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Cloud Computing

Assignment – Week 12
Type of Question: MSQ

Number of questions: 10 Total mark: 10 X 1 = 10

Which of the following is not meant to be delivered by the 5G technology?

a) Higher multi-GPS peak data speed

b) Massive network capacity
c) Ultra high latency
d) Increased availability
Correct Answer: (c)
Detailed Solution: 5G is meant to deliver Ultra low latency.

Statement: 5G technology has denser connections than that of in 4G.
a) True
b) False
Correct Answer: (a)
Detailed Solution: In 5G, connection density is around 1M/sq. km. whereas it is around 100T/sq.
km. in 4G.

Cloud computing services provide a flexible ___________ for realizing goals of cyber physical
system (CPS).
a) hardware
b) software
c) platform
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: (c)
Detailed Solution: Cloud computing services provide a flexible platform for realizing goals of CPS.
A Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing (CPCC) architectural framework can be defined as "a system
environment that can slowly build, modify and provision cyber‐physical systems composed of a
set of cloud computing based sensor, processing, control, and data services".

The above statement is

a) Correct
b) Wrong
Correct Answer: (b)
Detailed Solution: CPCC is a system environment that can rapidly build, modify and provision
cyber‐physical systems composed of a set of cloud computing based sensor, processing, control,
and data services

Statement 1: Cloud computing could be a potential solution for spatial analytics, visualization and
decision support.
Statement 2: Cloud computing can help in searching geospatial data.
a) Only statement 1 is true
b) Only statement 2 is true
c) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are false
d) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true

Correct Answer: (d)

Detailed Solution: Refer to the slide on (Spatial Analytics + Cloud Computing) in Lecture 58.

Spatial cloud eases out the GIS decision making due to the following reasons:
a) Integrate the latest databases
b) Merge disparate systems
c) Exchange information internally and externally
d) None of the above

Correct Answer: (a), (b) and (c)

Detailed Solution: All of the first 3 factors are the reasons.
Which of the following metrics can be used for evaluating the performance of cloud?
a) Network usage
b) Amount of storage space required
c) Energy consumption
d) Cost of execution
Correct Answer: a, c, and d
Detailed Solution: Amount of storage space required is not a metrics for evaluating cloud

In Dew Computing, the on‐premises computer provides functionality that is dependent of cloud
a) True
b) False
Correct Answer: (b)
Detailed Solution: In Dew Computing, the on‐premises computer provides functionality that is
independent of cloud services.

In Dew Computing, the on‐premises computer collaborates with the cloud services
a) True
b) False
Correct Answer: (a)
Detailed Solution: The on‐premises computer is collaborative with cloud services

On premise resource utilization is optimum in
a) Cloud computing
b) Cloud-Fog-Edge computing
c) Dew computing
d) None of the above
Correct Answer: (c)
Detailed Solution: On premise resource utilization is optimum in dew computing.


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