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Procedure Rationale 4 3 2 1 Remarks

1. Definition, Purposes, Special To make sure that you
Considerations, are following the
Equipment correct procedure
ASSESSMENT: To prevent
2. Consider the procedure to be performed inconsistencies in
and consult agency policy on the use of hospital policies and
gloves. procedures
3. Assess if the client or health worker has To avoid any allergic
a known allergy to latex. Inspect the hands reactions
for cuts, open lesions or abrasions.

Score Description Indicators

4 Very Good Student performs behaviors/tasks reflecting the highest level of
consistent, independent, effective.
3 Good Student performs behaviors/tasks reflecting mastery of
performance with minimal supervision.
2 Fair Student performs behaviors/tasks reflecting development and
movement toward mastery of performance: with help or direct
supervision in some aspects.
1 Needs Improvement Student performs behaviors/tasks reflecting beginning level of
performance; tasks not done properly majority of the time but
demonstrate understanding of concepts involved with tasks.

Sterile gloves are an additional barrier to bacterial transfer. There are two gloving methods: open and
closed. Nurses who work on general nursing units use open gloving before procedures such as dressing
changes or urinary catheter insertions. The closedgloving method, which you perform after applying a
sterile gown, is practiced in operating rooms and special treatment areas. Make sure to select the proper
glove size; the glove should not stretch so tightly that it can easily tear, yet it must be tight enough that
you can pick up objects easily.

• A technique where sterile gloves are worn to ensure that supplies remain sterile.
1. To put on sterile gloves without contaminating the outside of the gloves in order to prevent
the spread of microorganism from your hands to sterile objects.
2. To provide personal protection.
3. To provide asepsis while performing invasive procedure.
Special Considerations:
1. Gloves must be put on with careful technique that you do not contaminate it.
2. Once worn, you must be certain that you touch only sterile objects to maintain
sterility. Equipment:
• Sterile gloves (proper size)


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4. Examine glove package to ensure To ensure sterility of
package is not wet, torn or discolored. the gloves to be used
PLANNING: Allows for easy
5. Determine correct glove size and type of donning and use of
glove material to be used (ensure that gloves.
gloves is well-fitted to hands).
6. Remove unnecessary items from the Ensures an adequate,
workplace. clean workplace
1. Perform thorough hand hygiene. Removes bacteria
from skin surfaces and
cuts down on infection
2. Remove outer glove package wrapper • This maintains the
by carefully separating and peeling apart sterility of gloves in
sides. inner packet
• Prevents infected
items from being
touched by opening
the inner glove
3. Grasp inner package and lay it on • Moisture has the
clean, flat surface just above waist level. potential to
Open package, keeping gloves on contaminate the
wrappers inside surface. sterile gloves.
• Any sterile object
held below the
waist is considered
4. Identify right and left glove. Each glove • Proper glove
has cuff approximately 5 cm (2 inches) recognition avoids
wide. Glove dominant hand first. contamination from
ill-fitting gloves.
• Gloving of dominant
hand first improves
5. With thumb and first two fingers of To ensure that the
nondominant hand, grasp edge of cuff of outside of the gloves
glove for dominant hand. Touch only remain sterile,
inside surface of glove. unsterile hands can
only touch the inside
of the glove.
6. Carefully pull glove over dominant Attempt to turn the cuff
hand, leaving cuff and being sure that it upward with unsterile
does not roll up wrist. Be sure that thumb hand may result in
and fingers are in proper spaces. contamination of
sterile glove


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7. With gloved dominant hand, slip fingers
underneath cuff of second glove.
8. Carefully pull second glove over Contact of gloved
nondominant hand. Do not allow fingers hands with exposed
and thumb of gloved dominant hand to hand result in
touch any part of exposed nondominant contamination
hand. Keep thumb of dominant hand
abducted back.
9. After second glove is on, interlock Ensures smooth fit
fingers of gloved hands and hold away over
from body above waist level until fingers
beginning procedure.
10. Grasp outside of one cuff with other • To minimize
gloved hand; avoid touching wrist. Pull contamination of
halfway down palm of hand. Take underlying skin
thumb of half-ungloved hand and place • Contaminated glove
under cuff of other glove. should not come in
contact with
underlying skin such
as the hand or wrist
11. Take fingers of bare hand and tuck Ensures that
inside remaining glove cuff. Peel glove the
off, inside out. contaminated area does
Discard in receptacle. not come in contact with
hand or wrist
12. Perform aftercare (materials, To prevent
environment and self). spread of
13. Perform handwashing. microorganisms
14. Gloves are donned properly and sterility
is maintained.
15. Ability to answer question and ease in
performing procedure.

Range of score:

A (92 – 100) Excellent

Student’s signature:
A– (84 – 91.99) Very Good

B (76 – 83.99) Good

B– (68 – 75.99) Very Satisfactory


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C (60 – 67.99) Satisfactory

F (below 60) Failed


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