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Summer Training Program


General information about the company

Submitted By
Mr. Sumit choudhary
PGDM 2010-12
Regd. No.-6136
Under the supervision and Guidance of
Prof. B. Jayakar Ms. Diptha K. S.

(Faculty guide) (Area Sales Manager)

Table of contents

1 History
2 Company profile
3 Mission
4 Vision
5 Products
6 Board of members
7 Competitors
8 Market share
9 The organizational hierarchy
10 Distribution network
11 Achievements
12 Code of conduct


 The story of one of India's favourite brands reads almost like a fairy tale. Once
upon a time, in 1892 to be precise, a biscuit company was started in a
nondescript House in Calcutta (now Kolkata) with an initial investment of Rs.
 The beginnings might have been humble-the dreams were anything but. By
1910, with the advent of electricity, Britannia mechanized its operations, and in
1921, it became the first company east of the Suez Canal to use imported gas

 Britannia's business was flourishing. But, more importantly, Britannia was

acquiring a reputation for quality and value. As a result, during the tragic World
War II, the Government reposed its trust in Britannia by contracting it to supply
large Quantities of "service biscuits" to the armed forces.

 As time moved on, the biscuit market continued to grow… and Britannia grew
along with it. In 1975, the Britannia Biscuit Company took over the distribution
of biscuits from Parry's who till now distributed Britannia biscuits in India.

 In the subsequent public issue of 1978, Indian shareholding crossed 60%, firmly
establishing the Indianness of the firm. Britannia Biscuit Company was re-
christened Britannia Industries Limited (BIL). Four years later in 1983, it crossed
the Rs. 100 crores revenue mark.

 On the operations front, the company was making equally dynamic strides. In
1992, it celebrated its Platinum Jubilee. In 1997, the company unveiled its new
corporate identity - "Eat Healthy, Think Better" - and made its first foray into the
dairy products market.

 In 1999, the "Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao" promotion further fortified the
affinity consumers had with 'Brand Britannia'. Britannia strode into the 21st
Century as one of India's biggest brands and the preeminent food brand of the

Type Public
Industry Food
Founded 1892
Headquarters Kolkata
Key people Nusli wadia (Chairman), Vinita wali (MD)
Products Biscuits, Dairy, Bakers and Rusks

To Make Every Third Indian a Britannia Consumer.

The Indian population today is over 1 billion. Of these, economic data suggests that one
third can afford products in the price range that we operate i.e. Re. 1 in case of Tiger
Tikki to Rs. 120/- in case of the 1kg Milkman Dairy Whitener. The company has to
constantly endeavour to capture the entire market of this target population. The key to
success is once again through very high levels of commitment to the roles and the goals
of the organization. The company needs to constantly strive to excite the consumer
through whatever they do.


To Dominate the Food and Beverage Industry and Triple Turnover

and Operating Income.

The vision states that the company not only needs to lead but to dominate the industry.
This implies that the company needs to be the preferred choice of the consumer in
every product category that it operates in. The preference of consumers will come
through excellent products and excellent service to the trade and to the end consumer.

Products of Britannia is mainly divided into three categories,

 Biscuits

 Dairy

 Bakers


 Key brands include Tiger, Good Day, Milk Bikis, Treat, and Marie. In FY07 the
company launched new brands; 50:50 Chutkule, Treat Fruit, Rollz, NutriChoice
Digestive, and renovated Milk Bikis, Chota Tiger, and Chocolate Cream in the
Tiger range. Further in 2008, the company launched iron fortified Tiger' biscuits,
‘Good Day Classic Cookies', Low Fat Dahl and renovated 'Marigold'

Britannia products especially biscuits are divided into following categories:-

 Cookies
 Crackers
 Cream
 Glucose
 Marie
 Milk
 Health


 Dairy products contribute close to 10 per cent to Britannia's revenue. Britannia

trades and markets dairy products and its dairy portfolio grew at 47% in 2000-01
and by 30% in 2001-02. Britannia holds an equity stake in Dynamix Dairy and had
outsourced the bulk of its dairy products from its associate. Its main competitors
are Nestle India, and the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), and amul.

Bakers: - Mainly breads and cakes.

Board of members:-
Name Designation
Mr. Nusli Neville Wadia Chairman
Ms. Vinita Bali Managing Director
Mr. A.K.Hirjee Director
Dr. Ajai Puri Director
Mr. Avijit Deb Director
Mr. Jeh N Wadia Director
Mr. Keki Dadiseth Director
Mr. Nasser Munjee Director
Mr. Ness Nusli Wadia Director
Mr. Nimesh N Kampani Director
Mr. Pratap Khanna Director
Mr. S.S.Kelkar Director
Dr. Vijay L. Kelkar Director

 Strong competitors are Parle and ITC.


Britannia 50-50 Parle krackjack
Bourbon Parle bourbon Sun feast cream
Time pass Parle Monaco
Marie gold Sun feast Marie light Marie light
Tiger Parle g
pure magic Sun feast dark fantasy Dark fantasy
Tiger glucose Sun feast glucose
Britannia cake milk a cake
Nutri choice digestive milk

Market share of Britannia

 Britannia Industries Limited is an Indian company based in Kolkata that is

famous for its Britannia and Tiger brands of biscuit, which are highly recognized
throughout the country. Britannia is one of India’s leading biscuit firms, with an
estimated 38% market share.
 The Company's principal activity is the manufacture and sale of biscuits, bread,
rusk, cakes and dairy products.

The organizational hierarchy





PIONEER SALES MANAGER (PSM)-not authorised by co. AND

ROUTE SALES ADVISOR (RSA)-for merchandising

Distribution network of Britannia:-


 1892 -The Genesis - Britannia established with an investment of Rs. 295 in Kolkata

 1910 - Advent of electricity sees operations mechanised
 1921 - Imported machinery introduced; Britannia becomes the first company east of
the Suez to use gas ovens
 1939 - 44

 Sales rise exponentially to Rs.16,27,202 in 1939

 During 1944 sales ramp up by more than eight times to reach Rs.1.36 crore 


 Britannia Biscuit Company takes over biscuit distribution from Parry's


 Public issue - Indian shareholding crosses 60%


 Re-christened Britannia Industries Ltd. (BIL)


 Sales cross Rs.100 crore


 The Executive Office relocated to Bangalore. 


 BIL celebrates its Platinum Jubilee


 Re-birth - new corporate identity 'Eat Healthy, Think Better' leads to new
mission: 'Make every third Indian a Britannia consumer'

 BIL enters the dairy products market


 "Britannia Khao World Cup Jao" - a major success! Profit up by 37%


 Forbes Global Ranking - Britannia among Top 300 small companies


 BIL ranked one of India's biggest brands

 No.1 food brand of the country
 Britannia Lagaan Match: India's most successful promotional activity of the year
 Maska Chaska: India's most successful FMCG launch


 BIL launches joint venture with Fonterra, the world's second largest dairy
 Britannia New Zealand Foods Pvt. Ltd. is born
 Rated as 'One amongst the Top 200 Small Companies of the World' by Forbes
 Economic Times ranks BIL India's 2nd Most Trusted Brand


 'Treat Duet'- most successful launch of the year

 Britannia Khao World Cup Jao rocks the consumer lives yet again


 Britannia accorded the status of being a 'Superbrand'

 Volumes cross 3,00,000 tons of biscuits


 Re-birth of Tiger - 'Swasth Khao, Tiger Ban Jao' becomes the popular chant!
 The new plant in Uttaranchal, commissioned ahead of schedule.

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 Britannia acquires 51% stake in Bangalore-based bakery foods retailer Daily



 Britannia industries formed a joint venture with the Khimji Ramdas Group and
acquired a 70 percent beneficial stake in the Dubai-based Strategic Foods
International Co.
 Britannia NutriChoice SugarOut range introduced - 1st of its kind of biscuits to be
launched in India with "No Added Sugar”.


 Britannia Industries buys out New Zealand's Fonterra from existing dairy joint
venture, Britannia New Zealand Foods (BNZF). BNZF became a 100 per cent Britannia
subsidiary and was renamed Britannia Dairy Private Limited (BDPL).
 Recognizing the changing global trends & health benefits of removing transfats,
Britannia is the first Bakery brand in India to remove Trans fats from its products.
 Wadia Group acquired stake holdings from Group Danone and becomes the
single largest shareholder in BIL.


 Britannia was presented the Master Brand 2010 Award by CMO Council in
November 2010.
 Rotary Club of Chennai awarded CSR Award to Britannia in November, for our
work in nutrition.


 Britannia received the Most Respected Company Award 2011 from Business
 Bourbon received the Most Popular Confectionery Product Preferred By Youth
(Biscuit) Award.

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Code of Business Conduct in Britannia:-  
The reputation that Britannia has built over the years for high ethical standards is one of
our greatest business assets. To share the responsibility to preserve and enhance this
asset, the company has documented the Code of Business Conduct (COBC) for its
Responsibilities of Employees of Britannia

 Maintaining ethical standards, including appropriate accounting controls;

 Identify, surface and resolve ethical issues with great speed;
 Corporate assets (physical and intellectual) must not be used for personal

Workplace Responsibilities

 Being committed to fair employment practices;

 Being committed to a workplace free from drugs and any kind of harassment or
intimidation of employees;

Representing Britannia to Customers and Other External Constituencies

 Treating customers, suppliers and competitors fairly;

 Maintaining high standards of quality;
 Speeches, media interviews, and other public appearances in connection with
Britannia must first be approved internally;

Privacy / Confidentiality

 Protect proprietary and confidential information at all times in accordance with

applicable law;
 Keep employees' information confidential

Investments and Outside Activities

 Trading in the securities of Britannia or any other company while in possession

of "inside" information is illegal;
 Avoiding real or perceived conflicts of interest in areas including investments or
outside business activities, among others.

Corporate Social Responsibility

 Catering to the national interest

 Committed to be a good corporate citizen
 The company prohibits any payment of bribes.
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