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Recording Script Workbook B1+

Unit 1 Your World ExN: What was Polly doing when she had an
SBN: Listening, Unit 1, Page 6, B ExN: Number 4
ExN: You will hear eight short conversations. M: Have you thought about what job you’d like
After each conversation, you will be asked a to do?
question about what you heard. The answer
choices are shown as pictures (a, b or c). F: Actually, I’m thinking about becoming
Circle the letter of the correct answer. You a surgeon.
will hear each conversation only once.
M: Really? But that takes so many years of
studying. How about being a nurse or an
ExN: Number optician?
M: Goodness Granny, what happened to you? F: I don’t think I will be an optician, it’s not for
F: You’ll never believe it – I’m so embarrassed! me. My aunt is a nurse, though, and she loves
I went to the doctor’s because I had terrible it. Maybe I’ll do that.
flu, but while I was there I tripped over the ExN: Which job is the girl not considering?
crutches of a boy who’d broken his leg, and I
broke my arm! ExN: Number 5
M: That’s terrible! But at least there were M: My sister is a very successful
doctors there to help you! businesswoman. She has her own clothes
ExN: Why did the woman go to the doctor’s? shop.
Wow! So she loves clothes?
ExN: Number
2 Yes, she’s always buying new dresses for
F: herself. She loves jewellery too, and is thinking
I need to get a new laptop.
M: about selling it in her shop.
What’s the matter with the one you’ve
F: So do you like fashion too?
got? It’s just stopped working. I also want
ExN: What does the man like best?
to get
M: a printer, although I must admit I don’t
really need one! ExN: Number 6

Well, I want to get a new computer with F: Do you exercise regularly?

ExN: a bigger screen. It would be so great to M: Yes, I do. I think it is important to be fit
play computer games on a giant screen! and healthy.

ExN: Number 3 F: Me too. So what do you like to do?

M: Hi Polly! How was your weekend? M: Well, I love going to the gym. I feel a bit
plump and want to get stronger. My favourite
F: Not bad. I went to my yoga class with my
thing to do is to go running, especially
flatmate on Saturday. It was great, but I fell off
feeling blueI’m
– running makes me happy again!
my bicycle while I was riding home and I hurt
I’m not really interested in things like yoga
my knee.
classes, though my colleague says they
M: Did you go to the doctor? help him feel calm after a day at work.
F: No, I just walked home – it was a very long ExN: Which type of exercise does the man do
way! when he feels sad?
ExN: Number Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa? For centuries
7 now, people have wondered who the woman in
F: You’re always looking for explanations for the
the painting is, and why she has such a strange
things you don’t understand. Do you want to
be a police officer?
Pres: Oh that is such a fantastic painting. So, can you
M: Not at all – people can be aggressive to the
tell us your thoughts?
police. I like mysteries though. What about
you? Bert: Well, you’ll have to watch the show! In truth
however, I don’t really know the real answers
F: I’m thinking about doing something much less
to these questions – for now, nobody does! She
serious. I think I want to become a magician!
is the oldest art mystery in the Western world.
Then, there’ll be even more things for you to
solve. Pres: And what else can we look forward to seeing
ExN: What kind of work is the girl thinking about in the series?
doing? Bert: Well, we cover more recent and more exciting
discoveries in the art world, too, such as
ExN: Number 8 Vincent van Gogh’s hidden portrait.

M: What time do you want to revise theatre Pres: Ah, yes! The portrait behind his painting A
studies, Linda? Have you got lots of Patch of Green Grass. I thought grass was a
homework? strange subject for a painting!

F: I do – it’s so depressing! I’m doing my French Bert: Exactly. I mean, why paint something
work at the moment – it’s taking ages. I can so uninteresting as grass?
meet you at say, 1? Ooh, hold on, I’m visiting Indeed. Oh, it all sounds fascinating – and
my grandparents later! I’m excited – they have very mysterious. Mysteries of the Art World
a poetry book for me to read to help with my also looks at the possible, recent discovery of
poetry assignment! Leonardo da Vinci’s lost painting, The Battle of
ExN: Which subject is she working on at the Anghiari, hidden behind a painting by Vasari in
moment? the Palazzo Vecchio, in Florence, Italy. Can
you tell us something about that?

Bert: Certainly. First of all, this is an amazing

Unit 2 World Mysteries discovery and the art world is very excited
indeed! We know that da Vinci made lots of
drawings for a huge painting, called The Battle
SBN: Listening, Unit 2, Page 12, B
of Anghiari. These drawings still exist, and
ExN: You will hear an interview with a man called we think da Vinci may well have completed
Bert Atkinson, who’s talking about his
it for the Palazzo Vecchio. In March 2012, an
new show Mysteries of the Art World. For
questions one to six choose the best answer art historian working there found a message
(a, b or c). hidden in a painting by Giorgio Vasari. The
message read: ‘Seek and you will find’.
Pres: In the studio with us today is Bert Atkinson,
who is talking about his new show Mysteries Pres: I see. So, did people take the message
of the Art World. Welcome to the seriously?
programme, Bert. Can you tell us a bit about Bert: They certainly did! A team of scientists and
your new series please? art historians investigated right away. They
Bert: Well, it’s a series all about art mysteries which thought another message could exist. So far,
have never been solved. We decided to they have found black, red and brown colours
make the first show about a subject I am very similar to the ones which da Vinci used in his
interested in – the Mona Lisa! We had so many painting.
questions to look at. I mean, who exactly is

Pres: I see. So, the scientists think that Vasari painted world of good too. He’s 70, but seems much
on top of da Vinci’s painting? younger and has the fitness level of a 40-
year- old. He goes cycling and enjoys
Bert: No, not exactly. There is a space between the
meditating for a couple of hours a day. He
two paintings, like an air gap. The investigators
also watches what he eats. His diet includes
believe there’s another wall, hidden behind
fresh fruit and vegetables, which he eats raw
the wall Vasari painted on. They say that
when possible, with some protein as well. He
Vasari must have wanted to preserve da
drinks plenty of water every day and avoids
Vinci’s original work. On the other hand, there
anything with lots
are experts who believe that da Vinci’s
of additives or sugar. That means he rarely eats
painting was destroyed long before Vasari did
any of the freshly made bread or cakes I love to
his painting. An Italian arts conservation group
make! I guess he’s doing something right, as he
is worried that the investigations could
damage energy for running around after my children!

I’m trying to set a good example for my

Pres: And what’s your own opinion about that?
daughters by taking up exercise again. I used
Bert: Well, if there is a hidden da Vinci, then to do aerobics, until I hurt my knee and had to
this is exciting news for the art world. But have an operation. I went to the gym to talk
if to a gym instructor about what I could do, and
Vasari’s painting is damaged in the process of she recommended something less energetic,
like yoga, which is very popular now. I have also
signed up for spinning classes to burn calories.
Unit 3 Fit as a Fiddle It’s an exercise class where everyone trains on
stationary bikes. Apparently it’s hard work, but
TRACK 3.1 I won’t get injured. I can’t wait to start both
SBN: Listening, Unit 3, Page 20, B classes! Once my knee is better, I’ll hopefully
ExN: You will hear a woman called June Wyatt be able to start aerobics again and go to the
talking about how she and her family keep gym with my father.
fit and healthy. For questions one to six,
complete the sentences with a word or It would be fun to exercise with my daughters
short phrase. as well. I really want them to enjoy exercise
throughout their lives. I think it’s a real shame
F: I saw a report earlier today on television which
when women believe the only way to look
suggested that people who live longer are
good is to use lots of expensive make-up. If
the kind of people who like being with others.
you take exercise, it increases the blood flow
It explained that people with wide social
to the skin and you’ll appear healthier. I’m
networks, who enjoy other people’s company,
trying to teach my children that eating a
are more likely to live longer than people
who balanced diet with less sugar but more water,
prefer their own company. vitamins and minerals makes you feel and
look better too. So far, it seems to be
The experts were saying that they believe
this is probably because when people have
a lot of friends, they have a strong social
support network that can help in times of
illness or other difficulties. They are also
more likely to help others in their time of
need, and apparently this has been shown
to make people feel useful and give them a
reason for
I spoke to my father about it, and he
completely agreed – although he also said
keeping fit keeps you healthy and does you the

Unit 4 Technological Marvels ExN: 4: You hear a boy talking about mp3
M: My friends and I use mp3 players all the time
TRACK 4.1 – the earphones have really improved over the
SBN: Listening, Unit 4, Page 26, B last few years so you can use them wherever
ExN: You will hear people talking in six different you like – you know, studying, on the bus or
situations. For questions one to six, choose chilling at the beach. They seem to be popular
the best answer (a, b or c). with all ages – my dad likes to listen to his on
the train on his way to work, and I like to take
ExN: 1: You hear a lady talking about phones. mine with me when I go out for a run – it’s a
gadget which is just so lightweight and really
F: Before the nineties, not many people had
makes a difference to my day.
their own smartphone. We used public phones
instead. They were in most public places – in
cafés and restaurants, and on street corners. ExN: 5: You hear a man talking about computers
The first time I ever saw a mobile phone was at for work.
the cinema, in a Hollywood movie. It was about M: The first time I used a computer was in the
some young, ambitious lawyers in New York 1980s when I started working. The
and they all had huge, black boxes which they computers in the office were slow and quite
held to the side of their heads as they walked complicated. You had to type in lots of
down the street. At the time, they seemed really commands because there was no such thing
cool! Nowadays, even though some people as a mouse in those days! It’s fascinating to
might get excited about the latest smartphone, think how computers have changed since
they’ve just become normal. You hardly notice then. Nowadays, it seems impossible to
them because everybody seems to have one. study or get a job without good user
knowledge of computers – though I doubt I’ll
ExN: 2: You hear a girl talking about tablets. ever really understand how it all works!

F: I’ve been into computers and technology since ExN: 6: You hear a doctor talk about the effect of
technology on our brains.
I was really young, and now my little brother
is fascinated too. We taught him how to use a M: Some doctors and nurses feel concerned
tablet when he was about two years old. I used that technology is having an effect on the
to sit him on my knee and we would play online way we use our brains. If I’m honest, nobody
games for little kids. I love that tablets are so knows for sure yet. The human brain is very
easy to use – the touch-screen is brilliant, but complicated and the age of technology is
I personally feel the greatest benefit is that really just beginning, so we can’t be certain
they’re portable and really light to carry of anything. But what IS true is that
around nowadays we get most of our information
from a computer screen rather than by
reading books – we could, in fact, be in the
ExN: 3: You hear a mother talking about her
children. process of training our minds to behave
more like computers.
F: My kids spend hours each day using
technology, which means they are spending
much less time having direct social contact
with other people. I’m worried that it will
really affect them – by spending more time
on technology-related tasks and less time
to other people, I think they might start to lose
important social skills, such as reading people’s
feelings from the expression on their faces

Unit 5 High- ExN: Speaker 4
Flyers F: I definitely don’t think that success and fame
always go together, not at all.
SBN: Listening, Unit 5, Page 34, B Unfortunately, with our celebrity culture,
ExN: You will hear five short extracts in which we tend to pay
people are talking about successful people. a lot of attention to the stars of the screen
For questions one to five, choose from the and stage, but there are many other types
list A to H what each speaker says about
of successful and influential people, such
success. Use the letters only once. There are
three extra letters which you do not need to as
use. business leaders, charity workers, doctors and
so on. Very often these people aren’t famous
ExN: Speaker 1
at all, but they have accomplished just as much
M: You always hear the success stories of the or more and often their work is a lot more
rich and famous, but if you read about their
ExN: Speaker 5
lives, you’ll see that along the way they have
experienced failure, too. There are examples of M: I think we need to think of success not just
best-selling novelists who couldn’t find anyone in terms of wealth and fame, but also in
to publish their first novel, musicians whose terms of personal development. You want
talent was not recognised until after they left to do something challenging with whatever
school, actors whose first films were flops. talents you have, and you achieve it. If you
The important thing is that they never let this have an accident and you learn to walk
hold them back; they had so much belief in again,success
huge that is a– it requires effort, motivation,
themselves that they kept on trying … determination, and the ability to overcome
setbacks. That is the true meaning of success
in my opinion.
ExN: Speaker 2

F: It used to take years for people to become

successful in their chosen career, but that’s Unit 6 Living History
changed quite a bit these days. It’s possible
to become an overnight success now, with TRACK 6.1
the help of the media. For example, people SBN: Listening, Unit 6, Page 40, B
ExN: You will hear a radio presenter interviewing
lived very ordinary lives suddenly become best- three people. For questions one to five,
selling musicians when they enter television listen and choose the best answer (a, b, c or
talent contests. I think it must be an enormous d).
shock to someone who is not used to all this
Pres: Good afternoon and welcome to the
programme. We hope you’re all having an
ExN: Speaker 3 enjoyable afternoon! In today’s programme,
M: Artists can also become successful by putting we have a very exciting topic to talk about.
their creations on the Internet. They often Today we’re talking about polymaths. A
film themselves improvising, and they get polymath is someone who is very
themselves a name and an audience in that knowledgeable about many different
way. Suddenly, talented people have the subjects. Most ancient scientists were
chance to show the world what they can polymaths and knew a lot about the arts as
do. They no longer have to deal with record well. We’ve invited three students to the
companies or art galleries to get their work studio to talk about some famous polymaths.
noticed. Julie, what can you tell us?
Well, some of the greatest polymaths were
ancient Greeks, including Pythagoras and
Archimedes. But ultimately, the most famous
is the great philosopher Aristotle. He was also Unit 7 Wild World
an expert on just about everything – from
ethics and logic to biology, astronomy, TRACK 7.1
physics, zoology, literary criticism and even SBN: Listening, Unit 7, Page 48, B
public speaking. Aristotle’s ideas have
ExN: You will hear a girl called Joanna Harvey
influenced almost every scientist and talking about the recent flooding in her
philosopher who came after him. area. For questions one to ten, complete
the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Pres: Really? Well, that is very interesting indeed.
And now let’s move on to Hal. Hal, which
polymath have you chosen to talk about? We’ve finally moved back into our house after
Hal: I’d like to talk about Ibn Sı̄ nā – also known nearly six months – I can only describe it as
as Avicenna. He was born in Persia and being a nightmare. We’ve been living in a hotel
was probably the greatest polymath in for all this time! You‘d think living in a hotel is
history. Avicenna read all of Aristotle’s fun, but it’s been really weird.
works when he was a young boy. He also It all began with the rain. We didn’t expect it
studied all the sciences, as well as many to be too bad when it first started. But the
arts subjects. He could have been anything rain was non-stop. And then it got worse
he wanted to be when the stormy winds came along too.
– from an astronomer to a poet – but at 16 Every day we woke up to a thunderstorm,
he decided to take up medicine. He treated wondering when it would stop. After a week
poor, sick people for free, which allowed of it pouring and flash floods appearing, it
him to discover new treatments and his most was decided that
famous writings are his books on medicine, the people living in our street needed to take
which influenced medical science until the 17th action to keep everyone safe.
Pres: The police and Environmental Agency helped
And Amy. I believe you’ve chosen by delivering sandbags to everybody –
Isaac Newton … sandbags are basically thick bags with sand
Yes, that’s right. So, Isaac Newton. This man in, which soak up any water that touches
was born in England, in 1642. His family had a them.
ga Wetoallstop
rdens builtthe
walls with
water in the
thesandbags in
roads reaching
farm and he was expected to become a our houses.
farmer, but he spent his childhood writing After days of keeping the water away, the
poetry and inventing things. Fortunately, his river
uncle realised he was a genius and sent him to flooded. The water in the road was constantly
college and then to Cambridge University. In rising and it started coming into our house.
1665, a terrible epidemic swept through Suddenly, water was everywhere! Feeling
England and the university closed – so Newton scared and nervous, we didn’t know what to
went back home. One day, he saw an apple fall do. Luckily, the police came knocking.
from a tree and wondered why things fell We were advised to leave our house, and
down and not up. He spent hours and hours that the local council had places at hotels for
thinking about this question. Eventually, he us to stay if needed. The then
an hour to pack a bag and wetold us we
worked out that Earth’s gravity pulled objects
to leave, as it was too dangerous to stay in
towards its centre, and that this kept the moon
the house. Packing quietly, we were miserably
in orbit – and that the Earth and all of the other
thinking about all of the memories floating
planets were kept in their orbits by the sun’s
away with the
gravity. Newton also discovered the six colours water.
of the rainbow, invented calculus and created Luckily, there were no casualties in our
the first modern telescope – pretty impressive!
We were well looked after at the hotel and
everyone was so kind to each other, making

sure everyone had everything they needed. F: Did they spend all their money?

The rain continued for another week, and then M: No, they didn’t. Actually they donated a very
it just suddenly stopped. The council and the large sum to a hospital.
police worked hard to remove all of the water ExN: What did the boy’s grandparents build?
as soon as they could.

Then they started to fix the damage to our ExN: Number 3

houses, to make sure we could go back
F: Wow, this museum is really interesting! Look
quickly. It took ages, but we realised that as
at all these clothes worn by the prince when
long as we had each other, it didn’t matter
he was a boy.
where we lived. Now we are back in the
house and so we are redecorating all of the M: I love these tiny boots he wore when he was 8
walls – it’s so much fun because mum is years old.
letting me choose the colours! F: And this is the uniform he wore when he joined
the army at 18.
Unit 8 Media M: Look at this beautiful jacket he wore for
Matters school. He must have been about 11 then. I
wish we wore clothes like that!
SBN: Listening, Unit 8, Page 54, B
ExN: How old was the prince when he wore the
ExN: You will hear six short conversations. After boots?
you hear each conversation you will be asked
a question about what you have heard. The
answers are shown as pictures. Circle a, b or ExN: Number 4
M: I love exploring strange places with friends
ExN: Number 1 sometimes.
F: Alan was acting very strangely last night. F: What kind of places do you visit?
M: Was he? What happened? M: Well, we go to this cave in the hills where we
F: Well, he’s usually so happy and wants to think people used to live. It’s fascinating! And
talk there’s also an abandoned house nearby. The
the whole
silence, time, at
staring buthis
last nightmost
tablet he just sat tim
of the in e. furniture is still in it.

M: Well, at least he wasn’t walking round F: The cave sounds weird, but I’d love to visit
and round the room, like he sometimes
house. Have you been to that abandoned jail in
F: the countryside? They say it’s haunted.
True, but something was obviously M:
No, I’m afraid of ghosts.
ExN: bothering him. ExN:
Which place is the girl interested in visiting?

ExN: Number 2 ExN: Number

M: The business my grandparents owned made M: My sister Tina is a great athlete! Last week she
them very rich over the years. won a gold medal in a skiing competition.

F: What did they do with their money? F: Wow, that’s fantastic! Has she always taken
part in skiing competitions?
M: Well, they built a beautiful house, they bought
new furniture and they decorated it together. M: Well, she started taking part in competitions
They sent their daughter, my mum, to the best when she was very young. She won her first
school in the area and generally they had a award when she was only six years old,
was for horse riding.
very good life.
F: That’s amazing! What else has she

M: Her team won a silver cup in sailing when she under-fives. During the last school holidays, I
was at university. looked after three kids while their parents were
F: at work. It was tiring but very rewarding, and
Wow, she sounds like a very special aunt.
spending so much time with this age group
ExN: Which sport was Aunt Tina successful in first?
means I have learnt a lot. I know how to treat
them and I think that the experience will be
ExN: Number 6 very useful for my future studies.
M: I try to follow a healthy diet so I eat plenty of
fruit and vegetables. I like to make sure I get all ExN: Speaker 3
my vitamins and minerals!
I wasn’t sure if I should put down on my
F: I agree. I eat a lot of vegetables, too. I also application form that I work part-time as a
think calcium is important so I have milk and supervisor in a fast food restaurant. My parents
yoghurt every day. said I should, because it shows that I am keen
M: Do you eat much red meat? to get into the real world instead of just playing
on the computer all the time. I don’t want to
F: No, not a lot. I usually have fish or chicken
work in a restaurant forever as it’s exhausting
because they don’t contain as much fat.
and not very well-paid, but I’m applying for a
ExN: Which does the woman eat less of? Management Degree so I guess it is all relevant
experience, really.

Unit 9 Making a ExN: Speaker 4

Even as a young girl, I always wanted to be a
SBN: Listening, Unit 9, Page 62, B clothes designer. I remember my mother had
a lovely old sewing machine which she rarely
ExN: You’ll hear five short extracts in which
people are talking about work experience. used, and she let me play on it. When I was
For questions one to five, choose from the about eleven, I would make all sorts of clothes
list (A to H) what each speaker says about it. for my dolls. I used to copy the fashions in the
Use the letters only once. There are three magazines. I suppose you could say I taught
extra letters which you do not need to use.
myself to sew. I was good at art but didn’t
dare apply for a fashion course, because my
ExN: Speaker 1 parents didn’t think I was good enough. Now
When I left school at fourteen, I started that I’ve won first prize in a competition for
work new designers, I’m actually working with my
straight away
didn’t need a in
of office. In thosetodays,
qualifications get ayou
job, favourite designer! It’s the chance I’ve always
not like today. I started out just doing practical dreamed of.
things, you know, delivering the post, making
tea, really boring stuff. Slowly though, I got to ExN: Speaker 5
learn more about how the business worked and
Every weekend, and in the holidays too, I visit
they gave me more and more responsibilities.
my local riding school – I’m crazy about horses.
I kept learning through what today they call
This Summer I am going to do work experience
hands-on experience. Eventually I ended up a
there too! It will be different to when I go just
manager and I’ll be retiring next year!
for fun – I’ll be doing various jobs, including the
dirty ones like cleaning the stables! One of the
ExN: Speaker 2 perks though is that when I have done a day’s
When I leave school I want to be a nursery work, I will get a free riding lesson! I feel so
school teacher. I just adore little children. I lucky to be able to spend even more time with
do a lot of babysitting for my neighbours and the horses – not many people can do
Unit 10 See the World Nathan: I’ve finally found somewhere I can use the
TRACK 10.1 Ed: Great! Everything going OK?
SBN: Listening, Unit 10, Page 68, B
Nathan: Yes, the last few days have been
ExN: You’ll hear people talking in five different absolutely
fantastic. I decided to go off on my own
situations. For questions one to five, choose
and visit some of the active volcanoes I’d
the best answer, (a, b or c).
read about before going on to the glaciers,
so I booked a place on a tour with a local
ExN: 1: You hear a man talking to a travel agent. sightseeing company. With great excitement
F: So, where do you think you’d like to go? we all met with our big rucksacks and started
hiking along this beautiful landscape. We hiked
M: Well, I’d really like to go somewhere warm and
for about an hour; it was so quiet and peaceful,
sunny. The weather here is so awful in winter!
and then suddenly…
F: At this time of year, you’ll have to go south.
Ed: Oh wow! What happened?
We’ve got some excellent offers on cruises at
the moment. Nathan: Well…

M: Oh, I don’t know. I don’t want to spend Ed: What?

hours on a ship. Nathan: … well suddenly, we reached our first
F: OK, well we’ve got some great beach resorts in destination, the hot spring, and there were
hundreds of people everywhere! They were all
M: Oh, beaches. No, there’s nothing to do on swimming, laughing and joking; it was so lively
a beach. It’s boring. compared to our peaceful hike up!
F: Ah okay, well sightseeing could be a
ExN: 4: You hear a man talking about a journey.
possibility. This coach tour of ancient sites in
Italy is popular. Destinations include Rome and Our journey was just a nightmare from start
Pompeii. Shall I show you the itinerary? to finish. We had decided to catch the train
because it’s, well, it’s just less stressful than
M: Hmmm yes please!
driving. So we were just waiting with our bags,
F: As you can see, the tour offers when we heard the announcement, ‘Due to
heavy snow, the train’s departure has been
for… <FADE>
delayed.’ When the time finally came to set
ExN: 2 : You hear a lady talking about a tourist off, my sister started searching and searching
centre. her bag. I asked what she was doing and she
F: This stone walkway on the coast of Northern looked at me really strangely and said she
Ireland is one of the country’s most important couldn’t find her ticket to board the train…
tourist centres: the Giant’s Causeway. Many We’d been sat waiting for so long she’d
visitors come each year to get off the beaten forgotten what she’d done with it! We
track and see Northern Ireland’s first World couldn’t leave!
Heritage Site. It’s a special site of science
and legends. For some people, these 40,000 ExN: 5: You hear a young woman talking about a
pieces of basalt are a natural formation. For trip.
other people, the Giant’s Causeway is the We must check in two hours before our flight,
home of a giant named Finn McCool… which is at 9am. That means we should set
off at five, to avoid the traffic. Then we’ll have
ExN: 3: You hear a young man talking to his enough time at the airport to get the local
friend currency too. I can’t wait to get away from
about an adventure.
work for a while, because the daily journey is
just exhausting. I have to leave at 6.30 every
morning. I can’t wait to arrive! We’ll have INT: So how can you tell which graffiti has been
to done by Banksy?
put up our tents straightaway, and then I think
MAGGIE: Although he started with just a spray can,
the best way to get around the area will be on
he soon developed a very characteristic style
bikes so we will need to rent some… <FADE>
using stencils. These are shapes cut out of
cardboard. The stencil is held against a wall,
Unit 11 Crime Time and paint is sprayed over it. When the stencil
is removed, the design remains on the wall.
TRACK 11.1 Using this technique, he can create quite
SBN: Listening, Unit 11, Page 76, B complex designs, with great speed. That’s
ExN: You will hear a radio presenter interviewing really important for someone who doesn’t want
someone about a well-known person. For to get arrested! Often his stencils are in black
questions one to six, choose the best and white, many featuring rats or people who
appear to be creating or even examining the
(A, B or C).
INT: graffiti! They can often make passers-by smile.
Hello listeners, and today we’re talking to
INT: Yes, isn’t he famous for his sense of
Maggie Halls, a journalist from Bristol, about humour?
one of Bristol’s most famous sons, well known MAGGIE: Yes, it’s one reason for the popularity of
to art critics and the public alike; the graffiti his work. Although he is supposed to have
artist known as Banksy. Hi Maggie. You said that he’d rather see his work at a bus
haven’t met the artist himself, have you? stop than in a museum, he is becoming more
MAGGIE: Hello. No, I haven’t. Very few people mainstream. In the summer of 2009, he staged
from the press have met him. His identity is a hugely successful exhibition in the Bristol
mystery. Of course this makes sense for street City Museum and Art Gallery. Not only was
artists, who could be arrested if caught. Graffiti it
kept secret until it was opened to the public,
is illegal, don’t forget. but the town council was not even told!
INT: But Banksy is a household name and Never before had public money been used to
he’s famous, or infamous, if you like ... hang up Banksy’s works, rather than painting
over it!
MAGGIE: Yes, but the police, of course, and many INT:
people on town councils disapprove of his MAGGIE: No, it was free, and there were no postcards
activities. They are against vandalism of any or T-shirts for sale. But a funny thing happened
kind, and certainly wish his creations weren’t before the exhibition opened. A shop opposite
so popular with young people. People should the museum, which sells things for charity, had
remember that when one person starts doing been given a lot of Banksy souvenir stickers
graffiti, it encourages a whole lot more and from a secret donor. These were very
that’s why Bristol was one of biggest graffiti popular with exhibition visitors and they made
capitals of Europe for some time. Many a
residents think that having to spend public huge difference to the shop’s sales. Also, of
money on removing or painting over graffiti is course, the exhibition boosted the city’s
a waste. tourist industry, filling the hotels and
INT: Well, maybe they shouldn’t waste public money restaurants. Banksy art on the streets is still
that way. Not all councils have his illegal, and annoying to many residents, but
graffiti removed, right? at least the boost to tourism from this
exhibition made the council happy!
MAGGIE: Well, it would be difficult to do so INT:
because Perhaps he’ll decide it’s better to exhibit his
there’s so much of it! Not only is Banksy’s work legally in future, who knows? Thanks,
graffiti found in the UK, but it’s also in cities in Maggie!
the United States.

Unit 12 You Are What You Wear like just wandering around looking at stuff. The
shop assistants keep asking you if they can help
TRACK 12.1 you, and that annoys me a bit.
SBN: Listening, Unit 12, Page 82, B I: I see your point. So tell me about the last
ExN: You will hear a boy answering a survey about time
his shopping habits. For questions one to you went shopping. Did you spend more
five, choose the best answer (a, b or c). than your budget?
Budget? I don’t usually have a budget. I spend
I: Hi, could I ask you some questions about whatever I want to.
shopping? It’s called ‘Are you a Okay. And have you ever bought more
M: shopaholic?’ Well, I’m not a shopaholic! than you needed?
I: Okay. But please will you answer my Well, yes… There are times when you just
suddenly see great discounts being advertised!
M: questions? Okay, sure.
And sometimes I can’t help looking at the
I: OK. First, what is your favourite kind of shop? trainers before leaving a sports shop...
M: Hmm my favourite kind of shop… Well, I can’t OK! Well, thanks very much for answering
deny that I love fashion and so I love going my questions. Let’s see... according to this,
clothes shopping… Vintage clothing is a great you could be called a shopaholic!
way of avoiding the mainstream look. On the M:
Oh, come on, that’s ridiculous! That’s not me!
other hand, I hate food shopping! I often have I:
to go to the shops to buy food and it’s just so Look, here’s another questionnaire. ‘Are
boring. Thinking about it though, I think my you addicted to the Internet?’ Do you want
favourite kind of shop is definitely a sports to do it?
shop! No, thanks. I’m going out – I need some new
I: And where do you like going shopping? running shorts…

M: Well, small shops are nice because you often

get to know the people working there, which
is the case with the little shop in my village. I
usually like to go to the Metro Mall though,
you know, the big shopping centre? They’ve
got a range of shops there, and it’s easy to
get to by bus from where I live.
I: Right. And who do you usually go with? Do
you go shopping by yourself or with other
Oh, I wouldn’t like to go shopping by
myself! I usually go with my friends,
although some of the shops don’t really like
it if there’s a

I: OK. So my next question is, do you always

know what you want to buy or do you like
just looking around?

M: I usually go with a specific idea. Like, if I want

a new T-shirt for the gym, I know which one I
want before I go into the shop because I’ve
seen it in a magazine or shop window. I

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