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1 - What is the best way to think about a "Syntax Error" while programming?

Answer: The computer did not understand the statement that you entered
//Another way to think about this is that you make typing mistakes for that
reason the interpreter cannot execute the code.

2 - What will the following program print out:

>>> x = 15
>>> x = x + 5
>>> print(x)

Answer: 20
// Now will see the computation step by step:
1: Initialize the variable "x" with the valor of 15 (x = 15)
2: Remember that writing code is not the same as in algebra.
We know that x is equal to 15, so x = x + 5
If we repeat the procedure x = x + 5, it will be equal
to x = 20 + 5 and x gonna be 25is the same that write x = 15 + 5.

3 - Python scripts (files) have names that end with:

Answer: .py
// This is a tricky question because

4 - Which of these words is a reserved word in Python ?

Answer: while
//This is something to watch out for, every kind of file has is dot
termination like: .py .c .js .mp3, etc.
And some of them are files you can execute like a photo or video like .jpg
or .mov (there are many more formats)
a program to install on your computer (.exe).
But for now, we are interested in the scripts for our IDE o Code Writer,
these are scripts like Python (.py)
JavaScript (.js), C++ (.cpp) that contain the code that we maniulate.

5 - Which of these words are reserved words in Python ?

Answer: break "and" if

// "todo", "machine" and "concat" are reserved words in other languages

6 - What is the proper way to say “good-bye” to Python?

Answer: quit()
// In a Unix system terminal like Linux or Mac, you can close the terminal
with the "exit" command,
and is kind of common to see this command in interpreters and compilers.
But obviusly, python is diferent.

7 - Which of the parts of a computer actually executes the program


Answer: Central Processing Unit

// Try to run a PC game without CPU " xP "

8 - What is "code" in the context of this course?

Answer: A sequence of instructions in a programming language

// Think in this way: a CPU can't read words or the number from 2 through
9, it can only read and work with 1s and 0s.
But writing the code in binary can be tedious and very difficult if not
almost impossible for today's apps.
That's why we use programming languages to make instructions more readable
for us but easy to parse in binary as well.

9 - A USB memory stick is an example of which of the following components of

computer architecture?

Answer: Secondary Memory

//There is a parallelism in psychology, the main memory can be the short-
time memory,
which is the data that you are working on right now, is in your conscious
Main memory is represented in the RAM memory of the device.

Secondary memory will be the long-time memory, that memoirs that you need
to take a time to find inside your brain.
Is represented un Hard-Drives, USB, Solid Stated Disk, etc.

10 - What is the best way to think about a "Syntax Error" while programming?

Answer: The computer did not understand the statement that you entered
/Repetition of question 1.

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