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GEN 004 - SAS 27 Schedule:

Name: MAMARIL, KAREN MAE E. Class Number: 03-2122-036300

Section: UP-FB1-BSIT-03 Date & Time:


1. Why did Marcos call for a snap election?

I learned that when President Marcos was interviewed on the David Brinkley Show in the first week
of November 1985, he indicated his plan to organize a snap election, even inviting members of the US
Congress to observe, implying that the allegations of fraud were baseless. This appears to have been an
attempt to shore up support and demonstrate the Marcos administration's legitimacy to the United States.
The announcement of a sudden election in three months was ahead of schedule; regular elections were
scheduled for 1987. The President was overconfident, and he ignored his family, cabinet, and political

2. How did the snap elections fail?

From what I learned, by virtue of Resolution No. 38, the Batasang Pambansa declared Marcos and
Arturo Tolentino the winners of the presidential and vice-presidential campaigns, respectively, on
February 15, 1986, in an unusual pronouncement that sparked a widespread outcry. In protest, opposition
assemblymen walked out of the Session Hall. The opposition held an indignant rally the next day in
Luneta, where Cory Aquino addressed about two million people in what became known as the Tagumpay
ng Bayan event. At the event, Aquino urged widespread civil disobedience and a boycott of Marcos'
crony-owned businesses and products. The Aquino-Laurel ticket declared victory as well.

3. What was the goal of the supposed coup planned by the RAM?

I learned that the Reform the Armed Forces Movement (RAM) began as a small, secret
organization in 1982, with the goal of bolstering military authority through a coup d'état. Initially, it was
made up of Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and a few regular officers from the Philippine Military
Academy (PMA) who were enraged by the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces
of the Philippines, General Fabian Ver (AFP).

4. Why was the EDSA People Power considered as a peaceful revolution?

From what I learned, By March 1986, intelligence sources revealed that President Marcos
was planning widespread bombing and arson operations across Manila in order to impose "Operation
Everlasting," a new martial law designed to eliminate all opposition by arresting all opposition leaders,
the entire executive council of NAMFREL, and the RAM rebels in a planned concentration camp on Caballo
Island near Corregidor. As a result, the EDSA People Power Revolution prevented the return of an
oppressive dictatorship that would have severely limited the country's civil liberties in the coming years.

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