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Sri Venkateswara college of Engineering and Technology

Finite Element Methods(17AME30)
Question bank

Reference books : 1.Finite element analysis by Dr. S.Senthil
2.First course in the Finite element method by DarylL.Logan

2 Marks questions:

1. What is meant by node or joint?

Answer: Each kind of finite element has a specific structural shape and is inter- connected with the
adjacent element by nodal point or nodes. At the nodes, degrees of freedom are located. The forces will act
only at nodes at any others place in the element.

2. What is the basic of finite element method?

Answer: Discretization is the basis of finite element method. The art of subdividing a structure in to
convenient number of smaller components is known as discretization.

3. Define FEA.
Answer: It is numerical method for solving problems of engineering and mathematical physics. In this
method, instead of solving the problem for entire body in one operation, we formulate the equations for
each finite element and combine them to obtain the solution of the whole body.
4. What are the types of boundary conditions?
Answer: Primary or essential boundary conditions and Secondary boundary conditions.

5. What are the types of element?

Answer: 1D element (example- bar and beam element)
2D element(example- triangular and rectangular element)
3D element(example- tetrahedral and hexahedral element)

6. What is meant by degrees of freedom?

Answer: When the force or reaction act at nodal point node is subjected to deformation. The deformation
includes displacement, rotation and or strains. These are collectively known as degrees of freedom
7. Differentiate between global and local axes.
Answer: Local axes are established in an element. Since it is in the element level, they change with the
change in orientation of the element. The direction differs from element to element. Global axes are
defined for the entire system. They are same in direction for all the elements even though the elements are
differently oriented.
8. What are the types of loading acting on the structure?
Answer: Body force (f), Traction force (T), Point load (P)
9. Define the body force
Answer: A body force is distributed force acting on every elemental volume of the body Unit: Force per unit
volume. Example: Self weight due to gravity
10. Define traction force
Answer: Traction force is defined as distributed force acting on the surface of the body. Unit: Force per unit
area. Example: Frictional resistance, viscous drag, surface shear.
11.What is point load?
Answer: Point load is force acting at a particular point which causes displacement

10 Marks Questions
1. List and briefly describe the general steps of Finite Element Analysis. (Page no.1.4 to 1.11) or only

2. Write down the stress, strain relationship matrix for plane stress condition?(Page no.3.17 to 3.18)
3. Write down the stress , strain relationship matrix for plane strain condition?(Page no.3.13 to 3.16)
4.Discribe stresses Equilibrium and strain -displacement relation?(Page no.4.1 to 4.44)
5.Explain Finite element modelling for 1D ,2D problems (Page No.3.4 to 3.5 for 2D,Page no.2.2 to 2.3).

2 Marks questions
1. Define shape function.
Answer: Approximate relation φ (x,y) = N1 (x,y) φ1 + N2 (x,y) φ2 + N3 (x,y) φ3 Where φ1, φ2, and φ3 are
the values of the field variable at the nodes N1, N2, and N3 are the interpolation functions. N1, N2, and N3
are also called shape functions because they are used to express the geometry or shape of the element.
2. What are the characteristic of shape function?
Answer: It has unit value at one nodal point and zero value at other nodal points. The sum of shape
function is equal to one.
3. State the properties of stiffness matrix.
Answer: (i) It is the symmetric matrix. (ii) Sum of the elements in any column must be equal to zero. (iii) It
is an unstable element.
4. What are the classifications of coordinates?
Answer: Global coordinates , Local coordinates ,Natural coordinates
5. What is Global coordinates?
Answer: The points in the entire structure are defined using coordinates system is known as global
coordinate system.
6. What is natural coordinates?
Answer: A natural coordinate system is used to define any point inside the element by a set of
dimensionless number whose magnitude never exceeds unity. This system is very useful in assembling of
stiffness matrices.

7. How do you calculate the size of the global stiffness matrix?

Answer: Global stiffness matrix size = Number of nodes X Degrees of freedom per node
8. Write down the expression of shape function, N and temperature function, T for one dimensional heat
conduction element

8.State the principle of minimum potential energy.

Answer: Among all the displacement equations that satisfied internal compatibility and the boundary
condition those that also satisfy the equation of equilibrium make the potential energy a minimum is a
stable system.
10 Marks Questions
1. Derive the shape function, stiffness matrix and finite element equation for one dimensional two
noded bar element using Potential energy approach or Gelerkins approach (Page no.2.17 to 2.22)
2.Derive Quadratic shape functions?(Page no.2.97 to 2.101)
3.Consider the bar shown figure calculate the following the i)Nodal displacement ii)Element stress
iii)Support reactions(Page no.2.55 to 2.60)
4.Consider a tapper steel plate of uniform thickness t=25 mm shown in figure. E=2X105 N/mm2,Weight
density ρ = 0.82 x10-4N/mm2.In addition to its self weight. The plate is subjected to a point load P=100N at
its mid point. Calculate the following by modelling the plate with two finite element methods. (Page
no.2.60 to 2.67)
5.An axial load of 4x105N is applied at 30◦C to the rod as shown in figure. The temperature is
than raised to 60◦C Calculate the following. (Page no.2.82 to 2.87)

6. Derive the stiffness matrix for a 2D truss element. or Transformation matrix(Page no.2.118 to 2.121)
7.For the plane truss shown in figure. Determine the horizontal and vertical displacement of nodal and
stress in each element. All elements have E= 201GPa,A=4X10-4m2 (Page no.2.148 to 2.156)

8.For the Two bar truss shown in figure. Determine Nodal displacements and stress (Page
no.2.122 to 2.127)

2 Marks questions
1.What is CST element?
Answer: Three noded triangular elements are known as CST. It has six unknown displacement degrees of
freedom (u1, v1, u2, v2, u3, v3). The element is called CST because it has a constant strain throughout it.
2. What meant by plane stress analysis?
Answer: Plane stress is defined to be a state of stress in which the normal stress and shear stress directed
perpendicular to the plane are assumed to be zero.
3. Define plane strain analysis.
Answer: Plane strain is defined to be state of strain normal to the xy plane and the shear strains are
assumed to be zero.

4. Write a strain displacement matrix for CST element?

5. Write down the stress, strain relationship matrix for plane stress condition

6. Write down the stress, strain relationship matrix for plane stress condition

7. Write down the stress , strain relationship matrix for plane strain condition

8. Write down the stiffness matrix equation for two dimensional CST elements.
9. Write down the expression for the shape function for a CST element.

10. What is axisymmetric element?

Answer: Many three dimensional problems in engineering exhibit symmetry about an axis odf rotation
.Such types of problems are solved by a special two dimensional element called as axisymmetric element.
11. What are the conditions for a problem to be axisymmetric?
Answer: 1. The problem domian must be symmetric about the axis of revolution 2. All boundary
conditions must be symmetric about the axis of revolution 3. All loading conditions must be symmetric
about the axis of revolution.
12.Give 4 applications where axisymmetric elements can be used.
Answer: (i) Pressure vessels (ii) Rocket castings (iii) Cooling towers (iv) Submarine hills (v) Springs.

13. Write down the shape function for an axisymmetric triangular element.

14. What is the purpose of Isoparametric Elements?

Answer: It is difficult to represent the curve boundaries by straight edges elements. A large number of
finite elements may be used to obtain reasonable resemblance between original body and the assemblage
.In order to overcome this drawback,isoparametric elements are used i.e., for problems involving curved
boundries,a family of elements known as “ Isoperimetric elements “ are used.
15. Define super parametric element. If the number of nodes used for defining the geometry is more than
number of nodes used for defining the dispalcements,then it is known as super parametric element. 3.
What is meant by sub parametric element? If the number of nodes used for defining the geometry is same
as number of nodes used for defining the dispalcements,then it is known as isoparametric element.
16. Write down the shape function for 4 noded rectangular elements using natural coordinate system

17. Write down the Gaussian quadrature expression for numerical integration.

10 Marks questions
1. Derive the shape functions and strain –displacement matrix of a CST element(Page no.3.11 to
2. Derive the shape functions, strain – displacement matrix [B] for axisymmetric triangular element(Page
no 4.12 to 4.14)
3.Ahallow cylinder of inside diameter 100 mm and outside diameter of 140mm is subjected to internal
pressure of 4N/mm2 as shown in figure .using two elements on the 15 mm length. Calculate the
displacement at the inner radius (Page no.4.42 to 4.56)
4.A think plate is subjected to surface traction as shown in figure .Calculate Global stiffness matrix(Page
no.3.94 to 3.103)

5. Derive the shape functions of isoparametric element.(Page no.5.15 to 5.17)

6.A 4 noded triangular element. Determine(Page no.5.35 to 5.39)

7.Define Numerical integration or Gauss Quadrature and (Page no.5.73 to 5.75)

(Page no.5.75 to 5.77)

(Page no.5.77 to 5.79)

2 Marks questions
1. Write down the shape function of beam element?

2.Write stiffness matrix for Beam element

3.Difference between to Truss and frame

10 Marks Questions
1. Derive the shape functions for a 2D beam element (Page no.2.169 to 2.173

2.Derive stiffness matrix by strain energy or potential energy method? (Page no.2.250 to 2.257)
2. For the beam and loading shown in figure. Calculate rotations at B and C
(Page no.2.181 to 2.185)
4. As the first example of rigid plane frame analysis, solve the simple ‘‘bent’’ shown in Figure. The frame is
fixed at nodes 1 and 4 and subjected to a positive horizontal force of 10,000 lb applied at node 2 and to a
positive moment of 5000 lb-in. applied at node 3. The global-coordinate axes and the element lengths are
shown in Figure .(Page NO.218 to 223)

2 Marks questions
1.Define Eigen value and Eigen vectors?
2. What is meant by longitudinal vibrations?
Answer: the particles of the shaft or disc moves parallel to the axis of the shaft ,then the vibrations are
known as longitudinal vibrations.
21. What is meant by transverse vibrations?
Answer: When the particles of the shaft or disc move approximately perpendicular to the axis of the
shaft, then the vibrations are known as transverse vibrations
22. What are methods used for solving transient vibration problems?
Answer: There are two methods for solving transient vibration. They are Mode superposition method
Direct integration method
23. Write down the expression of shape function, N and temperature function, T for one dimensional
heat conduction element.

Write down the finite element equation for one dimensional heat conduction with free end convection
and more problems search in Google class room

10 Marks Questions
1.Derivation of basic differential equation for 1D heat transfer.(Page no.535 to 539)
2.Derive one Dimensional finite element formulation using variational method or Derive 1D stiffness matrix
for Heat transfer element.(Page no.2.208 to 2.216)
3.Derive Two dimensional finite formulation of stiffness matrix for heat transfer (Page no.3.109 to 3.114)
4.Comput element matrix and vectors for the element shown in figure.When the edges 2-3,3-1
convection.(Page no.3.132 to 3.136)
5. Page no. 2.235 to 2.238

6. Page no. 2.221 to 2.225

7. Page no. 2.292 to 2.296

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