Term-Iii Examination 2021-2022 DATE: 04.03.2022 Class: Vi Max. Marks: 40 Subject: Social Science Duration: 2 Hrs

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DATE: 04.03.2022
General Instructions:
1. All Questions are compulsory.
2. Marks are indicated against the questions.
3. Section A: Questions 1 to 10 are objective type questions carrying 1 mark and should be
answered in one word or one sentence each.
4. Section B: Questions 11 to 14 carry 3 marks each and should be around 60 to 70 words.
5. Section C: Questions 15 to 17 carry 5 marks each and should be around 90 to 120 words.
6. Section D: Question 18 is Map skills carry 3 marks.

SECTION A (1X10=10M)
1. Ashoka communicated to his subjects through his__________________
a) Edicts
b) Monks
c) Officers
d) Prime Minister

2) Rewrite the given statement correctly.

Indica was written by Kautilya.

3) Identify one of the major physical divisions of India in the given picture.

4) What are Coral islands?

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5) Do you think a reservation of 1/3rd seats for women in the Panchayat Raj is a step
towards women’s empowerment?

6. The Panchayati Raj has _____________ tiers.

A. four
B. three
C. five
D. two

7. The average weather conditions of a region measured over 30 years is called


8. Read the following statements and name the local body associated with it.
• A village court.
• Only imposes fines.
• Deliberates on minor cases.

9. Give reason:
The Northern states of Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, and Himachal Pradesh receive rainfall
in the winter season.

10. Chandurthi Gram Panchayat in Telangana was one of the local governing bodies that
won the Rashtriya Gram Sabha Puraskar for outstanding performance in the year
2016 for solving the acute shortage of drinking water.

Imagine you were the Sarpanch of the village, list any one initiative you would take
to promote rain water harvesting in the village.


11. Identify the person in the picture below and explain his importance in relation to the
Mauryan Empire and its administration.

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12. “To the South of the Northern Plains lie vast stretches of flat land formed by the rich
alluvial deposits brought down by three rivers”.

A. Name these rivers. [½+½+½M]

B. Name any one tributary of each of these rivers. [½+½+½M]

13. ’The 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution,1992, made it compulsory for all
states with a population of more than 20 Lakhs, to have the Panchayati Raj’.
Explain how it works at different levels with the help of a simple diagram.


Why should we have local self-governing bodies in a country like India?

14. Give reasons for the following: - [1+1+1=3M]

1. You will find people in Shimla wearing warm clothes all year around.
2. Rainfall in Pune is scanty.
3. The Southwest monsoon in India has two branches.


15. After the battle of Kalinga, Ashoka found comfort in the teachings of Buddha. What
measures did he take to spread the teachings of Buddha?

16. List the main functions of Gram Panchayat and the sources of income. [3+2M]

17. What is the Retreating monsoon? Describe the features.


Discuss the Cold and Hot weather seasons in India. [2½+2½M]

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18. Identify the places and the type of winds on the given map of India: -
1. A site where a classic example of Mauryan architecture is found.
2. Neighbouring country on the North of India.
3. The winds which brings rainfall to Tamilnadu, Pondicherry and
coastal Andhra Pradesh.


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