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What is an entrepreneur?

-tries to bring ideas, visions, or dreams to life

-a person who undertakes a risk to start up their own business equipped by their
ideas or visions
-an important force behind success in any industry

What is a Tourism Entrepreneur?

-an entrepreneur whose ideas will hopefully work in the tourism industry
-they are people who produce and manage tourism products
-their business ideas or visions are related or falls under the tourism sector
-plays a vital part in transforming the supply of leisure and recreational

What does a tourism entrepreneur do?

• defining what area of tourism you want your business to be in
Entrepreneurs must identify which sector of tourism they want their business to be
in. Since the tourism industry is broad, it could be in accommodations,
transportation, food and beverage, etc.
• researching the tourism industry and tourism trends
They must learn what is new in the tourism industry and how to keep up with the
trends. Learning how to match the emerging trends can help you stay in the
competition and to cater to the target market.
• writing a business plan
This is essential in starting a business as a strategic tool. Entrepreneurs must have
business pans to help them identify and achieve their goals, both short-terms
and long-terms. This can guide you through each step necessary in starting and
managing a business.
• planning a working schedule
Having a schedule allows you to be organized and give priority to the right
goals. The schedule will help you evaluate the productivity level of everyone
involved. It will also serve as a guide in helping you accomplish tasks.
• liaising with bank manager for a loan
Forming a professional relationship with bank managers for loans will help you
fund your business.
• hiring and firing the right people
As the owner, the success of your business is one of your topmost priorities.
Finding the right people for the job is an important factor in establishing a
successful business. Identify which characteristics or credentials are required in
your business to guide you in employing staffs.
• working long hours to make sure your business takes off
Starting and managing a business doesn’t just require necessary skills but also
unceasing dedication and effort. Sacrifices are expected to be made and risks
are bound to be taken.
• marketing your business
Entrepreneurs are expected to effectively bring their products or services to the
market. Promoting the business is needed to attract consumers.
• networking with people in the industry that will benefit your business
They have to build the right connections that is good or beneficial for the
business. Having connections with other people in the industry can allow you to
access opportunities, receive advice on how to handle certain situations, and
gather assessments for your improvement.

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