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“Ovidius” University Annals, Economic Sciences Series

Volume XIV, Issue 1 /2014

A Comparative Analysis of the Romanian and Swedish Public Health


Niţu Oana
Faculty of Economics, "Ovidius" University, Constanta, Romania
Ghiță Constantin
Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța
Dincă Gheorghița
Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov

Abstract Investments in health and education were not

considered national priorities in Romania,
This paper proposes a theoretical analysis even renowned authors have shown through
of the overall health system in Romania and their research that they should be classified
Sweden. Through a comparative approach of as productive expenditures, and in long term,
the two systems, the purpose of this article is they directly contribute to economic growth
to highlight the benefits of health services [2]. In all European Union governments are
provided by the public health sector involved in the financing of health care; most
institutions correlated with spending levels Member States use a combined system
allocated by the two governments. The main between social security contributions and
results point to the fact that Romania, by direct government funding of health. As for
allocating a small percentage of Gross private insurance, it represents a supplement
Domestic Product for the financing of the rather than a substitute for primary health
health system, faces problems like migration care system [3].
of health personnel, lack of medicines, A common feature of all health systems
facilities and medical equipment, with from emerging economies is the shortage of
inadequate funding of prevention programs, financial resources. This fact is currently
etc These results indicate the need for in- exacerbated by the economic crisis that has
depth reform of the public health. led many governments to reconsider the level
of public spending in the health sector [4].

Keywords: Government Expenditures, 2. Characteristics for healthcare in

Public Health, Government Policy. Romania versus Sweden
J.E.L Classification: I18, H51
In most european countries, 'health' was
the second largest function in public
1. Introduction expenditure after social protection. As a ratio
to GDP, the highest levels of government
A good health is a key factor in ensuring expenditure were found in Croatia (9.2 % of
socio-economic development of a country. GDP or 20 % of total public expenditure), the
The demand for health services is increasing Netherlands (8.9 %), Denmark (8.6 %),
in terms of people aging under national and France (8.3 %) and Finland (8.2 %) [5].
European level. Currently, European Health insurance is the means by which
countries are increasingly concerned with the state protects the health of the population.
models of policies that should be In Romania, the institution that deals
implemented in health care, based on the directly with these insurances is the National
demographic, technological innovations, and Health Insurance House (NHIH). The unic
given the current financial statements [1]. national fund of health insurance builds on

“Ovidius” University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Volume XIV, Issue 1 /2014

the contributions of individuals and Insurance Fund a share of 5.5% of monthly

businesses, grants from the state budget and pension. The same law provides that, after
on donations, sponsorships, interest, income the payment of the contribution, the pension
derived from exploitation of NHIH heritage must not fall below 740 lei [8].
and other income, including amounts from In Sweden, however, social health
revenues of the Ministry of Public Health [6]. insurance is part of the Social Insurance
In 2013, under Law no. 571/2003 Agency (Forsäkringskassan). The fund
updated, health social insurance contributions through which health care is provided by
in Romania are 5.5% for the employee and those who live and / or work in Sweden is
5.2% for the employer. In employee case, funded through taxes and dues. The
those contributions applies on gross salary responsibility for health and medical care is
under an employment contract if it does not held both by the central government and by
exceed 5 times the average gross earning county councils and municipalities.
used in underlying the state social insurances On average, Swedes pay 31.73% of
budget [7]. income for taxes, and if monthly earnings
In employers case, the contribution is exceed 4200 euros, the percentage is applied
applied on the gross earnings of resident and gradually to the size of income.
non-resident individuals deriving income In tables 1 and 2 we can observe the
from wages. evolution of the share of GDP spent on health
The law 95/2006 on healthcare reform, in Romania and Sweden in the period 2006-
with subsequent modifications, (GEO 2012.
no.107/2010) provides that retirees with
pensions exceeding 740 RON are required to
contribute to the National Social Health
Table no. 1 Total health expenditures as % of GDP, Romania
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
TOTAL GOVERNMENT 35.5 38.2 39.3 41.1 40.1 39.4 36.6

HEALTH (% OF GDP) 2.7 3.1 3.2 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.1

Source: European Commission
Table no. 2 Total health expenditures as % of GD, Sweden
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
TOTAL GOVERNMENT 52.7 51 51.7 54.9 52.3 51.2 52
HEALTH (% OF GDP) 6.6 6.6 6.9 7.4 7.0 7.0 7.1
Source: European Commission Table no. 3 The life expectancy in Romania
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Public expenditure on health (% of GDP) The life 72.22 72.61 73.03 73.33 73.47
of 3.1% in Romania in 2012 is well below
Source:, statistical yearbook, 2011
the EU average of 7.3% of GDP [9]. In this
respect, Sweden is very close to the EU In table 3 it can be seen that this indicator
average as it can be seen from the table 2. has shown a slight increase over the years
Health situation of the population can be exemplified (from 72.22 years in 2006 to
analyzed in the light of demographic factors 73.47 years in 2010), but without reaching
such as life expectancy or the evolution of the threshold of 75. The situation is not much
population. different in 2012, when the average lifespan
For example, for 2006-2010, National was calculated to be 74.22 years, in fact
Institute of Statistics provided data on the life being among the lowest life expectancy in the
expectancy of the population, on which we EU (after Estonia, Bulgaria and Latvia).
can find that in Romania, people live on In 2012 Sweden ranked 4th in the EU in
average less than 80 years [10]. terms of life expectancy (81.18 years). In the
past, Sweden has been among the countries

“Ovidius” University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Volume XIV, Issue 1 /2014

with the highest life expectancy, its value population grew by 3.85% in 2010 compared
exceeding the threshold of 80 years. to 2005.
A real problem facing our country is the An example regarding how investments in
demography. In Romania, the population health can affect the benefits enjoyed by
number in the period 2005 - 2010 presented taxpayers, are the health care facilities. In
an accelerated decrease and for Sweden, a table no. 4 is presented the number of beds
significant increase. The population of available in hospitals in Romania and
Romania decreased by 0.89% in 2010 Sweden in the period 2005 – 2010.
compared to 2005, while in Sweden the

Table no. 4 - The number of the hospital beds for 1000 inhabitants Romania vs. Sweden
Measures 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Romania total population
21,624 21,584 21,537 21,504 21,470 21,431
Sweden total population
9,030 9,081 9,148 9,220 9,299 9,378
Beds no./1000 inhabitants.
6.6 6.6 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.2
Beds no./1000 inhabitants.
2.9 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.8 2.7
Total no. of beds in health care
142,718 142,454 137,837 137,626 139,555 132,872
facilities. Romania
Total no. of beds in health care
26,187 26,335 26,529 25,816 26,037 25,321
facilities. Sweden
Source:, Statistical yearbook 2011 - Period series from 1990 to 2010, Health;, Country statistical profile Sweden

It can be seen in the data presented in Table no. 5 The medical staff in Romania
Table. 4 that in Romania the number of beds Medical 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
in health facilities in 2005-2010 decreased in personnel
an accelerated manner (from 142 718 beds in 10,000
2005 to 132 872 beds in 2010), while in people
Sweden, the number of 26.187 bed decreased Physician 21.7 22.4 23.4 23.5 24.4
from 2005 to 25 321 by 2010. s
There is a noticeable difference between medical 2.7 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.4
the number of beds in health facilities per
1000 people in Romania and in Sweden. Support 5.9 6.2 6.6 6.5 6.3
While in Romania in 2010 it is estimated to staff
be 6.2 beds per 1,000 people, in Sweden
Source:, Statistical yearbook 2011,
during the same period there were only 2.7 period series from 1990 to 2010
beds per 1,000 people. Hence, it can be In the analysed period it can be seen a
concluded that Sweden invests more in slight increase in the number of doctors per
preventive treatment of population. Thus, 10,000 inhabitants (from 21.7 in 2006 to 24.4
decreasing the number of people who require in 2010) and support staff (from 5.9 to 6.3)
hospitalization, so decreases the need for a and a decrease in medical staff. After 2010,
large number of beds In Romania the according to the data provided by the College
emphasis is not, unfortunately, on the of Physicians of Romania, the situation
preventive treatment, people getting sick changes. More and more doctors leave the
more easily, thus increasing the need for a country, seeking better working conditions
large number of beds in hospitals. and a salary commensurate with their work.
Table no. 5 present the medical staff in In 2012, the number of doctors in Romania
Romania in 2006-2010. fell to 38.813, thus affecting the Romanian
healthcare system.

“Ovidius” University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Volume XIV, Issue 1 /2014

In Sweden, the evolution of the number of health care services, health promotion, health
doctors who professed, in 2005-2009, was monitoring for patients with chronic
positive (increased with population), bringing conditions, consultations at home, medical
more confidence to the people seeking laboratory (ultrasound) and sick leave
medical care and paying taxes for the funding certificate issuing, low reference tickets,
of medical staff (see table no. 6). medical exemptions for children, medical
prescriptions, death certificate, etc. (services
Table no. 6 Physicians per 1,000 people in provided by the family physician), the
Sweden, 2005-2009 physician consultations on a referral from the
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 family doctor, blood tests fully or partially
Physicia 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.8 discounted by NHIH and dental services.
ns per In Sweden, all citizens are insured
1,000 regardless of their quality, employed or
people unemployed, and emergency services are also
Source:, Country guaranteed for those of the EU Member
statistical profile Sweden States and other countries with which
Sweden has concluded bilateral agreements.
3. Medical services in the public health There is not a package of defined basic health
system in Romania vs. Sweden services, Swedish health system is organized
so that the individuals receive primary,
Being two different systems of health preventive, specialty, emergency care,
insurance, the benefits offered to compensated or free medicine, care for
policyholders are also different for Romania mental illness, recovery services, medical
and Sweden. services for the disabled, home care, free
In Romania, by signing the contract with dental services for children and young,
those who are registered in NHIH or with compensated adult dental services. Funding
employers, policyholders are offered a this system is made in a 21 counties and its
package of basic health services in case of operation differs depending on the region the
illness or accident, a package of opptional citizens belong to. The three basic principles
services following the contribution payment that applies regardless of the region those
to National Social Health Insurance Fund and requiring care live in are: equal health rights,
allowances for sick leave. [11] Medical solidarity between people and fair ratio
services offered varies depending on the between the costs of healthcare and the
position of the individual: a package of basic benefits received [12].
health services for those who are In Sweden, health insurance is universal
unemployed, do not pay contributions and do and it covers the entire population, the
not fall into the category of insured persons, a patients are protected by the state, the costs
package of services for insured persons with covered by them are limited so as to not
or without contribution and a set of optional affect too much the standard of living.
services. In the following we give some examples
Medical services that uninsured benefit of medical services the Swedes enjoy, and
are: emergency medical services, surgical, their costs for 2011 [13]:
supervision, consultation to monitor  Consultation on a general practitioner:
pregnancy and the postpartum period, 100-200 SEK;
immunizations and issues of death
 Consultation to a specialist: 230-320
certificates (services provided by the family),
emergency care and detecting potentially
 A day of hospitalization: 80 SEK / day
endemic-epidermal disease (services
for the first 10 days, and for the next days
provided by the practitioner) and solving for
60 SEK / day;
dental emergencies. In addition to these basic
services provided to the uninsured, those who  For young people aged up to 20 years
are insured enjoy optional and curative health old, free preventive controls;
services provided by the family and specialist  • For retirees and people with disabilities,
doctors. Insured persons in the records of co-payments for medical services can not
NHIH, in addition, benefit from: preventive exceed 1712 SEK / day;

“Ovidius” University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Volume XIV, Issue 1 /2014

 Persons under 20 years old receive free are situations in which people can feel the
dental care, and those aged over 20 years benefits of the monthly contribution to the
old receive state subsidies worth 150-300 fund. For example, based on a referral from
SEK/year, only valid for preventive a family doctor or specialist, thepolicyholders
dental care. For other dental services can benefit from a range of free common
required by people over 20 years old, the analysis in medical laboratories contracted by
costs are borne entirely by them if the NHIH: calcium, glucose, blood counts, etc. A
value does not exceed SEK 3,000/year; common point in benefits through the social
the costs with values between 3000- insurance system in the two analyzed
15000 SEK/year are borne 50% by countries are the compensated or free drugs
patients and the values above 15,000 the insured persons enjoy.
SEK/year are borne by the people in In Romania, the insured people benefit
proportion of at least 85%; from drugs with or without own contribution,
 No Swedish pays more than 1.100 based on the prescriptions issued by a GP or
SEK/year for medical advice. If this limit a specialist. Prescriptions for medications
is exceeded, medical appointments for may contain 1-3 drugs for each condition
the next year (from the first necessary (except for children under 12 months and
appointment) are free. Adults do not pay patients included in health programs). Drugs
more than 2.200 SEK/year for are compensated at a rate of 50%, 90% and
prescription drugs. For children within a 100%, those without personal contribution is
family, the maximum expenditure on accessible to children aged under 18, young
medicines, incurred in a year by their people aged up to 26 years old if attending an
descent, is 2.200 SEK. educational form, chilbed and pregnant
In Romania, policyholders receive free women and persons included in special laws
medical consultations on a referral from the or people diagnosed with diseases free of
family doctor they are enrolled. Without this charge.
reference ticket, costs are not reimbursed by In Sweden, for drugs needed in a year
NHIH and they are fully paid by patients. A whose value does not exceed 1.100 SEK are
major problem the insured are facing, is that entirely out of pocket costs for the ones who
only certain medical services are reimbursed require them. Above this threshold, the drugs
by NHIH, so that their advantages compared are compensated progressively to 100% [14].
with the uninsured are not very high. For The Swedish health care system provides
example, in Brasov County Hospital, there is some of the best outcomes when compared
a list of medical services unsettled by CJAS with other developed nations that maintain
Brasov, for which the patients bear the full universal approaches to health care insurance
cost. For a better understanding we have [15].
selected some examples of medical services However, the Swedish health care system
unsettled and their costs (see table no. 7). is also not perfect. Larson (2008) points out
the existing problems in the system, and the
Table no. 7 Examples of healthcare unsettled shortage of doctors and hospital beds which
by CJAS Brasov has led to real drama. [16] Public health
Consult by a specialist 50 RON bureaucracy led to the migration of highly
Skull CT without contrast agent 100 RON skilled personnel to the private sector [17].
Native cranio-cerebral MRI 350 RON
Abdomen ultrasound 30 RON 4. Conclusions
Limbs radiography 20 RON
Upper gastrointestinal 100 RON Small budgets allocated to public health
endoscopy can not lead to first-class medical services.
Source:, Integrated Ambulatory Financing the health system in Romania is
section, healthcare rates unsettled by CJAS
realised primarily on account of
contributions, and completing, on transfers
from the state budget. Assigning a rate of
As it can be seen, the Romanian insurance
approximately 3% of GDP (among the lowest
status does not offer any advantage for
in the EU) public health system determines
complex medical services. However, there
the quality, sometimes inadequate, of health

“Ovidius” University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Volume XIV, Issue 1 /2014

services, migration of qualified medical [14] Idem

personnel to the private sector or abroad, and [15] Esmail, N., Health Care Lessons from
under-funding of prevention programs.. All Sweden, Lessons from Abroad. A Series on
these lead to the need of reforming the public Health Care Reform, 2013.
[16] Larson, Sven R. (2008). Lessons from
health system in Romania in order to improve
Sweden’s Universal Health System: Tales
it and to provide quality health services. It from the Health-care Crypt. Journal of
also requires the government to consider American Physicians and Surgeons, 13(1):
health and education as national priorities 21-22
and to allocate appropriate budgets for these [17] Glenngård, Anna H. (2012). The Swedish
areas. Health Care System, 2012.
The health system in Sweden is financed
primarily from general taxes. Swedish central
government is responsible for overall health
policy and it offer grants for the regional and
municipal governments in order to support
health care services. Swedish public health
system is in a continuous reform for
improving the quality of health care and the
access to the system by careful monitoring of

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