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Title of lesson: Martin Luther King Jr.

Type of lesson: (whole group/center...) Whole Group

Standards: (SS & LAFS)

LAFS.1.W.3.7: Participate in shared research and writing projects

LAFS.1.SL.2.4: Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and
feelings clearly.

SS.1.A.2.4: Identify people from the past who have shown character ideals and principles including
honesty, courage, and responsibility.

SS.1.A.2.1: Understand history tells the story of people and events of other times and places.

Objectives: (The Students Will...)

The students will be able to describe Martin Luther King Jr. and his contributions to society along with
his personal characteristics.


- Poem
- Martin Luther King, Jr.: Civil Rights Leader by Grace Hansen.
- MLK Jr. Worksheet
- Coloring Materials
- Pencil

Procedures: (step by step—write as if someone else has to be able to teach your lesson to make clear)

1. Begin by reading the poem aloud to the class. (Poem linked in resources)
2. Ask the students what they know about Martin Luther King Jr. and have a group discussion
about what they want to learn.
3. The teacher should then read aloud the book Martin Luther King, Jr.: Civil Rights Leader by Grace
4. The teacher should pass out the MLK Jr. worksheet and allow time for the students to complete
their drawing of him.
5. The teacher should then give the students ideas about things that could be changed in the world
to make it a kinder and better place.
6. Students should then take their own time to finish the worksheet about what their dream is.
7. The teacher should share their own work which will inspire the students to share their work if
wanted with their classmates.

Evaluation: (how will you check for individual student understanding?)

The teacher will be able to check for individual understanding when they complete the Martin Luther
King Jr. Worksheet about what dream they have to make the world a better place.


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