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SKorea vows strong response

to any attacks by the North
By ALEX KENNEDY Gates said the U.S. is seeking to per-
ASSOCIATED PRESS suade North Korea to follow internation-
al norms through negotiations with the
SINGAPORE — South Korea warned participants in stalled six-nation nuclear
Saturday that any future attacks by North disarmament talks that involve the two
Korea would be met by a very strong Koreas, Japan, China, Russia and the U.S.
response, saying that Pyongyang is “The United States has no interest in
becoming increasingly bold in its provo- regime change,” Gates said. “We have no
cations. interest in destabilizing North Korea.”
South Korea must react to any future North Korea vowed Friday to launch
attacks by the North with stiffer respons- “retaliatory military actions” against
es than in the past, Defense Minister South Korea, a threat that came days
Kim Kwan Jin said at a regional security after Seoul said its military had used
conference in Singapore. photos of Pyongyang’s ruling family for
“Proactive deterrence means that if target practice.
there is a provocation, we will respond “From now on,” the North “will
Anja Niedringhaus/AP Photo
very strongly,” Kim said. “I don’t think launch practical and overall retaliatory
United States Marine Joshua Barron reacts onboard a medevac helicopter from
the US Army’s Task Force Lift “Dust Off”, Charlie Company 1-214 Aviation we can be reserved because they are military actions to wipe out the group of
Regiment, after he was wounded in an IED strike near Sangin, in the Helmand being bolder and bolder.” traitors at a stroke,” said a statement
Province of southern Afghanistan, Saturday. Tensions between the two countries from an unidentified spokesman for the
that share the Korean peninsula have general staff of the North’s Korean

Afghan Taliban talks appear jumped since two deadly attacks blamed
on North Korea last year. The North has
denied involvement in the sinking of a
warship in March 2010 that killed 46
People’s Army.
South Korean marines and some
army units had used pictures of North
Korean leader Kim Jong Il, his son and

to be gaining traction South Korean sailors and argued that a

November artillery barrage that killed
four was provoked by South Korean fir-
ing drills.
heir-apparent Kim Jong Un, and his
father, the North’s revered founder Kim
Il Sung, as firing targets since the North’s
deadly shelling of a South Korean border
By DEB RIECHMANN prospective intermediaries Robert Gates said if the In remarks earlier Saturday at the IISS island in November. The South said
and KATHY GANNON to travel abroad to hold U.S.-led coalition and Shangri-La Dialogue security forum, Tuesday that it would tell units to use
ASSOCIATED PRESS talks. Afghan forces can hold ter- only standard targets.
One Western official has ritory captured from the U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said
KABUL, Afghanistan — told The Associated Press Taliban, and even expand North Korea’s development of long- Kim Kwan Jin said North Korea has
Efforts to start peace talks that the fate of the only U.S. that security “we will be in range missiles and nuclear weapons put been insincere in previous talks and
with the Taliban appear to soldier being held by a position towards the end the country “in the process of becoming must change its attitude for South Korea
be gaining traction, with insurgents has been men- of this year to perhaps have a direct threat to the United States.” to return to formal discussions.
the head of the Afghan tioned in recent prelimi- a successful opening to
peace council saying nary discussions between reconciliation.”
Saturday that it has been in the Americans and Tayyab But Gates, who’s retiring
contact with three factions Aga, the former personal June 30, said much
of the insurgent movement secretary to the Taliban’s depends on whether the
and the U.S. defense secre- one-eyed leader Mullah May 2 death of al-Qaida
tary predicting negotia- Mohammed Omar. The leader Osama bin Laden
tions by the end of the year. U.S. is asking what it will creates a new opening.
Other signs also suggest take to win the release of A day earlier in
that discussions with Spc. Bowe Bergdahl of Singapore, Gates said it
insurgents are moving for- Hailey, Idaho, who will was important to maintain
ward. mark two years in captivity military pressure on the
Marc Grossman, the on June 30. Taliban to reach a peace
U.S. special envoy to It’s not clear whether deal.
Afghanistan and Pakistan, Aga still has links to Omar The Taliban publicly
has reached out directly or or whether Omar supports insist they have no interest
indirectly to three insur- contacts with U.S. officials. in negotiating peace so
gent groups, although it’s The Taliban have flatly long as foreign troops
unclear how the efforts by denied that anyone is talk- occupy Afghanistan.
the peace council and the ing to the U.S. or to the President Barack Obama is
U.S. dovetail, Western offi- Afghan government, and due to make a decision on
cials say. senior Pakistani security U.S. troop reductions in the
The United Nations will officials say Omar is rigid next couple of weeks.
give a thumb’s up or in his refusal to negotiate. More than 200 NATO
thumb’s down later this At a news conference troops have been killed in
month on whether to take Saturday in the Afghan Afghanistan this year,
Taliban figures off a U.N. capital with President including four who died
sanctions blacklist list — a Hamid Karzai, U.S. Saturday in an explosion in
move that could enable Secretary of Defense the east of the country.

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