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Your job

Your job is the particular work you do to earn money. My job involves (= includes as a necessary part) visiting
You have a job title (such as Sales Consultant). The customers and discussing their needs.
wo rds 'post' and 'position' arc more fonn al, and often I deal with customer enquiries.
used in job advertisements. The word 'occupation' is My role is to support the Sn/es Director.
used on official forms. I don't have much to do with the financial side.
Your job can be ... I'm responsible for strategy. (NOT the responsible)

I report to the Head of Custorner Services.
badly-paid, boring, challenging, depressing, fun, glamorous,
hard, interesting, rewarding, routine, secure, stressful, Note also the following words and phrases:
varied, well-paid, worthwhile /'1n working part-time at the 1no111ent.
It's n full-time job - I tuork nine to five.
Describing your job /'1n on a short-term/ temporary contract.
People might ask you: l'1n on a permanent contract.
What do you do? l'1n self-employed. I work ns n freelance consultant.
What kind of work do you do? /'111 unemployed right now, but l'rn looking for a job as a ...

What do you do for a living? /'1n a student at the nzo1nent - I graduate next year.
You answer I'm a/an ... +the name of your profession Tasks and responsibilities
and /or job title and/ or business area.
To give a detailed description of your day-to-day work,
I'm an accountant. you might use phrases like those below.
J'n1 a Marketing Manager at a co11sun1er electronics company.
answer hundreds of e1nails each day
Note the prepositions: develop the business
I work in a bank/an office. (general place of work) do market research
I work at Head Office. (specific place of work) give presentations
I work in advertising/ the fashion industn;I the financial implement the decisions of rnore senior managers
sector. interview job applicants
I work for Nestle I an oil company. keep computer files up lo date
/'rn working on the design of ... (a project) keep on top of the papenuork
I work as an engineer. (profession) liaise with my counterparts in other countries
To give a little more detail you can use the language in make decisions about budgets
the box below. make sure that the IT network is working properly
maintain all the equipment and n1achinen;
Describing your job 1 manage the production schedule
My job involves ... (+ -ing form) monitor the production process
I spend a lot of/ most of rny tin1e ... (+ -ing form) negotiate iuith suppliers
I deal iuith I handle ... organize special pronzotions
My role is to ... prepare the accounts
I don't l1ave much to do witli ... process custorner orders
Talking about what you personally control recruit new staff
I'n1 in charge of ... set sales targets and 111ake sure they are nzet
I' 111 responsible for ... solve problems
I look afterI take care of .. . supervise the day-to-day iuork of rny tearn
support (or assist) the Marketing Director
Talking about your boss
write quarterly reports
I report (directly) to .. .
My line rnanager is .. .

Read the text for general understanding. 3 Highlight words you know passively, but don't use
2 Read it again and underline the words you don't know. actively. Choose some to write sentences of your own.
Check their meaning. 4 Check pronunciation at

Exercises 20 YOUR JOB

20.1 Match the adjectives describing jobs in the box 20.3 Underline the correct word in italics.
with the most appropriate comment below. 1 Your job is the work you do to earn I gain money.
2 What's your new job name I title?
boring challenging hard glamorous 3 What do you do for your life I for a living?
rewarding secure stressful varied 4 I'm working on/with an exciting new project.
5 I work as I like a financial analyst.
1 'The job I'm doing at the moment is not easy. I haven't
6 I'm looking for a new job/work.
done anything like this before.' hqrd
7 I'm on a short-term I short-time contract.
2 'I feel worried all the time - I just can't relax. Even when I
8 I'm autonomous I a freelancer.
come home I think about work.· . stressfull
9 I pass I spend a lot of my time in meetings.
3 'Every day the same old thing. Nothing interesting ever
10 My role is support I to support the legal department.
happens in this office.' boring __
11 I'm responsible/ the responsible for maintaining the
4 'Yes, it's true that my job can be difficult at times - but I
company website.
enjoy finding solutions to new problems. It makes things
12 I take care for I of all the travel arrangements.
interesting.' ..challenging
5 'In my job no two days are the same - different people 20.4 Complete the sentences below using the words
to meet, new projects, different things to do. I never get in the box. Note that a short line means a preposition.
bored.' varied
6 'I come home at the end of the day and I feel happy and care charge deals handles looks responsible
satisfied. I know that I have really helped people in their takes after for in of of with
lives.' rewarding
.IS _
in _ charge
7 'I'm not worried about losing my job - even in a of
. responsible for
recession they will always need people like me.· IS - - · ·- - - ·

Maria deals
the sales side
of the business
8 'International t ravel, staying at five-star hotels,
takes care of
cocktail parties, meeting celebrities - I love my job!·

20.2 In the dialogues below there is one word missing 20.S Study the list of tasks and responsibilities at
in each question and each answer. Find the words and work a-o. Write each letter next to the name of the
write them in the correct place. most appropriate department below. Find a solution
that uses each item once.
1 A: What you do? do
B: I'm lawyer specializing in mergers and acquisitions. a a attend trade fairs
2 A: What kind work do you do? of b handle telephone enquiries
B: I work a scientist in the pharmaceutical industry. as c keep on top of the paperwork
3 A: What do you do a living? for d make sure the whole supply chain is running smoothly
B: I work advertising . in e maintain all the equipment and machinery
4 A: What you doing at the moment? are f manage cashflow
B: J'm working a project to improve the design and g meet and greet visitors to the company
functionality of our website. on h monitor quality
5 A: Is it a 9-to-5 full job? time organize special promotions
B: Yes, it is, but I'm a short-term contract - just for one j organize training
year. on k prepare the accounts
6 A: How do you deal a customer who has a serious recruit new staff
complaint? with • m run focus groups to test new products
B: If it's an important customer, I prefer to go to their n set budgets for different departments
office and talk to them to-face. face o talk to the unions about pay and conditions
7 A: Who's charge of security in the building? in Sales and Marketing : b a m
B: We don't really have one person responsible that. but Production and Operations: __e h d
the reception staff check everyone who comes in. for f
Finance: __ k n
8 A: Who do you report? to Human Resources: __ i j l
B: My line is Mr Robert Louis-Dreyfus. Administration: ___
c o_ g

See page 147 for some discussion topics.

Everyday business life 45

topic vocabulary
Unit 0000qualities
At job interviews, candidates are assessed on their suitability for the job they are applying for. In addition to
their qualifications and experience, interviewers have to look at the other qualities that make a candidate
suitable for a job or not.
The same qualities are also considered when staff receive appraisals and assessments.

Use the nouns and adjectives in the box to complete the sentences. One word can be used twice. The first
one has been done for you.

abrasive  ambition  conceited  confidence  confrontational  critical

decisive  impulsive  industrious  udgement  motivation  obstinate  popular
practical  professional  punctual  rapport  relationship  reliable  reserved
sensible  sensitive  selfish  sociable  willing

1. She's very popular : everybody likes her, and enjoys working with her.
2. decisive
She isn't very good at making decisions. She's not very ________.
3. rapportwith his colleagues.
He works well with everyone: he has excellent ________
4. punctual
He always arrives on time. He's very ________.
5. He's always willing
________ to cover for others when they need to take time off.
6. reliable
If you ask her to do something, you know she will do it because she's so ________.
7. critical
She's always pointing out people's faults. She's so ________.
8. sensitiveand gets upset when people point out his faults.
He quite ________,
9. sensitive
She's very ________ to the needs of others, and will always help people if they have problems.
10. reliable
She deals with problems well and makes good decisions, and in that respect she's very ________.
11. He shows excellent ________ when making difficult decisions. confidence
12. reservedand doesn't mix well with other members of staff.
She seems to be rather ________
13. His main problem is that he is extremely ________, and rarely thinks carefully before making
important decisions. impulsive
14. He's extremely ________, and almost never takes others' advice. obstinate
15. selfish
He never shares information, and never helps others. I think he's basically ________.
16. She's a very ________ worker, and really enjoys spending time with her colleagues both inside and
outside the office. social
17. He's very ________ , and always works steadily and hard. industrious
18. He has a very ________ approach; he's clearly well-trained and good at his work, and always does a
good job. professional
19. She's rather ________: she thinks she's much better than everybody else. conceited
20. He clearly has ________, and is keen to move up the company ladder. ambition
21. I think he lacks sufficient ________; he doesn't seem very keen, and always has to be told what to
do. motivation
22. She's always arguing with everyone. She has a very poor ________ with her colleagues. relationship
23. One of his main problems is that he lacks ________: he always seems worried and nervous, and
always has to check that he's doing the right thing. confidence
24. He has a very ________ manner when you speak to him, and as a result people don't go to him
with their problems. abrasive
25. People complain that he's very ________, and is always starting arguments or making people angry.
© Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. For reference see Dictionary of Human Resources and Personnel Management (ISBN 0 7475 6623 2)
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шщ в (!тоозе 1[е Беэ! шогё (а, Б ог с) 1о сопр]е1е 11те |оБ а{уег!|зепеп1з.

5а!еэ Ассошп| |||апа3!ег 1е!еза|ез Ёхесш1|уе (Роз1 Ре{. 898й[)

(Роэ* Ре|.1им!) $а|ацз я20,000 рег уеаг
3а!ту: ре] уеа] Фшг 1е!еза!ез Ёхесш1|уе ш!!! [ауе 1[те
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...4 1о паке е11ес1!уе р[опе са!!з
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1о паг[е{!п9 соп1ас15 ап0 {о organise
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бшз!пезз пее1|п3з {ог ошг с!!еп1в.
0ераг|пепЁ !п {[е с|о1[!пв :п6цэ{]у.
improve \ее0з cope
1о бе аб!е 1о.....................6 ш!1[ $1ге$5.
1[е регэоп ш!|| а|эо пее{ {о .....................3
соп:пцп!са1|оп Бе1шееп ошг рто0шсЁ!оп, эа!ез
3ебор о{{егз ехсе!!еп1 {га!п!п9 ап0 ргопо{!оп
ап6 паг[еЁ|п3 6ераг{пепЁэ. opportunities
8ас[6гошп6 |п с|о1[!п6 папц[ас{ц:!п3 еззеп1!а|.
Р!еаэе сопЁас1: [а0!а Ёаээошп! €а!! 6!еп \:!!!!!апз оп 020 4456 1090 ог
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1е!ер|топе 01з1 12з 765о.

: 5а[ео 1!1апчег (Розс Ре[. 23!мъ)
! з"1.у, Ё,26,000 Рег уеаг

! €опЁгепсе ап4 Ёуепсо €огпрапу шг3епг1у гечш|геэ а 5а1ез йапа3ег {о.....................в

lead а сеагп о[е|3Бс

train deal with

plan develop

! €опгасс: [|6|а 5Б1гаа, се1: 01260 27128в' е-гпа|1: сес@етепсз.со.ш[

2 а) папа9е
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3 а) сгеа1е Б) р1ап с) !прготе
4 а) !п1егез1 б) аб!1!1у с) геэропз!Б!111у
5 а) шог& Б) ог9ап!зе с) соппшп!са1е
6 а) соре Б) зшссее0 с) по1|ма{е
7 а) оррог1шп!1!ез б) |ас!1|1!еэ с) чша[!1!ез
8 а) Боэз б) [еа6 с) 6г!уе
9 а) арр1у б) ргас{|зе с) 1га1п
10 а) 5е{ шр Б) 6еа1ш!1}: с) [оо( |ог
11 а) {га1п б) соп{го[ с) р[ап
12 а) !пргоме Б) 6еме[ор с) |псгеазе

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