Expt6 Heatofcombustion

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Group 3: Dizon, Gian Vincent C.

Entrolizo, Regina V.
Gimena, Mary Kris


The experiment is about the determination of the heat of combustion of different substances. Heat released during
combustion is known as heat of combustion. In particular, it is the amount of heat released when a given amount of a
combustible pure substance is burned to form incombustible products. It aims to compare the heat of combustion of
aromatic compounds with non aromatic compounds. The experiment was performed with the use of a constant volume
bomb calorimeter. Benzoic acid, Naphthalene, and sucrose were burned with the use of the bomb calorimeter to
determine their heat of combustion. It was observed that the presence of an aromatic ring in the structure of the
substance greatly increases its heat of combustion. An aromatic compound (benzoic acid and naphthalene) is has a
greater heat of combustion compared to a non aromatic compound (sucrose).

Keywords: Heat of Combustion, Aromaticity, Calorimetry, Bomb Calorimeter

Introduction The bomb calorimeter consists primarily of the

sample, oxygen, the stainless steel bomb, and water.
Combustion is defined as the burning of a fuel The system and surrounding is covered with a
and oxidant to produce heat and/or work. It is the boundary which prevents heat flow from the
major energy release mechanism in the Earth and key calorimeter to the rest of the universe.  Since the bomb
to humankind's existence. Combustion includes is made from stainless steel, the combustion reaction
thermal, hydrodynamic, and chemical processes.  The occurs at constant volume and there is no work. Since
combustion products include heat, light, chemical the calorimeter is isolated from the rest of the
species, and pollutants. Heat is one of its important universe, we can define the reactants (sample and
products. Heat can be used in different processes in oxygen) to be the system and the rest of the
the industry. calorimeter (bomb and water) to be the surroundings.

Heat released during combustion is known as Calculation of the heat capacity of the different
heat of combustion. In particular, it is the amount of samples in the bomb calorimeter can be done using
heat released when a given amount (usually 1 mole) of this equation:
a combustible pure substance is burned to form
incombustible products; this amount of heat is a ∆
characteristic of the substance. Heats of combustion
are used as a basis for comparing the heating value of But first the heat capacity of the calorimeter
fuels, since the fuel that produces the greater amount should be determined by calibration. Heat capacity (C)
of heat for a given cost is the more economic. Heats of of a compound is the amount of heat needed to
combustion are also used in comparing the stabilities change the temperature by a degree. The equation
of chemical compounds. For example, if equal given can be manipulated to identify the heat capacity
quantities of two isomeric hydrocarbons burn to of a compound. In calibration a substance with a
produce equal amounts of carbon dioxide and water, known heat of combustion is to be burned and Ccal is to
the one releasing more energy is the less stable, since be computed. Then to find the heat of combustion of
it was the more energetic in its compounded form. the other samples this equation is to be used:

Calorimetry is the measurement of the ∆

quantity of heat exchanged. For example, if the energy
from an exothermic chemical reaction is absorbed in a The experiment aims to be familiar on how to
container of water, the change in temperature of the calibrate a bomb calorimeter. It also aims to determine
water provides a measure of the amount of heat and compare the heat of combustion of a non-aromatic
added. Calorimetry is the use of calorimeters to and an aromatic compound. The use of calorimetry in
measure the heat evolved in a process. Heat of studying the aromaticity of compounds is also done in
combustion can be measured using calorimetry. the experiment.

The chemical reaction in the experiment is Methodology

typically a hydrocarbon reacting with oxygen to form
carbon dioxide, water and heat.  Bomb calorimetry is The experiment was done primarily with the
used to determine the enthalpy of combustion for use of the bomb calorimeter and the pelletizer. The
hydrocarbons. heat of combustion of benzoic acid, naphyhalene, and
sucrose is to be determined using the bomb
/4 /2 /2 calorimeter. The samples are in powdered or
granulated form, they are formed into pellets for the bond making it the second in terms of heat of
samples to combust completely. combustion. Sucrose on the other hand do not have
any aromatic rings in its structure making it have the
In doing the experiment it is best to divide the least heat of combustion.
work to each member. Preferably, one will be
responsible for weighing samples and the wire that will Aromaticity is a factor that determined their
be used, then the other member will be the one to differences in their heat of combustion. Having an
form the samples into pellets, then another member aromatic ring in the structure of a compound requires
will operate the bomb calorimeter and record the data. more heat to break the structure. Combustion breaks
the structure of a hydrocarbon reducing it to the
Each sample is to be weighed and be turned products carbon dioxide and water. The more complex
into pellets then to be weighed again. The samples the structure is the more heat is necessary to break,
with the use of the pelletizer are to be turned into and therefore the greater the heat of combustion will
pellets. Then an iron ignition wire is to be cut (8-10cm be.
long) and weighed and to be attached in the bomb.
The pellet is to be put inside the ignition cup and then
wrap the wires around the electrode terminals in the
bomb. Bend the wire so that it is in good contact with Errors in an experiment are unavoidable. One
the pellet but does not touch the ignition cup possible error is when the bomb is filled with oxygen;
anywhere. there were still some nitrogen gas inside the bomb
coming from the air. To minimize this error we can
Then the bomb is to be sealed and be filled flush oxygen gas on the bomb for at least three times
with oxygen gas. The oxygen gas is necessary for the to make sure that no more nitrogen gas is present
combustion process. Allow 20 to 40 atm. Then place inside the bomb. Another possible error is the
the bomb inside the calorimeter with a bucket filled attachment of the iron wire and the attachment of the
with 2 liters of water. Before immersing the bomb in lead wires to the bomb.
the water connect the lead wires to the bomb. Close
the calorimeter and input the required data such as the
weight of the pellet. Then wait for the calorimeter until
it beeps twice and then the combustion process is Reference
Atkins, P.(2006)., De Paula, J.(2006)., Physical
After each combustion is done, check the Chemistry, 8th Edition
insides of the bomb for unburned iron wire. Weigh the Caparanga, A.(2006). Physical Chemistry Laboratory
unburned iron wire, and then determine the mass of Manual, Part 1
the combusted iron wire which will be used in the
computations. http://www.eoearth.org/article/Combustion, retrieved
from the web on May 27, 2011
All the samples is to be first performed before
the viewing of the results that the calorimeter will
show. The data that the calorimeter has can be
obtained by inputting the sample ID of the samples on.aspx, retrieved from the web on May 27,
that were combusted. 2011

Ar/Aromaticity.html, retrieved from the web on
Results and Discussion May 27, 2011

Heat of Combustion of a substance is the heat

liberated when 1 mole of the substance undergoes
complete combustion with oxygen at constant
pressure. Combustion is always exothermic, ΔH is
negative. By definition, the heat of combustion is
minus the enthalpy change for the combustion
reaction. By definition, the heat of combustion is a
positive value.

In appendix A the data of the experiment can

be found. It can be seen from the data that
Naphthalene has the highest heat of combustion
followed by benzoic acid and sucrose respectively.

Naphthalene which contains two aromatic rings

in its structure has the highest heat of combustion.
Then Benzoic acid has one aromatic ring and a double

Appendix A (Data)


Benzoic acid Naphthalene Sucrose

Sample mass, g 1.030 0.540 1.014

Mass of fuse wire before

0.016 0.016 0.016
combustion, g

Mass of fuse wire after

0.009 0.006 0.007
combustion, g

Mass of wire that

0.007 0.010 0.009
combusted, g

Change in temperature, °C 2.81657 2.17555 1.73842

Measured ΔH of
6243.15 9175.12 3893.61
combustion, cal/g

Corrected ΔH of
6315.29 9292.43 3952.92
combustion, cal/g

Literature value of ΔH of
6321.65 9287 3900
combustion, cal/g

Appendix B (Sample Computation)

Heat of Capacity of Calorimeter

Heat of Combustion (naphthalene)
1 1
26435.8 1.030 5858 0.007 2312.935 2.17555 ° 1399.43 0.010
4.186 4.186 · °
2.81657° 0.540

2312.935 9292.43
· °

Heat of Combustion (benzoic acid) Heat of Combustion (sucrose)

2312.935 1.73842 ° 1399.43 0.009
· °
2312.935 2.81657 ° 1399.43 0.007
· °
1.030 3952.92

Appendix C (Illustrations)

Figure 2. Structure of Naphthalene

Figure 1. A simple diagram of a bomb calorimeter

Figure 4. Structure of Sucrose
Figure 3. Structure of Benzoic 

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