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Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.

, 75 (11), 2264–2268, 2011

Use of Bottom Ash of Waste Coal as an Effective Microbial Carrier
Min Keun K IM,3 Shah Md. Asraful I SLAM,1 Myoung Geun Y UN,1 Jong Min K IM,1
Ji Joong C HO,1 Tae Ho K ANG,1 and Han Dae Y UN1;2; y
Division of Applied Life Science (BK21 Program), Gyeongsang National University,
Chinju 660-701, Republic of Korea
Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University,
Chinju 660-701, Republic of Korea
Environment-Friendly Research Division, Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Service,
Chinju 660-360, Republic of Korea

Received June 30, 2011; Accepted September 17, 2011; Online Publication, November 7, 2011

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An experiment was done to determine the efficacy of influence above-ground ecosystems by contributing to
waste bottom ash as an effective microbial carrier. plant nutrition, plant health, soil structure, bioremedia-
Bottom ash found to be a suitable microbial carrier. The tion, and soil fertility.8) Bacillus and Paenibacillus spp.
average of viable cells of Paenibacillus polymyxa GS01 elicited plant growth promotion and suppression of plant
(as a test biocontrol agent) in bottom ash samples was diseases.9,10) Among the microorganisms, Paenibacillus
about 108 cfu/10  2 mg. The surface of bottom ash polymyxa (formerly Bacillus polymyxa) has been iso-
coated with 5% PVA w/v was most effective for lated from different soils, rhizospheres, and roots of
improvement of cell viability. TSB medium containing plants cultivated all over the world.11) P. polymyxa is
50 mg/L of MnSO4 . H2 O was the best for spore also known as a free-living nitrogen fixer, and it has the
production of P. polymyxa GS01. Thus waste bottom nifH gene, an indicator of nitrogen fixation in many
ash coating with 5% PVA is likely to be suitable for use plant species.10) Moreover, P. polymyxa GS01 had
as a microbial carrier. shown potential activity as a biocontrol agent against
phytopathogenic fungi.12) However, a microbial carrier
Key words: coal bottom ash; microbial carrier; Paeni- should be low in cost. There are some carriers for
bacillus polymyxa GS01; sporulation microbial inoculants. Use of waste material as microbial
carrier is one of the best means of eco-friendly waste
There are three types of coal ash that emanate from management. In view of this, this study was carried out
thermoelectric power plants: fly ash, cinder ash, and to observe the efficacy of bottom ash as an microbial
bottom ash.1) Bottom ash, which consists of porous carrier. In addition, various coating materials for the
particles, is a by-product of thermoelectric power carrier were studied to increase the viability of P. poly-
plants.2) Coal combustion by-product coal ash, known myxa strain GS01 as a biocontrol agent.
as bottom ash and fly ash, account for 12% to 20% of the In this study, to select suitable microbial carriers,
original coal when coal is burned to produce steam for different waste materials, zeolite, rubble, bottom ash,
electricity generation.3) Approximately 6 million tons of and fly ash, were collected from the Environment
coal ash is annually produced in Republic of Korea Laboratory of Gyeongsang National University, and
(Korea Ministry of Environment, 2005). Bottom ash is a Samcheonpo Thermal Power Plant, located at Gosung in
relatively coarse, gritty material, in contrast to fly ash. It southern Korea. After drying of the material by sunlight,
has particle sizes generally within a range of 0.1 to these were refined by sieving with a 2.0-mm diameter
10 mm.4) Fly ash is effectively reused in cement sieve and preserved for study. The surfaces of candidate
industry. Bottom ash is also slightly recycled as materials were observed by naked eye and FE-SEM (a
aggregates on construction sites, but most remains as field emission scanning electron microscope, Philips
waste material. Bottom ash can be used as a construction XL30S FEG, AE, Netherlands) at 2,000 and 4,000
material,2) as a source material for the production of magnification. The selected materials were sputter-
geopolymers,5) to remove organic pollutants in coking coated with gold (JFC-1100E ion sputtering device,
wastewater and paperindustry wastewater,6) and in soil EG&G, CA) and their microstructures were analyzed
improvement.7) Major constituents include calcium, with an FE-SEM operated at 10 kV. Heavy metals from
aluminum, iron, magnesium, potassium, silicone, so- bottom ash (Cd, As, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cr, and Hg) were
dium, and titanium. These typically constitute up to 95% extracted with a ternary solution (HNO3 :H2 SO4 :HClO4 ,
of the mass of the ash. Of these materials, Ca, Fe, Mg, 10:1:4 volume/volume) and quantified using ICP-OES
K, and Si are essential plant nutrients.4) Moreover, (an inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spec-
bottom ash has a dimensionally stable macro-porous trophotometer, Perkin Elmer Model OPTIMA 4300DV,
structure for the attachment of microorganisms and Shelton, CT). Various harmful materials, PCE (per-
hence is effective microbial carrier. Soil microorganisms chloroethylene), TCE (trichloroethylene), and OP

To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +82-55-772-1962; Fax: +82-55-772-1969; E-mail:
Min Keun Kim and Shah Md. Asraful Islam contributed equally in this study.
Bottom Ash an Effective Microbial Carrier 2265

(organic phosphate) were analyzed in compliance with .

different concentrations of MnSO4 H2 O, and resuspend-
solid waste management law (Korea Ministry of ed in 0.1 M MgSO4 . To remove vegetative cells from this
Environment, 2007). suspension, the suspension was heat-treated at 70  C for
Paenibacillus polymyxa GS01 was previously isolated 30 min and cooled to room temperature over 30 min. The
as a potential biocontrol agent against phytopatho- suspension was serially diluted, spread on a TSA plate,
gens.12) Bottom ash was autoclaved at 121  C for 15 min and then incubated at 30  C for 48 h to determine the
for use as a microbial carrier. Paenibacillus polymyxa number of viable cells germinated from endospore.
GS01 was cultured at 30  C for 16 h in 200 mL of P. polymyxa GS01 was incubated on a TSA plate at
Tryptic soy agar (TSB, Difco, Detroit, MI) medium. The 30  C for 72 h. The endospore of strain GS01 was
culture was pelleted for 10 min at 4  C at 2;455  g and stained by the Rakette and Ziehl-Neelsen staining
then resuspended in 5 mL TSB for use an inoculant. One method and observed by compound microscope.14) On
g of bottom ash (about 100 pieces) was mixed with 5 mL the other hand, for spore formation, P. polymyxa GS01
of bacterial suspension and then left for 3 min for natural was incubated at 30  C for 72 h in TSB medium
absorption of the bacterial suspension by the bottom ash, .
containing 50 mg/L, MnSO4 H2 O, and this was effec-
and transferred to a petri dish for drying at 37  C for 3 h. tive for spore formation. Then bottom ash was immo-
The surface of the absorbed bottom ash was observed by bilized with the bacterial culture and coated with

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FE-SEM. On the other hand, to count absorbed cells 5% w/v PVA. To determine, the number of viable cells
shortly after drying, a piece of bottom ash containing in bottom ash was counted by spread-plate method by
cells was stirred at 4  C for 4 h in 3 mL of TSB medium. serial dilution during 200 d of immobilization.
The stirred TSB medium was serially diluted, spread on The surfaces of candidate materials were observed by
a TSB agar plate, and then incubated at 30  C for 48 h to naked eye, and by FE-SEM. By observation of FE-SEM,
determine the number of colony forming units. The macro- and micro-porous structures were more distinct
washed bottom ash was observed by FE-SEM. Data on the surface of bottom ash than other materials zeolite,
were collected with three replications. rubble, and fly ash (Fig. 1). In addition, FE-SEM
To improve the viability of immobilized cells in analysis showed that these pore openings were present
bottom ash, CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose, Sigma, St. throughout the entire surface of bottom ash, and were
Louis, MO) and PVA (polyvinyl alcohol, Sigma, St.
Louis, MO) were used as coating materials to study the
a b
effectiveness of the two materials. Both coating materi-
als were prepared by autoclaving at 121  C for 15 min
after they were dissolved in distilled water. For CMC,
2%, 3%, and 5% concentrations w/v were evaluated,
because CMC is sticker than PVA. On the other hand,
for PVA, 2%, 5%, and 10% concentrations w/v were
evaluated because PVA is less sticky than CMC. In case
of CMC after bacterial cell immobilization (previously
described), 1 g of immobilized bottom ash was mixed
with CMC, and PVA solutions were prepared according
to the concentration. Then bottom ash was transferred to
a Petri dish and dried to the point of hardening at 37  C
for 1 h. Some of the coated bottom ash granules were
measured by FE-SEM for surface observation, and
others were stored at room temperature for 10 d. After
10 d, the viable cells in the coated bottom ash were
counted by spread-plate method by serial dilution. We
maintained control without using any coating materials.
To evaluate the effects of the media depending on
concentration of MnSO4 H2 O for endospore production,
sporulation of P. polymyxa GS01 was carried out using
1/10 TSB, a nutrient broth (NB) containing 10, 30, and
50 mg/L, MnSO4 H2 O, and TSB medium containing
10, 50, and 100 mg/L of MnSO4 H2 O.13) To calculate
Fig. 1. Surface Observation of Candidate Microbial Carrier Materials.
Observation was conducted by naked eye (a) and FE-SEM (field
the number of endospores, P. polymyxa GS01 was emission scanning electron microscopy (2,000)) (b). A, zeolite; B,
grown for 90 h in three media (100 mL each) containing rubble; C, bottom ash; D, fly ash.

Table 1. Soil Contamination Standards and Amounts of Harmful Materials Detected in Bottom Ash

Test items (unit: mg/kg)

Cd As Cu Pb Zn Ni Cr Hg PCE TCE OP
Soil contamination standards 4 25 150 200 300 10 5 4 4 8 10
Bottom ash <LLDa <LLD 0.35 0.021 <LLD <LLD 0.075 <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
<LLD: Below lower limit of detection
Lower limits of detection: 0.0006 mg/kg for Cd, 0.0135 mg/kg for As, 0.0005 mg/kg for Zn, 0.0022 mg/kg for Ni, and 0.004 mg/kg for Hg
2266 M. K. KIM et al.

readily accessible to microorganisms through openings

in pores. Similarly, single bottom ash particles were
investigated by optical microscopy, scanning electron
microscopy with quantitative energy-dispersive X-ray
microanalysis (SEM/EDX), and electron probe micro
analysis (EPMA). The fresh bottom ash consisted of
amorphous (>30 wt.%) and major crystalline phases
(>1 wt.%), including silicates, oxides, and carbonates.15)
Moreover, bottom ash was a relatively coarse, gritty
material, in contrast to fly ash, which consisted of very
fine particles. Harmful materials in bottom ash (copper,
lead, and chromium) were detected at very low concen-
trations, and other what were below the limit of
detection,16) as shown in Table 1.
The immobilized bottom ash was observed by FE-
SEM (Fig. 2). Before immobilization of bacteria, there

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were good numbers of macro- and micro-porous
structures (Fig. 2A and B). The cells of strain GS01
on entire surface of bottom ash and, many cells were
observed in grooves and pore openings (Fig. 2C and E).
The average number of viable cells in bottom ash
samples was about 108 cfu/10  2 mg. The washed Fig. 2. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM)
bottom ash, which was stirred for 4 h due to measure- Analysis.
ment of the viable cells, was observed by FE-SEM. Most A, bottom ash surface (2,000). B, bottom ash surface (4,000).
C, immobilized bacteria in bottom ash (2,000). D, immobilized
of the cells were removed from the surface of bottom bacteria in bottom ash (4,000). E, washed bottom ash (2,000).
ash after stirring for 4 h (Fig. 2D and F). Bottom ash can F, washed bottom ash (4,000). Observation was done 3 d after
be used as a source of oligoelements by bacteria, and the immobilization.
extent of microbial colonization of the bottom ash and
the intensity of microbial processes can impact the rate
of leaching of potentially toxic elements.17)



Fig. 3. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) Analysis.

A, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) coated bottom ash; the surface of bottom ash was coated with 2% CMC, 3% CMC, and 5% CMC (arrow
head indicates crack formation on bottom ash surface). B, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) coated bottom ash; the surface of bottom ash was coated with
2% PVA, 5% PVA, and 10% PVA, and microscopic observation was conducted at 100 and 4,000 magnification. The prevalence of viable
cells after immobilization with Paenibacillus polymyxa GS01. C, coating with CMC. D, coating with PVA.
Bottom Ash an Effective Microbial Carrier 2267

Table 2. Effects of Various Culture Conditions on Cell Growth and Spore Production during 72 H of Fermentation at 30 C

Maximum number Maximum number

Culture media (100 mL) of viable cells of spore cells
(CFU/mL) (CFU/mL)
1/10 TSB agar þ 10 mg MnSO4 H2 O . 4:72  105 3:10  105 66.7
1/10 TSB agar þ 20 mg MnSO4 H2 O . 3:21  105 2:78  105 86.6
1/10 TSB agar þ 30 mg MnSO4 H2 O . 5:12  105 3:67  105 71.6
NU þ 10 mg MnSO4 H2 O . 1:18  105 3:77  104 31.9
NU þ 20 mg MnSO4 H2 O . 1:08  105 5:34  104 49.4
NU þ 30 mg MnSO4 H2 O . 1:06  105 5:14  104 48.5
TSB agar þ 30 mg MnSO4 H2 O . 1:58  108 5:31  107 33.6
TSB agar þ 50 mg MnSO4 H2 O . 2:11  108 8:74  107 41.4
TSB agar þ 100 mg MnSO4 H2 O . 9:43  107 2:31  107 24.5
TSB agar 3:88  108 3:25  107 8.4

Sporulation (%) ¼ Spore cells/Viable cells  100

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The surface of bottom ash coated with CMC and with
PVA after cell immobilization was observed by FE-
SEM. In case of bottom ash coated with CMC, the
surface was cracked due to the higher coating concen-
tration, but a lower concentration was used for CMC,
because it is stickier than PVA (Fig. 3A). The surface
of bottom ash coated with 2%, 5%, and 10% w/v PVA
was not cracked, and cells were uniformly covered
with PVA, but the surface of bottom ash coated with 10%
w/v PVA was thickly covered with PVA, and cells rarely
showed on the surface (Fig. 3B). Cell viability in bottom
ash was measured at 10 d after coating. The viable cells Fig. 4. Changes in Cell Viability on Bottom Ash against Storage
in bottom ash coated with PVA (Fig. 3D) were more Time.
Both of the samples were coated with 5% PVA.
numerous than those of bottom ash coated with CMC
(Fig. 3C), and 5% w/v PVA was most effective for
improvement of cell viability (Fig. 3D). Bio-pesticides Acknowledgments
and bio-fertilizers require delivery to the field of viable,
active microorganisms in high numbers, which requires This research was supported by Basic Science
high-quality inoculants.18) For this reason, the surface of Research Program through the National Research
bottom ash coated with PVA 5% w/v might be the most Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of
effective in improving of cell viability. Education, Science, and Technology of Korea (03-2010-
After 90 h of incubation, the maximum number of 0250). T. H. Kang is supported by a scholarship from the
endospores of strain GS01 was calculated (Table 2). On BK21 Program, Ministry of Education, Science and
the media containing 20 mg/L, MnSO4 H2 O, the strain . Technology, Republic of Korea.
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