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SEL Walkthrough

School Carson Junior High Observer Name(s) Majorine Andrews Date Febuary 9th 2022

Directions: Score each component from 4 (highly effective) to 1 (needs improvement). Criteria listed under each rating level are examples or guides for what each numeric score
looks like during an observation, not an all-inclusive or exclusive description. Area 1 = School-Wide Environment; Area 2 = Classroom Instruction; Area 3 = Classroom Environment

Area 1. School-Wide Environment (school entry, main office, and common areas)
4 3 2 1 Component Score/Notes
1a. Atmosphere in School entry, main office, and School entry, main office, and School entry, main office, School entry, main office, or 4
Common Areas common areas are welcoming, common areas are and common areas are common areas are My first week I met most of
well maintained, easily navigated, functioning smoothly and functioning with evidence of impersonal; evidence of the staff in the English
and promote a sense of efficiently. some disorder. disorder or lack of proper department as well as the
community that represents the upkeep.
principal and the people at
diversity in the school.
the front desk. Everyone was
very welcoming and offered
help for future circumstances.
1b. Vision/ Mission/ Statements that reflect At least one At least one No vision/mission/values 4
Values Statements commitment to SEL and creating vision/mission/values vision/mission/values statements are displayed in My mentor teacher builds
community are clearly displayed statement that reflects statement is displayed but it common areas. great relationships with all her
Displayed multiple times throughout common commitment to SEL or doesn’t align with SEL or
areas (vision, mission, values creating community is creating community.
students as well as
statements). displayed in a common area. communicates with parents.
Students love her and often
come to visit during passing
periods and lunch time.
1c. Student Work A variety of meaningful, creative, Student work (either SEL or Student work (either SEL or Student work is either not 4
Displayed and recent student work (SEL academic) is displayed in at academic) may be displayed in common areas, Student work is displayed all
and/or academic) is prominently least one common area. displayed in one area but it or the work displayed is at a over the classroom, as well
displayed in more than one area, has not been updated or it very basic level and/or
and is clearly tied to learning is displayed in an area that generic.
as gifts(drawings, nice notes)
goals/objectives. is easily overlooked. from students to the mentor
1d. Student Students are friendly, orderly, and Students are generally Students are generally Evidence of student 3
Attitudes respectful to each other & all orderly and polite to adults respectful to other students misconduct in common Although students are friendly
adults in common areas. and other students in but not to adults OR areas. and respectful to each
common areas. respectful to adults but not other and adults, they are
to other students.
sometimes not orderly,
which may cause chaos
in the class room.

SEL definition: a process through which children and adults learn to recognize and manage emotions, demonstrate care and concern for others, develop positive relationships, make
good decisions, and behave ethically, respectfully, and responsibly.
SEL core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making.
1e. Adult Attitudes Adults are friendly, orderly, and Adults are generally polite Adults are generally polite Evidence of disrespect from 4
respectful to each other & all and respectful to students and respectful to other adults in common areas. The adults are very respectful
students in common areas. School and other adults in common adults but not to students to each other and the
staff is friendly and welcoming. areas. OR to students but not to students, as well as
other adults.
share feedback about
certain students to one
Common areas observed (check all that apply):
School Office ✔ Lunchroom Hallways ✔ Playground N/A School Grounds ✔ Bathrooms ____ Auditorium/Gymnasium ____ Other ____

Area 2. Classroom Instruction Classroom/Subject Observed

4 3 2 1 Component Score/Notes
2a. Teacher effectively engages students Teacher communicates purpose, Expectations for lesson could Teacher does not clearly
Expectations about purpose, expectations, and SEL I expectations, or SEL I Can be inferred from teacher. communicate expectations 4
and Learning Can statements throughout the entire statements for the lesson. Teacher may attempt to of lesson. No evidence of
My mentor teacher not only explains
Goals lesson. Both the teacher & students Teacher effectively connects connect lesson to prior learning lesson connecting to prior
clearly connect lesson to prior learning lesson to either prior learning or or personal experience. learning or personal learning goals but writes them down
and personal experience. personal experience. experience. on the board so that students are
aware of the goals for the period of
the lesson
2b. Explicit SEL skills are directly taught with Evidence that some SEL I Can Limited evidence that some No evidence that SEL I Can 4
Teaching of explicit reference to their value and Statements and competencies SEL I Can Statements and Statements and The teacher always tie the lesson to
SEL Skills when/how to apply them. Teacher have been taught or competencies have been competencies have been
explicitly models, discusses and communicated; Teacher taught or communicated. explicitly taught or teacher is
the students’ outside lives
reinforces SEL I Can Statements, encourages students to practice Teacher may encourage unsuccessful in engaging
competencies and skills. Evidence that SEL skills with one another and students to practice SEL skills students to develop and
most students are receptive. some are receptive. but few students are receptive. practice SEL skills.
2c. SEL Clear evidence that SEL is effectively Some evidence that teacher Limited evidence of integration No integration of SEL into 4
Integrated embedded into content of academic teaches or has taught SEL skills of SEL with academics academic content. The teacher connects the outside
into lessons; relevance of SEL to that development in academic
Instructional content is highlighted and discussed. lessons.
world to the lesson to help the
Content students better understand
2d. Use of Teacher uses lesson-appropriate Some evidence that teacher uses Limited evidence that teacher Interactive pedagogies are 4
interactive or collaborative pedagogies interactive or collaborative uses interactive pedagogies that not effectively and
Interactive Teacher offers the students to sit in
that enable students to develop & pedagogies that enable students to enable students to develop SEL appropriately introduced or
Pedagogies groups as long as they are getting
practice SEL skills. develop SEL skills. skills. supported.
their work done
2e. Teacher Teacher teaches for conceptual Teacher provides generalized Teacher provides generalized Teacher provides minimal or 4
Feedback understanding and provides tailored feedback to most students; feedback to a few students; no feedback to students; The teacher monitors the students by
and feedback. Teacher actively monitors attempts to monitor students’ makes at least one attempt to does not monitor student
students’ engagement and engagement and understanding monitor student engagement or engagement or
often walking around the room and
understanding throughout lesson. throughout lesson. understanding. understanding. providing specific feedback to
different individuals
SEL definition: social and emotional learning is a process through which children and adults learn to recognize and manage emotions, demonstrate care and concern for others, develop positive
relationships, make good decisions, and behave ethically, respectfully, and responsibly.
SEL core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making.
2f. Student Most students are engaged in the Some students are engaged in Few students are engaged in Students are not engaged with 4
Engagement lesson with interest, curiosity, the lesson with interest, curiosity, the lesson with interest, interest, curiosity, motivation or Most students are engaged in the
motivation and passion. Electronic motivation and passion. curiosity, motivation or passion; passion or are
distracted/disruptive during the lesson and often work in groups
devices are only used for classwork (if Electronic devices are mostly some are easily distracted.
applicable). used for classwork (if Electronic devices are used for lesson. Electronic devices are to help each other.
distracting and not used
applicable). something other than
appropriately (if applicable).
classwork (if applicable).
2g. Student Students collaborate efficiently & Students collaborate with Students may be collaborating No evidence of student 4
Collaboratio respectfully with each other throughout efficiency. but with little efficiency. collaboration. The students collaborate in their
n most of the lesson.
groups and often ask each other
2h. Teacher Teacher is highly effective in facilitating Teacher uses strategies to Teacher encourages learning Teacher is unsuccessful in 4
as a student learning; uses open-ended encourage learning and most and some students participate, facilitating learning. Teacher The teacher facilitates by first
Facilitator questioning & “wait time;” lesson is students participate; teacher majority of the lesson is talk time highly outweighs
instructing the classroom as a
student-centered while teacher acts as prompts students to join in teacher directed. student talk time; few
a guide; all students participate in the discussion. students participate. whole and then helping different
learning environment. groups through questions
2i. Student Teacher allows time for individual and Teacher allots some time for Teacher may encourage Teacher does not engage 4
Reflection collective student reflection by either individual or collective students to reflect on the student reflection. During the end of the class, the teach
encouraging critical thinking to debrief student reflection by lesson but doesn’t allow time
brings everyone back together,
academic & social-emotional learning. encouraging critical thinking to for it during class or the
debrief academic or reflection does not encourage often asking a question about the
social-emotional learning. critical thinking. lesson that also ties to the
students values

Area 3. Classroom Environment, Management, Discipline Classroom/Subject Observed

4 3 2 1 Component Score/Notes
3a. Classroom Classroom atmosphere is cheerful, Classroom atmosphere is Classroom atmosphere is Evidence of some disorder in the 4
Atmosphere welcoming, and organized. Seating pleasant. Students are seated adequate. Seating may not be classroom atmosphere. Seating When first meeting the students,
arrangements enable students to in a way that allows for some conducive for interaction/ arrangements are not conducive
they were all very welcoming,
see/ talk/ work directly with one interaction or collaboration. collaboration among students. to student interaction or
another. collaboration. asking my name and asking
questions about myself and the
internship process
3b. Classroom rules for safety and Classroom rules are posted but Classroom rules may be Classroom rules are not 4
Classroom respect are visibly posted and may not include student input displayed but not easily displayed. Student behavior The classroom rules are clearly
Rules reflect student input and restorative or restorative language. No visible. A student behavior tracking system may be visible
posted in the classroom but
language. No evidence of a public evidence of public student tracking system may be and actively used in the
student behavior tracking system. behavior tracking system. visible. classroom. often repeated for students
3c. Student All students willingly follow class Most students appear to follow Some students are compliant Most students do not appear to 3
Behavior rules, routines and procedures. class rules, routines and to class rules, routines and know and/or follow class rules, Most students follow classroom
Students treat teacher(s) and peers procedures and treat procedures and show routines or procedures. Some
rules but not all. They are all
with respect. Students are teacher(s) and peers with adequate respect, and are students are disobedient and/or
responsive to teacher guidance & respect. Most students are fairly receptive to teacher disrespectful in response to respectful towards their peers.
feedback. appropriately responsive to guidance. teacher guidance.
teacher guidance/feedback.

SEL definition: social and emotional learning is a process through which children and adults learn to recognize and manage emotions, demonstrate care and concern for others, develop positive
relationships, make good decisions, and behave ethically, respectfully, and responsibly.
SEL core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making.
3d. Behavior Teacher handles individual behavior Teacher attempts to redirect Teacher response to behavior Teacher does not attempt or is 4
Management problems quickly, discreetly, behavior problems respectfully problems appears to be unsuccessful in the attempt to Teacher handles individual
respectfully, and with cultural and discreetly. Teacher consistent, but is conspicuous efficiently redirect misbehavior.
sensitivity; promotes & allows time for behaviors differently depending
response to misconduct is and takes some time away Considerable time is taken away
self-regulation; cues students verbally consistent. Teacher makes from lesson. After first from instruction to address on the students’ needs.
& non-verbally as to expected
more than one attempt to attempt, teacher does not student behavior problems. OR
behaviors. Teacher consistently
redirect problems. follow through to ensure teacher unsuitably ignores
follows through until resolve. OR no
evidence of any student misbehavior problem is resolved. misbehavior.

3e. Teacher Teacher interacts warmly, Teacher interactions with Teacher interactions with Teacher interactions with students 4
Interaction and respectfully, equitably with students are pleasant overall. students are neutral. Teacher are poor and/or inconsistent. The teacher interacts with all
Communication students; actively engages the Teacher invites participation engages few students; Teacher is unsuccessful in
students and understands all the
majority of students; affirms from most students and minimal evidence of teacher engaging all students or soliciting
students’ contributions; uses engages some students. affirming student student participation/ contribution. students backgrounds and how
student names. Teacher language Teacher language is mostly contributions. Teacher Teacher language is harsh or to help them succeed
is encouraging, effective, and effective. language is somewhat ineffective. individually
culturally responsive. effective.
3f. Student Students have developmentally Evidence of some opportunities Students have some Students have few opportunities 4
Voice appropriate and culturally relevant for students to develop their opportunities to develop their to develop their voice and/or The teacher often encourages
voice, choice, & leadership voice and leadership skills. voice. Teacher offers some teacher does not invite students
students to share their
opportunities. Teacher encourages Students are invited to share encouragement for students to share opinions.
students to share their opinions opinions and some contribute. to share but few contribute. perspective either through
and many students contribute. raising hands or taking votes
3g. Student A variety of meaningful, creative, Some recent student work is Student work may be Student work is not noticeably 4
Work and recent student work is visibly displayed in at least one displayed but not easily displayed, or the work displayed The student work is displayed
Displayed prominently displayed and clearly area of the room. visible and/or current. is at a very basic level and/or
thoroughly throughout the
tied to learning goals/objectives. generic.

When first arriving at the school, I was able to meet most of the teachers in the English department(my area of focus). I was also
Please detail
a summary of
your introduced to the administrators at the front office, including the principal, and they were all very welcoming, offering a hand for
*Any AHA help if ever in need while I am there. My mentor teacher was also very welcoming, gave me a tour of the school, and made it
*How does
social known that I can be a part of the classroom as much as I want or need to. The students were very welcoming, and right away I
learning drive could tell that most of them had built great relationships with the teacher. One thing I have learned and will carry on to my classes
the experience
in the
classroom? as a teacher is the impotence of building relationships and making emotional connections. Over the past few weeks I have noticed

SEL definition: social and emotional learning is a process through which children and adults learn to recognize and manage emotions, demonstrate care and concern for others, develop positive
relationships, make good decisions, and behave ethically, respectfully, and responsibly.
SEL core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making.
how my mentor teacher has been able to escalate problems and fix behavioral issues with students just because of the relationships

she has with that individual student.

One of the students in one of her classes has ADHD, and most teacher either punish him for his behavior or send him outside of the

classroom, but because of the relationship she has built with this student, and I have noticed, he not only respects her, and now

respects and listens to me, but he listens and is able to sit down and get his work finished by the end of the classroom. Of course

he can be disruptive to the class, and to some teachers it bothers them, but my mentor teacher handles his behavior in a way that he

can go from being disruptive to calmly listening and interacting with the lesson.

Social and emotional learning drives the classroom experience in the sense that there is open, honest and respectful communication

between the students and the teacher(by her understanding their backgrounds), as well as the students and their peers. Students are

friendly with each other in the classroom, disregarding the differences that they may have. It is also very clear when observing the

classroom the different relationships the students have with each other .

SEL definition: social and emotional learning is a process through which children and adults learn to recognize and manage emotions, demonstrate care and concern for others, develop positive
relationships, make good decisions, and behave ethically, respectfully, and responsibly.
SEL core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making.

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