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The Official Newsletter of World Harvest Ministries, Inc.

Vol. 35 No. 1 June 5, 2011

PROGRAM In 1883, a creative engineer only ones who
Countdown named John Roebling was knew how the
Praise and Worship inspired by an idea to build bridge could be
Welcome and Announcements a spectacular bridge con- built. In spite
Giving necting New York with Long of his handi-
Communion Island. However bridge build- cap Washing-
Presentation ing experts throughout the ton was never
Message world thought that this was discouraged
Benediction an impossible feat and told and still had a
Roebling to forget the idea. burning desire
Closing Song It just could not be done. It to complete the
was not practical. It had never bridge and his By moving this, he slowly developed a code of
ATTENDANCE been done before. mind was still communication with his wife.
May 29-June 4, 2011 as sharp as ever.
Sunday Service Roebling could not ignore the
95 He touched his wife’s arm with that finger, indi-
Matab-ang vision he had in his mind of
22 As he lay on cating to her that he wanted her to call the en-
WHM Laguna this bridge. He thought about
20 his bed in his gineers again. Then he used the same method
TOTAL it all the time and he knew
137 hospital room, of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what
deep in his heart that it could with the sun- to do. It seemed foolish but the project was un-
be done. He just had to share light stream- der way again.
REMINDERS the dream with someone else. ing through
- Phones on SILENT MODE After much discussion and the windows, a For 13 years Washington tapped out his in-
- RESTROOMS at the Back persuasion he managed to gentle breeze structions with his finger on his wife’s arm,
convince his son Washington, blew the flimsy until the bridge was finally completed. Today
UPDATES THIS WEEK an up-and-coming engineer, white curtains the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge stands in
that the bridge in fact could apart and he all its glory as a tribute to the triumph of one
FUSION Camp R.O.C.K.‘11 be built. was able to see man’s indomitable spirit and his determina-
FUSION Camp R.O.C.K. suc- the sky and the tion not to be defeated by circumstances. It is
cessfully ended last May 28, but The project started well, tops of the trees also a tribute to the engineers and their team
the victory continues! Last Friday, but when it was only a few outside for just work, and to their faith in a man who was con-
the 47 campers and 18 staff cele- months underway a tragic ac- a moment. sidered mad by half the world. It stands too as
brated the Camp Victory party in cident on the site took the life a tangible monument to the love and devotion
thanksgiving to God who made it of John Roebling. Washington It seemed that of his wife who for 13 long years patiently de-
possible - and safe - for the camp was injured and left with a there was a coded the messages of her husband and told
to push through with much learn- certain amount of brain dam- message for the engineers what to do.
ing and fun. The six tribes, bring- age, which resulted in him not him not to give
ing along food to share, had fun being able to walk or talk or up. Suddenly an Perhaps this is one of the best examples of a
reliving moments while watching even move. idea hit him. All never-say-die attitude that overcomes a terri-
videos, congratulating the activ- he could do was ble physical handicap and achieves an impos-
ity winners and the “best“ awar- Everyone had a negative com- move one finger sible goal.
dees. The campers were ignited ment to make and felt that the and he decided
as plans of next year’s camp was project should be scrapped to make the Even the most distant dream can be realized
opened. Camp R.O.C.K. rocks! since the Roeblings were the best use of it. with determination and persistence.
-Ptr. JB Cachila, Camp Pas-
World Harvest Laguna
We were emotional at WHM La-
guna last Sunday. Nong Aladin and
John had their last celebration
with us. We changed the meet-
ing time from 3-5pm to 1-3pm so
that Nong Aladin won’t be late
for his flight to Taiwan. Some of
the leaders also went home to
Negros to continue their stud-
ies . Now, new leaders are arising
to pursue the vision of winning Contact our office through landline number 712-6957. You may also connect with us
souls and making disciples . ONLINE! Visit &
-Kieffer Cadungog, World Har- Add us on FACEBOOK! Search: WorldHarvest Central
vest Laguna Leader
HARVEST WEEKLY, The Official Weekly Newsletter of World Harvest Ministries, Inc. Vol. 35 No. 1 June 5, 2011
Luke 19:9-10
“Jesus said to Zacchaeus, “Today you and your family have been saved, because you are a true son of
Abraham. The Son of Man came to look for and to save people who are lost.”

PHOTO GALLERY: CAMP ROCK ‘11 (Eden South Resort)

HARVEST WEEKLY, The Official Weekly Newsletter of World Harvest Ministries, Inc. Vol. 35 No. 1 June 5, 2011

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