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Malaysia Technology Expo Entry Form 2020


*Please choose one and block with the red colour

o Asian Youth Innovation Awards 2020 (Junior Category) for School

o Asian Youth Innovation Awards 2020 (Youth Category) for University, etc.

Award Sub Category: *Please choose one and block with the red colour

1. Machinery, Equipment (Heavy Equipments, Industrial Machinery), Tools

= Machinery, Equipment, Tools, Hardware, DIY (Mechanical Apparatus, Fabricting Equipment,
2. Manufacturing Process & Advance Material
= Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (Innovative Robots, Robotic Technologies), Clothing – Textiles
– Machines and Accessories – Fabric Machine, Sewing Machine, Food Technology, Food and
Beverage – Food Processign – Food Safety, Consumer Product Innovation, Processing Equipment
(Including Grinders, Tools, Slices, Dehydrators (For Food Dehydration), Food Handling, Cooking
and Storage, New Materials and Modifications to Existing Materials and Technology Related
3. Telecommunications, Infrastructure & Broadcast
= Telecommunications, Broadcasting, Communication Infrastructure, Satellite Technology,
Content Management, Streaming Technology
4. ICT
= ICT Solutions, Applications, IoT, Smart City Solution, Emerging Technologies, FinTech,
Mobile Payment, Blockchain, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Business Solution,
5. Audio Visual, Optics & Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)
= AV Technology, AV Equipment, Hologram, Digital Imaging, Digital Media, Online Media,
Photography, Optical Devices, Night Vision Devices, Telescopes, Sunglasses & Microscopes,
Camera, Photo taking, Animation, 3-D Computer Graphics, Films, Content Creation
6. Aviation and Transportation
= Aircraft, Automobile, Drones, Marine Vehicles
7. Building
= Architecture, Construction Technology, Construction Equipment, Building Materials, Building
Services, Air-Conditioning & Ventilation System, Electrical System, Fire Protection System,
Building Automation
8. Electricity
= Power Generation, Power Distribution, Power Station, Power House, Power Transmission
(Power Generation Industrial Facility for the Generation of Electric Power)
9. Safety & Security
= Surveilance, Sensors, CCTV, Facial Recognition, Biometrics, RFID, Iris Technology (Iris
Recognition is an Automated Method of Biometric Identification that Uses Mathematical Pattern-
10. Agriculture, Livestock & Holticulture, Aquacultures & Fisheries
= Agriculture Technology, (Agriculture Technology Refers to Technology for the Production of
Machines Used on a Farm to Help with Farming (Cultivating Freshwater and Saltwater
11. Healthcare, Personal Care Technology, Biotechnology and Life Sciences
= Osteopathic Medicine, Ortopaedics Machines, Hygienic Machines, Robotic Arm for Surgeries,
Medical Technologies, Personal Care Products and Technologies, Consumer Care Generic
Medicines, Capsules, Powders, Orthopaedics, Pharmaceutical – Cosmecutical – Nutraceutical
Healthcare – Herbal Pharmaceutical, Micro Nutrient (Health Interventions and Forticiations),
Improving Supplements, Agriculture Solutions, Gene Therapy, Specialty Drugs and Biofuels.
12. Sport, Leisure, Recreational Equipment, Active Wear, Wearable’s
= Equipment Sports, Healthy Food, Apparel, Smart Watch, Fitness Tracker
13. Protection of the Environment, Energy, Water & Wastewater, Sanitation & Green Technology
= Nanotechnology (Science, Engineering, and Technology Conducted at the Nano Scale), Paper
Disposal, Waste Disposal, Water Disposal, Disposal Environmental Monitoring (Characterises
and Monitors the Quality of the Environment)
14. Industrial and Product Design, Web Interface, Design & Printing Technology
= Highly Technical Product, Schematics, Mechanism, Mechanical Engineering Designs, ETC,
Future Products, Gadgets, Future Services, Conceptual Futuristic Designs and more, Gadgets &
Electronic Device Interface, Interactive Interface, Web Design and more. Finish Product Full
Concept Designs, Graphic Arts (Graphic Arts (Fine Art, Graphic Art Covers), Protyping (Simulate
the Characreistics of their Intended, Additive Manufacturing (Technologies used to Build 3D
15. Education Technology & Pedagogy
= Study and Ethical Practice of Facilitating Learning and Improving Performance by Creating,
Using and Managing Appropriate Technological Processes and Resources (Fine Pens, Airbrush
(Air Operated Tool That Sprays Various Media), Art Supplies, Special Teaching Methods
16. Social Innovation & Entrepreneurial Management
= Social Innovations are New Social Practices that Aim to Meet Social Needs in a Better Way
Than the Existing Solutions, Resulting From – For Example – Working Conditions, Education,
Community Development or Health. These Ideas Are Created with the Goal of Extending and
Strengthening Civil Society. Technology Management, Busniess Model Canvas and Development
17. Consumer Electronics
= Consumer Robotics, Computers, Smart Phones, Home Appliances, Smart Home Applications &
Solutions, Energy Management, Consumer Drone, Gaming
Title of Entry : Morifera : Alternative Solution, For Extra Daily Nutrition

Admin Contact Name: ………………………………………………………………

Inventors Name (Please type in your full title and designations together with your name (For
Example : Prof. Dr. Ir. John Smith)

Team Leader Name : Mohammad Feisal Pangestu

Secondary Contact Person: Andi Ikhwan Hafiz

Name 3 : M. Aufa Fakhry Somantri

Name 4 : ……………………………………………………………..

Name 5 : ………………………………………………………………

Name 6 : ………………………………………………………………

Name 7 : ………………………………………………………………

Organization Name : Malang State Polytechnic

Organization Adress : Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.9, Jatimulyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa
Timur 65141

Admin Contact Email : ………………………………………………………………

Team Leader Email :

Secondary Email :

Admin Contact Number: …………………………………………………………….

Office / Home Phone : ………………………………………………………………

Team Leader Phone : 082169635518

Secondary Contact Phone: 081268147254

Title of invention / innovation exactly as you wish it to appear on award certificate (If an award is won)?:
Morifera : Alternative Solution, For Extra Daily Nutrition

How many extra medals do you require? (If you win an award)

How many extra certificates do you require? (If you win an award)

How do wish to present your invention and innovation?

*Please choose one and block with the red colour

1. Manufacturing Process
2. Prototype
3. Model
4. Plan
5. Poster

Is your invention / innovation protected by a patent?

*Please choose one and block with the red colour

Yes / No
If your invention is protected by a patent, please provide proof of the patent:

*Please Attached your patent documents

Please specify the technical features of your innovation / invention (max 500 words or less):

The powder made in the form of ingredients such as Moringa leaves which have high
nutrition, ginseng which has benefits for increasing stamina, and there are also spinach leaves
which can help prevent cancer and increase immunity. The processing method is by drying
the Moringa leaves and spinach leaves, the ginseng can be cut into small pieces. After all the
leaves are dry, they can be ground in a blender until very smooth until they are sized like
flour. Then it can be mixed with all the existing ingredients, then the mixture is ready to be
packaged and consumed.

A short description of your product no more than 200 words: *

Morifera powder products are made from a mixture of Moringa leaves, spinach leaves, and ginseng. This
product is intended as an alternative solution to maintain nutritional balance in the body, increase body
immunity and be able to increase stamina to support daily activities. Based on the natural resources
contained in this product, it is safe if used or consumed in moderately and regularly. The simplicity of its
application, affordable, and safe for daily use, can be the answer for people who consume less vegetables
and are accustomed to fast food.

Youtube Upload Link of your innovation: *

Please include any additional attachments that you may have :

Declaration of Participation

I declare that I wish to participate in Malaysia Technology Expo 2021. I hereby declare that I will
act and comply with the rules and regulation of this Exhibition. I guarantee that the information
and documentation that I have provided is correct. I declare that I have not infringe upon the
patents and intellectual properties of others. I will be liable for any infringements that I have
made during the course of this competition and the Malaysian Technology Expo and it's
organizer. I also declare that the materials given can be used by Malaysia Technology Expo and
it's organizer for promotional purposes, PROTEMP Exhibition and Conferences will not be liable.

I agree with the declaration above: *

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