97 MKT 513

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Non-Profit and Social Marketing (513)

1st Mid Term

Submitted To
Nasrin Akter
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Submitted By
Smrity Sarker Khan
ID: RH-026-097
Section: A
Batch: 23rd
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka

Date of Submission: 04.02.22

Answer to the Question No:01(a)
From the context mentioned in the question it can be said that suicidal behavior is a considerable
social problem of recent times. The risk of suicide in a population increases when the social
context fails to provide a healthy sense of purpose and belonging, contributing to an individual's
sense of contribution and connection. Every year more than 10,000 people commit suicide in
Bangladesh. This not only results in direct loss of lives but also has disruptive psychological and
adverse socio-economic effects.
Underlying causes of suicidal behavior:
Major causes of suicide are mental illness, such as depression, serious illness, social isolation.
Financial problem is another major issue that leads to suicide attempts in the context of
Bangladesh. Many job seekers get frustrated when they cannot manage a job for supporting their
family. Besides, adverse childhood experiences such as child abuse and neglect, bullying, family
history of suicide, relationship problems such as a break-up, violence, or loss, sexual violence,
barriers to health care also influences to commit suicide. Cultural and religious beliefs such as a
belief that suicide is noble resolution of a personal problem is another underlying cause of
suicidal behavior. Moreover, the lack of awareness regarding suicide is also a major reason
especially in the societies like Bangladesh. In the most cases, suicidal people cannot find mental
health support and they feel that they are suffering alone. This hopelessness is another major
factor behind the high rate of suicide in Bangladesh.

Answer to the Question No:01(b)

Stakeholders of suicidal behavior:
The appropriate stakeholder for this context can be considered as:
❖ Family
❖ Educational institutions
❖ Local communities
❖ Government.
Strategies for changing their behavior:
1. Working with families
Parenting skills and family relationships are important for suicidal prevention. Family can play a
vital role to suicidal prevention. Family can teach their members ethical and unethical issues.
They can provide enough financial support to the family member who is struggling for job.
Parents can spend more time with their vulnerable child and consult if they are having any issues
with their personal life.
2. Educational institutions as a change agent
Educational institutions like school, college, university can support their students mentally. The
teachers can give instruction in problem-solving, coping and resiliency skills, as well as
recognizing and responding to the warning signs of suicidal intent in others. They should be
friendly and co-operative with their students. Teachers can call parents meeting in particular day
to realize the ups and downs of student's life and suggest a way to overcome if having any
3. Working with local communities
Community engagement activities can save a person from committing suicide. Coverage of
mental health condition under insurance policy will enhance the campaign for suicidal
prevention also. Different types of yoga Centre and meditation Centre can help to come out from
suicidal tendency a lot.
4. Government's action
Government can play a significant to role to stop suicide. Special laws must be introduced which
accommodate psychological, social and economic understandings to evaluate and encounter the
causes of suicide, especially in the current context.
Answer to the Question No:02

Household waste separation at source is not a new concept in developed economies. However, it
is a newly enforced scheme promoted in developing economies. Waste separation requires
behavioral changes by all participants. Behavioral change theories suggest that motivations are
essential to reinforce people’s attitude, and thus leads to changes of behavior. Waste separation is
a critical component to successful recycling management in terms of enhancing the quality of
recyclables, reducing household waste and optimizing incineration. Source separation for
recycling is one of the most crucial methods to achieving sustainable household waste
management. Most countries especially in Asia, despite intense efforts to cultivate waste
separation behavior, continue to grapple with the low level of source separation practice. Under
current situation, separating waste at source requires a behavioral change, and regulative element
is essential so that government authorities aim to achieve an increase in correctly sorted
recyclables and a decrease in missed-sorted waste through their public policy.
The marketing mix framework of 7ps developed by Booms and Bitner, serves as a guiding
principle for marketing success. Among the 7ps, promotion, a remarkable component, is
discussed here in case of behavior change regarding household waste separation at source. As it
is new to the developing countries, it is required to use promotional activities for changing the
behavior. Household members should be encouraged to separate by categories of wastage before
sending to dustbin. Posters can be used to create awareness about waste separation system at
source. Seminar on household waste separation at source can be broadcast in television. School
going children can be taught about this behavior change by the teachers. NGO based campaign
for public awareness regarding this behavior change can be promoted.

Yes, I think 7p is easily applicable for behavior change regarding household waste separation at
Product: Here the change of behavior can be considered as product.
Price: The costing for household waste separation can be minimized when the waste is separated
by its category and being recycled.
Place: Every home is to be considered as place for separating waste.
Promotion: Public awareness through billboard is a good way to promote this behavior change.
People: Every household member can play this role to change the behavior regarding household
waste separation at source.
Process: Continuous feedback from household members on how they are adopting this new
behavior, providing needed dustbins to ensure the effectiveness of the whole waste separation
Physical evidence: Separate dustbin for waste on the basis of category like paper, plastic and
material can be considered as physical evidence in this context.

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