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Analyze the starting

situation of the Online
Marketing Department:
By way of contextualization, it explains what the starting situation is, from an
analytical vision:

The situation that has occured now, due to the change of social Media
Manager in the last year, has caused an instability in the team. This is
because some veteran employees have left and younger ones have been
hired, and that the employees who have stayed do not feel that they work in a
good work environment. The new atmosphere that exists in the company is
given by the new Social Media Manager, Marc Blumer, since he has many
unication difficulties, is very authoritative, with an aggressive tone of voice,
and does not listen to the opinions of the group. All this makes the
management of the team difficult and is, what has led in a few months to the
results of the last campaign.
In this regard we can say about Marc Blumer, that he has a type of leadership
of authoritarian style, he dominates the group making decisions unilaterally
and with an energetic but dominant, high and very aggressive tone. It also
exerts a very high degree of control over the group, using top-down vertical
Under this scheme we can mention that the authoritarian leadership style is
based on the belief that the power of leaders derives from the position they
occupy, and that people are initially lazy. All policies are defined by the leader
who uses his power to influence others. Likewise, the leader's behavior, in a
given circumstance, can be influenced by many variableities that operate
within his own personality such as his value system, trust in his subordinates,
his own leadership inclinations and self-confidence. (Tanenbaum & Schmidt,
Studies also indicate that the leadership style depends on the ways of
interacting with the group (Fiedler, 1985) the level of study and the experience
of the followers (Stinson & Johnson, 1975), the maturity of the subordinates
which is closely related to the effectiveness of the task and the relationship
behavior, the leader adopts a style depending on the trust and ability of the
subordinate in relation to the task. ( Hersey &Blanchard 1993). Given this, we
can state that employees can channel, assimilate adequately before a rigid,
authoritarian leadership that can produce more than once situations of shock
and conflict between leader and collaborator, generating in one way or
another a breach of tasks, objectives and defined processes programmed. To
encompass the idea we can indicate that it is a matter of knowing how to face
these complex situations through a conciliatory attitude.
It exercises authority on its own, without letting the group actively participate
in the elections, since it has difficulty hearing opinions from the members of
the group different from its own.All these characteristics attributed to it cause
a climate of hostility to be created in the working group. And while this kind of
leadership is effective in moments of crisis, right now the problems he has
communicating with both the group and its general management and the
misunderstandings this creates have made March feel confused a bit blocked
and unresolved.
It is considered that, this style of leadership does not favor the team, since the
workers do not feel supported, respected and worthless, only the leader is
concerned with achieving the objectives set, does not encourage creativity
and and this contributes negatively to them feeling unmotivated, in addition to
poor communication and aggressive disorders, creates fear and distrust in
employees and misunderstandings with the general management.
Theories and research examining the relationships between leaders and
collaborators can be noted: Theory of Social Exchange (Hollander, 1978), the
Theory of Leader-Member Exchange (Graen and Scandura, 1987), studies on
the combination between the personality of the leader and the personalities of
the followers Mitchell, Smysery Weed, 1975), studies on the role of the
follower (Kelley, 1992), these suggest that there is a certain relationship
between the traits of the collaborators and the leader. The study made by
Kelley (1992) allowed him to determine a typology of followers from two
dimensions: the critical and independent way of thinking and active
participation. We believe that a study of the participation and critical thinking
of the collaborators from the perspective proposed by Kelley would be very

1. caracterizar a
useful, since it would allow us to:

los empleados en función de

estas dimensiones, y 2.
establecer la posible
relación de dichas
dimensiones con la
definición de los estilos de
liderazgo de los
jefes/empleados, ya que la
quo es un área donde se
fomenta entre
otras cosas la participación,
la formación y el desarrollo
personal y grupal
In addition, some theories such as the Route-Goal, on the model of Evans
and House (contingency theory), speak of the effective leader must establish
and communicate the objectives, offer rewards and clear the route to reach
them, providing help constantly.
Also, attribution theories point to a good leader with characteristics such as
intelligence, uninvolved personality, vehement verbal skills, boldness and
determination, as well as understanding.
In conclusion, there is no one type of leadership better than others, but it
depends on different variables. That is why a good leader must have the
ability to modify his style depending on the situation in which he is exposed. In
this way, you will be able to raise management barriers, to know how to lead a
team, to acquire skills and ability to interact generating trust and empathy.
Finally, the purpose in helping Marc to improve in different aspects, so that it
favors the management of its work group, a very important aspect will be the
delegation in its employees, and a good communication with them, thus
favoring the motivation of the workers, and with this we will achieve a better
working environment and better results.

Explains the importance of

carrying out a coaching
process; what could happen
if action is not taken
promptly, and what benefits
would be obtained after the
intervention.suceder si no se
actúa con brevedad, y qué
beneficios se obtendrían tras
Explains the importance of carrying out a coaching process; what could
happen if action is not taken promptly, and what benefits would be obtained
after the intervention.

It is important to carry out an individual coaching process with the new

Manager we want him to start being a good leader with his team. We will
have to help you find the way, to eliminate obstacles and to make the best
use of your abilities, so that you can then reflect it in your method of working
as a team, and improve the situation, since the coaching process is the art of
facilitating the potential development of people and teams to achieve coherent
objectives and in-depth changes.
Change in the leaders is necessary, as well as coaching is also necessary to
train them, since from the change in the leaders a philosophy of change can
be initiated throughout the team. Leaders are necessary to guide the team in
a direction, they must have the ability to motivate others, care about the
development of all team members and have the ability to influence others,
care about the development of all team members and have the ability to
influence other to get good results and reach goals.
My role as coach with Marc Blumer, arises from the need in the face of the
new employment situation, which makes it necessary the presence of a
professional to accompany the transformation process of the new Manager. It
is important that there is a concern for the personal and social integration of
the client, that networking, adherence to common objectives and systemic
planning are facilitated. The themes on which they will emphasize are values,
relationships and coherence. Since a good coach accompanies individuals,
groups or organizations in their change processes by teaching how to invent
tools and solutions that facilitate a personal, professional and organizational
If you do not act quickly, dire problems could arise for the work team, such as
the company's employees being more individualistic, going faster without
knowing where to go or what path to take, which predominates the imperious
dictatorship of the day to day, where it only matters to achieve the expected
results and productivity leaving aside human issues.
If we do not start the project soon with the new Manager, Marc Blumer, acting
in fear of the group instead of trust, will limit himself to ordering, without
guiding in the task and without teaching how it should be done, increases
resentment in the team instead of enthusiasms, work will become routine,
provoke criticism towards it and end up turning people into numbers,
dehumanizing them instead of knowing each of their workers.

El coaching favorecerá la
comprensión de nuevos
modelos influyentes en los
procesos de cambio y
favorecerá los cambios
personales y profesionales,
nuevos valores para
facilitar la adaptación al
cambio y el desarrollo
personal. Así,
conseguiremos una mejora
en el rendimiento
individual, lo que
proporcionara que se dé
una cohesión grupal para
favorecer que se cumplan
los objetivos y así mejore
también el
rendimiento organizativo
El coaching favorecerá la
comprensión de nuevos
modelos influyentes en los
procesos de cambio y
favorecerá los cambios
personales y profesionales,
nuevos valores para
facilitar la adaptación al
cambio y el desarrollo
personal. Así,
conseguiremos una mejora
en el rendimiento
individual, lo que
proporcionara que se dé
una cohesión grupal para
favorecer que se cumplan
los objetivos y así mejore
también el
rendimiento organizativo
There are many benefits that we will obtain after the intervention, since
coaching does not intervene only in changing behaviors and competences,
but also in those of great magnitude, more difficult to modify such as the most
ingrained beliefs and values of the subject. Coaching will promote the
understanding of new influential models in the change processes and will
favor personal and professional changes, promoting new values to facilitate
adaptation to change and personal development. Thus, we will achieve an
improvement in individual performance, which will provide a group cohesion to
favor that the objectives are met and thus also improve the organizational
2. Set goals: Formulate at least 3 goals to achieve with the executive
coaching process

To make a good formulation of objectives, we will use the SMART formula,

which states that the objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic, and understand in a given time.
-Instill new values for adaptation to change and individual development.
-Guide you in the growth of managerial skills that you lack, which are
inseparable in a leader, such as self-control, communication, leadership,
teamwork, and motivation.
-Support to achieve the goals and objectives set, given that in a few months
the results of the last campaign have been affected. These business
objectives are:
 Increase by 10% the number of large hotel groups that contract them to
offer their luxury stays
 To be among the top 3 websites internationally used by customers to
make their stays.
 Increase by 30% the number of customers for leisure trips, who
contract their stay through our website
3. Plan a complete individual coaching process for Marc Blumer: In this
section you must design the entire coaching process, and frame the
sessions within the Coaching Phases. This planning must be highly
timed and accurate, explaining step by step the entire process. You
should note the following: -Structure the Phases of Coaching: plan how
many sessions to perform in each of the phases, and what actions or
techniques to apply in each one. Module 3 details how a coaching
process is structured, and what kind of actions to implement in each
phase, as well as in Module 4 you will find a wide range of techniques
to apply in the sessions. It is essential that you justify the reasons why
you decide to apply each of the selected techniques.
Detail what to do in each session and the time spent on each action

1 SESSION: in this session the rights and duties of the two parties are
marked, the issue of confidentiality and mutual respect is also clarified.
Assessment and diagnosis phase

Before starting the process with Marc Blumer, I will meet with the CEO
to learn in advance about the desired objectives, as well as his study of
previous performance evaluations. Once I have this information I will
proceed to the following session with the coachee.

2 SESSION: explanation of what coaching is and what the process of

this project will consist of.

3 SESSION: analysis of the subject and approach of the initial situation

and the goal where we want to go.
Design phase
4 SESSION: present a schedule to the car, where the proposed
objectives are formulated.
Commissioning phase

5 SESSION: start of the project, where the confidentiality agreement is

signed and commitment of the two parties .

6 SESSION: (60-90 minutes)




Monitoring and evaluation phase:
SESSION: meeting with Marc and the General Manager to report on the
follow-up of the evolution, participation and incidents of the first objective
(during the coaching process, at the end of the sessions on the first objective

SESSION: meeting with Marc and the General Manager to report on the
follow-up of the evolution, participation and incidents of the second objective
(during the coaching process, at the end of the sessions on the second

SESSION: meeting with Marc and the general director to report on the follow-
up of the evolution, participation and incidents of the third objective (during the
coaching process, at the end of the sessions on the third objective

SESSION: general evaluation, where the results, the expected changes and
the new acquisition of competences are analyzed.

SESSION: final evaluation of the process, will be carried out 3 months after
the end of the sessions

In the Phase of Assessment and Diagnosis of needs, in addition to evaluating

the person (using the analysis or evaluation tools), previously you must
explain to him what coaching is, what the process will consist of, if it is
necessary to solve them, etc.

In this initial phase it must be explained to the coachee that it is coaching and
that it is not elcoaching, it must be identified if it is a coaching of development
of competences (in which the recommended thing is not to powers more than
2-3 competences in a year) underreaching or team alignment.
What he is not: a friend, a confessor, a counselor, a consultant, a star, a
protagonist, a psychologist/psychiatrist
What it is: a mirror, a facilitator, someone generous, someone who helps
develop, someone focused on effects, a catalyst.
At this stage we must recognize from where we start, what is the initial
situation and where we are in order to know how to reach our goal. Initially, it
must analyze the subject, its context, performance problems and possible
causes before designing the project. In turn, in executive coaching, the
objectives desired by the supervisors must be known in advance through
interviews, as well as the study of previous performance evaluations of the
In the Design phase, a timeline of the process must be made: elaborate an
ocalendary table. At this stage you already have enough information to be
able to formulate the joint objectives, it uses the SMART technique, because
in the evaluation phase you must be able to check if they have been
achieved. In addition, you must draw up a triangular contract, (2) Module 2
explains what it should include (duration of the process, objectives,
confidentiality and commitment, date and place of signature).
In the Start-up Phase, the intervention actions or techniques are applied:
active listening, powerful questions, mirror questions, role playing, NLP
techniques, etc. Use the tools you have in the manual, however, it will be
assessed if you include actions or techniques complementary to those
In this phase is when the project begins, the coaching contract is signed that
must include confidentiality and commitment between the two, how the
incidents that may happen will be resolved, and on what and on whom the
scope of the marked objectives depends. Sessions of 60-90 minutes and
about 6-10 sessions will be held depending on the objective to be achieved.
As well as support tools such as asassessment center, questionnaires,
activities, etc. will be used.
The individual development plan is established in order to put into practice
everything work done in each session and that the coachee must practice in
his days to day. In each session, progress will be monitored by reviewing with
the coachee the results of the actions he has implemented, analyzing what
happened and the changes that have been generated and redefining the
In the monitoring and evaluation phase you must plan sessions to check the
results, explain how you can evaluate if the objectives have been achieved.

In executive coaching, the reporting of progress is aimed at the coachee and

the organization or company, the coachee will report their individual progress
and the company the general evolution of the program, the temporal
adjustment and the achievement of the results. Reviews should be made both
during the coaching process and at the end of the process. During, it focuses
on the analysis of the evolution, participation and incidents that may happen,
while in the final report the results, the expected changes, the new acquisition
of skills are analyzed, but always preserving the confidentiality of the

Finally, the evaluation of the process will be carried out by the coach and the
coacheeby measuring the return on investment, so we will evaluate the
improvement of performance, the reduction of conflicts, the adaptation to
change, the acquisition of new skills, the improvement of motivation, The final
evaluation is recommended to be carried out after 2-3 months of the end of
the sessions to verify that it is a permanent change

-Include "powerful questions", use the Grow Method to guide the questions. In
Module 2 you can find examples of how to apply this method in sessions.
Powerful questions are a basic resource in a coaching process, these can be
present in all sessions, either at the beginning, during development or at the
end as a closing and link with the next. These questions must be oriented to
the objective, in addition you must indicate what you want to achieve with
each one.

In Module 2 you can find examples of how to apply this method in sessions.
Powerful questions are a basic resource in a coaching process, these can be
present in all sessions, either at the beginning, during development or at the
end as a closing and link with the next. These questions must be oriented to
the objective, in addition you must indicate what you want to achieve with
each one.
Characteristics of a powerful question
-Generates curiosity
-Stimulates reflection and thought
-Brings beliefs and assumptions to the surface
-Opens creativity and new possibilities
-Generates energy and action
-Channels and focuses attention
-Stays between coach and coachee
-Touch a deep meaning
-Empower, take responsibility
-Raises more questions

 Assessment :
What is your opinion?
Which option do you think is the best?
How do you feel about it?
 Record
What have you tried so far?
Which working experiences have enabled you to improve your skills?
 Clarification
What exactly do you mean?
How do you view my ideas?
What seems to be confusing?
 Description
What was it like?
And then what happened?
 Evaluation
In what way this project suits your needs and matches your plans?
Is this project in accordance with your values?
 Analysis
Let us do brainstorming to examine the matter closely.
What would be one more option/ possibility?
From which other perspective could we look at the matter?
For example?
What other ideas/ suggestions/ views and opinions do you have about it?

Preparing for failure

What if the plan is unsuccessful?
What will be your next steps?
What will you do?

What is amusing/interesting about this situation?
How can you enjoy yourself while working?
How would you like it to be?

Making hypothesis
If you could start over, what would you do differently?
If it had happened to you, what would you have done?
How else could someone handle the situation?

Identifying with the issue

What seems to be the biggest obstacle?
What is it that prevents you from continuing?
What worries you most about…….?

What information do you need to be able to decide?
What do you know about that now?
How do you think you can find more information?
What idea do you have now of that situation?

How do you explain this?
What has been the lesson you have learned/ gained while working on this
How can you assimilate that learning/ experience into your work?
How would you fit all this into one set?

What was your responsibility on the project?
How did you participated in this project?

Start over
If you had the possibility to choose freely, which path would you follow?
If the same circumstance was repeated, would you do something different?
If you had to do it again, what would you do?

 Beginning
What would you like to focus on today?
Which aspect of the project would you like to explore today?

What is the result you would like to achieve?
If your efforts are successful what would that offer to you?
How do you understand that your task has been completed successfully?

When you retire what would you consider your greatest achievements?
Which is your goal in life?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?

 Planning
What are the steps you are going to follow to ameliorate the situation?
What plan do you need to create so as to attain all your goals?

 Predictions
How do you believe everything will work?
What are the chances of success?
Where will this lead you?

If you do this how will it affect your life?
What else do you need to bear into consideration?

Taking actions
What actions/ initiatives are you going to undertake to complete your task?
Which are going to be your next steps?

 Summary
How is this working?
How would you describe the outcome of your actions?
How would you characterize/ evaluate your work/ efforts so far?

The situation that occurs

now is due to the change
that has occurred in the last
year, the
Changing Manager has
caused a desestability in the
computer. This is because
some employees have left
and hired younger ones, and
employees who have stayed
do not feel that they work in
a good work environment.
new environment that exists
in the company is given by
the new Social Media
Manager, Marc Blumer,
since he has many
communication difficulties,
is very
authoritarian, with an
aggressive tone of voice,
and does not listen to the
opinions of the group. All of
hinders the management of
the team and is, what has led
in a few months to the
results of the last campaign.
In this regard we can say
about Marc Blumer, that he
has a type of leadership
authoritarian style, it
dominates the group by
making decisions
unilaterally and with
an energetic but dominant
tone, tall and very
aggressive. It also exercises
a degree
very high control over the
group, using a vertical top-
down communication.
Under this scheme we can
mention that the
authoritarian leadership
style is
it is based on the belief that
the power of leaders derives
from the position that
The situation that occurs
now is due to the change
that has occurred in the last
year, the
Changing Manager has
caused a desestability in the
computer. This is because
some employees have left
and hired younger ones, and
employees who have stayed
do not feel that they work in
a good work environment.
new environment that exists
in the company is given by
the new Social Media
Manager, Marc Blumer,
since he has many
communication difficulties,
is very
authoritarian, with an
aggressive tone of voice,
and does not listen to the
opinions of the group. All of
hinders the management of
the team and is, what has led
in a few months to the
results of the last campaign.
In this regard we can say
about Marc Blumer, that he
has a type of leadership
authoritarian style, it
dominates the group by
making decisions
unilaterally and with
an energetic but dominant
tone, tall and very
aggressive. It also exercises
a degree
very high control over the
group, using a vertical top-
down communication.
Under this scheme we can
mention that the
authoritarian leadership
style is
it is based on the belief that
the power of leaders derives
from the position th

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