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Beaver Falls, PA


Name: McKayla Jacobs Date: January 18 & 19, 2022

Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 3rd Grade

I. Topic
Economics: The students will be creating a lemonade stand poster to understand goods and resources.

II. PA or Common Core Standards

6.2.3.A Identify goods, services, consumers, and producers in the local community.
6.2.3.C Identify types of advertising designed to influence personal choice.

III. Learning Objectives: Objectives must be written using observable verbs

TSWBAT use concepts learned in the chapter to explain how to get resources needed to make lemonade.
TSWBAT create a poster with their group to sell their lemonade.
IV. Materials
Black Composition Books (Each student has their own)
Blank Lined Paper (One sheet for each group of three)
White Board (Teacher)
Dry Erase Marker and Eraser (Teacher)
Blank Poster Paper (One for each group of three)
Markers/Colored Pencils/Crayons (Each student has their own)

V. Lesson Development
a. Introduction
To begin the lesson, the teacher will say, “Today for Social Studies we are going to be
discussing resources and how we can get these needed resources for our lives. What are some
examples of resources we use in our classroom?” The teacher will call on at least three volunteers.
(Answers will vary but should include answers like Best Bucks and rewards they buy at the end of the
week for appropriate behavior.) The teacher will then say, “Your quest is to make a poster showing
three types of resources needed to sell lemonade.”
b. Lesson development (activities, procedures)
The teacher will ask the students, “What resources do you use to make lemonade?” As
students respond, the teacher will write their responses on the board as a list. (Answers will vary but
should include answers like pitcher, sugar, lemons, water, spoon, etc.) Once a decent-sized list of at
least five items has been created, the teacher will ask the students, “What resources do you use to sell
lemonade?” As the students respond, the teacher will write their responses on the board as a list and the
students will also write the responses in their composition books. (Answers will vary but should include
things like sign, posters, stand, etc.) Once a decent-sized list of at least five items has been created, the
teacher will tell the students “next, we are going work in our groups of three to make a plan for
your lemonade stands.”
The teacher will then give each group of three a blank sheet of lined paper to create their plan for selling
lemonade. The teacher will then explain to the students they are creating a step-by-step list of what they
need to do in chronological order to make their stand to sell their lemonade. (Answers will vary but
should include answers like make a stand, make signs/posters, make their lemonade, etc.)
c. Evidence of differentiated instruction (content, process, product, or learning environment)
Learning Environment: The students will be working in groups of three to make a plan and create a poster for
their group’s lemonade stand.
Product: The students will be required to turn in their lists made with the teacher for a writing grade.

d. Closure (summary)
To close the lesson, the teacher will give each group of three a piece of poster paper to create their
lemonade stand posters. The teacher will say, “You are going to pretend like you are creating a
poster for your own group’s lemonade stand. You may use any of your markers, colored pencils,
or crayons to complete this poster. You may want to add pictures, what you are selling, why you
may be selling it, how much it costs and other things. You will have 20 minutes with your group to
work on this today and we can finish, if needed at another time.”
VI. Assessment/evaluation
*Rochester School District does not use summative assessments in Social Studies or Science. Therefore,
for this lesson, I will be using a formative assessment of participation, teacher observation, and
collaboration with others as an assessment.

The students will be informally assessed in their ability to work appropriately with their group of three to make
a plan and create their lemonade stand posters.

The students will be formally assessed in their ability to copy the list of resources needed to make and sell
lemonade. This will be graded as a writing grade.
VII. Modifications or accommodations
For groups who do not finish their posters within the 20 minute time period, they will be given the
chance to work on it during free time or during arrival time upon completion of their morning work.

VIII. Self-evaluation
Being that this was my first full lesson with my students, it went about as well as expected. I struggled
with the time restraint of the period, but we made it work. The only thing I would change would be better
engaging my students. Now that I have taught a couple of lessons, I have learned more about my student’s
personalities and will be able to better engage my students in my lessons. The only fallback is that I think the
lesson was not very interesting for the students, but this lesson was based from the curriculum and had to be
taught in this unit. If COVID was not an issue, I would have liked to bring in the supplies and make lemonade
with the students or even take the lesson a step further and create a lemonade stand to actually sell lemonade to
teachers in the school. I think this would strengthen the idea of entrepreneurship for the students and they would
get more out of this lesson.

Cooperating Teacher Approval ________________________________________

Date ___________________

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