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International Business and Trade

14th Edition
P h i l i p R. C a t e o r a
M a r y C. G i l l y
John L. Graham

History and Geography:

The Foundations
of Culture

International Marketing 14/e Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
What Should You Learn?
• The importance of history and geography in
the understanding of international markets
• The effects of history on a country’s culture
• How culture interprets events through its
own eyes
• How the United States moved west and how this
more affected attitudes

What Should You Learn?
• The effect of geographic diversity on economic
profiles of a country
• Why markets need to be responsive to
geography of a country
• Economic effects of controlling population
growth versus aging population
• Communications are an integral part of
international commerce

Global Perspective
Birth of a Nation – Panama in 67 Hours
• To understand a society’s actions and its
points of view, you need to appreciate:
– The influence of historical events
– The geographical uniqueness to which a culture has had to
• To interpret a culture’s behavior and
attitudes, a marketer must have some idea of
a country’s history and geography

History Perspective
in Global Business
• History helps define a nation’s mission
– How it perceives its neighbors
– How it perceives itself
– Its place in the world
• Insights into history are important for
understanding current attitudes
• It is necessary to study culture as it is now as
well as to understand culture as it was
– A country’s history

History and Contemporary Behavior
• Japanese history
– Seven centuries under the shogun feudal system
– The isolation before the coming of Admiral Perry in 1853
– Threat of domination by colonial powers
– Rise of new social classes
– Western influences
– Humiliation of World War II
– Involvement in the international community
• Historically, loyalty and service, a sense of responsibility, and
respect for discipline, training, and artistry were stressed to
maintain stability and order
• A historical perspective gives the foreigner a basis on which
to begin developing cultural sensitivity and a better
understanding of contemporary Japanese behavior

History is Subjective
• Historical events always are viewed from
one’s own biases and SRC
• A crucial element in understanding any
nation’s business and political culture is
the subjective perception of its history
– Relationship between U.S. and Mexico
► Monroe Doctrine

Territorial Expansion
of United States from 1783
Exhibit 3.1

Manifest Destiny
and the Monroe Doctrine
• Both accepted as the basis for U.S. foreign policy during
much of the 19th and 20th centuries
• Manifest Destiny justified U.S. expansion
– Annexation of Texas, Oregon, New Mexico, and California
– U.S. involvement in Cuba, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Philippines
• Three basic dicta of the Monroe Doctrine
– No further European colonization in the New World
– Abstention of the U.S. from European political affairs
– Nonintervention of European governments in the governments of the
Western Hemisphere
• Change in the Monroe Doctrine
– 1881 – Roosevelt Corollary

U.S. Intervention
in Latin America Since 1945
Exhibit 3.2

Geography and Global Markets
• Geography – an element of the uncontrollable
environment that confronts every marketer
– Affects a society’s culture and economy
– Physical makeup limits a nation’s ability to supply its people’s

Climate and Topography
• Altitude, humidity, and temperature extremes
– South America
– British resistance of the English Channel
– Trade through the Alps

Geography, Nature
and Economic Growth
• As countries prosper, natural barriers are
• Environmental issues
– Disruption of ecosystems
– Relocation of people
– Inadequate hazardous waste management
– Industrial pollution

Social Responsibility
and Environmental Management
• Environmental protection is not an optional extra
• Pollution is on the verge of getting completely out of
• China has 16 of the world’s 20 most polluted cities
• Critical issue: the disposal of hazardous waste
• Sustainable development

• The availability of minerals and the ability to
generate energy are the foundations of modern
• The principal supplements to human energy
– Animals
– Wood
– Fossil fuel
– Nuclear power
– Ocean tides
– Geothermal power
– The sun

• United States in perspective
– 1942 – nearly self-sufficient
– 1950 – major importer
– 1973-2000 – increased dependency from 36% to 66%
– Mid-2000’s – predicted to be importing more than 70% of needs
• The location, quality, and availability of
resources will affect the pattern of world
economic development and trade well into the
21st century

World Energy Consumption
Exhibit 3.3a

World Energy Consumption
Exhibit 3.3b

Dynamics of Population Trends
• Global population trends determine today’s
demand for goods
– Rural/urban population shifts
– Rates of growth
– Age levels
– Population control
• Changes in population will profoundly affect
future demand
• The most important deterrent to population
control is cultural attitudes about the importance
of large families

World Population by Region – 2005-2050
Life Expectancy at Birth – 2005-2010 (millions)
Exhibit 3.4

Rural/Urban Migration
• Result of a desire for greater access to:
– Sources of education
– Health care
– Improved job opportunities

Population Decline and Aging
• Population growth in many countries has
dropped below the rate necessary to maintain
present levels
• A nation needs a fertility rate of about 2.1
children per woman
• Not one major country has sufficient internal
population growth to maintain itself

Age Density for World
and Selected Countries
Exhibit 3.5

Worker Shortage and Immigration
• The free flow of immigration will help to
ameliorate the dual problems of explosive
population expansion in less-developed
countries and worker shortage in
industrialized regions
• Europe will need 1.4 billion immigrants over
the next 50 years
• Japan and the U.S. will need 600 million
immigrants between now and 2050

500 Years of Trade
Exhibit 3.6a

500 Years of Trade
Exhibit 3.6b

World Trade Routes
• Progression of trade routes
– Overland
– Sea routes
– Air routes
– The Internet
• Trade routes bind world together, minimizing:
– Distance
– Natural barriers
– Lack of resources
– Fundamental differences between and economies
• Trade routes represent attempts to overcome
influence of geography
– Causing economic and social imbalances

Communication Links
• Telegraph
• Telephone
• Television
• Satellites
• Computer
• Internet

Global Perspective Equities and eBay –
Culture Gets in the Way
• Culture deals with a group’s design for living
• The successful marketer clearly must be a
student of culture
• Markets are the result of the three-way
interaction of a marketer’s
– Economic conditions
– Efforts
– All other elements of culture
• The use of something new is the beginning of
cultural change
– The marketer becomes a change agent

Culture’s Pervasive Impact
• Culture affects every part of our lives, every day,
from birth to death, and everything in between
– Japan – the year of the Fire Horse
• As countries move from agricultural to industrial to
services economies’ birthrates decline
• Consequences of consumption
– Tobacco
• Culture not only affects consumption, it also affects
– Stomach cancer in Japan

Birthrates (per 1000 women)
Exhibit 4.1

Patterns of Consumption
(annual per capita)
Exhibit 4.2

Consequences of Consumption
Exhibit 4.3

Human Universals – Myth of Diversity
• Use metaphors • Consider aspects of sexuality
• Have a system of status
and roles • Express emotions with face
• Are ethnocentric • Reciprocate
• Create art • Use mood altering drugs
• Conceive of success and • Overestimate objectivity of
failure thought
• Create groups antagonistic to • Fear of snakes
• Recognize economic
• Imitate outside influences obligations in exchanges of
goods and services
• Resist outside influences
• Trade and transport of goods

Definitions and Origins of Culture
• Traditional definition of culture
– Culture is the sum of the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and
thought processes that are learned, shared by a group of people,
and transmitted from generation to generation
• Humans make adaptations to changing
environments through innovation
• Individuals learn culture from social institutions
– Socialization (growing up)
– Acculturation (adjusting to a new culture)
– Application (decisions about consumption and production)

Origins, Elements,
and Consequences of Culture
Exhibit 4.4

• Exercises a profound control
– Includes climate, topography, flora, fauna, and microbiology
– Influenced history, technology, economics, social institutions and
way of thinking
• The ideas of Jared Diamond and Philip Parker
– Jared Diamond
► Historically innovations spread faster east to west than north to south
– Philip Parker
► Reports strong correlations between latitude (climate) and per capita GDP
► Empirical data supports climate’s apparent influence on workers’ wages
► Explain social phenomena using principles of physiology

We All Love Flowers – Why?
• Geography
• History
• Technology and economics
• Social institutions
• Cultural values
• Aesthetics as symbols

History, the Political Economy,
and Technology
• History
– Impact of specific events can be seen reflected in technology, social
institutions, cultural values, and even consumer behavior
► Tobacco was the original source of the Virginia colony’s economic survival in the 1600s

• Political Economy
– Three approaches to governance competed for world dominance
► Fascism
► Communism
► Democracy/free enterprise

• Technology
– Jet aircraft, air conditioning, televisions, computers, Internet, etc.
– None more important than the birth control pill

Social Institutions
• Family
• Religion
• School
• The media
• Government
• Corporations

Social Institutions
• Family
– Nepotism
– Role of extended family
– Favoritism of boys in some cultures
• Religion
– First institution infants are exposed to outside the home
– Impact of values systems
– Misunderstanding of beliefs
• School
– Affects all aspects of the culture, from economic development to
consumer behavior
– No country has been successful economically with less than 50%

Social Institutions
• The media
– Media time has replaced family time
► TV
► Internet

• Government
– Influences the thinking and behaviors of adult citizens
► Propaganda
► Passage, promulgation, promotion, and enforce of laws

• Corporations
– Most innovations are introduced to societies by companies
– Spread through media
– Change agents

Elements of Culture
• Cultural values
– Individualism/Collectivism Index
– Power Distance Index
– Uncertainty Avoidance Index
– Cultural Values and Consumer Behavior

Hofstede’s Indexes
Language, and Linguistic Distance
Exhibit 4.5

Elements of Culture
• Rituals
– Marriage
– Funerals
• Symbols
– Language
► Linguistic distance
– Aesthetics as symbols
► Insensitivity to aesthetic values can offend, create a negative impression, and, in general, render
marketing efforts ineffective or even damaging

• Beliefs
– To make light of superstitions in other cultures can be an expensive
• Thought processes
– Difference in perception
► Focus vs. big-picture

Metaphorical Journeys
through 23 Nations
Exhibit 4.6

Cultural Knowledge
• Factual knowledge
– Has meaning as a straightforward fact about a culture
– Assumes additional significance when interpreted within the
context of the culture
► Needs to be learned

• Interpretive knowledge
– Requires a degree of insight that may best be described as a
► Most dependent of past experience for interpretation
► Most frequently prone to misinterpretation
► Requires consultation and cooperation with bilingual natives with marketing

Cultural Sensitivity and Tolerance
• Being attuned to the nuances of culture so that a
new culture can be viewed objectively,
evaluated and appreciated
– Cultures are not right or wrong, better or worse, they are simply
– The more exotic the situation, the more sensitive, tolerant, and
flexible one needs to be

Cultural Change
• Dynamic in nature – it is a living process
• Paradoxical because culture is conservative and
resists change
– Changes caused by war or natural disasters
– Society seeking ways to solve problems created by changes in
– Culture is the means used in adjusting to the environmental and
historical components of human existence

Cultural Borrowing
• Effort to learn from others’ cultural ways in the
quest for better solutions to a society’s particular
– Imitating diversity of other makes cultures unique
– Contact can make cultures grow closer or further apart
• Habits, foods, and customs are adapted to fit
each society’s needs

Similarities – An Illusion
• A common language does not guarantee a
similar interpretation of word or phrases
– May cause lack of understanding because of apparent and
assumed similarities
• Just because something sells in one country
doesn’t mean it will sell in another
– Cultural differences among member of European Union a
product of centuries of history

Resistance to Change
• Gradual cultural growth does not occur without
some resistance
– New methods, ideas, and products are held to be suspect before
they are accepted, if ever
• Resistance to genetically modified (GM) foods
– Resisted by Europeans
– Consumed by Asians
– Not even labeled in U.S. until 2000

Planned and Unplanned
Cultural Change
• Determine which cultural factors conflict with an
• Change those factors from obstacles to acceptance into
stimulants for change
• Marketers have two options when introducing and
innovation to a culture
– They can wait
– They can cause change
• Cultural congruence
– Marketing products similar to ones already on the market in a
manner as congruent as possible with existing cultural norms

Consequences of Innovation
• May inadvertently bring about change that affects very
fabric of a social system
• Consequences of diffusion of an innovation
– May be functional or dysfunctional
► Depending on whether the effects on the social system are desirable or undesirable

• Introduction of a processed feeding formula into the diet

of babies in underdeveloped countries ended up being


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