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It Is The Constant Dulce Et Decorum This is the Dark

Image of Your Face Est Time, My Love

Figurative Devices Oxymoron, Simile, Metaphor, Repetition,

Metaphor Imagery Metaphor,
Rhetorical Question

Common Themes War, Patriotism, War, Patriotism, War, Patriotism,

Love, Betrayal Death, Deception Death, Love,

Contrasting Themes Guilt, Desire Hypocrisy, Survival, Oppression, Racism,

Appearance vs Sadness

Author’s History Dennis Brutus was a Wilfred Owen was Martin Carter was a
South African an English poet and Guyanese poet and
activist, educator, soldier. He was one political activist.
journalist and poet of the leading poets Widely regarded as
best known for his in WW1. the greatest
campaign to have Guyanese poet, and
South Africa banned one of the most
from the Olympic important poets of
Games due to its the Caribbean
controversial racial region, Carter is best
policy of apartheid. known for his poems
of protest, resistance
and revolution.

Mood Reflective/Nostalgic Reflective Melancholic

Tone Guilt and Sadness Sarcastic Melancholic

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