ASKING AND RECEIVING Matthew 7:7-28 I. Asking and Receiving

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ASKING AND RECEIVING…Matthew 7:7-28 Remember: The devil doesn’t appose:

Do you really believe these verses? Can we take them at face value? -what you want to do…
-what you’d like to do…
I. Asking and receiving -But, what you are called (by God) to do.
A. We receive in response to asking
We are told here that if we want to receive, we must ask. God is moved to action by The struggle is a wrestling match between:
our petitions…James 4:2 -the vision given and the vision fulfilled…
-the promise and the provision…
*many times we try to bring about things on our own strength -the asking and the receiving…
Luke 11:5… -the seeking and the finding…
-the knocking and the entering…
*God is moved by persistence in asking. Don’t just ask one time. Yet no vain
repetitions. I look at asking, seeking, and knocking, that is, the start and the finish of faith to
receiving from God;
B. We receive in response to asking in His name…John 14:13 1. ASK!
It takes a big leap of faith to move from believing God’s Word is true, to believing
*many times we ask for ourselves, our selfish desires…James 4:3 God’s Word is true FOR YOU. Theres much fighting against your faith; not only the
enemy of our souls (who doesn’t want you to even get started!), but others unbelief,
C. We receive in response in asking in faith…Mark 11:22 as well as our own flesh (doubts & fears).

D. We receive in response to pure lives. Jesus taught in Luke 18 “…ought to pray, and not lose heart (or give up!).”
Mark 11:25 - And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, The Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 told the church to “Pray without ceasing.”
forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."
Matthew 6:7 Vain Repetitions
E. We receive in response to praying according to his will…Psalm 37:4 “But when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think
that they will be heard for their many words.”
Kingdom righteousness is theirs to be had by prayer.
The reference to ‘vain repetitions’ also can be understood as ‘meaningless, hastily
Jesus is not telling them how they can have anything they want, rather how they can spoken words’. This scripture also refers to 1Kings 18 when prophets of baal called all
achieve the righteous life he has been teaching about. We see three concepts here. day on a false god who couldn’t hear them.
1. Humility - We must admit our need for God to work
#Pharisee & publican - Luke 18:10 Luke 18:6 …Continual Petitions
2. Diligence - We must put this faith into practice daily It is clear that Jesus is teaching about the need to ask, and to keep asking. The asking
#lost coin - Luke 15:8 - is that first stage which propels you toward the goal...the answer to your prayers. Yet
3. Action - We must approach the throne of God and present our petitions. you cannot achieve success on asking alone, just as the space ship could never reach
We have a good Father who wants to give us what we need. outer space on the first stage rocket alone. There must be something more involved
bread and fish, not stones and snakes - gives good gifts to achieve victory.

Summary: Kingdom righteousness is yours to be had for the asking. It is seen simply in 2. SEEK!
doing to others what you would have done to you. Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock,
and it will be opened."
This is positive behavior. Not just being kind and not doing harm. Rather taking the
"offensive" and doing good…James 4:17. I believe the greatest prayers are those that declare the greatness of God and include
what God’s Word says. In seeking it is important for the believer to search out
A.S.K. Matthew 7:7 scriptures that deal with the object of your faith’s desire.
-Is it healing? -He partially completed God’s will…
-Is it deliverance? -Then declared he had completely obeyed.
-Is it power to accomplish God’s will? -Saul wanted God to bless his rebellion.
-Is it direction?
Trying to do God’s will your own way voids every effort, and will account for nothing…
You must seek out from both the Old and the New Testaments verses that firmly or worse, be accounted as disobedience!
support what you are believing for. -God’s word says He won’t bless unforgiveness…
DON’T GIVE UP SEEKING UNTIL YOU FIND! You will be able to assimilate these Bible -God’s word says He won’t bless rebellion…
verses into your prayer petitions and declarations of faith. These scriptures will build -God’s word says He rejects the proud…
upon your faith momentum to continue you on course.
He just won’t do it, so quit trying to get Him to do what He states emphatically HE
Knocking for the believer is the continual fine-tuning of our faith by: Relinquishing my control on things over to the Lord’s control, moves me to a place
-consistently believing God... where I can ask…and receive!
-consistently quoting the Scriptures...
-passionate, intimate worship... So get your heart right THEN:
-And involving other people of faith to stand with you. Ask…and keep asking!
Seek…and keep seeking!
No one knocking on a door raps only once (not if you are wanting to be heard!). You Knock…and keep knocking!
Ask…and keep asking Until when?
Seek…and keep seeking Until you receive!
Knock…and keep knocking Until you find!
Until you have entry!
Just as in the history of space travel, there is a danger of getting completely off
course, or worse: having the mission fail. (Conclusion)
The ultimate desire of God is for you to:
The Problem With Receiving: -Walk in victory
James 4:3 “You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it -To receive the blessing
on your pleasures.” -To be an example of how God blesses His people & honors His Word.

This verse does not say you are asking for the wrong things, but asking for the Remember: Abraham called God "JEHOVAH-JIREH" which not only means "God my
wrong reasons. Many times people want God to go ahead and bless them anyway, provider" or "God provides" but Jehovah-jireh literally means "God’s provision shall
regardless of their spiritual heart condition. It’s as if they expect God to cut them a be seen".
special “deal".
There’s going to be a payday…some day.
God NEVER blesses disobedience! God’s track record of the past, supports His promises for the future!
1 Samuel 15:2 … The devil may have a plot…but God has a plan!
Saul partially obeyed God’s Word. Then Prophet Samuel asked Saul “Why didn’t you
obey the voice of the Lord?” Saul replied “But I have obeyed the voice of the Lord and So: S.eek K.nock.
gone on the mission on which the Lord sent me, and brought back Agag, king of
Do you see Saul’s folly?
-He clearly heard and understood the word of the Lord…

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