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Abilities STR: 13, CHA: 10, CON: 11, INT: 11, Dex: 15, Wis: 15,

I don’t who my parents are
Born home
10 siblinds
adoptive family (Naga)
mom (disappeared to an unknown fate.)
dad (parent was imprisoned, enslaved, or other- wise taken away.)
Family life style: Aristoratic (+40)
Childhood home: Palace
Chilhood memories: have fev friends, generally happy, childhood
Backround: Outlander
Race:Sea elf
Class: Rogue
Archtype: assassin
Benefactor: A dragon didn't eat you when it had a chance, and in return, you promised to set aside
choice pieces of treasure for it

I became an outlander because: I realize my adoptive parent just want eat me

I became rogue beacaus:
I decided to turn my natural lucky streak into the basis of a career, though I still realize that
improving my skills is essential.

Age: human 93
1.Found Riding Horse

2 You gained a bit of good fortune. Roll on the Boons table.

You found something interesting. You gain one additional trinket.

3 You committed a Murder.

and was in prison camp 2 years and escape
You encountered something magical. Roll on the Arcane Matters table.
You turned invisible for a time.

You witnessed a powerful spell being cast by a sorcerer.

6You gained a bit of good fortune. Roll on the Boons table.

8 A friendly alchemist gifted you with a potion of healing or a flask of acid, as you choose.

7 were captured by a cult and nearly sacrificed on an altar to the foul being the cultists served. You
escaped, but you fear they will find you.

8 Add D20 gold

9 you encountered something magical. Roll on the Arcane Matters table
You were affected by teleportation magic.

10 I met an archfey

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