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From the month of July, the City Health office informed every barangay that we will
conduct deworming to children ages 12- 59 months. During House to house visit together with
the Barangay Health Workers we lectured regarding the importance of taking Albendazole
medication intended for deworming. I’m glad that they were supported to the advocacy of
Department of Health. I instructed the parents to report if there are sudden effects after taking
the medicine.

For the month of july , we conducted the Sabayang Patak Kontra Polio Bopv round 2
wherein 2 drops is given to the children ages 0-59 months old. Prior to the campaign we
reminded the Barangay Council and their constituents that we were having another round of
Sabayang Patak Kontra polio. The barangay performed bandilyo to their constituents especially
to those parents who has children ages 0- 59 months. During house to house immunization we
performed health advocacy to all household member regarding the importance of receiving
polio vaccine. After 2 weeks of polio immunization the assessment conducted randomly by the
department of health and the provincial health office. They visited house to house to assess if
the child was given polio vaccine. For this Bopv round 2 expectedly I’ve got 100 percent.

Supplementary immunization activities using the Measles Rubella vaccine have had a
substantial impact on reducing mortality associated with measles worldwide.SIA is an important
campaign to increase the measles vaccination coverage and to provide a second opportunity to
children who were not vaccinated. For the month of October 26 up to November 25, 2020 we
conducted Measles Rubella immunization campaign to all children ages 9 months to 59
months old. In my assigned barangay my strategy is to provide health teaching regarding the
importance of the MR vaccine immunization. Together with the the barangay Health worker,
we conducted fixed post immunization for 20 days. We also check the body temperature before
we inject the child. Overall I’ve got 101 % accomplishment.

For the month of july to december, due to the corona virus pandemic the Local
Government Unit of Cabadbaran City released an executive order to control the spread of
deadly virus. At first we conducted an emergency meeting discussing the health protocols on
following the minimum health standard set by the Department of Health on how to execute our
duties and responsibilities as a human Resource for Health. Informing the barangay officials
about the health guidelines set by the Doh like proper hand washing, mandatory wearing of
face mask and social distancing. I also asked their help to inform their constituents about the
health guidelines. As part of Covid task force our duty is to monitor the Person under
Monitoring (PUM), Local Stranded Individual, Returned Overseas Filipino Worker and closed
contact individual. Every day we visit their houses to monitor their body temperature as well as
their health status and to remind them and their household members to strictly follow the
health guidelines. There were 96 PUMs monitored.

Those were the main activities conducted, performed and achieved successfully. The
following are the documentation of such activities:


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