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Identify by filling out the second column which among the following are OBJECTIVE DATA and
describe the procedure in your own words on how to obtain this type of information. (5 pts.
each box)
Data Subjective/Objective? Steps/procedure on how to
obtain this information
1. Usual hobbies/activities Subjective This data is obtained by
interviewing the client. Ask
him/her to describe the
activities they do on daily
2. Posture Objective This data is obtained by doing
a wall test. This will help the
nurse determine if the
patient has a correct posture.
The correct posture is when
the upper and lower back are

1. Let the patient stand
with their head,
shoulder blades and
buttocks touching a
wall, and have their
heels about 2 to 4
inches (about 5 to 10
centimeters) away
from the wall.
2. And measure the
space between the
patient’s neck and the
3. Number of hours of sleep Subjective This data is obtained by
asking/interviewing the
patient of his/her sleeping

4. Numbness in extremities Subjective This data is obtained by

asking the patient if he/she is
experiencing any numbness
in his/her extremities and if
yes, is it accompanied by a
tingling sensation around that
5. Blood pressure Objective This data is obtained by using
a sphygmomanometer and a
1. Locate the patient’s
pulse by lightly
pressing your index
and middle fingers to
the center of the bend
of the patient’s elbow
or the brachial artery
2. Secure the cuff and
make sure it is an inch
above the elbows.
Wear the stethoscope
in your ears and use
the diaphragm of the
stethoscope and place
it over the brachial
3. Begin by closing the
airway valve and
inflate the cuff up to
180mmHg. And start
slowly opening that
airway valve
4. Look at the gauge and
remember the 1st and
last sound as it will be

the systolic and

diastolic pressure,
5. Allow the cuff to deflate
completely and record
the systolic and
diastolic pressure.

6. Breath sounds Objective This data is obtained by

1. Use the diaphragm of
the stethoscope and
put it on the chest or
back of the client
2. Make the client
perform a deep
inhalation and
exhalation and listen to
the sounds
7. Ways of handling stress Subjective This data is obtained
interviewing the client. Ask
him/her questions about how
they cope with their stress and
what are these common
8. Lifestyle Subjective This data is obtained by
interviewing the patient. Ask
him/her what their habits and
daily living are.

9. Bowel sounds Objective This data is obtained

1. Use the bell of your
stethoscope and place
it on the patient’s
2. Listen and assess the
sounds heard
10. Skin turgor Objective This data is obtained
observing if the patient has
signs of dehydration.
1. Pinch lightly the
client’s skin, either on
the lower arm or
abdomen, between
two fingers so that it
is tented up
2. Hold it for a few
seconds then release
and observe if the
skin goes back rapidly
to its normal position

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