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The application of hydraulics in rotary drilling is simultaneously simple in concept and difficult to
achieve on the rig. Simplicity results from the purity of the mathematics involved in the study of

Few components of the overall drilling system offer the possibility of concise, arithmetic
conclusions. Analysis of the various parts of a hydraulics program, however, can lead drilling
engineers to clear conclusions.

Unfortunately, things clear to engineers are not always clear to other drilling personnel.
Consequently, most rigs drill with mediocre bit cleaning (hydraulics). Rig supervisors often are
reluctant to participate in or even accept the thesis that improved hydraulics will always result in
an increase in drilling efficiency.


Various approaches to hydraulics have been developed since early work done circa 1948. To
include a summary of the principal, workable methods would be overly burdensome and
potentially confusing. A simple and practical method exists which is termed "classical" by some
in drilling. Commonly, bit hydraulic horsepower is optimized, or rather maximized, in order to
improve bit cleaning. Hydraulic horsepower can be computed by the following equation:

Hp = Equation 7-1

Bit hydraulic horsepower, Hpbit , then is given by Equation 7-2:

Pbit Q
Hp bit = Equation 7-2

In virtually all drilling situations, pump pressure or standpipe pressure is limited by either
equipment design or arbitrarily limited by someone on the rig. In either case, the following
procedure has been used to maximize Hpbit :

1. Write an equation relating Hpbit to the available power in the system.

2. Differentiate the equation with respect to independent variables and set the first
differential equal to zero.

3. Solve the equation developed in Step 2 to see if a maximum or minimum has


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Chapter 7

Example 7-1
Given: Equations 7-1 and 7-2.

Determine: Derive a general relationship for maximum Hp bit

Solution: Step 1. From Chapter 6 Pressure Losses in the Circulating System:

Ps max = Pc + Pbit Equation 7-3

Pc = KQ s Equation 7-4


Hps = Hpc + Hpbit Equation 7-5

Substituting Equation 7-1 into Equation 7-5 yields:

Ps maxQ PcQ Pbit Q

= + Equation 7-6
1714 1714 1714

Rearranging and canceling the 1714:

PbitQ = Ps maxQ − PcQ Equation 7-7

Substituting Equation 7-4 into Equation 7-7:

PbitQ = Ps maxQ − KQ s +1 Equation 7-8

Step 2. Differentiating and setting equal to zero:

Pbit = 0 Minimum Equation 7-9

Ps max − (s + 1)KQ s = 0 Maximum Equation 7-10

Step 3. Substituting Equation 7-4 into Equation 7-10:

Ps max − (s + 1)Pc hp = 0 Equation 7-11

Ps max = (s + 1)Pc hp Equation 7-12

⎛ 1 ⎞
Pc hp = ⎜ ⎟Ps max Equation 7-13
⎝ s + 1⎠

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Therefore, a maximum value of hydraulic horsepower at the bit develops when Pc hp is a defined
fraction of Ps max , so long as Ps max is also at the maximum selected pressure. If the common
value of s = 1.86 is used, then Hp bit is maximum when:

Pc hp = 0.35Ps max Equation 7-14

Pbit hp = 0.65Ps max Equation 7-15

It is then clear that the only way to increase Hpbit in any fixed situation is to increase the
maximum allowable standpipe pressure, Ps max . It is also clear that any arbitrary decisions to
limit pump pressure is also a decision to limit hydraulic horsepower at the bit (bit cleaning) and
is also a decision to reduce drilling rate. Credit for such a decision should certainly be borne by
the individual responsible for making it.

Hydraulic impact force at the bit can be maximized to promote bit cleaning as a reasonable
alternative to maximizing Hp bit . The procedure used in Example 7-2 in maximizing impact force
is similar to that used in Example 7-1. Equation 7-16 is used to define impact force.

ρ mVn Q
IF = Equation 7-16

Example 7-2
Given: Equation 7-16 and the data in Example 7-1.

Determine: Derive a relationship for maximizing impact force, IF , at the bit.

Solution: Step 1. Equation 7-17 can be used to calculate the pressure drop across
the bit nozzles.

ρ mVn2
Pbit = Equation 7-17

Substituting Equation 7-3 and 7-4 into Equation 7-17 yields:

ρ mVn2
= Ps max − KQ s Equation 7-18

Rearranging Equation 7-18:

⎡ ⎤ 2

⎢P (
Vn = ⎢ s max
− KQ s )⎥
⎥ Equation 7-19
⎢ ρm ⎥
⎣ 1120 ⎦

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Chapter 7

Substituting Equation 7-16 into Equation 7-19:

1/ 2
⎡ ⎤
IF = ⎢
ρ mQ ⎢ Ps max − KQ s )⎥
⎥ Equation 7-20
1932 ⎢ ρm ⎥
⎣ 1120 ⎦


IF = APs maxQ 2 − AKQ s + 2 ]
1/ 2
Equation 7-21

where A is a constant equal to:


Step 2. Differentiating and setting equal to zero:

d (IF ) d APs maxQ 2 − AKQ s + 2
1/ 2

dQ dQ

[APs maxQ 2 − AKQ s + 2 ] [2AP
−1 / 2
s maxQ − (s + 2)AKQ s +1 ]
0 = 2 APs maxQ − A(s + 2)KQ s +1

0 = 2 APs maxQ − A(s + 2)Pc ifQ

Step 3.

0 = 2Ps max − (s + 2)Pc if

⎛ 2 ⎞
Pc if = ⎜ ⎟Ps max Equation 7-22
⎝s + 2⎠

Using the common value s = 1.86 then maximum impact force

occurs when:

Pc if = 0.52Ps max Equation 7-23

Pbit if = 0.48Ps max Equation 7-24

Similar to bit horsepower, the maximum impact force possible is seen to be dependent upon the
maximum standpipe pressure used. Figure 7-1 shows a plot of horsepower and impact force
versus flow rate. At some flow rate, the horsepower and impact force are a maximum. The

7-4 Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved

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maximum surface pressure in Figure 7-1 is 3000 psi. Note that the maximum impact force will
always be at a higher flow rate than the maximum horsepower.




Hp or IF





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Flow Rate, Q

Figure 7-1. Plot of Hp and IF versus Flow Rate showing Maximums

Example 7-3 illustrates methods for hydraulics planning and compares the results for two values
of allowable standpipe pressures. In the planning phase, pressure losses are calculated at
various depths and nozzle sizes are determined for various depth ranges.

Example 7-3
Given: Hole size is 8½"

Interval to be drilled is from 9000 ft. to 16,000 feet.

Drill pipe is 4½", 16.60 ppf, with XH connections

The inside diameter is 3.826"

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Chapter 7

Drill collars are 6½ by 2¼" and 600 feet long.

Mud Properties are ρ m = 16 ppg , PV = 25 , Yp = 12

Both Mud Pumps are Emsco F-800's

F-800 Pump data. The rated speed is 150 spm

Table 7-1. Liner Ratings and Output Volumes for an F-800 Pump


6½" 2120 3.88
6" 2490 3.30
5½" 2965 2.78
5" 3590 2.29

Determine: Nozzle sizes to be used at 9000, 12,000 and 15,000 feet using two cases.

Case 1: Save old pump, Maximum allowable standpipe pressure

(Ps max) = 2500 psi and maximum spm = 110.

Case 2: Pump is as good as manufacturer says it is, run according

to design parameters (150 spm and liner rating).

Solution: Case 1 : In Case 1 the maximum surface pressure will be 2500 psi.
The liner with a 2500 psi rating is 6 inches. The maximum flow rate is
calculated as follows:

Qmax = (3.30 gps)(110 spm) = 363 gpm

First, calculate the pressure losses in the circulating system using the
equations given in Chapter 6: "Pressure Losses in the Circulating
System." Since this is for planning purposes, the pressure losses in the
surface connections will be ignored. Calculate the pressure losses in the
drill pipe. The length of drill pipe at a total depth of 9000 feet will be 8400
feet, which is the total depth less the length of the drill collars. Assume a
flow rate of 200 gpm. Note: any arbitrary flow rate can be used.

Pdp =
( )
7.68 × 10 −5 ρ m
Q 1.81PV 0.19 l
D 4.83

Pdp =
( )
7.68 × 10 −5 (16 )
(200 )1.81 (25 )0.19 (8,400 ) = 252 psi
(3.826 )4.83
Calculate the pressure losses in the drill collars:

7-6 Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved

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Pdc =
( )
7.68 × 10 −5 ρm 0.81Q1.81PV 0.19l
D 4.83

Pdc =
7.68 × 10 −5 (16 ) ) (200 )1.81 (25 )0.19 (600 ) = 233 psi

Calculate the pressure losses in the drill collar annulus. The rheology
constants ‘n’ and ‘k’ must be calculated first.

⎛ 2PV + Yp ⎞
n = 3.32 log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ PV + Yp ⎠

⎡ (2)(25) + 12 ⎤
n = 3.32 log⎢ ⎥ = 0.7743
⎣ 25 + 12 ⎦

PV + Yp

25 + 12
k = = 0.3567

Calculate the annular velocity around the drill collars.

v =
(D 2
h − D p2 )
(24.5)(200 )
v =
(8.5 2
− 6.5 2 ) = 163 fpm
Calculate pressure losses in the drill collar annulus.

⎡⎛ 2.4v ⎞ ⎛ 2n + 1 ⎞⎤ kl
= ⎢⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎥
⎟ ⎝ 3n ⎟⎠⎥ 300 (Dh − D p )
⎜D D
⎣⎢⎝ h − p ⎠ ⎦

⎧⎡ (2.4)(163 ) ⎤ ⎡ (2)(0.7743 ) + 1⎤ ⎫ ⎡ (0.3567 )(600) ⎤
Pdca = ⎨⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥⎬ ⎢ ⎥ = 20 psi
⎩⎣ 8.5 − 6.5 ⎦ ⎣ (3)(0.7743 ) ⎦ ⎭ ⎣ 300(8.5 − 6.5 ) ⎦

Calculate the pressure losses in the drill pipe annulus.

(24.5)(200 )
v =
(8.5 2
− 4.5 2 ) = 94 fpm

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Chapter 7

⎧⎡ (2.4)(94 ) ⎤ ⎡ (2)(0.7743 ) + 1⎤ ⎫ ⎡ (0.3567 )(8,400 ) ⎤
Pdpa = ⎨⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥⎬ ⎢ 300(8.5 − 4.5 ) ⎥ = 55 psi
⎩⎣ 8.5 − 4.5 ⎦ ⎣ (3)(0.7743 ) ⎦ ⎭ ⎣ ⎦

Calculate the pressure losses in the circulating system (everything but the

Pc = Pdp + Pdc + Pdca + Pdpa

Pc = 252 + 233 + 20 + 55 = 560 psi

The same calculations are made at one other flow rate. In this case, an
arbitrary flow rate of 500 gpm was selected. Any reasonable flow rate will
suffice. Table 7-2 shows the calculated results at 9000 feet.

Table 7-2. Pressure Losses at 9000 ft

Q PC = Pdp + Pdc + Pdca + Pdpa

200 560 252 233 20 55

500 2734 1321 1226 57 130

The same calculations are made at 12,000 and 15,000 feet. The results
of those calculations are presented in Table 7-3 and Table 7-4.

Table 7-3. Pressure Losses at 12,000 ft

Q PC = Pdp + Pdc + Pdca + Pdpa

200 669 342 233 20 74

500 3252 1793 1226 57 176

Table 7-4. Pressure Losses at 15,000 ft

Q PC = Pdp + Pdc + Pdca + Pdpa

200 777 431 233 20 93

500 3771 2265 1226 57 223

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The point where Hpbit is a maximum is defined by Equation 7-14 and

Equation 7-15 when the maximum surface pressure is used. In Case 1,
the maximum surface pressure is 2500 psi. Calculate the pressure
losses in the circulating system and at the bit when the bit horsepower is

Pc hp = 0.35Ps max

Pc hp = (0.35 )(2,500 ) = 875 psi

Pbit hp = 0.65Ps max

Pbit hp = (0.65 )(2,500 ) = 1625 psi

The same calculations are made where impact force is maximized using
Equation 7-23 and Equation 7-24.

Pc if = 0.52Ps max

Pc if = ( 0 .52 )( 2,500 ) = 1300 psi

Pbit if = 0.48Ps max

Pbit if = (0.48)(2,500 ) = 1200 psi

For the horsepower method, the pressure losses in the circulating system
where the horsepower at the bit is maximized (Pc hp) will be 875 psi. For
the impact force method, the pressure losses in the circulating system
(Pc if) will be 1300 psi. Figure 7-2 can be plotted with the previously
determined data. It is a plot of flow rate versus pressure losses in the
circulating system. The pressure losses in the circulating system include
all pressure losses except pressure drop across the bit. The graph is
used to determine the flow rate at, which Pc is equivalent to 875 and
1300 psi. In the graph, plot the pressure losses at 9000, 12,000 and
15,000 feet from Table 7-2 through Table 7-4. Plot the pressure losses in
the circulating system where horsepower and impact force will be
maximized. In addition, the maximum flow rate can be placed on the
graph. The point where the Pc hp and the Pc if lines for horsepower and
impact force crosses the Pc line for each depth is the desired flow rate.

The desired flow rates can also be determined mathematically. The slope
of the Pc line can be determined from the information in Table 7-2.

log(Pc 2 ) − log(Pc1 )
s= Equation 7-25
log(Q2 ) − log(Q1 )

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Chapter 7

log(2,734 ) − log(560 )
s= = 1.7304
log(500 ) − log(200 )

The slope can also be determined by measuring the rise and run on the
graph in Figure 7-2.




294 9,000'
270 325
Circulating Pressure Loss, psi

Pc Max IF = 1300

1000 Pc Max Hp = 875

214 259

Q Max = 363
100 1000
Flow Rate, Q

Figure 7-2. Plot of Flow Rate versus Circulating Pressure Loss for Case 1

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For the horsepower method, the flow rate where Pc hp is equal to 875 psi
can be calculated.

log(875 ) − log(560 )
1.7304 =
log(Q2 ) − log(200 )

Q2 = 259 gpm

This can be done for each depth using both methods: impact force and
horsepower. Table 7-5 and Table 7-6 show the results for Case 1.

Table 7-5. Results based on Horsepower Method for Case 1

DEPTH Pc hp Pbit hp Q NOZ's Hpbit /in2 IF/in2

9000 875 1625 259 10,10,11 4.32 12.74

12,000 875 1625 234 10,10,9 3.91 11.51

15,000 875 1625 214 10,9,9 3.58 10.56

Table 7-6. Results based on Impact Force Method for Case 1

DEPTH Pc if Pbit if Q NOZ's Hp bit IF

9000 1300 1200 325 12,12,13 4.02 13.76

12,000 1300 1200 294 12,12,12 3.63 12.44

15,000 1300 1200 270 12,11,11 3.33 11.40

The nozzle sizes are calculated based on (Pbit) and the flow rate as
follows using the equation from Chapter 6: Pressure Losses in the
Circulating System:

Pbit hp =
9.14 10 −5 ρ m Q 2 )

For the horsepower method at 9000 feet:

1625 =
9.14 10 −5 (16)(259)2 )

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Chapter 7

An = 0.2457in2

Nozzle diameters are available in 32nd's of an inch and most roller cone
bits are run with three nozzles. PDC bits may have six to eight nozzles.
Equation 7-26 can be used to calculate the average nozzle diameters
with any number of nozzles.

1304 An
Sn = Equation 7-26

The average nozzle diameter would then be:

Sn =
(1304 )(0.2457 ) = 10.33

The required nozzles would be 10-10-11.

Case 2: The same calculations are made for Case 2 as Case 1

except that the maximum surface pressure will now be 3590 psi. The
maximum flow rate with 5 inch liners will be:

Qmax = (2.29 gps)(150 spm) = 343 gpm

The pressure losses in the system would remain the same, so Table 7-2
through Table 7-4 are applicable for Case 2 also. However, Pc for both
methods will be different because they are a function of the maximum
allowable surface pressure.

For the horsepower method:

Pc hp = (0.35 )(3590 ) = 1256 psi

Pbit hp = (0.65)(3590 ) = 2334 psi

For the impact force method:

Pc if = (0.52)(3590 ) = 1867psi

Pbit if = (0.48)(3590 ) = 1723 psi

Figure 7-3 is a graphical plot of the data for Case 2. Table 7-7 and Table
7-9 show the results of the analysis.

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Table 7-8. Results for Case 2 based on HorsePower Method

DEPTH Pc hp Pbit hp Q NOZ's Hp bit /in2 IF/in2

9000 1256 2334 319 11,11,10 7.65 18.82

12,000 1256 2334 288 10,10,10 6.91 17.01

15,000 1256 2334 264 10,10,9 6.34 15.60

The jet sizes are calculated the same way as in Case 1. Note in Figure
7-3 that the circulation rate at 9000 and 12,000 feet exceed the maximum
flow rate with 5 inch liners. Therefore, Table 7-9 shows the maximum
flow rate of 343 gpm at these depths.

Table 7-9. Results for Case 2 based on Impact Force Method

DEPTH Pc if Pbit if Q NOZ's Hp bit /in2 IF/in2

9000 1378 2212 343 11,11,11 7.79 19.72

12,000 1637 1953 343 11,11,12 6.87 18.52

15,000 1867 1723 333 11,12,12 5.89 16.71

Comparison of the results computed for Case 1 and Case 2, leads to several noteworthy
conclusions for the 5" liner situation:

1. Case 2 results in a bit horsepower gain from 3.58 Hp/in2 to 6.34 Hp/in.2 at 15,000
feet. This represents an increase of 77%.

2. Case 2 requires a total output of only 555 HP at 15,000 feet. (P=3590 psi, Q=265
GPM) for maximized Hpbit . This would require only 77% of rated input power or 617
HP at 90% mechanical efficiency.

3. Dependent upon depth of the drilling operations, Case 2 represents increases in

impact force of 42% to 47% over Case 1.

4. Any gains seen in Case 2 are realized without exceeding design limits of the rig's
pumps. If the contractor pays for a stated capacity and the operator contracts for a
stated capacity, how can either reasonably justify using less? Remember, 77% of
rated capacity is all that is needed to gain a significant level of bit hydraulic
horsepower in this example.

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Chapter 7


333 401
Pc Max IF = 1867
Circulating Pressure Loss, psi

Pc Max Hp = 1256


264 319


Q Max = 343

100 1000
Flow Rate, Q

Figure 7-3. Plot of Flow Rate versus Circulating Pressure Loss for Case 2

The method defined above as being "classical" can be summarized as follows:

1. On a log Q versus log Pc plot, mark equipment limitations, i.e., maximum volumes for
liners selected. If used, an arbitrarily selected maximum standpipe pressure should
also be shown.

2. Predict pressure/volume behavior at various depths of interest. The depths used can
be arbitrarily selected or selected based on anticipated trips from the bit program.

3. Mark lines representing the desired system pressure loss (Pc), which is dependent
upon the hydraulic design criterion (maximized Hpbit or maximized IF).

4. From the intercepts of desired Pc and Pc 's predicted, determine flow rates, Q, to be
used at various depths.

5. The difference between the selected maximum pressure, Ps, and the desired
circulating pressure, Pc, is the bit nozzle pressure loss, Pbit, to be used at a specific

7-14 Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved

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depth and circulating rate. Select nozzles that most nearly provide the Pbit needed at
the Q selected for each bit run.

Hydraulic slide rules or charts provided by bit manufacturers have simplified hydraulics
planning. Approximately one hour of engineering time would be required to plan hydraulics for a
typical 15,000 foot well with the use of charts or hydraulic slide rules. Hand-held calculators and
computers can reduce the planning time to approximately 15 minutes for a typical 15,000 ft.
well. Further, the use of well written programs with such calculators places the power for good
planning in the hands of rig personnel. The industry no longer must tolerate mediocre
hydraulics in drilling operations.


Classical hydraulics will remain useful to the overall drilling operations. Such utility will be
indispensable in the planning phase of drilling, as well as in lending conceptual clarity to the
methods of increasing bit cleaning. Once drilling operations have commenced, however,
additional work can fine-tune the hydraulics plan.

Precise determination of hydraulics parameters is frustrated by the inability to quantify variables.

Hole diameter is not precisely known. Pipe diameters and roughness values vary form joint-to-
joint. Significantly, mud rheology changes with temperature, pressure, and shear rate. The
changes in rheology are difficult to know and almost impossible to include in a mathematical
analysis. Fortunately, application of Ken Scott's 1 principals elucidates the dilemma.

Earlier, it was shown that the frictional pressure losses in a system are functions of flow rates,
rheological values, hole and pipe diameters, lengths of pipes and mud densities. If, however,
the flow rate, Q , is considered to be the only variable which can be changed rapidly and at will,
then the system pressure loss is frequently written as Equation 7-4.

Pc = KQ s

Equation 7-4 was used in the derivation of Pc versus Ps ratios for maximum Hpbit and for
maximum IF . If Equation 7-4 is written in logarithmic form, then Equation 7-27 results:

log(Pc ) = log(K ) + s × log(Q ) Equation 7-27

Historically, the value of s has been taken to be 1.86. This value may have been statistically
correct over many situations when it was given to the industry decades ago; however, the use of
s = 1.86 often results in errors that can be avoided if s can be determined correctly. That the
value of s is easy to determine on the rig is shown in Example 7-4.

Example 7-4 also demonstrates a method of improving hydraulics performance on the rig as a
result of improved knowledge of the flow characteristics of a specific rig at a certain time.

Example 7-4
Given: The rig is drilling at 8430 feet and is preparing to trip for bit. The following
information is given:

Hole size = 9 7/8"

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Chapter 7

The jet nozzles are six 14/32nds in a PDC bit

Drill collars are 7¾" by 2¾" and 582 feet long

Drill pipe is 4½", Grade E, 16.6 ppf, with 4½" XH connections

The inside diameter of the pipe is 3.826 inches

Mud Properties: ρm = 12.0 ppg, PV = 20, Yp = 18

Normal circulation rate while drilling is 487 gpm at 1800 psi

The maximum allowable standpipe pressure is 3200 psi

The maximum flow rate is 780 gpm with two pumps

The next bit will have six jets

The following standpipe pressure (Ps) versus flow rate (Q) data is also

Table 7-10. Pressure and Flow Rate Data for Example 7-4

Q Ps
(gpm) (psi)

487 1800

255 650

Determine: The flow rate, nozzle sizes and pressures for the next bit run.

Solution: First determine the bit nozzle pressure losses from the given data.

The area of the nozzles is:

π ⎡⎛ S1 ⎞ ⎛S ⎞ ⎤
2 2 2 2 2 2
⎛S ⎞ ⎛S ⎞ ⎛S ⎞ ⎛S ⎞
An = ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ 4 ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ 5 ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ 6 ⎟⎟ ⎥ Equation 7-28
4 ⎢⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎥⎦

π ⎡⎛ 14 ⎞
2 2 2 2 2 2⎤
⎛ 14 ⎞ ⎛ 14 ⎞ ⎛ 14 ⎞ ⎛ 14 ⎞ ⎛ 14 ⎞
An = ⎢⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ = 0.9020 in 2
4 ⎢⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎝ 32 ⎠ ⎥⎦

Calculate the pressure drop across the bit nozzles at the two flow rates
given in Table 7-10.

7-16 Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved

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Pbit =
( )
9.14 10 −5 ρ m Q 2

Pbit =
( )
9.14 10 −5 (12)(487 )
= 320 psi
(0.9020 )2

Pbit =
( )
9.14 10 −5 (12)(255 )
= 88 psi
(0.9020 )2
The pressure losses in the circulating system, Pc, can be calculated as
shown in Table 7-11, where Ps – Pbit = Pc

Table 7-11. Calculation of Circulating Pressures

Q Ps - Pbit = PC

487 1800 320 1480

255 650 88 562

Next, the slope of the circulating pressure (Pc) versus flow rate (Q) line
must be determined.

log(Pc 2 ) − log(Pc1 )
log(Q2 ) − log(Q1 )

log(1480 ) − log(562 )
s= = 1.50
log(487 ) − log(255 )

The value of Pc hp where the horsepower at the bit is a maximum must be

determined from Equation 7-13:

⎛ 1 ⎞
Pc hp = ⎜ ⎟Ps max
⎝ s + 1⎠

⎛ 1 ⎞
Pc hp = ⎜ ⎟(3200 ) = 1280 psi
⎝ 1.50 + 1 ⎠

Pbit hp = Ps max − Pc hp

Pbit hp = 3200 − 1280 = 1920 psi

The value of Pc if where the impact force at the bit is a maximum must be
determined from Equation 7-22:

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Chapter 7

⎛ 2 ⎞
Pc if = ⎜ ⎟Ps max
⎝s + 2⎠

⎛ 2 ⎞
Pc if = ⎜ ⎟(3200 ) = 1829 psi
⎝ 1 . 50 + 2 ⎠

Pbit if = Ps max − Pc if

Pbit if = 3200 − 1829 = 1371 psi

The data in Table 7-11 and the above calculations can be used to
construct Figure 7-4. This figure can be used to determine the flow rate
where horsepower or impact force will be a maximum. For the
horsepower method, the calculated circulating pressure (Pc hp) of 1280 psi
crosses the circulating pressure line at 441 gpm. For the impact force
method, the calculated circulating pressure (Pc if) of 1829 psi crosses the
circulating pressure line at 560 gpm.


Q max = 780 gpm

Circulating Pressure Loss (Pc ), psi

P c for IF = 1829

P c for Hp = 1280

100 441 560 1000
Fow Rate (Q ), gpm

Figure 7-4. Plot of Flow Rate versus Circulating Pressure Loss for Example 7-4

Alternatively, the flow rates can be calculated based on the slope of the
Pc versus Q line and the desired circulating pressure losses. Making the
calculations for the horsepower method:

7-18 Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved

Drilling Practices

log(Pc 2 ) − log(Pc1 )
log(Q2 ) − log(Q1 )

log(1280 ) − log(562 )
1.50 =
log(Q2 ) − log(255 )

⎡ log(1280 )−log(562 ) ⎤
⎢ +log(255 )⎥
Q2 = 10 ⎣ 1.50 ⎦ = 441 gpm

The area of the jet nozzles and the average jet nozzle size can be

Pbit hp =
9.14 10 −5 ρ m Q 2 )

An =
9.14 10 −5 (12 ) 4412 ) (
= 0.3333 in 2

1304 An
Sn =

Sn =
(1304 )(0.3333 ) = 8.51

The average nozzle size would be 8.51 or 8-8-8-9-9-9.

The annular velocity in the drill pipe annulus would be:

v =
(D 2
h − D p2 )
v =
(9.875 2
− 4.5 2 ) = 140 fpm
The horsepower per square inch at the bit would be:

Pbit Q
= 1714
in 2 π
( )
Dh 2

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Drilling Practices
Chapter 7

(1920 )(441)
Hpbit 1714
= = 6.45 Hp/in 2
in 2 π
(9.875 )

The nozzle velocity would be:

Vn =

Vn =
(0.321)(441) = 425 ft/sec

The impact force per square inch of bit diameter can be calculated.

⎛ ρ mVn Q ⎞
⎜ ⎟
IF ⎝ 1932 ⎠
in 2 π
Dh ( )

⎡ (12)(425 )(441) ⎤
IF ⎢ ⎥
= ⎣ 1932 ⎦ = 15.20 lb /in 2
( )
2 f
in 9.875 2

The total hydraulic horsepower required by the rig pump is:

Ps Q
Hpt =

Hpt =
(3200 )(441) = 823 Hp

Making the same calculations for the impact force method:

log(Pc 2 ) − log(Pc1 )
log(Q2 ) − log(Q1 )

log(1829 ) − log(562 )
1.50 =
log(Q2 ) − log(255 )

⎡ log(1829 )−log(562 ) ⎤
⎢ +log(255 )⎥
Q2 = 10 ⎣ 1.50 ⎦ = 560 gpm

The area of the jet nozzles and the average jet nozzle size can be

7-20 Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved

Drilling Practices

Pbit if =
9.14 10 −5 ρ mQ 2 )

An =
9.14 10 −5 (12) 560 2 ) (
= 0.5009 in 2

1304 An
Sn =

Sn =
(1304 )(0.5009 ) = 10.43

The average nozzle size would be 10.43 or 10-10-10-10-11-11.

The annular velocity in the drill pipe annulus would be:

v =
(D 2
h − D p2 )
v =
(24.5)(560 )
(9.875 2
− 4.5 2 ) = 178 fpm
The horsepower per square inch at the bit would be:

Pbit Q
= 1714
in 2 π
Dh 2 ( )
(1371)(560 )
Hpbit 1714
= = 5.85 Hp/in 2
in 2 π
(9.875 ) 2

The nozzle velocity would be:

Vn =

Vn =
(0.321)(560 ) = 359 ft/sec

The impact force per square inch of bit diameter can be calculated.

Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved. 7-21

Drilling Practices
Chapter 7

⎛ ρ mVn Q ⎞
⎜ ⎟
IF ⎝ 1932 ⎠
in 2 π
( )
⎡ (12)(359 )(560 ) ⎤
IF ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1932 ⎦
= = 16.30 lb f /in 2
in 2 π
(9.875 ) 2

The total hydraulic horsepower required by the rig pump is:

Ps Q
Hpt =

Hpt =
(3200 )(560 ) = 1046 Hp

Table 7-12 shows the results of maximizing the hydraulics on the drilling

Table 7-12. Results of Example 7-3

Q Pc Pbit Ps v NOZ's Hpbit/in2 Vn IF/in2 Hpt

Before Trip 487 1480 320 1800 173 14-14-14- 1.19 173 6.84 511

Max. Hp 441 1280 1920 3200 140 8-8-8-9- 6.45 425 15.20 823

Max. IF 560 1829 1371 3200 178 10-10-10- 5.85 359 16.30 1048

As seen from Example 7-4, improving the hydraulics parameters on the rig results in the
following improvements:

1. Bit hydraulic horsepower per square inch, Hp bit /in2, is increased by 442% (1.19 Hp
to 6.45 Hp).

2. By adjusting for maximum impact force, a gain of 138% is realized (6.84 lbf /in2 to
16.30 lbf /in2).

3. In this example, rig personnel were working their heart out to do a good job, but they
were not getting full benefits of their efforts.

Over the past 60 years, various methods of hydraulics planning and conceptual developments
have been published and discussed. Some of the work has been good; some has been either

7-22 Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved

Drilling Practices

incorrect or of little value to the industry. The methods described in this chapter have been
effective under a variety of applications. Properly applied, these procedures are totally
satisfactory for all situations.


1. Given the following information, calculate the jet nozzles sizes for both the horsepower
and impact force methods using three nozzles.

Diameter of the hole, Dh = 12 ¼” (311 mm)

Depth = 6300’ (1920 m)
Drill Pipe 5” (127 mm), 19.5#/ft ID = 4.276” (108.6 mm)
Collars 8” (203 mm) OD by 3” (76 mm) ID, Length 800’ (244 m)
Mud Weight = 10.2 ppg (1220 kg/m3)
PV = 15 cp YP = 10 lbf/100 ft2 (5 Pa)
Pumps – two National 9-P-100 with 6” (152 mm) liners
Maximum surface pressure = 2500 psi (17,240 kPa)
Output per stroke = 3.4 gallons per stroke (0.0129 m3)
Maximum pump speed = 120 spm
Assume a pump rate of 400 and 700 gpm (1.51 & 2.65 m3/min) to make the calculations

2. The rig is preparing to trip for a bit and the standpipe pressure has been measured at
two flow rates. What jet nozzle sizes should the next bit have if the impact force is maximized
using three nozzles?

TD = 9000 feet (2743 m)

Mud Wt. = 12.1 ppg (1450 kg/m3)
Jets = 14-14-14 (11.1-11.1-11.1)
Normal circulation rate (Q2) = 310 gpm (1.17 m3/min)
Pressure at normal circulation rate (Ps2) = 1200 psi (8270 kPa)
Slow pump rate (Q1) = 200 gpm (0.76 m3/min)
Pressure at slow pump rate (Ps1) = 500 psi (3450 kPa)
Max allowable standpipe pressure = 2424 psi (16,710 kPa)
Max flow rate =390 gpm (1.48 m3/min)

3. The rig is preparing to trip for a bit and the standpipe pressure has been measured at
two flow rates. What jet nozzle sizes should the next bit have if the impact force is maximized
using three nozzles?

TD = 2743 m (9000 ft)

Mud Wt. = 1450 kg/m3 (12.1 ppg)
Jets = 11.1 – 11.1 – 11.1 (14 -14 -14)
Q2 = 1.17 m3/min (310 gpm)
Ps2 = 8270 kPa (1200 psi)
Q1 = 0.76 m3/min (200 gpm)
Ps1 = 3450 kPa (500 psi)
Max allowable standpipe pressure = 16,710 kPa (2424 psi)
Max flow rate =1.48 m3/min (390 gpm)

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Drilling Practices
Chapter 7


A = Constant
An = Area of the nozzles, in2
D = Inside diameter of pipe or drill collar, inches
Dh = Diameter of hole, inches
Dp = Outside diameter of pipe or drill collar, inches
Hp = Horsepower, Hp
Hpbit = Horsepower at the bit, Hp
Hpc = Horsepower in circulating system, Hp
Hps = Horsepower at the surface (pump hydraulic horsepower), Hp
Hpt = Total horsepower required at the pump fluid end, Hp
IF = Impact force, lbf
K = Constant
k = Power Law constant, lbf/100ft2
l = Length of pipe or drill collars, feet
n = Power Law constant, normally the slope of shear stress-shear rate diagram
on log-log plot
Nn = Number of nozzles in the bit
P = Pressure, psi
Pbit = Pressure drop at the bit (through jet nozzles), psi
Pbit hp = Pressure drop at the bit when horsepower is maximized, psi
Pbit if = Pressure drop at the bit when the impact force is maximized, psi
Pc = Pressure loss in the circulating system ( Ps − Pbit ), psi
Pc hp = Pressure loss in the circulating system when horsepower is maximized, psi
Pc if = Pressure loss in the circulating system when impact force is maximized, psi
Pc1 = Circulating pressure loss corresponding to flow rate Q1 , psi
Pc 2 = Circulating pressure loss corresponding to flow rate Q2 , psi
Pdc = Pressure loss in the drill collars, psi
Pdca = Pressure loss in the drill collar annulus, psi
Pdp = Pressure loss in the drill pipe, psi
Pdpa = Pressure loss in the drill pipe annulus, psi
Ps = Pressure at the surface (standpipe pressure), psi
Ps max Maximum allowable standpipe pressure, psi
Ps1 = Pressure at the surface (standpipe pressure) corresponding to Q1, psi
Ps 2 Pressure at the surface (standpipe pressure) corresponding to Q2, psi

7-24 Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved

Drilling Practices

PV = Plastic viscosity, cp
Q = Flow rate, gpm
Q1 = Flow rate corresponding to circulating pressure loss Pc1 , gpm
Q2 = Flow rate corresponding to circulating pressure loss Pc 2 , gpm
Qmax = Maximum flow rate, gpm
s = Slope of circulating pressure versus flow rate on log-log paper
S1 = Diameter of nozzle 1, 32nd's of an inch
S2 = Diameter of nozzle 2, 32nd's of an inch
S3 = Diameter of nozzle 3, 32nd's of an inch
S4 = Diameter of nozzle 4, 32nd's of an inch
S5 = Diameter of nozzle 5, 32nd's of an inch
S6 = Diameter of nozzle 6, 32nd's of an inch
Sn = Average nozzle size, 32nd's of an inch
v = Average fluid velocity (annular or pipe), fpm
Vn = Nozzle velocity, ft/sec
Yp = Yield point, lbf/100 ft2
ρm = Mud weight, ppg


The equations given in the chapter are converted to SI units below

Equation 7-1: Hp = Equation 7-29

Pbit Q
Equation 7-2: Hpbit = Equation 7-30

ρ mVn Q
Equation 7-16: IF = Equation 7-31

ρ mVn2
Equation 7-17: Pbit = Equation 7-32

1.27 An
Equation 7-26: Sn = Equation 7-33

Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved. 7-25

Drilling Practices
Chapter 7

Equation 7-28: An =
[(S )
+ (S 2 )2 + (S3 )2 ] Equation 7-34


A = Constant
An = Area of the nozzles, mm2
D = Inside diameter of pipe or dill collar, mm
Dh = Diameter of hole, mm
Dp = Outside diameter of pipe or drill collar, mm
Hp = Horsepower, kWatts
Hp bit = Horsepower at the bit, kWatts
Hp c = Horsepower mm circulating system, kWatts
Hp s = Horsepower at the surface (pump hydraulic horsepower), kWatts
Hp t = Total horsepower required at the pump fluid end, kWatts
IF = Impact force, Nt
K = Constant
k = Consistency index, Pa secn
l = Length of pipe or drill collars, meters
n = Power Law constant, normally the slope of shear stress-shear rate diagram
on log-log plot
Nn = Number of nozzles mm the bit
P = Pressure, kPa
Pbit = Pressure drop at the bit (through jet nozzles), kPa
Pbit hp = Pressure drop at the bit when horsepower is maximized, kPa
Pbit if = Pressure drop at the bit when impact force is maximized, kPa
Pc = Pressure loss mm the circulating system ( Ps − Pbit ), kPa
Pc hp = Pressure loss in the circulating system when horsepower is maximized, kPa
Pc if = Pressure loss in the circulating system when impact force is maximized,
Pc1 = Circulating pressure loss corresponding to flow rate Q1 , kPa
Pc 2 = Circulating pressure loss corresponding to flow rate Q2 , kPa
Pdc = Pressure loss mm the drill collars, kPa
Pdca = Pressure loss mm the drill collar annulus, kPa
Pdp = Pressure loss mm the drill pipe, kPa
Pdpa = Pressure loss mm the drill pipe annulus, kPa

7-26 Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved

Drilling Practices

Ps = Pressure at the surface (standpipe pressure), kPa

Ps max = Maximum allowable standpipe pressure, kPa
Ps1 = Pressure at the surface (standpipe pressure) corresponding to Q1, kPa
Ps 2 Pressure at the surface (standpipe pressure) corresponding to Q2, kPa
PV = Plastic viscosity, Pa sec
Q = Flow rate, cubic meters per minute
Q1 = Flow rate corresponding to circulating pressure loss Pc1 , cubic meters per
Q2 = Flow rate corresponding to circulating pressure loss Pc 2 , cubic meters per
Qmax = Maximum Flow rate, cubic meters per minute
s = Slope of circulating pressure versus flow rate on log-log paper
S1 = Diameter of nozzle 1, mm
S2 = Diameter of nozzle 2, mm
S3 = Diameter of nozzle 3, mm
S4 = Diameter of nozzle 4, mm
S5 = Diameter of nozzle 4, mm
S6 = Diameter of nozzle 4, mm
Sn = Average nozzle size, mm
v = Average fluid velocity (annular or pipe), meters per minute
Vn = Nozzle velocity, m/sec
Yp = Yield point, Pa
ρm = Mud weight, kg per cubic meter

Scott, K. F.; "A New Practical Approach to Rotary Drilling Hydraulics," SPE 3530, 1971.

Copyright © 2008 OGCI/PetroSkills. All rights reserved. 7-27

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