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Characteristics of Queueing System


V. Parimala Abstract
The Queueing theory provides predictions about waiting times,
the average number of waiting customers, the length of a busy period
and so forth. Queueing system with a removable service stations means
Lecturer, VLB Janagi that the decision maker can turn a service station on at the customer’s
Ammal College of Arts and
Science,Coimbatore- 32 arrival epoch or off at service completion epoch.


The Queueing theory provides SYSTEM
predictions about waiting times, the The basic characteristics of a
average number of waiting customers, the queueing system are the following.
length of a busy period and so forth.
These predictions help us to anticipate Arrival Pattern
situations and to take appropriate measures In most of the cases, the arrival
to shorten the queues. pattern is random and hence characterized
by a probability distribution. Arrivals may
A further attractive feature of the occur in batches instead of one at a time.
theory is the quite astonishing range of its In such case, the input is said to occur in
applications. Some of the more prominent bulk or batch.
of these are telephone conversation,
machine repair, toll booths, taxi stands, Service Pattern
inventory control, the loading and The service mechanism describes the
unloading of ships, scheduling patients in manner in which service is rendered. The
hospital clinics, production flow and units may be served either singly or in
applications in the computer field with batches. The time required for servicing a
respect to program scheduling, etc. unit or a batch is called service time.

A queueing system may be described Service time is also a random

as one having a service facility, at which variable in most of the cases, and
units of some kind (called customers) represented by a probability distribution.
arrive for service and whenever there are The distribution describes the rate at
more units in the system than the service which the customers are served per unit of
facility can handle simultaneously, a time or the time required to serve a
queue or waiting line develops. The customer or a batch. The service rate or
waiting units take their turn for service service time is conditioned on the fact that
according to a preassigned rule and after the system is not empty.
service they leave the system. Thus, the
input to the system consists of the In case of batch service, the service
customers demanding service and the system is termed as bulk service system.
output is the serviced customers. There could be a number of policies or
rules, according to which batches for bulk

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V. Parimala

service may be formed. Neuts has allowed to enter until space becomes
introduced a general bulk service rule. available by a service completion. Such
Under this rule, a server starts service only system with a finite limit to the maximum
if atleast ‘a’ customers (quorum) are queue size is called finite queueing
present in the queue, and the maximum system.
capacity is ‘b’ customers. If the queue
length is more than ‘a’ but less than ‘b’, Service Channels
the entire queue is taken up; If there are Queueing system may have several
more than b, then the server accepts the service channels to provide service. These
first ‘b’ units. The late arrivals are not service channels may be arranged in
allowed to join the on going service. This parallel or in series or as a more complex
rule is called the general bulk service rule. combination of both, depending on the
design of the system’s service mechanism.
Queue Discipline
Queue discipline refers to the manner In parallel channels, a number of
by which the customers are selected for channels provide identical service
service when the queue has been formed. facilities, so that several customers may be
The most common discipline that can be served simultaneously. In case of series
observed in every day life is first in first channels, a customer must pass
out (FIFO). Some others in common usage successively through the ordered channels,
are last in first out (LIFO); selection for before service is completed.
service in random order independent of the A queueing system is called single
time of arrival to the queue (SIRO) etc. In server model, when the system has one
some cases, priority discipline is followed. server only and when the system has two
This discipline allows priority in service to or more parallel servers, it is known as
some customers in relation to other multi server model.
customers waiting in queue. There are
two general situations in priority Markovian Queueing Models
discipline. They are (i) preemptive Queueing models with exponential
priority and (ii) Non-preemptive priority. inter-arrival times and exponential service
time are called Markovian queueing
System Capacity models. Markovian queueing models are
The system may have either a limited usually solved by:
or an unlimited capacity for holding
customers. The source from which the i. Difference-differential equations
customers come may be finite or infinite. method, using Rouche’s theorem and
In some cases, it is important to limit the generating functions and
length of the queue to some predetermined ii. Neuts Matrix-geometric algorithm.
capacity. In other cases, the capacity can
be considered to be infinite. Some of the Non Markovian Queueing Models
queueing processes admit the physical Queues in which inter-arrival and for
limitations to the amount of waiting room, service time distributions are other than
so that when the waiting line reaches a exponential are known as Non-Markovian
certain length, no further customers are

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Characteristics of Queueing System

queues. Since these systems do not have grand vacation, random vacation, limited
memoryless property, the study of Non- service vacation, etc.
Markovian system is much more
complicated. Erlangian Distribution
The Erlang distribution itself is of
Server’s Vacation course non-Markovian. One can readily
From practical consideration, it may see that the sum of k independent
not always be worthwhile to keep server identically distributed exponential random
unnecessarily idle. In such situations, the variables with mean 1/kμ yields an Erland
server may utilize his idle time in a useful type-k distribution. The relation of the
and optimal way to perform additional Erlang to exponential distributions also
jobs or for preventive maintenance work, allows us to describe models where the
if the server is a machine and it is termed service (or arrivals) may be a series of
as the server’s vacation. The following identical phases. For example, suppose, in
are the some instances of server’s performing a laboratory test, the
vacation. technician must perform four steps, each
taking the same mean time (say 1/4μ),
Repeated Vacation with the times distributed exponentially.
In case of bulk service models, a
server on completion of a service will start METHODOLOGY
servicing again, if the system has the The Markovian queueing models are
minimum number of customers required to always considered under two categories
start the service. Otherwise, the server 1. transient state 2.steady state.
will withdraw from the system for a
vacation. On returning from a vacation, if If the probability distributions are
the server finds less than the required time dependent then the probabilities are
number of customers, he may immediately said to be in transient state and if the
take another vacation. He will continue in distribution is independent of time they are
this manner, until he finds, upon returning said to be in steady state. There are
from a vacation, the required number of different methods to find the solutions of
waiting customers. the difference differential equations of the
queueing models. Notable among them are
Single Vacation
The assumptions are same as those of 1. Probability generating function
repeated vacations except that, even if the method and
server finds less than the minimum 2. Differential operator technique.
number of customers required for service,
when he returns from a vacations, he stays Method 1:
in the system awaiting the queue length to Solving Steady-State Difference
reach the minimum number for starting his Equations for probability distribution {Pn}
next service. by Generating Functions.

The other types of vacation in the

literature are exceptional first vacation,

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V. Parimala

The probability generating function, For example, If the difference

∞ equation is of the form
P(z) = P z
n= 0
(z -complex with z ≤ 1 ),
c2Pn+2 + c1Pn+1 + c0Pn= 0 (1)
can be utilized to find the {Pn}. The
procedure involves finding a closed
(c2E2 + cıE + c0)Pn = 0 (2)
expression for P(z) and then finding the
and if the quadratic in E has the real roots
power series expansion to “pick off” the
r1 and r2, then (2) can be written as
{Pn} which are the coefficients.
(E – rı)(E-r2)Pn = 0.
For some models, it is relatively
Hence dırıⁿ and d2r2ⁿ are solutions to
easy to find a closed expression for P(z),
(1), where dı and d2 are arbitrary constants.
but quite difficult to find its expansion to
This can be verified by the substitution of
obtain the {Pn}. However, even if the
d1r1n and d2r2ⁿ into (1).
series expansion cannot be found, P(z) still
provide useful information. For example,
For example substituting Pn= d1r1n,we
d have
P( z ) evaluated at z=1 gives the
dz c2dırıⁿ+² + cıdırıⁿ+¹ + c0dırıⁿ = 0,
expected number in the system, (i.e) d1rıⁿ (c2rı² + cırı + c0) = 0,

Which is true. Similarly, one can show
L =  nPn
n =0
that Pn = d2r2ⁿ is a solution and hence that
their sum, dırıⁿ + d2r2ⁿ, is also a solution.
Method II If the difference equations are non-
Solving Steady-state Difference homogeneous of the form
Equations for {Pn} by the Use of (c2Pn+2+c1P n+1+c0Pn)=krm
Operators. and if r1 and r2 are the roots of the
characteristic equation
We begin here by considering a c2z2+c1z+c0=0 , the solution is given by
linear operator E defined on the sequence kr m
Pn = k r + k r + ( 2
2 2
{a0,a1,a2,……}, such that c2 r + c1r + c0

Ean = an+ı (for all n). provide denominator is not equal to zero.
If the denominator is zero then
Then the general linear homogeneous accordingly the situation can be handled.
difference equation with constant
coefficients CONCLUSION
Queueing system with a removable
cn an+ cn an+ı + …… + cn+к an+к service stations means that the decision
= c a
i =n
i i =0 may be written as maker can turn a service station on at the
customer’s arrival epoch or off at service
completion epoch. Yadin and Naor first
Since Eman = an+m (for all n and m). introduced the concept of N-policy, which
turns the server on when the number of

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Characteristics of Queueing System

customers in the system reaches a certain communication system over more than
number N (N≥1) and turns the server off two decades
when there no customers in the system.
Queueing models with a single
1. Baily, N.T.J. (1954), “On queueing
removable server have been investigated
process with bulk service”, J.Roy
by Bell , Heymann , Kimura , Sobel ,
Statist. Soc. B, Vol.16, 80-87.
Teghem and others under assumptions
2. Bell,C.E. (1971) characterization and
regarding the interarrival time and service
computation of optimal policies for
time distribution. Sivazlian and Stanfel
operating an M/G/1 queueing system
have studied the controllable M/M/1
with removable server. Opns.Res.19,
queueing system and obtained the optimal
operating policy at minimum cost.
3. Bell,C.E. (1972) optimal operation of
Erlangian service queueing model have
an M/G/1 policy queue with
been studied by many authors. Gross and
4. ErlangA.K.,(1909),“The theory of
Harries have considered the ordinary
probabilities and telephone
M/Ex/1 queueing system and Kuo_Hsiung
conversations” Nyt. Tidsslerft Mate
Wang in this paper, have studied the
matik, B. 20, 33-39.
optimal operation of an M/Ek/1 queueing
5. Medhi.J. (1979) Further results on
system with a removable service station
waiting time distribution in a Poisson
under steady state conditions. Analytic
queue under a general bulk service
closed form solution of the controllable
rule cahiers due centred Etudes de
M/Ek/1 queueing system are derived and
Recheche oprationaelle 21,183-189.
the expected cost function per unit time is
6. Medhi, J. (1981), “Stochastic
constructed to determine the optimal
processs”, Wiley Eastern Limited.
operating policy at minimum cost.
7. Medhi, J. (1984), “Recent
development in Bulk and queueing
Single server queueing models with
models”, John Wiley Eastern Limited,
vacations have been well studied due to
New Delhi.
their wide applications in flexible
manufacturing or computer

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