Jeremy Sherr - Pole Star - North Star - Stella Polaris - Homeopathic

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POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

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POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

A Proving of Light from the Pole Star

The Dynamis School Graduates 1997
Raasay Island

All proceeds from the purchase of this proving will be donated to help support
Homoeopathy for Health in Africa (HHA)

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POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013


Preface …………………………………………….………………………………......…………..…………..…………………………… 4

Pharmacy & Provers ………………….………..…….……..……….……………………………...………..……………..…. 5

Polaris Substance Report ………………………….………………………….……..…..…………...……….….……….. 6

Mind & Dreams Themes ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16

General Themes ..……...…………………………………..………………..………………...………………………………….. 17

Proving of Polaris Raasay 1997

Mind & Dreams …………...……...………..…………………………….……………….….………….… 18

Physicals …………………………….…………………………..……….………………………….………………….… 32

Generalities ……………………………………………..………….………………………….………………….… 39

Polaris Case by Jeremy Sherr ………………………………….……………………....……………………………… 41

Sources ………………………………………....………..…………………………....………..………………………..………………... 45

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Preface POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

This was an unusual proving, carried out in an unusual way. The proving group, The
Dynamis School Graduates of 1997, decided they wanted to prove Polaris and helped
to make the remedy. We kept notes, very roughly, and feedback was given, verbally,
each evening, over four nights. This information was typed up verbatim and it is on
this amanuensis that the extraction is based. There was a later follow-up, which was
videoed. Because of the nature of the feedback, I have collated the information
differently from the usual proving protocol, but have retained all the language of the
My thanks to Doug Smith for supplying the remedy; Dynamis School Graduates of
1997 for potentising the remedy and for the proving; Jenni Tree for the extraction;
and Anne Baker for the substance report, and for editing and preparing the proving
for publication.

Jeremy Sherr 2013

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Pharmacy & Provers POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Pharmacy & Provers

Polaris was made by Doug Smith in Minden, Ontario, on 26th
October 1990, in the hour before midnight. He inserted a
half-inch diameter, clear-glass vial of vodka encircled by a
cork into the eyepiece aperture of his eight-inch Schmidt-
Cassegrain Celestron telescope. This was set up in the middle
of a freestanding, stone enclosure some three-feet high and
8” Schmidt-Cassegrain forty-feet in diameter, which was oriented on a north/south axis.
Celestron telescope 1

By means of the finder-scope, he kept the telescope centred on

Polaris for one hour. At the end of this time, he removed the
vial from the telescope and, to avoid human contamination,
placed it in a plastic container filled with sand. He then
carried the container the 150 yards to the house and
immediately potentised the fluid according to the single-vial,
Hahnemannian method from the 1x through to the 6x levels,
succussing it 48 times at each stage. Polaris 2

The Dynamis School group at Raasay, Skye, Scotland, potentised and succussed the
remedy together, up to a 30c, and each took a dose on 21st June 1997.

(N.B. Doug Smith was born on June 21st 1944 – a piece of synchronicity.)

Structure of Cassegrain telescope showing the light trajectory 3

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POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

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Substance Report POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Polaris - the Star

Northern Polar Star
Polaris is also commonly called Pole Star (from the Latin
Stella Polaris) and North Star. As some of its different
names imply, it is associated with the North Pole. This is
because, in the northern sky, it is the star that Earth’s
axis points towards, as Polaris lies less than one degree
from the Northern Celestial Pole. For this reason, in the
northern night sky, from an Earth-bound observer’s
point of view, Polaris is pointing north and is directly
overhead to anyone standing at the North Pole.

Another phenomenon is
that, as Earth turns, all Artist’s impression of Polaris over the
the other stars appear to Celestial North Pole of the Earth as it
rotates on its axis 4
rotate around Polaris,
while Polaris doesn’t seem
to move. Indeed, it appears
to be standing still.

Photo of Polaris and the stars near the

Celestial North Pole taken with a long
exposure 5

Since no bright star is near the Southern Celestial Pole of the Earth, there is
currently no South Star.

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Substance Report POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Celestial navigation
As Polaris appears to be motionless in the sky, since ancient times it has been
the still point for travellers in the Northern Hemisphere, who have orientated
themselves by its guiding light and used it to safely navigate long distances on
sea and land. Once Polaris has been located, it can be used to find north and,
even on the darkest of nights, providing it is clear, the direction of the four
cardinal points can then be determined without a compass.

Latitudes can be discovered north of the equator by

measuring the angle of Polaris above the horizon. The
simplest technique for measuring this is to use one’s
fingers on an outstretched arm, but various instruments
have been developed down the centuries to calculate this,
such as the astrolabe, quadrant, octant and, the most
effective, the sextant.
A sextant 6
The first sextant, made in 1757 by John Bird, incorporated
a telescope and made easier the task of establishing latitude, A sextant in use 7
as the primary use of the instrument was to determine the angle
between a celestial object, such as Polaris at night, and the horizon.

The sextant continues to be used to this day to establish one’s position in

relation to north and south, but of course
does not help with one’s position in
relation to east and west, the
problem of longitude. This was
eventually solved by John Harrison,
who won the Longitude Prize in 1773.
H1 8 H5 9
He sought to create a reliable clock that could
keep the time of the given place across a long sea journey. His first sea clock,
H1, wasn’t accurate enough. Three more attempts brought him success with
H4, a longitude watch. It was a copy of this, H5, which sealed his victory.

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Substance Report POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Finding Polaris
However, knowing about Polaris and reliably locating it in the night sky are two
different things. Polaris is not an outstanding star in the sky in order of magnitude,
nor brightness, so, since ancient times, people have relied on knowledge of star
constellations to find Polaris.

Polaris is the brightest star in the constellation we know as

Ursa Minor, or Little Bear. Little Bear is also known as
Little Dipper, because its seven brightest stars resemble a
ladle. The handle of the dipper is the Little Bear’s tail and
the bowl forms its flanks.
Polaris is located at the tip of
the dipper’s handle and is the
largest and brightest of the Little
Dipper stars, therefore, of the Little Bear constellation 10
Little Bear constellation.

Little Dipper constellation 11 Unfortunately

Unfortunately, Little Bear and Little Dipper are quite
hard to spot. It’s much easier to locate the nearby
constellation, Ursa Major, or Great Bear, and its Big
Dipper, or Plough, which is actually located just north
of the Northern Celestial
Pole. An imaginary line
drawn straight through the
two stars upwards that form
the outer edge of the Big
Dipper bowl will point to Locating Polaris using the Big Dipper

the handle of the Little Dipper and Polaris. Alternatively,

Polaris and Cassiopeia 13 look for the five bright stars of Cassiopeia arranged in a
flattened ‘W’. Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper are on opposite sides of Polaris.

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Substance Report POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Circumpolar stars
The stars of the constellations of Little and Great Bear
appear to revolve around Polaris at night, as do the
stars of Draco (Latin for ‘dragon’ from the Greek
dracon), a constellation closely associated with the Little
Bear, and of Cassiopeia, Cepheus and Camelopardalis
(Latin romanisation of the Greek for ‘giraffe’: kamelos,
‘camel’ and pardalus, ‘spots like a leopard’).

Draco and Ursa Minor/Little Bear 14

Circumpolar stars and their constellations 15

Camelopardalis 16

A variable star
Polaris is not as constant as it appears, as its brightness varies.

Research suggests Polaris is two and a half times brighter today than when the
astronomer, Ptolemy, observed it in the 2nd century AD. Even so, at some 430 light
years from Earth, Polaris is not the brightest star in our night sky. However, at 40th
brightest, it is still 2,500 times brighter than our sun and classified as a yellow,
supergiant star.
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Substance Report POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Multiple star system

Today with the availability of more powerful
instrumentation, astronomers can tell us that
Polaris is not in fact a single star at all but a
multiple, consisting of the supergiant, main star,
A; two dwarf companion stars, B and Ab; and
two more, distant, component stars, C and D.
One of the smaller companion stars, B, is large
enough and bright enough to be seen with a
telescope and was discovered by William Herschel
in 1780. However, Ab was not distinguished until
1929. As a close binary to Polaris A, from our
perspective on Earth, the light of the main star
swamps the light from Ab. In 2006, NASA
released images from the Hubble telescope Artist’s concept showing the three main stars of
showing all three of the Polaris stars. Polaris 17

Polaris is the Northern Pole Star, as it is the star
closest to the North Celestial Pole. However,
Polaris’ apparent fixedness is not assured, as Polaris
will in future move even further towards the
Celestial North Pole and then away from it. This is
due to axial precession, a gravity-induced, slow,
continuous shift in the Earth’s axis of rotation.
Historically, this wobble has been called the
‘precession of the equinoxes’.

Precessional movement of Earth 18

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Substance Report POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

In 12,000 BC, Vega, the 5th brightest star

in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere, was
the Pole Star. Around 3,000 BC, the
North Celestial Pole was closest to
Thuban; then in 1,000 BC, Kochab. In
c. 320 BC, the Greek navigator, Pytheas,
described the North Celestial Pole as
devoid of stars. However, at least from
200 AD, Polaris was used for navigation
and, in 500 AD, Stobaeus reported that it
was ‘always visible’. From about 1,100
AD, Polaris could reasonably be worthy of
its name, Stella Polaris. Eventually, in
14,000 AD, after a cycle of 26,000 years, The path of the North Celestial Pole among the stars due to
Vega will be the Pole Star again. the precession of the equinoxes 19

Each culture has invented its own constellations and the names of stars. Since ancient
time, because of its profound importance in celestial navigation, Polaris has been
known by many names. Below are just a few:

In English, Polaris is less commonly known as Guiding Star and Lodestar.

The Greeks saw a dog, not a bear, in the Little Dipper constellation and called the
Pole Star, Cynosura, (Greek Kunosoura, ‘dog’s tail’). The word ‘cynosure’ exists to this
day in English, meaning something that serves to guide or direct; hence, someone or
something that serves as a focal point of attention, interest or admiration.

In Indian astronomy the name of the Pole Star is Dhruva Tara, which literally
means ‘fixed star’.

Arabian astronomy had numerous names for Polaris, including Al Kiblah, ‘the
star least distant from the pole’ and Al-jadi, ‘the young he-goat’.

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Substance Report POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Different cultures in the Northern latitudes have developed lore to explain the
apparent stillness of the star in the night sky. One of the most beautiful stories
about Polaris is a Native American Paiute legend.

This is about Na-gah, (meaning ‘mountain sheep’), a brave,

daring, sure-footed and courageous son. He was trying to
impress his father by climbing the very tallest cliff he could
find. Although the conditions were difficult, he persisted, until
he found himself at the top of a very high mountain. It was so
tall that Na-gah could look down on all the other surrounding
mountains. Unfortunately for him, there was no way down.
When Na-gah’s father came looking for him, he found his son
trapped high above him. As he did not wish his son to suffer
for his bravery, Na-gah’s father turned him into a star that can
be seen and honoured by all living beings on the Earth or in
the sky, the Pole Star. Petroglyph of bighorn mountain
sheep 20
Besides Na-gah, there are other mountain sheep in the sky,
known in other cultures as Little Bear and Great Bear.

In the Old English rune poem, dated to the 8th or 9th century AD, the T-rune, or Tyr,
(after the northern god, Tyr), is related to the North Star and identified with ‘glory,
fame or honour’. Ancient seamen used Polaris as their main navigational aid in their
long journeys and the runic symbol of an arrow pointing upwards perhaps made
reference to this.

Extract from 1705 reproduction of Old English rune poem showing the rune T, or Tyr 21
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Substance Report POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Many European poets, dramatists and novelists have made reference to Polaris in
their writing. Here are two of the most famous:-

Dante recognised the position of Polaris around which the stars appear to turn:

Let him the Wain imagine unto which

Our vault of heaven sufficeth night and day,
So that in turning of its pole it fails not
Let him the mouth imagine of the horn
That in the point beginneth of the axis
Round about which the primal wheel revolves.

Dante ‘Paradiso’ Canto VIII Lines 7-12

Shakespeare referred to the constancy of Polaris:

But I am constant as the northern star,

Of whose true-fixed and resting quality
There is no fellow in the firmament.
The skies are painted with unnumbered sparks.
They are all fire and every one doth shine,
But there’s but one in all doth hold his place.

William Shakespeare ‘Julius Caesar’ Act III Scene 1 Lines 63-70

Polaris (Lorna Dane) is a Marvel comic book super-heroine, who
first appeared in the X-Men books in 1968 and also featured in the
X-Factor. She is a traditional super-heroine. Her speciality is that she
can control magnetism and her first code name was Magnetrix. Her
connection with her second code name, Polaris, would seem to be
the Magnetic North Pole. Polaris
(Lorna Dane) 22
Dr Polaris first appeared in 1963 in DC Comics and then
reappeared in 2008. He is the wicked alter ego of Neal
Emerson and John Nichol, and a super-villain. Like Lorna, his
special ability is to manipulate magnetism.
Dr Polaris 23

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Substance Report POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Contemplation of Polaris has led to insights in astrological study. These concern
knowledges and revelations, one of which is a revelation as to the function of Earth in
its role as one point of the cosmic triangle: Polaris/Great Bear/Earth, which concerns
the class of information relating to the science of triangles. Both Polaris and the Great
Bear are understood to distribute energy related to all things to do with purpose.

Polaris currently provides a still point of physical orientation in the night sky
and it might be said, as a star of direction and orientation, to generate similar
spiritual themes. So Polaris may be seen to distribute those energies imparting
purposive intention and, in so doing, may help the spiritual seeker to remember
the real source of their existence and remind them towards what point they
should be striving.

For this reason, indigenous peoples throughout the Northern Hemisphere have
customs designed to emphasise the northerly direction and draw from its realm those
powers and energies they see as essential to cohesion and survival.

For example, sacred medicine workers of various ethnic groups would begin
their shamanic journeys by aiming their intended astral flight to Polaris,
through which star-gate they could gain entrance to the sacred places from
which they could gather knowledge of healing and prophetic understanding.

Arabic desert people believed that visual contemplation of Polaris would cure
itching of the eyelids, a common complaint in arid, desert, sandy areas.

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Mind & Dreams Themes POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Polaris Themes

Mind & Dreams

 Bubbling, tingling
 Out of body
 Stillness/movement
 Stars
 Time
 Losing things, lost
 Out of line
 Travel
 Music
 Enlightened
 Communication, language
 Talking to animals
 Sensitivity to Nature
 Universal connectedness
 Triangle
 Telescope
 Inside out
 Delusions, sensations
 Company
 Miscellaneous

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General Themes POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Polaris themes
Symptoms seemed to echo three things:-
1. The substance of the remedy – deep planetary space; details of the way in which
the proving was ‘captured’ and created; and the physical symptoms.
2. Stillness alternating with a desire to run or to move.

3. Still energy followed by moving energy.

Polarities: Stillness/motion; north/south; time/space; being lost/finding one’s way.

Direction: Intimately connected with time.

Lost objects were found – this is a warping of time.

Communication: Reaching back in time before the advent of separate.

Deep connection with Nature languages; the ability to commune with Nature.
Connection with all Nature, animals and races.

Shape: Triangle.
Animal: Eagle.

Region: Head; Teeth; Palate; Heart; Breast.

Several provers had very heavy colds, verging on pneumonia.

Desire to drink hot chocolate/eat olives.

Desire to stand in the wind.

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Proving – Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Proving of Polaris
Mind &Dreams
Bubbling, tingling
 As I started to walk I felt a bubbling, effervescent feeling. Sensation as if top of
head was slightly open, extending to nose. Relaxed and restless, and then empty on
top of head.

 Tingling all over body. Felt like somebody had put Alka-Seltzer in my feet that
fizzed from feet to head. Jaw felt as if realigning.

 Tingling started in soles of feet and moved up to chest, with tingling in breast area.
Feel relaxed, staggering, slightly disorientated.

 Tingling, top of head, like a cap. Very defined line, top of head, like someone
working on shiatsu massaging my head.

 Felt like energy was coming out of vertex of head and it was coming up so much it
was curling my hair, twitching and vibrating, as if my hair was tingling.

 Very peaceful and spaced out in head, with tingling in feet, and a feeling of a
triangle from top of head going down to cheek bones, extending above it to a

 I wanted to laugh a lot, internal bubbling of energy; and, as soon as I moved, I

wanted to laugh.

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 I had a bubbly, drunk feeling. Giggly. Laughing. Everything felt funny. My body
wasn’t following my movement. While it was bubbly, I felt I was one foot over my

 Tingling, I tried to stay in my body. Felt I wanted to pop out of the vertex.

 I woke with tingling in left nipple and sensed my breast grow 20cm long, like a
pyramid tit.

Out of body
 I had a bubbly, drunk feeling. Giggly. Laughing. Everything felt funny. My body
wasn’t following my movement. While it was bubbly, I felt I was one foot over
my head.

 Delusion of being half a metre above my head and starting to feel as if my mouth
and palate was opening up, and my soul could plop out of my mouth.

 Sensation of being able to lift off top of head, on waking, but there would be a
stem or rod still attached.

 When sitting in lounge, felt extremely spaced out, as if not in my body, and got
giggling attacks. Felt so peaceful and then I would start giggling again. Felt as if I
was on something, very relaxed, laid back and fine, but then extremely restless and
had to go outside. Went for walk and my senses were very sharp; I could see and
smell things. I haven’t felt so good for weeks. Not in body? I was sitting with all
my limbs open. My arms felt too heavy. My arms had to go down, as if they
wanted to go very, very far down. And, if there was no movement in the room,
everything would totally stop. There would be no breath and I would feel my body
going numb. And, if someone would move a foot, the energy would come up
again. I felt as if I was here, but as if I wasn’t in my body. I was very present in my
mind, as if everything had stopped.

 Felt very heavy and slow, as if everything would totally stop. I could feel my body
going numb. I felt as if I was very present in my mind, but as if I wasn’t in my

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 A feeling of being sucked upwards and a feeling as if my head was being sucked
upwards in a cone, with a sensation of floating at the same time.

 Sensation of a triangle with its point at the vertex of my head. This turned into the
Star of David (two, convergent triangles).

 Delusion of all of me going straight upwards.

 A sensation of my head becoming wider.

 Tingling, I tried to stay in my body. Felt I wanted to pop out of the vertex.

 Sensation, as if top of the head was slightly open, extending to the nose.

 Delusions of being a lighthouse, with light around the eyes and a light coming out
of the top of the head.

 Sensation of my head lifting, as if my hair was standing on end.

 As if the top of the head was empty.

 Feeling of floating in my body, as if it didn’t have any weight.

 I woke with tingling in left nipple and sensed my breast grow 20cm long, like a
pyramid tit.

 Felt calm tranquil, still, in a deep sleep and I felt I don’t mind what happens; any
way it goes is fine, not active, just calm inside,

 A sensation of internal stillness with energy bubbling, alternating with the desire to
laugh on the slightest movement.

 I felt this stillness and, if I kept perfectly still, I felt so in balance, in peace and
alive. It was enhanced when I physically didn’t move a muscle. It got better.

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 When you move out of the centre, there is a very fast movement.

 A real sense of timelessness, very still and very happy to be here, yet not wanting
to move and create a change in that.

 Surge of energy. Had to jump up and down and rush around; and I had far more
energy to get rid of than I could get rid of. Felt I had to really jump high.

 Very calm quiet and listening to others. I wanted to laugh a lot. Internal bubbling
of energy and, as soon as I moved, I wanted to laugh. Okay, as long as I was
sitting still and, when I moved, the energy came very forcefully.

 Very slow and no desire to talk, but felt centered and relaxed. Took half an hour to
eat a bowl of porridge.

 A feeling of complete relaxation.

 Someone had taken over. I just had to be there, like a nothingness, like the end of
a party. Everything was right with the world.

 I felt a slowing down of speech.

 Today felt so still, peaceful and quiet. I don’t want to move at all. Nothing and
very deep tranquillity.

 Today, I was so still and we started the dance and music, and it sounded like the
wrong thing at wrong time. Usually I like this dancing and I wouldn’t have a
problem dancing, but it didn’t resonate with me at all. And, after the dance, it
antidoted my stillness, because I was starting to feel my normal, shitty self, and it
messed it up for me.

 I had a surge of energy and I wanted to run to the south end of the island.

 Sense of exhilaration. Wanted to run up the island or jump into sea.

 Today, I went to lie down and I had to lie completely still. And I looked out of
window and didn’t want to move at all.

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 After feeling of being turned inside out, I thought I should lie still, but there was a
sensation of travelling very fast, like time travelling, from here to there and back
again. I was going back in time.

 I was feeling my jumpy energy coming back and I was wishing for the stillness I
had been feeling, because I had never experienced that calmness before.

 Usually, I torment myself with anxiety and embarrassment, but all this has gone at
the moment. I’m not tormented and I feel still – a blessed relief.

 Desire to run, suddenly. I can sit in this room for hours and hours and not move,
but when we finish I have to rush around.

 I must either sit totally still all time, or move one part of my body. I have desire to
stroke myself.

 When abseiling, I was totally calm (not normal, as I usually get excited). I got
totally calm and then freaked out on the edge. I lost control and lost stillness. It
was either being totally in motion, or totally still.

 I had really profound stillness and next day woke feeling hurried.

 If I move, it takes several seconds to catch up. (Mind and body out of

 Seeing spinning faces and spinning suns.

 Felt very relaxed and dozy, aware we were looking for the moon, and I felt
energised. The moon was directly ahead, a golden light making clouds look golden.
I was too excited to go to bed and I went outside to look at the moon again.

 Just before I went to sleep, I felt as if floating in space. I could see all the stars and
I saw earth and moon. I was going really fast somewhere and I came back.

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 Dream I’m in space, floating away to stars and blackness, looking at us from
above. But I’m floating in space, and the bed and we are floating in this space.
What we are talking about is so silly. Black space with little stars. I see Earth to the
left and Moon above. Travelling very, very fast into space. Little stars very, very far
from the earth.

 Dream I’m on another planet with big, enormous, immense landscapes – huge
landscapes – and wind on the land but nothing else there. Landscapes are just
huge. So big.

 Strange sense of time all day. Time has stretched. It doesn’t seem possible. It is as
if this morning was 2 days ago.

 Same feeling of absolute timelessness. It can’t be it was yesterday we came here; it

seems impossible. And today doesn’t seem like today; it seems like long time.

 I lost the sense of time. I had a bubbly, drunk feeling. Giggly. Laughing.
Everything felt funny. My body wasn’t following my movement. While it was
bubbly, I felt I was one foot over my head.

 I don’t want to know what the time is. I don’t mind what happens minute to
minute, and I feel at peace.

 A real sense of timelessness. Very still and very happy to be here, yet not wanting
to move and create a change in that.

 I lost the sense of time.

 I felt I was an egg timer, an hourglass.

 Dream: Time is an illusion and time is a construct we need to agree upon for it to
have any meaning. There are times I feel like playing with it, and I do; and other
times I feel very strict about it. I feel this detachment. Not sure what to make of it.
It’s life.

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 There was a sense of travelling very fast, like time travelling. I was going up and to
the left – I was lying down, so it was horizontal – from here to there and back
again. I was going back in time.

 Feeling of timelessness, and getting very anxious and panicky when told to be at
supper at the right time; and time became important.

 I am not concerned about time and I’ve still not got watch on.

 I was irritable after the music and I remained irritable. And I was irritable because
people shouldn’t be late. I don’t know about people saying, “Come here at 8.14.”
I know if I say, “8.30,” we will never start. So, if I give a precise time, we will be
more on time. (Editor’s note 1997: Throughout the proving, Jeremy gave precise
start times for lectures: times like 8.14pm and 1.27pm. What is more, he expected
us to accept these times. He was ready to start then and was angry if we were late.
This pleased me greatly, as I had spent two years being angry at his constant
lateness in starting and ending lectures.)

 One dream was about being late. We kept missing the performance and then
Jeremy came out shouting at me because I was late, and I was very angry.

 I have lost a day. I can’t work out time. I think today is Wednesday (it is Tuesday).
I lost a day on Sunday night.

 Fell into a really deep sleep and part of this afternoon didn’t exist.

 A chunk of the afternoon, five minutes, was missing. It was unnerving.

 I feel I’m in a parallel-time universe and everything will happen that has to and, I
trust, is needed; and, everything else, Nature will decide.

 Dream about a lecture I was going to attend and we were 23 minutes late, or was it
21 minutes?

 Time sense totally deranged, weird, like being in some place that is permanent day.

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Disorientation, lost, finding the way

 Sensation of disorientation.

 I didn’t know where I started and where I finished.

 Delusion south is north and north is south.

 Part of me went into a room and part of me didn’t know where I was. I felt I
didn’t exist, as if I’d flipped into a place of nothing.

 I took a wrong turning and came out at the road end, and my heart leaped because
I was somewhere completely different, like I had come out on a road on a
different island. It happened again, later, the same sensation of driving along a
road and taking a corner, and having no recognition of where I was. I lost my
bearings and I thought, “I don’t know where I am.”

 I got lost.

 I find my way better.

 I’m willing to walk through dark corridors and I know I will find my way.

 I get lost and I don’t know where I am. Usually I have very good sense of
direction. Last night I didn’t know where I was. I opened all these doors and
didn’t know where I was. It is discombobulating.

 I was driving in a car directly opposite to where I was going.

 We had to get somewhere. Waiting for the last train. We missed the train by so

 A sense of being lost and, at the same time, you know you will get there.

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Losing things
 Lost earring and thought I wouldn’t find it; and found it in the lecture room. After
that, I couldn’t find my watch. It took me ages to find it.

Out of line
 Dream we were in a taxi and we couldn’t get there.

 In a car and it was hitting all the walls.

 Dream about a second car, a Jaguar. Driving and bumping into walls.

 Dream about driving a little car and it was jumping, like it wouldn’t go into clutch,
and it was hitting into the sides all the time.

 Trying to get on the ferry but the car was bumping into all the walls.

 Dream I am roller skating down a very long avenue, and, once, in while, meeting
an obstacle. I would have to stop if something got in my way.

 Theme tune of Dr Who going through my head. I was travelling. It was like they
are moving forward very fast and everything is rushing past me.

 Lots of dreams in cars travelling all over place, like Israel and Turkey. Desert
tracks, with dust, after the car.

 Desire to go to the north of the island.

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 Sensation of travelling very fast, like time travelling, from here to there and back

 I had an aversion to rhythmic music – more into alpha waves.

 I felt the impulse and I felt rhythms pulsing.

 Sensation of rhythms going through me, with my heart pounding after dancing,
but still a feeling of peace.

 Sensation of being pulsed, like a big chord, with many notes, in rhythm.

 Feel in tune and balance. Universal connection.

 You must become like a child and see like a child in the Kingdom of Heaven, and
allow all your mental constricts to be destroyed.

 Peace. Feeling very centered. A very deep line from the Bible, “Be still and know I
am God,” repeating over and over in my head.

 Feeling total peace. No conflict with anyone around me. And I don’t want to
know what the time is; I don’t mind what happens minute to minute. And I feel at

 I woke up this morning feeling very happy. A sense of being just here. I started
talking and it was gone.

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Communication, language
 A great desire in my tongue to speak a different language. It wants to speak a
universal language and it instinctively knows there’s something in an outside edge
that has to be activated, and it strains to remember this. My tongue remembers it,
so it must have been spoken at some time. Very strong on back and sides, and
trills – things that an American tongue doesn’t usually do.

 I was thinking in four different languages. I wanted to say ‘Earth’ in French but I
spoke in a combination of French and Arabic. And I’m taking notes in one
language and listening in another. Like four different languages merged into one.

 I was trying to express myself and to find the expression that was trying to come
out. A question I wanted to ask Jeremy would come up and I would think, “Is that
the way I want to ask it?” but would think, “I need a little more blue on this side,”
or, “I need a bit more red on this side.” It was strange because I can’t
communicate that way. So, in trying to communicate with colours and sounds, I
could add all those things to the way I communicated. I wanted to be able to
communicate holographically all that was in my mind, so you would know what
led up to that moment; it would be crystal clear and wouldn’t have to be spoken
exactly. The trill. My tongue wanted to trill and, when you spoke Hebrew, I
thought that part of the tongue was missing.

 I have been mis-catching phrases all day, mis-hearing. I now know Kay didn’t ask
me if I enjoyed my ‘frogs’ for breakfast; it was ‘fried eggs’. I heard Murray say
‘pentacles’ and it was ‘tentacles’. Very unusual.

 I wanted to come up with new words in English, to take those patterns and put
new vowels and new letters instead. I felt I could open my mouth and talk
gibberish, as if I was inventing a new language.

 Dream in classroom. Lynne and I were suddenly speaking in Finnish and

everybody understood me. Lynne replied and I woke, and thought, “She can’t
understand Finnish.”

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Talking to animals
 I only wanted to speak animal language. I wanted to groan – guttural, ‘Hiss-chhhha’
– like the warning hiss of a bearded dragon, Draco, and I didn’t want to speak
human words. I had to speak to a few people and disliked it intensely.

 It was as if I had a chat with dog. Then the dog came over and checked me over,
and I thought, “He thinks I’m part of the group now.” I was communicating with
the dogs and they were talking to me. Before, I had been talking with sheep
outside. The cat didn’t want to be with me but, this evening, he came and sat on
my lap and stayed. I was very moved when the dog came and sat. It was like a
lifting of the spirit.

 Spend most of the morning wanting to communicate like an animal; eventually

quacking like a duck all the way home. At one point, fall asleep in back of car with
ice- lolly stick stuck out the front of my mouth like a duck’s bill. This feels very

 Talking with a small animal’s grunts, like a threat: “CHHHHHH. Keep away from

 Delusion I was 10 feet tall. Ran downhill making eagle-like noises and flapping my
arms, and feeling very strong.

 Waking, with a feeling as if a knife had been stuck in my emotional heart with the
sentence: “They shoot whales, don’t they?” A whale, a very cosmic and innocent
being, had been shot or damaged, somehow.

 Dream. Bizarre. Dog in dream. Never dreamt about dog in my life.

 I also have a waking dream, around the word ‘feral’. Feral means an animal was
domesticated and becomes wild through abandonment, or running away; and a
feral animal is more dangerous than a wild animal. And the feral animal was saying
to me, “You must have a foot in both worlds. It’s about choice. And this house is

 A strong vision of fiery eagle’s wings.

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Sensitivity to Nature
 A yew tree was vandalised and cut down during the proving. One male prover
said, “I felt very upset in my stomach and tearful in my heart.” All the provers
were deeply upset by the incident.

Universal connectedness
 Today, feel in tune and in balance – universal connection.

 Delusion that my two eyes were far apart, as if my whole head were split open, but
I still saw centrally.

 Cheekbone elongated like a dog’s skull, triangular. Sensation, like a long, dog’s
muzzle coming to a point, about 30cm. Skull opening out backwards, like a wedge.

 Awareness of upward-pointed triangle, up to the third eye. The base is a line across
the eyes and the point is on the third eye.

 Dream I saw person with a triangle on their chest, pointing upward.

 Sensation of a triangle with its point at the vertex of my head. This turned into the
Star of David (two, convergent triangles).

 Terrible headache, as if head had been sliced off from the eyes, with a pyramid
going up to 10cm over the vertex.

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Mind & Dreams POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 Delusions of gold or brass tubes set into an unknown rock.

 Dream: Like telescoping distances and time, and that’s what I feel with the globe.
Landscapes very big and flat; and it’s mostly dark, at night, with lightning. A dome
made of triangles. Landscape is flat and I had pictures of shapes (phallic), but the
sea is very big and I felt I was just there, and being tossed, and there was always

 Dream: A misshapen parallelogram on which is a tower/tube, 20-30 feet high,

with a prism with a light on the top (lighthouse or telescope). The top area is
yellow and shining outwards, and all the edges are bright yellow. The middle of the
tower is reddish brown. At the base of the tower are black-haired people looking
upwards. My view is from above the tower, looking straight downwards. I’m above

Inside out
 My skin didn’t feel like skin. It felt as if the outside was inside.

 Delusion of hearing sound on the inside, rather than the outside.

 Delusion of my spine being split into two, down the centre, and turned inside out.

Delusions, sensations
 Strong sensation of somebody standing behind me and to the left: a man, seven or
eight feet tall, wearing a grey, woollen cloak with his brown hand on my shoulder.
He’s interested in what I’m doing – reading my notes and reading my mind.
Throughout the proving, he increased in size, until he was as big as a pink, granite
cliff I found at the north of the island. He was comforting. He was connected to
the sensation that the whole of my right side had been axed away.

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Physicals – Vertigo/Head POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 I feel more part of the group than ever before. I was going to stay in the hotel.
I’m in my own room, but I feel I want to be with other people.

 Lots of dreams about people telling me what to do. A lot of instructions from one

 A strange noise in my head that said, “This remedy is for the good, the bad and
the ugly.”

 Fleeting, head pain over right eyebrow.

 Slight heaviness in head.

 Went to bed with an alarming feeling, like a tennis-racquet press square across my

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Physicals – Vertigo/Head POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 Pain, right side of head, centred in the eye.

 Woke with headache and tiredness after good sleep.

 Headachey, as if a cap on the head.

 Headache on the top of each temple, pressing down.

 Headache and tension across eyebrows.

 Headache across eyebrows.

 Tension around the temples and left jaw.

 Frontal headache localised in left jaw (with clearer thinking).

 Return of migraine-type headache of two months previously. Panicked and took

two aspirin.

 Headache, like a line that goes from the top of the eyeballs to the vertex, or right
through the eyeballs, more noticeable when I look up. I feel it in the left temple.

 Lightheaded and detached.

 Feeling of drunkenness.

 Hair became curlier than usual (4 provers).

 Sensation as if hair were standing on end.

 Hair felt static.

 Hair raised, knotted and tangled on waking.

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Physicals – Eye / Ear/Hearing / Nose POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 Loose conjunctiva, which could be picked up like a cloth covering the eyeball, was
cured by the remedy.

 Pain in left eye and down side of face into nose. Pain is gouging, sharp and

 Burning eyes, very watery and gouged out.

 Swollen, full, coldy feeling in eyes.

 White discharge from eyes, with a cold.

 Very wet, smelly earwax in left ear. Crusty and dried up on waking.

 Sound was accentuated (as if hearing through my whole body).

 Ability to breathe through nose, which is usually blocked

 Nose became very clear and I could breathe through it; and it opened out and
cleared in my head.

 Sense of smell accentuated, so that it cleared my sinuses

 Clogged sinuses (normally clear).

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Physicals – Coryza / Mouth/Teeth POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 Woke with blocked, left side of nose.

 Sense of smell heightened (many provers).

 Feeling groggy, cold and bunged up. Want to close my eyes.

 Woke with sore throat and a heavy cold, worse left nostril. Yellow discharge from
both nostrils; white discharge from eyes. Burning throat. Palate felt huge and
enlarged, like a cavern. Terrible headache, as if head had been sliced off from the
eyes, with a pyramid going up to 10 cm over the vertex. Everything throbbing,
particularly at temples and outer canthi. Very full, swollen, coldy feeling in eyes,
which felt as if they had been gouged out, like a mediaeval torture. My teeth also
felt as if they had been systematically pulled out, every single one.

 Feverish most of the day. Hot in my head. Don’t want to eat, but it is very
comforting to swallow.

 Sore, raw throat and congestion.

 Fewer wrinkles in palate, as if it is smooth and lifted on one side, and it has
changed shape. (Indeed, her whole mouth changed shape.)

 Palate felt completely smooth.

 At midnight, ache in left ear extending to jaw, with pain in lower back, a feeling of
my head being sucked upwards in a kind of cone and a floating sensation, at the
same time.

 Toothache, left side, and a bitter, herby, earthy taste.

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Physicals – Stomach POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 Soapy, greasy taste in mouth.

 Blood in my mouth, with a funny taste. A lot of blood on brushing my teeth.

 Metallic taste in mouth (with sensation as if stomach had moved up to throat).

 Metallic taste in mouth.

 I had pain in the teeth before the proving, with the sensation of the jaw re-aligning
itself; the toothache went (CS).

 I had severe pain, where a tooth had been extracted, with headache and tingling in
the top lip. This lifted and went away after the remedy.

 Toothache in all of upper teeth, particularly after lunch and tea.

 Toothache, coming and going

 Watery saliva.

 Bite not quite level.

 40 minutes after taking the remedy, toothache, which lasted a few minutes.

 Craving sweets.

 Feeling desire-less; no need for food (5 provers).

 Aversion alcohol.

 Desired and drank whisky after breakfast.

 Aversion, smoking tobacco.

 Not smoking so many cigarettes (5 provers).

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Physicals – Chest / Back POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 Desire to drink hot chocolate (many provers).

 Felt very cold, better soup, hot food, hot chocolate.

 Desire for green olives (4 provers).

 Tightness in lower sternum; difficult to breathe.

 Sense of tightness in upper chest.

 Heart is beating hard, and is labouring.

 Aware of my heartbeat, of its energy being grounded. My heart is sinking into


 Feeling my heart is under strain, as if being pulled or grasped, on the left side of it.
This is a dragging, heavy sort of pain, an awareness of my heart.

 Can feel my heart going like crazy (tearful, and motionless). My heart is tight and I
can’t breathe properly. It’s like heartburn below the sternum.

 A feeling of heaviness all around the chest, an almost painful sensation on the left

 Stabbing, sharp pain in left chest before dinner.

 Sharp pain under right breast for three nights.

 Lots of low backache.

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Physicals – Extremities POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 Low backache, better moving around.

 Bad backache in lumbar area. Hard to sit up straight, better leaning backwards or
forwards. Painful, lying down, or standing up, better leaning forwards.

 Cold back, taking hours to warm up after swimming.

 Ache across shoulders and neck, especially right shoulder. Back, worse at teatime.
Had to lie flat on hard wooden bench, (with headache and tension across

 Incredible tenseness in top of neck and shoulders, very tense and tight, lasting two

 Tingling in feet (many provers).

 Hands shaking, jumping, uncontrollably, from an internal tremor.

 Tense hands, clasped, for a lot of the time.

 Tingling in legs.

 Cold elbows and knees (preventing sleep). Knees blue, on waking, but not

 Cold, left elbow during day, with warm body.

 Cold legs, from toes to knees. Particularly cold big toe and fourth toe.

 Legs cold, from the knees downward.

 Legs cold (start of menses).

 Sore knees cured by remedy.

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Generalities POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 Cold all day, the wind blowing through me.

 Cold extremities at night, preventing sleep.

 Parts so cold, they became numb.

 Night so cold, needed two quilts.

 Back so cold, it took hours to warm up after swimming.

 Cold and miserable before sleep (after second dose of remedy).

 Feeling very hot today. Yesterday I was cold.

 As if the wind were blowing right through (many provers).

 Wanting to stand in the wind.

 I really do want the wind.

 I do love the wind.

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Generalities POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

 I felt the wind was too cold.

 Strong desire for the wind to blow right through me, to blow me to bits.

 A cold, sharp, purifying wind.

 The wind feels very sensuous.

Page 40
Case POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Polaris Case
by Jeremy Sherr

Male, 30 years, builder

I’m always wanting to go to the north, to see the Aurora lights. There’s a pull to the
north. I’m always looking for the North Star – even as a child.

I am living a simple life: growing vegetables, working, not working … it’s not enough
for me anymore. I need a change but I can’t make a change until something new
comes up. I feel bad, especially around my head. Winter is a bad time for me, not
enough work.

I have a ‘tic’ in my throat, like a compulsive thing. I have to do this thing with it all
the time. My eyes are dry; I keep closing them compulsively. I’m worried, something
might be wrong….

Nothing is going on in my life: no work, no motivation. I need to fix this. I’m not
alone anymore. It comes like waves, up and down. I need to balance it. I want to start
things, but I can’t if not balanced.

I’m thinking too much about the future: what to do, where to do, how to do this, how
to do that. When I’m down, I wonder if I’m sick. I have all these feelings in the
head…. My eyes feel hot; heat is going out of the eyes.

I can’t open my eyes in direct sunlight; wearing sunglasses all the time, with fear. What
if it’s something terrible? Fear of disease…. The back of my neck hurts. I feel it’s part
of the same thing.

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Case POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

I think a lot. I really want to start things, not to leave them too late. I’m older now. I
have the power to build things, to do things. But nothing happens. I really want to
start but things are holding me back. Girlfriend wants to travel; I don’t.

Every winter I feel useless, no work. I just sit by the fire reading books. Physically, I
feel like shit. I can’t be around people with all these ticks. It’s like I’m not crazy but

I can’t point to a thing, specifically, to say what’s wrong. Fear of disease, fear of death.
Scared to think about these things.

Dream: Big growth on chest. I squeeze it and out comes a fig tree.

I eat all the time: rice, veg., tahina. Lately, more meat and fish. Spices +++. I drink a
lot of tea and water. I drink all the time: every half an hour, half a glass of water. I
think about food all the time.

I need to drink hot drinks ALL the time.

I’m washing my hands all the time. Compulsive. Used to be worse. Hand washing is
about putting the hands under water. It charges me. I have a thing with water. I need
to drink a lot as well.

I have fears all the time. Biggest fear is of disease. Fear of dying. Father died when I
was 13. Fear of cancer. Fear of no money. But I have a strong feeling of fate, that
things will work out fine.

There’s a ‘swirling’ sensation in the head. I can’t explain it. Like the head is too full of
energy, which goes around and around…. I feel OUT.

I’m between things; I don’t really do this or that. I’m concerned, not connected, like

Remedy: Polaris 200C

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Case POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Follow up, one year later

Everything has been much better!

The day after taking the remedy, I stopped drinking coffee and reduced the amount of
hot drinks to almost nothing. I used to drink hot drinks all the time and I just

Everything started to happen: suddenly I had work, which made me feel good. I also
started many new things. Physically, felt much better.

The tics went away. Throat and eyes were totally better. Fears much less. Even,
recently, if they come back a little, I can look at them from the side and talk myself
out of it.

Everything is still good but, recently, a few things have come back, like the throat
thing. It’s not as bad as it used to be.

Eyes were better for the year. Recently, again, they are very sensitive to light.

I’m doing lots of things, good things. Learning how to make biodynamic wine,
theatre, building. Feel like I’m running forward.

I still think about the future a lot but now I’m working for it. I’m doing things for the
long term. Now I take steps and I do it.

Appetite, okay. Desire for spices, less.

North? I want to be HERE. I know that now. I want to visit the north but I want to
live here and stay here.

Remedy: repeat Polaris 200C

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Case POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

One year later on

He has generally been very good. People say he is a changed person. He has a good
business making biodynamic wine.

Page 44
Sources – Bibliography POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013


Websites (Editor’s references 2013)
Astro Bob (23 March 2009) Be Patient, This Parade Lasts 25,800 Years. Article.
Available from: <
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Astro Bob (19 April 2011) Now Boarding the Circle Tour to Polaris. Article.
Available from: <
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Astro Bob (17 February 2009) Spectacular Photo Inspires a Northern Journey. Article.
Available from: <
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Constellations of Words (2013) Ursa Minor. Article.

Available from:
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

CoraSkywalker (7 November 2010) My Skywalkings – Polaris. Article.

Available from: <
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Page 45
Sources – Bibliography POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Essortment (2011) What is the North Star? Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

First People (2013) Native American Legends: Why the North Star Stands Still . Article.
Available from: <
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Ian Ridpath (2013) Ursa Minor the Little Bear. Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Makara (2013) Light on Esoteric Astrology XX. Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013] (2013) The North Star: Polaris. Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

The Free Dictionary (2013) Cynosure. Definition.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Wikipedia (15 June 2013) Axial Precession. Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Wikipedia (21 June 2013) Celestial Navigation. Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Wikipedia (11 March 2013) Circumpolar Star. Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Wikipedia (17 June 2013) John Harrison. Article.

Available from:>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]
Page 46
Sources – Bibliography POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

Wikipedia (13 January 2013) Old English Rune Poem. Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Wikipedia (13 May 2013) Polaris. Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Wikipedia (24 May 2013) Polaris (comics). Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Wikipedia (16 June 2013) Pole Star. Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Wikipedia (13 June 2013) Precession. Article.

Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Sobel D (1998) Longitude. London: Fourth East Estate.

Page 47
Sources – Image Credits POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013


Image Credits
Webpage icon
At: <>
Also: <>
And: <>
Snapshot by Anne Baker (June 2013) Polaris.
Available from:
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Proving title-page, p.1

Snapshot by Anne Baker (June 2013) Polaris.

1. Eight-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain Celestron telescope

© Staycoolandbegood (9 October 2005) Celestron C8 Teleskop.
Available from:
G> via Wikimedia Commons.
The copyright holder releases this work into the public domain.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

2. Polaris
Photo by NASA, ESA, N. Evans (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), and H. Bond (STScI)
Polaris A and Polaris B.
Available from:
This work is in the public domain.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Page 48
Sources – Image Credits POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

3. Structure of Cassegrain telescope showing the light trajectory

Author unknown (1873) Fig. 1. – Coup du Telescope de Gregory Pour La Nature, Revue des
Sciences, noo 18, page 279.
Available from:
via Wikimedia Commons.
This file is in the public domain.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Substance report title-page, p.6

© Digitized Chaos (20 November 2008) Polaris, Star Streak, Star Trail.
Available from: <>
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivs 3.0
Unported license.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

4. Artist’s impression of Polaris over the Celestial North Pole of the Earth as it rotates on
its axis
© Tfr000 (14 May 2012) Animation of the Cycle of Precession of Earth’s Axis, Depicting the
Orientation of the Axis in Relation to the North Ecliptic Pole.
Adapted from:
via Wikimedia Commons.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

5. Photo of Polaris and the stars near the Celestial North Pole taken with a long exposure
Photo by LCGS Russ (16 October 1982) A Very Long Exposure (7+ Hours) of the Sky
Looking at the North Star, Taken in Northern Arizona.
Available from:<> via
Wikimedia Commons.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

Page 49
Sources – Image Credits POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

6. Sextant
Author unknown (1890?) Plath Sextant.
Available from: <> via Wikimedia
This file is in the public domain because it contains materials that originally came
from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, taken or made as
part of an employee’s official duties.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

7. Sextant in use
Author unknown (Date unknown) A Man Holding a Sextant.
Adapted from: <> via
Wikimedia Commons.
This file is in the public domain because it contains materials that originally came
from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, taken or made as
part of an employee’s official duties.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

8. Photo of John Harrison’s H1 clock

© Phantom Photographer (24 February 2011) Photgraph of John Harrison’s H1 Clock.
Available from:<> via Wikimedia
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

9. Photo of John Harrison’s H5 chronometer

© Racklever (Date unknown) John Harrison’s Famous Chronometer.
Available from:
<> via
Wikimedia Commons.
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

10. Little Bear (Ursa Minor) constellation

By Joamnes Hevelius (1690) Ursa Minor (from his Firmamentum).
Available from:
This file is in the public domain as the copyright has expired.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

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Sources – Image Credits POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

11. Little Dipper constellation

Author unknown (Date unknown) Constellation of the Little Dipper.
Adapted from: <> via
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 3.0 license.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

12. Locating Polaris using the Big Dipper

Author: NASA/HST (Date unknown) Polaris (Alpha Ursae Minoris) as Seen by the Hubble
Space Telescope.
Available from:
<>via Wikipedia.
This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

13. Polaris and Cassiopeia

© Jim Thomas (4 August 2006) Diagram showing the Big Dipper, the North Star (Polaris),
and Cassiopeia.
Available from:
<> via Wikimedia
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
[Accessed 26/06/2013]

14. Draco with Ursa Minor (Little Bear)

Designed by Reverend Richard Rouse (first published November 1824) Draco and Ursa
As depicted in Urania’s Mirror, a set of constellation cards.
Available from:<> via Wikimedia
This file is in the public domain because the copyright has expired.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

15. Circumpolar stars and their constellations

Star Chart created with Voyager II Software for Macintosh, published by Carina
Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

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Sources – Image Credits POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

16. Camelopardalis
Designed by Reverend Richard Rouse (first published November 1824)
As depicted in Urania’s Mirror, a set of constellation cards.
Available from: <> via
Wikimedia Commons.
This file is in the public domain because its copyright has expired.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

17. Artist’s concept showing the three main stars of Polaris

Author NASA/ESA/HST, G. Bacon (STScl) (January 2006) Polaris and its Companion
Available from: <> via
Wikimedia Commons.
This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

18. Precessional movement of the Earth

Author NASA, Mysid (5 May 2008) Earth Precession.
Available from: <>via Wikimedia
This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

19. The path of the North Celestial Pole among the stars due to the precession of the equinoxes
Blog of Brian Koberlein (Posted October 2009) As The World Turns.
Available from: <>
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

20. Petroglyph of bighorn mountain sheep

© Jim Bouldin at the English language Wikipedia (Originally uploaded 29 October
2005) Sheep Petroglyph. From a petroglyph of a caravan of bighorn sheep near Moab,
Utah, USA
Available from: <> via
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

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Sources – Image Credits POLARIS © Jeremy Sherr 2013

21. Extract from 1705 reproduction of O.E. rune poem showing the rune T, or Tyr
By Georg Hickes (1705) Rune Poem. Copy of Anglo-Saxon rune poem.
Available from: <> via
This file is in the public domain because its copyright has expired.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

22. Polaris (Lorna Dane)

© Marvel Worldwide, Inc. (Date unknown) Polaris Magnetism. Cover art for X-Men:
‘Kingbreaker’ #3 by Brandon Peterson.
Available from: <> via
Fair use of low-resolution image of the cover of a comic book to illustrate the
copyrighted comic book character on the cover of the issue where no free alternative
exists or can be created.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

23. Dr Polaris
© DC Comics, Inc. (2007) Dr. Polaris. Art from ‘Infinite Crisis’ #1, by Phil Jimenez.
Released beforehand as a preview.
Available from: <> via Wikipedia.
Fair use of low-resolution image of the cover of a comic book to illustrate the
copyrighted comic book character on the cover of the issue where no free alternative
exists or can be created.
[Accessed 23/06/2013]

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