseo 13 | soo omvmn noun = Bienie cece Gs | meabaun bo MetmcTiow (GAD PROGRIM CH) Benggoce 49 | Serumry srenrs 88008980 12 | hoseeromer & SECURITY. Bec Geee is | PasGvorD tay exes 9038 $008 ie | ene a cur or ore feeococd 0 | cxx s on wesmiral DeRsENcr Seo coos 21: cats oo Hesprrar evensecr Segoeeeo & = RENIRICr rove ceo ans= at | doone wnuacia Ge-pE VALUE. tor to ssTK 29c8) { _ cee sere be | bonne UNockeD (XaPL VALUE. Lend To 22D DOS) 1 P8009 nex Gt some 97 We above but DLA elppea-epen et alzn spree | S869 rece | Sune ar EX above, but SLE eppea open ct nigh spect = Page 3 The left hand column of the table above gives the LED codes for each error display. These codes are generally only useful if there is no LCD installed on your system; the LCD messages provide the same information. ‘The Elevator Status display will also display the car position (floor number) and date and time for the current job. Selecting the User Display To select the User Display, move the ON/OFF switch to the ON position. Move the MENU/SUB DIP switch to the MENU position. Finally, move the VIEW/EDIT switch to the VIEW position. ‘The User Display has twenty options that you can select from, given below. ‘The exact function of each of the menu items is explained on the following pages. Each menu works in the same way, however. Use the UP and DN (DOWN) push buttons to select the menu item from the list below. When the menu item you want is displayed, move the MENU/SUB DIP switch to the SUB position. The LCD will then show the sub-menu for that User Display menu. User Display Menus Direct Access System Control | A:Mem Flag List Serial EEPROM System Control B:Mem Flag List Set Time Clock* “Elevator Timers | A:Alt Call Scheme ‘AFault Log B:Elevator Timers B:Alt Call Scheme B:Fault Log _ Stopping Table __| Password Access System Timers _ Table System Variables Security Coding ON A MENU VIEW UP DN sees) CO OFF B SUB EDIT Set the DIP switches as shown and use the UP and DN push buttons to select the User Display menu you want. ON A MENU VIEW waa Si] OFF B SUB EDIT 2. Then move the MENU/SUB DIP switch to the SUB position. The LCD will then show the sub-menu for that User Display menu. Page 4 Changing a User Display Menu Parameter Once you have selected a user display item, you have the option of changing its value. You might do this, for example, to increase or decrease the door limit time; or to change the recall floor for fire operation. For any User Display menu, follow this procedure. First, select the User Display item to change, as described on the previous page. Then move the VIEW/EDIT DIP switch to the EDIT position. The bottom linc of the LCD will change; 'New-XX' will appear where XX is the current value of the User Display parameter. Next, use the UP and DN (DOWN) push buitons to change the value. Use the SHIFT push button to switch to the next digit, When you have the value you want press the WR (WRITE) push button to record the new value permanently. Move the VIEW/EDIT DIP switch back to the VIEW position. Caution Write down the value of the parameter before you begin changing it. If you make a mistake, you can always testore the old value If you realize you made a mistake, DON'T PRESS THE WR BUTTON. Instead, skip that step and move the VIEW/EDIT DIP switch to the VIEW position. The old value will automatically be restored, ON A MENU VIEW DN SHIFT ssza) O00 B SUB EDIT Set the DIP switches as shown to change a User Display parameter. Use the UP, DN and SHIFT push buttons to change the value of the prameter. WR L 2, Press the WR (WRITE) push button to record your changes permanently. Or skip this step if you decided that you don’t want to record your changes permanently. ON A MENU VIEW WA SI OFF =B SUB EDIT 3. Move the DIP switches back to the positon shown. Or to select another User Display sub-menu, start over again as described on the previous page. Page S Direct Access User Display The Direct Access User Display menu bypasses many of the other menus. Use this menu when directed by Elevator Controls' technical support. For those familiar with EC's MPC-P7 computer boards, you can reprogram the MPC-PS in a similar “address/data” fashion as done with the -P7 switehgear. The reprogramming address conversions are: (P7) £400's = FCO0s (P8), and (P7) E700's = FFO0's (P8). To view "Memory Flags, inputs/outputs" using direct access, refer to "Memory Flag Listing" table Normally, you will use one of the other User Display menus: ‘To change system programming, use the SYSTEM VARIABLES User Display menu ‘To change system /O programming, use A: SYSTEM CONTROL User Display menu. To change car and door timers, use A: ELEVATOR TIMERS User Display menu. To view computer inputs, use A: MEM FLAGS LIST User Display menu. ‘To change car stopping table, use A: STOPPING TABLE User Displey menu, Serial EEPROM ‘The Serial EEPROM User Display bypasses many of the other menus. Use this menu when directed by Elevator Controls! technical support. Normally, you will use one of the other User Display mem ‘To change system programming, use the SYSTEM VARIABLES User Display menu. To change system I/O programming, use A: SYSTEM CONTROL User Display menu. * ‘To change car and door timers, usc A: ELEVATOR TIMERS User Display menu. To view computer inputs, use A: MEM FLAGS LIST User Display menu. ‘To change car stopping table, use A: STOPPING TABLE User Display menu. Set Clock Time (not available on part # MPC-P8 -P7) Use the Set Clock Time User Display to change your date and time display. The table on the next page lists all of the options available with the Set Clock Time menu. Use the UP and DN (DOWN) push buttons to select which of the date and time options to view. If you need to change the system date or time, select the parameter as described above, then follow the instructions on page 5. Page 6 Set Time Clock Parameters Parameter Function _— _ _ Seconds Sets the current second for the system clock. Minutes ~[ Sets the current minute for the system clock. Hours ‘Sets the current hour for the system clock, The clock uses military he _time. 00 hour is midnight to TAM, 13 hour is 1PM. Day “Sets the current day of the week. Days are set numerically as follows. 0! = Sunday, 02=Monday, 03=Tuesday, 04=Wednessday, 7 = 05~Thursday, 06=Friday and 07 ~Saturday Date “Sets the current day of the month, Month | Seis the current month of the year Year Sets the current year since 1900. Only two digits are allowed; 05 equals 1995 7 - [ Control Fault log control. Should be0.* gf _— | Halfdone Fault log control. Should be 00 or 80." 7 - “Fault-Ptr Fault log control. Should be between 00 and 06. * * ifany of the fault og, ata proetas arenot Within he Taanes Giver above, allof | these parameters must be reset to 00, A: Fault Log List ‘The Fault Log List is B: Fault Log List ‘The Fault Log List is B: Fault Logs are intended for compatibility with older systems. Do not use this display unless you are instructed to do so ay Elevator Controls technical support. ‘ault Log 1 M/S UPDN aot available on this model L=01 W/S UP DN not available on this model. Page 7 System Timers Use System Timer to access the Security Code Sequence. See Security Coding later in this manual for a complete description of the security system. To access other timers, use the A: ELEVATOR TIMERS User Display sub-menu. If you need to change the Security Code Sequence Timer, follow the directions on page 5. System Variables | 1-33 M/S UP DN The System Variables represent a variety of options. ‘The chart below summaries the function and programming options of each. To select an option, select the System Variables User Display as described on page 4. ‘Then use the UP and DN (DOWN) push buttons to sclect one of the options below. To change an option, follow the procedure above. ‘Then use the procedurs on page 5 to change the value of the option. Some of the options should not ever be changed unless directed to by technical support staff. These option will change the configuration of your /O and will require some rewiring. These options are marked with a}. System Variables F SYSTEM VARIABLES a | Variable Option Name _| Deseription a_i LCD Display Raie Controls system LCD seroll rate. Normally set 10 5. | RL/EQS/ PL Factory set . Normally 0 for none. Do not change. BIA Stop’ No longer used. - — BTA Threshold No longer used. —— ETA Run Time [Nolongerused. Swap PI Option 2 + Factory set. Normally FF for none. D Misc. Options + Use 43 for tractions and CA hydros; 4B for other hydros. 63 for INT-10-5 boards. Factory set. Do not change. + | Misc. Opontions 2 + Factory set. Normally 08. Do not change.* Park Pref Option * Normally 00 for off. 80 if car A is preferred free. CO if car Bis profiered free. * Alt Parking floort Factory set. Normally FF. This is not same as upper a parking PASSI Password data. Use the PASSWORD ACCESS User PASS2 Display NPO Factory set timer. Do not change. Page 8 Serial Duplex SD1 Option (PVF) Reserved. Reserved Reserved Lobby floor number. ¢ @ Sid. Fire RinExh 77 0 "Lower Parking Floor Ff Upper Parking Floor_F # Excess Call Can, (Old) Simpl/Dup.* Car Stop SW Bypass Rot MG Start Opt Door Lock Gong tt Factory set. Normally 0. Factory set. Normally 0. 00 = Simplex. 03 = Master car. 01 = "slave" car. 00 = Off. 01 Set to the floor number, minus one, of the lobby. Set to EX, where X is the floor number, minus one, of the in fire recall floor. e: to floor number, minus one, of the main parking floor. Set to the floor number, minus one, of 2nd parking floor. Set to 82 to cancel car calls after 2 floors of no activity on | the photo-eye. Set to 04 to cancel calls after 4 if the light [oad weight switch is active. . Set to 00 for simplexes and serial duplex systems. Set to 01 for old single computcr duplex system. * Normally 00 for ANSI fire service. Sct to 40 to ‘bypass ca car | stop switch immediately during door close on fire phase 1. Normally 00, Set to 01 to start MG sets one at a time on duplexes and groups. Normally 00. Set to 80 to delay gongs until the door lock breaks (for jobs w/o hall gongs), Set to EX, where X is the floor number, minus one, of the secondary | fire recall floor. Safety Edge Qual Normaliy 01 for ANSI, this ignores the safety edge input i on fire phase 2, Set to 00 to enable safety edge. Rear Door Option t+ Set 10 00 for front only or staggered rear doors. Set to 41 for selective rear doors. + 7 Bth Door Lob Rtn Normally 00. Set to 02 to open both front and rear doors at the lobby. : ee _ Car Call Disconn Normally 00. Set to 01 if car call buttons do NOT shorten FY oo door limit time, Set to 02 if hall call, SE or PHE shorten door time. Set to 20 to use lobby door limit time at the designated lobby. Normally 00. Sct to O1 if the system has emergeney power generators and appropriate system operation. Dbl Ding - 10=DN Pass Fir Ding Opt Normally 10 which generates two gong pulses for down travel. Set to 00 to gencrated one pulse for gongs which generated two on their own. Normally 00; PGO is used for a floor passing chime. Set to 01 for a single pulse on car gongs as car passes each floor. Page 9 Wild Op ifn 50 F Normally 00. Set to 10 to use Wild Operation if 50 bus, (hall riser supply) looses power. t CCD on Reversal Normally 00. Set to 80 for group systems. _CCD, Siwdn & Ind Normally 00. Set to 80 for group systems. Fire: Chicago Opt Normally 00. Set to FF to select fire operation for the city Set to 4 to select HCRO on the /O. Set to 00 to remove | HCRO on the HO. + ‘Door Enab: Nudging Normally set to 20 which allows the door open button to re-open doors in nudging mode. Set to 00 to disable DOB in nudging mode. Pee Door Lk Dir Pref [Normally 00. Set to 80 to cancel disection preference | (UPD and DPD) with DLK instead of DCF. (Do this if support staff) eee +”, | Normally 00, Set to FF to bypass the car stop switch on fire phase 2 mode. "Hall Call Rej Op + “[ Normally 00. Set to FF for old New York fire e phase 2, Normally 00. Set to FF to ignore safety edge during = nudging. a = _ ‘SE Qualif: Phase 2 Normally 00. Set to FF for photo-eletric SEs, these must be bypassed in phase 2. 7 N.Y. Const Pressure Normally 00. Set to FF for New York style momentary | pressure to close doors on fire phase 2. Stat Bit Mask These two options are described under SECURITY CODING later in this manual, Set to C8 for ANSI fire with E.C. fire module; use E8 for ANSI fire without a fire module. Set to C8 for N.Y. fire service. Set to 08 for California and Chicago fire service. Set to D8 for Canada fire service. * These options are for single computer duplex systems only. This type of system is obsolete and the options should be left in their normal or default state unless you are refitting an existing job. + These options will cause your wiring hookup terminals to change. Elevator Controls Corporation support staff will need to assist you in rewiring your system if you change one of these options. Page 10 ‘System Control Use A: System Control to view or change system parameters for a simplex, serial duplex or group system. Follow the instructions on page 4 to access A: System Control. ‘Then use the UP and the DN (DOWN) push buttons to select the parameter you want {rom the table below. If you want to change the parameter, continue to follow the instructions on page 5. Like some other the parameters above, many of these parameters will change the /O configuration of the controller, These parameters are marked with a. Do not change these parameters without contacting B.C. support staff for assistance. fem Control Bottom Fleer No. Nommally 00. Increase this value to star. the PI outputs for duplex or group jobs with different bottom floor levels. No. Floor escoacss| Hi Speed Step Op Nonmally 00, Set to 20 on jobs that require slowdown distances greater than the floor height. Set to number of floors on job, minus one. Hydro? 0O-NFF=Y [Normally 00 for tmction jobs. Set to FF for hydro-electric systems. Fr Ctr GF _|Setto the number of front car call inputs. Car Call Rr Ctr Set to the number of rear car call inputs in a selective fiontrear door system. “Number of PI's GA _|Setto the number of PI outputs on the system, Total No. Outputs _| Normally set to FF. ‘Tot Up Calls Et_0°?_ | Setto the number of front up hall ca ‘Tot Dn Calls Fr_Q°)_ | Setto the number of front down hall calls. Tot Up Calls Rr sal Set to the number of rear up hall calls inputs in a O° | selective frontirear door system. TotDn Calls Rr ¢ | Set to the number of rear down hall calls inputs in a selective frontrear door system. No of Hosp Inputs | Normally 00. Actually the number of 400 series ‘hospital outputs in a systert with hospital operation. Page 11 1 INAOP|+ 7% | A hex number with seven options. See appendix A 1 O}} | for complete information on hex numbers. The hex | number is: 2 i M: X ATT UCR DCR; Li: CCR UCF DCF CCF 8 Descriptions: 3 CCE- Set to I to enable Car Call input ¢ + ( DCF- Set to 1 to enable Down Call input + | UCE: Set to 1 to enable Up Call input + | CCR- Set to I to enable Rear Car Call input + DCR- Set to 1 to enable Rear Down Call input 7 UCR- Setto 1 to enable Rear Up Call input ATT- Set to 1 to enable Attendant inputs & outputs + X- Unused. Set to 0. INAOP2 + | Factory set. Do not change. + TNAOP3 + Eactory set. Do not change. INAOP4 + et ee Nudging? 10= Yes} | Normally 00. Set to 10 on when the door operator has nudging. + Do not cha Reserved jekeseryete ee a2 ae + These options will cause your wiring hookup terminals to change. E.C. support staff will need to assist you in rewiring your system if you change one of these options. Record current values before changing. B: System Control 00 M/S UPDN B: System Contvol is intended for compatibility with older systems. Do not use this User Display unless you are instructed to do so by E.C. support staff. Use B: System Control to view or change system parameters for a simplex, serial duplex or group system. Follow the instructions on page 4 to access B: System Control. Then use the UP and the DN (DOWN) push buttons to sclect the parameter you want. If you want to change the parameter, continue to follow tke instructions on page $. The parameter list for car B is the same as that for car A (again, this if for older single computer duplex systems only),refer to table "A:System Control” for detail Like some other the parameters above, many of these parameters will change the VO configuration of the controller. ‘These parameters are marked with a f. Do not change these parameters without contacting E.C. support staff. Page 12 A: Stopping Table The A: Stopping Table User Display is used to program which floors-and how many-the elevator car will stop at. This is the User Display to. change if you need to increase or decrease the number of floors in the system, This user display also programs which calls (up, down and car calls) are accepted at each floor, so this User Display can be used to set up systems like down collective. If you do change car stopping information in this User Display, you will also need to change parameters in A: SYSTEM CONTROL. If you change the number of car, up or down calls, the Car Call Fr Ctr, Tot Up Call Fr and Tot Dn Call Fr parameters will need to be changed to match the new system configuration. The same applies to any rear car call parameters that you change. ‘You can increase or decrease the number of stops in the system by adding or removing entire floors from the top of the stopping table. When you do this, you will need to change No. Floors-1 and ‘Number of PI's parameters in the A: SYSTEM CONTROL User Display. Changing parameters in this User Display will cause you terminal wiring configuration to change. You should contact Elevator Controls Corporation support staff for help if you need to change any of these parameters. A: Stopping Table _ Parameter Function AFIT £0) Each parameter contains the hex coding for one floor of the elevator system M: X CCR X CCF; L: UPR DNR UPF DNF Description: DNE- Set fo 0 to enable a down call at this floor. + 4 UPE- Set to 0 to enable an up call at this floor. + DNR- Set to 0 to enable a rear down call at this floor. + UPR- Set to 0 to enable a rear up calls at this floor. + CCF- Set to 0 to enable a car call at this floor. $ X- Unused. Set to 1. ss 7 AH2t £¢ same as above t oon AF3f £C same as above t _ etc. Tok | etc. oe + Changing these parameters will change your terminal 1/0 config Elevator Controls Corporation support staff for assistance. : You can use appendix A to get the correct hex number codes for each floor. However there are some common codes that you will use listed on the next page. ( Page 13 Common Codes for A: Stopping Table Function IFT Car doesn't stop here. All your floors above the top one must have this code. + EET (One car call and one down call. This is the normal code for _ the top floor. + 7 . Ct (One car call, up call and down call. This is the normal code : | for an intermediate floor. + EDt | One ear call and one up call. This is the normal code for the bottom floor, Fl 1 AQT All calls-front and rear car calls, up calls and down calls. This is the code for levels with two openings. t = BBT “One rear car call and down call. A top floor with a only a rear opening, + B3t One rear car call, up call and down call. An intermediate | floor with a rear opening, + [One rear car call and up call. A bottom floor with rear openings. t + Changmg these parameters will change your terminal 1/0 configuration, Contact Elevator Controls Corporation support staff for assistance. B: Stopping Table The B: Stopping Table User Display is intended for compatibility with older systems. Do not use this display unless you are instructed to do so by Elevator Controls support staff. ‘The B: Stopping Table User Display is used to program which floors-and how many-the elevator car will stop at. This is the User Display to change if you need to increase or decrease the number of floors in the system. This user display also programs which calls (up, down and car calls) are accepted at each floor, so this User Display can be used to set up systems like down collective, If you do change car stopping information in this User,Display, you will also need to change parameters in B: SYSTEM CONTROL. If you change the number of car, up. or down calls, the Car Call Fr Ctx, Tot Up Call Fr and Tot Dn Call Fr parameters will need to be changed to match the ew system configuration. The same applies to any rear car call parameters that you change. ‘You can increase or decrease the number of stops in the system by adding or removing entire floors fiom the top of the stopping table. When you do this, you will need to change No. Floors-1 and Number of P's parameters in the B: SYSTEM CONTROL User Display. Page 14 Changing parameters in this User Display will cause you terminal wiring configuration to change. You should contact Elevator Controls Corporation support staff for help if you need to change any of these parameters. B: Stopping Table _ Parameter | Funetion BRIT "Each parameter contains the hex coding for one floor of the elevator system_ M: COR X CCF XL: UPR DNR UPF DNF + Description: DNF- Set to 0 to enable a down call at this floor. + UPF- Set to 0 to enable af up call at this floor. + DNR- Set to 0 to enable a rear down call at this floor. + UPR Set to 0 to cnable a rear up calls at this floor. f CCF. Set to 0/10 enable a car call at this floor. + |X Unused. Set. tol. "| same as above | same as above f etc. — + Changing these parameters will change your terminal /O configuration. Contact Elevator Controls Corporation support staff for assistance. ‘You can use appendix A to get the correct hex number codes for each floor. However there are some common codes that you will use listed below. "Common Codes for B: Stopping Table Function Car doesnt stop here. All your floors above the top one must have this code. 7 ‘One car call and one down call. ‘This is the normal code for the top floor. ee (One car call, up call and down call. This is the normal code for an intermediate floor. + ‘One car call and one up call. ‘This is the normal code for the | bottom floor, FIL. t _ All calls-front and rear car calls, up calls and down calls. This is the code for levels with tworopenings. + ‘One rear car call and down call. A top floor with a only a rear opening. + One rear car eall, up call and down call, An intermediate floor with only a tear opening. | 7 (One rear car call and up call. A bottom floor with only a rear opening. ¢ Page 15 Changing these parameters will change your terminal 1/O configuration. ntact Elevator Controls Corporation support staff for assistance. Stcurity Coding ecurity Coding L=02_ M/S UP DN ‘The Security Coding User Display is not currently implemented A: Mem Flags List (See Memory Flags Listing Table at end of this section for viewing these flags using "Direct Access” feature) ‘A: Mem Flag List -08_ M/S UP DN ! ‘Use the A: Mem Flag List User Display to view the system inputs. This User Display can be an important debugging aid. If you suspect that the system is not responding to a signal, you should check here to see if the system is receiving the signal. If not, verify the input voltage at the bookup terminal with a voltmeter. If the signal is present there, you may have a defective board. Please contact Elevator Controls Corporation support staff for help. To use A: Mem Flag List, follow the instructions on page 4. Then use the UP and DN (DOWN) push-button one of the sub-menu displays below. NOTE: even though you may enter the EDIT mode as described on page 5, trying to change system inputs has no effect. A: Mem Flags List Parameter | Function 430 | This is a hex number with eight inputs. See appendix A for Aq_ | complete information on hex numbers. The description is M: DOLF DBC SAF LLI; L: FRA STU STD IND DOLF - Term. 36, Door Open Limit DBC - Door Button Close terminal, from COP SAK - Safety String input; this does not include door interlocks LLE- Term 76, Light Load input; also used for Car Call Cancel input and Bypass (fire phase 1) input. FRA- Term 444, Alternate Fire Return STU- Term. 71, Step Up (increments PI when going up) STD- Ten. 72, Step Down (decrements PI when going down) IND- Term 49, Independent; also used in test mode. Page 16 This is a hex number with eight inputs. See appendix A for complete information on hex numbers. The description is: M: INDOB DLK DEL; L: UPS DNS LVL EPI IN- Term 59, Inspection; also controller inspection switch input DOB- Door Open Button input, from COP DLK- Term. 11, Door Interlock input; this input is reversed. DEL- Delta Starter input; set by Y-A timer contact UPS- Up Sense; activated by U NO-I contact on HLS board DNS- Down Sense activated by D NO-4 contact on HLS board LVL- Leveling; active if LU (term. 26) or LD (term. 27) active EPI- Emergency Power mode input This is a hex number with eight inputs. See appendix complete information oa hex numbers. The description is: M: SE PHE DZ.FRS; L: FCS USD1 DSD1 DELD. SE- Safety Edge PHE- Photoeye DZ- Term. 27, Door Zone FRS- Term. 443, Main Fire Recall FCS- Term. 435, Fire Phase 2 USD1- Term. 32, Up Terminal Slowdown DSDI- Term. 35, Down Terminal Slowdown /DHLD- Term 82, Door Hold input; also fire phase 2 bold for This is a hex number with eight inputs. See appendix A for complete information on hex numbers. The description is: M: USD2 DSD2 ISTU ISTD; L: ATT UP DN HLL USD2- Term 31, Up Terminal Slowdown DSD2- Term 34, Down Terminal Slowdown ISTU- Tem. 74, Intermediate Step Up ISTD- Term. 73, Intermediate Step Down | ATT- Attendant mode | UP- Attendant Up switeh | DN- Attendant Down switch HLL Heavy Load Input [This is a hex number with eight inputs. See appendix A for | complete information on hex mumiers. The description is | | M: PTR PTS NSB X; L: BSI ACS HSI WILDSW | | PTR. Permission to Run (Group Control Only) | PTS- Permission to Start (Group Control Only) NSB- 50 Bus power input X- unused ® | BSI- Building Security ACS- Alternate Call Scheme | H(SI- Hospital Mode Select WILDSW- Wild Operation Switch | Page 17 This is « hex number with eight inputs. See appendix A for complete information on hex numbers. ‘The description M: DOLR DBCR DOBR DHLDR; L: PITF SER PHER DZR DOLR. Rear Door Open Limit DBCR- Rear Door Close Button DOBR- Rear Door Open Button DHLDR- Rear Door Hold Input PITE- Position Indicator Test input (obsolete) SER- Rear Door Safety Edge PHER- Rear Door Photocye DZR- Rear Door Zone Input complete information on hex numbers. ‘The description is: M: EQI CWLEDS APF; L: PON XXX EQI- Earthquake Seismic Switch input CWE Earthquake Counterweight Derailment input EDS- Earthquake Direction Switch input APE- Altemate Parking Floor input PGN- Passing Gong Activation input X- unused, B: Mem Flags List The B: Mom Flag List User Display is intended for compatibility with older systems. Do not use this display uniess you are instructed to do so by Elevator Controls support staff. Use the B: Mem Flag List User Display to view the system inputs. This User Display can be an important debugging aid. If you suspect that the system is not responding to a signal, you should check here to see if the system is receiving the signal. If not, verify the input voltage at the hookup terminal with a voltmeter. Ifthe signal is present there, you may have a defective board. Please contact Elevator Controls Corporation support staff for help. To use B: Mem Flag List, follow the instructions on page 4. Then use the UP and DN (DOWN) push-button to select one the sub-menu displays on the next page. NOTE: even though you may enter the EDIT mode as deseribed on page 5, trying to change system inputs has no effect. The B: Mem Flags List table is identical as that for A: Mem Flags List above. Please refer to the A: Mem Flags List table above for detail. Page 18 Sears (FESO Sere oa 420 51 =] NO oat =O S999 Beae sagoa NoIaNoD NoHtS 4CIND SONTGAT ONINVEDONg 8d—OaNn “— STOMLNOD YOLVARTE Page 19 ‘A: Elevator Timers levator Timers UP DN Use the A: Elevator Timers to review and adjust most of the timers used by the controller Follow the instructions on page 4 to access the-A: Elevator Timers User Display. ‘Then use the UP and DN (DOWN) push buttons to select one of the timers on the next page. "To change a timer value, select the timer parameter as described above. Then follow the instructions on page 5 Note ‘the A: Elevator Timers can only be used to change timer values fiom 0 to 60 seconds. Please refer to "Direct Access” feature in this manual to change timer values larger than 60 seconds, or contact Elevator Controls. Page 20 ‘A: Elevator Timers ‘Timer Parameter Function A: Door Protection Set for the maximum time that the doors are allowed to close. Default is 30 seconds. hort Door Timer Set for the time the doors will wait at the open limit _after re-opening. Default is 2 seconds. ‘A: Car Door Timer A: Hall Door Time A: MG Timer 7 ‘A: TOS Timer | "Set for the time the doors will. wait at the open limit | Set for the time the doors will wait at the open limit | after opening for a hall call. Default is 7 seconds. Set for the delay after the seismic switch retums to a normal condition before returning the car to automatic operation. Default is 30 seconds. Sct for the delay before opening the doors at a floor after making an emergency stop due to earthquake operation. | Default is 5 seconds. {Used for two purposes. The frst isthe time a generator is allowed to run before shutting down if there is no activity. Default is 90 seconds. ‘The second purpose is the soft stop timer on a hydro. Default is | second. Set for the time the car can be held normally at a floor before the system attempts to use nudging to close the doors. Default is 45 seconds. ‘A: Lobby Door Time ‘A: Gong Timer-DD Set for the time the doors will wait at the open limit at the lobby, if lobby timing is programmed. See Car Call Disconn parameter in the System Variables section, | page 8. Default is 10 seconds. Set for the time between pulses for a double ding. Default is 0 seconds. A: Gong Hold Time “A: Trip Failure zy A: MG Rotational ‘A: Door Hold Time ‘Set for the time a gong pulse will be held. Default is 3 Set for the maximum time the car is allowed to run in the hoistway. Default is 180 seconds for an open loop, 0 seconds for a closed loop. Set for the maximum time the starter is allowed to spend in wye (Y-starting) configuration. Default is 15 seconds. . Set for the time doors will wait at the door open limi when the Door Hold input is used. Default is 10 seconds. Page 21 B: Elevator Timers The B: Elevator Timers User Display is intended for compatibility with older systems, Do not use this display unless you are instructed to do so by Elevator Controls Corporation support staff. Use the B: Elevator Timers to review and adjust most of the timers used by the controller. Follow the instructions on page 4 to access the B: Elevator Timers User Display. Then use the UP and DN (DOWN) push- buttons to select one of the timers below. To change a timer value, select the timer parameter as described above. Then follow the instructions on page 5. The B: Elevator Timers table is identical to the Az Elevator Timers table above. Please refer to A: Elevator Timers above for detail. A: Alt Call Scheme B: Elevator Timers MS UP DN ‘A: Alt Call Scheme is not currently implemented. (lt Call Scheme B: Alt Call Scheme is not currently implemented. Password Access B: Elevator Timers L=0E_ M/S UP DN Password Access is not currently implemented. Page 22 Appendix A Working with Hexadecimal Numbers Elevator Controls uses hexadecimal (hex) numbers in several of the User Displays. Hex numbers are a compact way of representing information. Converting Hexadecimal Numbers Hex numbers are always displayed as two digits. The first (left hand side) di or most significant information; the (second right hand side) digit contains the L or lest significant information. The digits themselves use the number 0 through 9 and letters A through F. Hex Numbers <—— Typical LCD display Hex numbers In the example above, AO and FE are the hex numbers. A and E are the M digits and 0 and E are the L digits. The M and L digits are indicated in the description in the text by bold letters. To use hex mumbers, you must convert each digit separately into a series of four ones and zeros. Use the table on the next page to do the conversion. Then compare the ones and zeros with the description given in the User Display. Converting Hex Numbers Example convertion A:F12 VAL=AQhex (see page15) Hex Number A 0 ¥ v Converted 1010 0000 vvV\ ¥¥ VN Description M: X CCR X CCF 31: UPR DNR UPF DNF Result This shows that car will respond to front and rear car calls (CCR/CCF =0), and to all ball calls front and rear (UPR~. DNR=UPF=UPR=0) . Since a0 here means "elegible” (see text). Page 23 Hexadecimal Number Convertions Convertion Hex Number Convertion - 0000 _ 1000 oor | 9 | 1001 oo10| AL 1010 ooil B toi | oi0o- | “1100 ole1 | 1101 o1lo0 7 [ou tti0 | o1il 4 Titi Changing Hex Numbers Changing a hex number is a four step process, whether its an option, an intemal flag or anything else. Follow the outline below: 1. Convert the hex number as described on the previous page. Tiis will show you what options are set now. 2. Decide what options you what to set or reset. If necessary, write the new series of ones and zeros down on paper. This will help you verify that the new scries is correct. Do not try to proceed until you've checked this new series at least once. It is very easy to make a mistake at this point, 3. Use the table above to look up the new hex number from the new series of ones and zeros. ‘The ones and zeros are in no particular order so you'll have to search the table carefully. Double cheek that you have the correct new hex number, maybe by converting the new number as described in thc previous page. 4, Now change the hex number in the User splay as described on page 5 of this manual. Changing a Hexadecmal Number . 1. First convert the existing number to see A 0 what options are already set. See the Lolo 0000 instructions on the previous page, x=1, CCRéO, X“1, CCE=0: UPR=0 DNR=D, UPE=O, DNE=O 2. Then decide what options need tobe X=1, CC changed. For exemple, assume that wwe only want car to respond to front Lito 1100 calls car and hall up and down. . X=1,CCF=0; UPR=1 DNR=I, UPF=0, DNF=0 3. Lookup the new series of ones and E c zeros in the table above. Finally, follow the instructions on page 5 of this manual to change the number. Page 24 Appendix B Using Direct Access for Viewing System Flags Led Bank Name | Address Type | Description 7 ‘ACS F084 S1_| Altemate Call Scheme = BFD FOSF ~ [|_| [82] Bottom Floor Demand - BSI FOs4 Si_| Building Security Input cAc F096 {|} s2__| Car Above Counterweight | CBC F096 [| $2 | Car Below Counterweight “cca | F090 a $2 | CarCall Above Car F090 _| Tu $2_| Car Call Below Car Til cccl FOB $2_| Car Call Cancel Input Flag ccD FSF E $2_| CarCall Disconnect CCF FOL Ea $2__| CarCall Cancel Flag- Front ccu__| F097 s2_|CarCalHod ccr_|_ Fosc S2_| Car Call Cancel Flag- Rear CCT F096 $2_| Car Call Door Time - Front ccme_| Fosp _$2_| Car Call Door Time - Rear CSB F087 0 | Car Stop Bypass Output CSB(ivl) | F093 2_| Car Safety Stop Switch Bypass _| CSB(Gire) | F092 |_| 82__| Car Safety Stop Switch Bypass, cw F086 S1_| Counterweight Earthquake Input DBC F080 S1_| Door Close Pushbutton DBcR | _F08s fehl S1_ | Door Close Pushbutton - Rear DG FOOL : $2 | Down Call Cancel Flag “pea | F090 al $2_| Down Call Above the Car pces_| F090 $2 | Down Call Below the Car DCF Foss © _| Door Close Function porr_| rosa | a [[ 0 | Door Close Funetion-Rear | |_Dep. F088 | _0 _| Door Close Power { Derr | F08c © _| Door Close Power - Rear per | Fosc_| | Down Call Cancel Flag - Rear DEL F081 Delta Enabled DELD | F082 |_| s1_ | Door fold Input Led Bank Name | Address Type Description DHLDR | F085 S1_| Door Hold Input - Rear DIK | FOS | S1_| Door Lock Input DNS F081 [| | si_| Down Sense a) Fos1 | S1_| Door Open Push-button - Front DOBR | F085 _[_|_[_[-1 st | Door Open Push-button - Rear DOL F097 _ | 82__| Door Open Intent oi DOR | FOSE | $2_| Door Open Intent - Rear DOLF F030 ule S1_| Door Open Limit- Front DOLR FOSS | x “Door Open Limit - Rear DOF F087 | | | | || Door Open Function | DOER FosB | “| | 0 _ | Door Open Function - Rear DPD rose | | | _[ [82 _| Down Previous Direction | [_S1_| Down Slowdown Switeh 1 Input Down Slowdown Switch 2 Input Door Zone - Front Door Zone - Rear Emergency Power Input “LT Earthquake Input i ‘Front Gong Enable Down | I O_| Front Gong Enable Up S1__| Fire Return Altemate Input S2_| Fire Service Phas r S2_| Fire Service Phase _ S1_| Lobby Fire Service Input | Fire Waming Indicator $2_ | High Speea $2__| Hall Call Disconnect P| $2 | Hall Call Reject © _| Hall Call Reject Output # _| | -[- [82 [Halt Call Door Time - Front | || $2 | Hall Call Door Time - Rear “| 82. | High SpeedDelry | $2. | High Intermediate Speed Led Bank Name | Address Type | "Description Page 26 HR F087 © _| High Intermediate Speed Output HLT F083 SI_| Heavy Loadweigher Input HLW F099 S2__| Heavy Load ~ HR F087 z © _| High Speed Output IN FO81 ae S1_| Inspection or Access Input INC FOSE S2__| Independent Service Aux. Flag IND O80 S1_| Independent Service Input “stp [Foss || ~ | S1_ | inteomediate Step Down Input istu_ | ross | | | S1_| Intermediate Step Up Input ISR Fos | | $2__| InService & Ready Isv__ | FO8E iE _[in Service LBE F098 7 _[ sz | CaratLobby LEP FOI S2_| Lower Floor Parking Intent LL F080 | Si_| Light Loadweigher Input Luw | F099 | | [82] Light Load LRC F098 | “| S2_ | Lobby Return Call LRE F098 $2__| Lobby Retum Fmetion | LT FO | | | 2 | Lobby Door Time - LIR FO8D PEELE] [82 Lobby Door Time - Rear / LVL FO81 Si |NotLevelinginpt ‘| MGRVAA | _F087 PT TT TP] 6 | WG set Run Output MLT F093 S2__| Motor Limit Timer a “MPR | Foss © | Microprocessor Running NuDG | Foss “| 0 _| Nudging = NSB F084 $1_| No 50 Buss (Hall Call C omamon) pon | Foss | | | S1_| Passing Gong Input PG-P F092 | | | © | Passing Gong Out _| PK Foor | | [| s2 |e i PHE F082 SL Photo-Eye luput 7 PHER | F085 Sl_| Photo-Eye Input- Rear PRT FO9C sz_| PIR F034 Si_| Permission to Run - PIS O84 St_| Permission to Start RGED | F08B |] 0 | RearGongEnableDown RGEU_ | FOsB Q _| Rear Gong Enable Up 7 Led Bank _ Name | Address ‘Type ~_ Deseription RL F087 © | Lever/Relevel Output Page 27 S2_| Blevator Run Flag S1_| Primary Safety String Input O__| Down Direction Output RUN F097 O_| Down Direction Arrow $2__| Short Door Time S82 Short Door Time Rear S1_| Safety Bdge Input S1_| Safety Edge Input - Rear S2_| Stepping Complete Down Input Si_| Step Up Input _ © | UpDirection Output | Up Direction Arow =| Up Descton Anon S2_ | Top Floor Demand S2_ | Transfer Function | Tongue Hanging $2__| Timed Out Of Service 82 | UpCallCancel Flag | ove the Car Below the Car 82_ | Up Call Cancel Flag-Rear S2_| Up Direction Preference Upper Floor Patking Up Previous Direction SL_| Up Direction Sense Si_| Up Slowdown Switch E Si_| Up Slowdown Switch 2 Input “St | Wild Switch Inpat 7 S2_| Request to Start WIG O_| Fire Service Output__ Page 28

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