High-Resolution Cyclostratigraphy of Geochemical Re-Cords From Permo-Triassic Boundary Section of Dong - Pan, Southwestern Guangxi, South China

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High-resolution cyclostratigraphy of geochemical re-

cords from Permo-Triassic boundary section of Dong-
pan, southwestern Guangxi, South China
PENG XingFang1, FENG QingLai1†, Li ZhouBo2 & MENG YouYan3
MOE Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China;
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China;
Guangxi Geological Survey Research Institute, Nanning 530031, China

Spectral analysis is applied to geochemical data from a deep-water Permian-Triassic Boundary (PTB)
section across PTB in Dongpan, Guangxi for high-resolution cyclostratigraphic research. The charac-
teristics of the Milankovitch Cycles have been well recorded in the strata of the Dongpan section.
Spectrum on Ce/La records shows especially that the ratios among its three preponderant cycles in the
section are 5:2:1, which well displays the phenomenon of the sedimentary cycles driven by orbital
force. The Milankovitch theory is further confirmed by the Paleozoic records.

spectral analysis, P/T boundary, geochemistry, cyclostratigraphy, Guangxi

Climatic changes controlled by Milankovitch Cycles to find the Milankovitch Cycles in the strata. Based on
have been confirmed in the study of Quaternary cli- the differences in lithology and lithofacies, and the
mate[1]. However, are climatic changes in Pre-Quarter- variation of every bed thickness, Osleger[8] also dis-
nary sedimentary records also controlled by Milanko- played the cycles from the Late Cambrian tidal flat face
vitch Cycles? If so, how do we recognize Milankovitch carbonate sequence in Appalachian area, North America.
Cycles in older sediments? Further, how do we study House[9] deduced the Milankovitch Cycles in Devonian
cyclostratigraphy in Pre-Quaternary strata using the Mi- strata from the sedimentary rhythm by which a time
lankovitch theory? So far there have been some suc- scale was well established. The results of spectral analy-
cessful case studies. Based on annual rhythm thickness, sis based on magnetic susceptibility curves from the
Anderson[2,3] analyzed the orbital origin in the Permian strata near the Permian-Triassic boundary show the cor-
respondence with Milankovitch frequencies[10 12]. The

evaporates of the Castile Formation in New Mexico and
Texas (U.S.A). In addition, a varve chronology for the Milankovitch Cycles were also identified in the Devo-
whole Castile Formation had been established on the nian of South China by Chinese scholars[13 15]. The con-

basis of high regularity of the texture and structure in- clusions further verify that the Milankovitch Cycles re-
formation. Through analyzing geochemical proxy, corded truly in Pre-Quaternary strata.
Fischer and Herbert[4] identified the Milankovitch Cy- Chemical data record the palaeoclimatic changes well.
cles from the Cretaceous carbonate sequence formed in Therefore, they are considered as a proxy to study varia-
deep and hemi-deep sea environments. Goldhammer et
Received June 10, 2007; accepted October 24, 2007
al.[5,6] and Hinnov & Goldhammer [7] estimated the time doi: 10.1007/s11430-008-0001-z
intervals of various cycles in the Middle Triassic car- †
Corresponding author (email: qinglaifeng@cug.edu.cn)
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
bonate sequence using isotopic dating and studied the 40621002) and Program for Changjiang Scholar and Innovative Research Team in
time intervals through the time-series analysis technique University (Grant No. 20060491502)

Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci | Feb. 2008 | vol. 51 | no. 2 | 187-193
tions in palaeoclimate and sedimentary environment.
This paper will perform the Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) spectral analysis on the chemical data from the
Dalong and Luolou formations in a PTB section, the
Dongpan section from Guangxi, south China in order to
set up the mapping relation between chemical data and
geologic target: including identification of the main pe-
riods and exploration of the relationship between the
periods and Milankovitch Cycles.

1 Geological setting
Southwestern Guangxi was a carbonate platform in the
Middle Permian, which was broken by a regional tectonic
movement in the latest Middle Permian. During the Late
Permian, some parts of the area went down to form a
deep-water basin and some parts still were shallow ma-
rine carbonate platforms, showing a complicated tec-
tono-paleogeographic pattern in the area[16]. The Dongpan
section represents a continuous deep-water Permian-
Triassic Boundary section. The outcrop of the Dongpan
section is very well exposed where clearly rhythmic cy-
cle and laminae can be observed in the field. It is in-
ferred that there was a deep-water basin facies and low
energy environment in the area during Permian-Triassic
transition[17]. Consequently, this section is an ideal se-
quence for high-resolution stratigraphic research.
Lithologically, beds 2 ― 5 of the section display
rhythmic cycles of mudstone, siliceous rocks, and
mud-bearing silicalite. It usually appears as alternating
bright and dark laminations in single mudstone and sili-
ceous rocks, indicating the periodic changes of sedi-
Figure 1 Column of Dongpan section in Guangxi.
ments. The upper part of the section, beds 6―14, is of
mudstone with volcanic interbeds. There are no frequency in the time series. The FFT spectral analysis
lithological cycles observed. Above the bed 14, the technology is a statistical method of the most commonly
lithology gradually transforms into typical mud- used for the research on the periodic phenomenon. The
stone-marlite rhythm interbed of the Luolou Formation. FFT applied to complex wave produces a combination
These mudstone-marlite bundles in lower Yangzi region of sine and cosine waves which have different ampli-
are characteristic of lithologic uniformity, periodic oc- tudes and phases. The amplitude maxima can be re-
currences, multilevel, and can be traced and spatially garded as being significant, i.e. the main frequency.
compared[18]. Biostratigraphy studies show that the PTB The Fourier coefficient can be calculated from the
at the Dongpan section is placed between beds 12 and original continuous function x(t). Such a representation
13[19] (Figure 1). is obtained by developing the time series x(t):
X(f ) = ∫ x(t )e− j 2πft dt , (1)
2 Methods −∞
where t means time; j is imaginary number; f represents
2.1 Theoretical foundation of spectral analysis
The periodicity of any event may be expressed by the In practice, the data are discrete and of finite length.

188 PENG XingFang et al. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci | Feb. 2008 | vol. 51 | no. 2 | 187-193
Continuous-signal records will be truncated and dis- where Pk represents Frequency Component; k= 0, 1,
persed by computational processing. Therefore, the dis- 2, … , N−1.
crete Fourier transform is widely used in actual data
2.2 Analytical procedures
processing. Refs [20―22] expound the derivation. So
The Dongpan section is 14 m in thickness (from Bed 2
the following text shows the formulae directly.
to Bed 15). All samples for geochemical test are col-
The DFT Xk of a N-point sequence xm is defined by

lected from the section. Selected samples were analyzed
N −1 −j
Xk = ∑ xmW (mk ) , W =e N , j = −1, (2) by POEMS (Plasma Optical Emission Mass Sepectro-
m=0 meter) III for rare earth elements and trace elements (Be,
where Xk represents spectrum value (k=0, 1, 2, …, Sc, V, Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Cs, Ba, La,
N−1 ). Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf,
FFT is the fast algorithm of DFT. The FFT algorithm Ta, Pb, Th, U) in the State Key Laboratory of
may be organized in a variety of different ways as a Geo-processes and Mineral Resources, China University
function of the order in which data are accessed and of Geosciences. Major elements were determined by
stored and the implementation of the twiddle factors in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) in Wuhan Rock
the computation structure, such as radix-2 algorithm and and Mineral Analysis Center. In order to study the evo-
radix-4 algorithm etc. There are generally two different lution of palaeoclimate, we chose some ratios of the
forms for the FFT algorithm (DIT-FFT and DIF-FFT), elements closely related with the climate condition[23],
each being equivalent in terms of computational com- and explored their variation with stratigraphic depth.
plexity. They are only judged by different manners. This The stratigraphic trend of the Si/Al, Ti/Al, Fe/Al, Mn/Al,
paper is based on radix-2 algorithm. P/Al, K/Al, Ca/Al, Mg/Al and Ce/La ratios are outlined
For k even, replacing k by 2k, we obtain: in Figure 2 (NASC-normalized).
A−1 The FFT was performed on the 47 groups of geo-
X 2k = ∑ ( xm + xm+ A )W (2mk ) , (3) chemical data from normal sediments, excluding clay
m =0
layers caused by volcanic event. A spline interpolation
where k= 0, 1, … , A−1; A= N/2.
was applied to provide a regular interval (n=0.5), which
Replacing k by 2k+1 for k odd, we get:
improves the FFT results. Based on this, Time-Fre-
A −1
X 2 k +1 = ∑ ( xm − xm+ A )W (m)W (2mk ) , (4) quency transform technology of the FFT can make geo-
m =0 chemical data to accomplish transformation from time
where k=0, 1, …, A−1; A= N/2. domain to frequency domain. The results from power
Since spectrum value Xk has no substantial meaning, spectrum of several chemical proxies are shown in Fig-
it is usually transformed to energy to make an intuitive ure 3. Abscissa represents frequency value. And the
energy diagram. So the resonant wavelength value of fk vertical axis of the spectrum is usually described as
could be described as follows: relative power (energy per time interval). Maximum
Pk [real(Xk)]2+[imag(Xk)]2, (5) power point means an important frequency value in

Figure 2 Stratigraphic variations of some major elements normalized by Al and Ce/La ratio in Dongpan section. A stands for thickness.

PENG XingFang et al. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci | Feb. 2008 | vol. 51 | no. 2 | 187-193 189
Figure 3 Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) spectrum for the geochemical data from Dongpan section.

the time series. The larger the spectral peak, the more away in diagenetic and weathering processes; elements
frequent the period occurs in sediments. Therefore, the Si, Ca and P are greatly influenced by biologic prosper-
high frequency point corresponds to the main frequency ing and decaying. These phenomena influence the re-
of the curve. Then, it is helpful to determine the accurate sults of spectral analysis. While contents of elements Al,
cycle length and period. Mn, Fe, Ce and La are mainly controlled by the palaeo-
climate and sedimentary environment during sedimen-
3 Results and discussion tary process and their chemical properties are relatively
stable during geological processes after diagenesis.
The most prominent peaks can be identified from Figure Therefore, spectral analysis results are satisfied on the
3: K/Al 86, 61, 48; Si/Al 143, 86, 39; Mg/Al 143, 72, 54; basis of these elements.
P/Al 215, 86, 61, 43; Mn/Al 215, 84, 43; Fe/Al 215, 76, The periods of Earth’s orbital parameters are: the long
41; Ca/Al 188, 75, 54; Ti/Al 215, 84, 43; Ce/La 215, 86, precession cycles 23 ka, the short precession cycles 19
43. Of them, 86 and 61 can be interpreted as two points ka; the obliquity cycles 41 ka; the long eccentricity cy-
in one significant peak. In the various geochemical ra- cles 400 ka, the short eccentricity cycles 100 ka. In geo-
tios, the most frequent peak points include 215, 86 and logical time, the gradual increase of Earth-Moon dis-
43 in the frequency curves. The results show that: (1) tance and the decrease of the rate of the Earth rotation
Chemical data well record the stratigraphic information; have had an impact on the periods of the or-
(2) Because elements are different in chemical property, bital-precession and orbital-obliquity cycles. Their peri-
all spectrums can not reflect the characters of the cycles ods have become longer and longer since the Cambrian.
in sedimentary records. But eccentricity periodicities basically keep con-
For instance, elements K, Mg, Ca may be washed stant[24,25]. Hence, in any geological stage, the periods of

190 PENG XingFang et al. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci | Feb. 2008 | vol. 51 | no. 2 | 187-193
Milankovitch Cycles are with the character of relative
stability. Also, the ratios among three orbital parameters
are constant in a geological time. Using the above char-
acters, we can effectively identify the periods of orbital
cycles recorded in strata. The method consists of ana-
lyzing the main frequencies (have a greater amplitude),
comparing wavelengths, looking for significant wave-
lengths and calculating the ratios of them. If the ratios
correspond to that of the eccentricity, obliquity, preces-
sional cycles, which controlled by climatic changes in
the geological time, we will consider the main frequen-
cies reflect palaeoclimatic changes. Therefore, the main Figure 4 Results of spectral analysis (FFT) performed on Ce/La ratios.
frequencies are the basis of our sedimentary sequence
analysis. The reason for this phenomenon should be related to
Berger et al.[26] suggested that the ratios of the the chemical property of elements Ce and La. Elements
eccentricity, obliquity and precession periodicity should Ce and La, which belong to rare earth element, have
be about 5: 2: 1 across the Paleozoic-Mesozoic been affected little by diagenetic and later weathering
transition. Our spectral analysis results of geochemical processes. The Ce/La ratio is mainly influenced by
data show the ratios of three stable peaks as follows: sediment source and depositional environments. Ce/La
P/Al 5: 2: 1; Mn/Al 5: 1.955: 1; Fe/Al 5.2: 1.8: 1; Ti/Al ratio can reflect both the redox condition on seafloor and
5: 1.955: 1; Ce/La 5: 2: 1. The ratios are very similar to the periodic changes of sea level: small Ce/La ratio im-
Berger’s calculations. Therefore, we think that plies transgression; large Ce/La ratio is related to regres-
geochemical cycles in Dongpan section well correspond sion[27]. Therefore, the ratio can be used to indicate sea
with the Milankovitch Cycles. level change controlled by palaeoclimatic variations[28].
Moreover, comparing with periodograms in Figure 3, Because the redox condition of the sedimentary envi-
it can be noted that the prominent frequency peaks in ronment in Dongpan section changes little, the Ce/La
Ce/La periodogram fit the recurrent frequency peaks variation in Dongpan section is mainly influenced by
(215, 86, 43) in other periodograms of geochemical data palaeoclimatic changes (Figure 5). Therefore, spectral
very well. In Figure 4, it can be seen that points A, B, C analysis on Ce/La ratios well reflects the Milankovitch
represent the main frequency peaks, whose frequency Cycles.
values are 0.004652, 0.011630, 0.023260 cycles/cm; In addition, it can be clearly seen in Figure 4 that the
Converting the frequency values to the corresponding point C represents the maximum peak power among the
wavelengths are 215, 86, 43 cm/cycles. Owing to analy- main frequency points A, B and C. That means the fre-
sis interval is 0.5 during discrete procedure, the calcula- quency in point C occurs most frequently during the
tion results show that the significant cycles thicknesses spectral analysis procedure. From the above-mentioned
are 107.5, 43, 21.5 cm/cycles, with the ratios of 5:2:1. analysis, we know that the frequency of the point C re-
In the studied section, the lithological characters are flects the features of the precession periodicity. There-
comparatively simple. And rhythmic alternations could fore, we suggest that the precession cycles are the most
be well observed. There is no obvious change in lithofa- significant in the studied sequence.
cies [17]. Thus, we consider that the section has a constant It is well accepted that climate change is controlled
sedimentation rate. That means the ratios of the cycles by three orbital cycles, including precession, obliquity,
periodicities in Dongpan section are 107.5:43:21.5, i.e. and eccentricity. The change of the Earth’s orbital con-
5:2:1. The ratios present a good agreement with Mi- figuration controls radiation amount for the Earth from
lankovitch frequencies in the eccentricity, obliquity and the Sun so that various latitude zones receive very dif-
precession bands during P-T transitional stage. It can be ferent radiation amount from the Sun. Eccentricity is a
concluded that Ce/La ratios in the studied sequence well parameter closely related to the distance between the
display the phenomenon of the sedimentary cycles Earth and the Sun. The eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit is
driven by orbital force. very small and its change also is small. So it is negligi-

PENG XingFang et al. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci | Feb. 2008 | vol. 51 | no. 2 | 187-193 191
speed of the Earth along its orbit. The precession con-
trolls the length of the season and variations in seasonal
insolation due to the precession are larger at low lati-
tudes. Precessional signals are strongest in Dongpan
section, which is possibly related to its palaeogeographic
location being close to the equator in the Late Permian.

4 Conclusions
(1) Spectral method used in this study is to consider a
time series as a superposition of periodicities of random
oscillations made up components with amplitude and
phase. Periodic variations of Earth’s orbital parameters
have profoundly influence on climate, and the climatic
change is preserved in sedimentary strata in various
geological records including magnetic susceptibility,
sporo-pollen assemblage, lithology, chemical elements,
isotopic composition and so on. Therefore, it is of great
significance in quantification of the geological proce-
dure and reflection of the internal features to choose a
suitable record as a proxy to establish a random model
of geological time series.
(2) Time-frequency analysis on various geochemical
proxies from the deep-water PTB section in Dongpan,
Guangxi shows that the ratios among different strati-
graphic cycle thicknesses in the section well correspond
with the Milankovitch frequencies in the eccentricity,
obliquity and precession bands, indicating the sedimen-
tary strata record the Milankovitch Cycles. The strati-
graphic cycles are mainly controlled by palaeoclimatic
Figure 5 Curve of Ce/La ratios across the P/Tr boundary in Dongpan
(3) Compared with the spectrum results, it is con-
ble that the variation of the total annual insolation caus- cluded that Ce/La value is a more sensitive indicator for
ing by the eccentricity change (less than 0.2%[29]). The stratigraphy cycles caused by paleoclimatic changes in
obliquity is the angle between ecliptic plane and equato- Dongpan section. We suggest that the choice in chemical
rial plane, and changes among 22°―24.5°. The larger proxy should depend not only on how well it describes
the obliquity, the larger the amplitude of the seasonal the paleoclimatic evolution recorded in strata, but also
cycle. Change in obliquity naturally leads to variations on the stability of element in chemical property.
in the degree of seasonality. Annual change in insolation (4) The records show that the strongest cyclic signal
related to obliquity is greatest in high latitude zones. The in Milankovitch Cycle is associated with the precession
precession means the procession of the Earth's rotation of the earth’s orbit in Dongpan section.
axis. In principle, the different intensity and length of
The authors would like to thank Gu Songzhu of China University of Geo-
the seasons during the precession cycle are caused by
sciences for reviewing the manuscript and making valuable comments. We
the changing Earth-Sun dis- tance and the changing are grateful to Ma Liyan for helpful discussions.

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