Health Lesson Plan 4-12

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Name: McKayla Jacobs and Caryn Morrow Date: April 12 & 13, 2022
Subject: Health Grade Level: 7th Grade

 Topic and General Goal

Mental Health: What is Mental and Emotional Health?

 Reference to the PA or Common Core Standards

Evaluate factors that impact the body systems and apply protective/ preventive strategies for fitness level,
environment (e.g., pollutants, available health care), health status (e.g., physical, mental, social), and nutrition.

 Lesson Objectives – Objectives must be written using observable terms

TSWBAT identify the signs of mental and emotional health.
TSWBAT explain the three most important influences on your personality.
TSWBAT describe resilience and how it affects mental and emotional health.
TSWBAT demonstrate communication skills by showing empathy to others through active listening.

 Materials
iPad (Online Textbook)
Chapter 5 Questions Sheet
Chapter 5 Questions Sheet (Modified)
Mental Health Word Search
Yoga Stances
Calming Music (Youtube)

 Lesson Development
(Teacher J- Miss Jacobs)
(Teacher M- Mrs. Morrow)
o Check Google Classroom for completion of all questions for students.
o Take Attendance (Teacher M)
o Introduction

To begin the lesson, the teacher will tell the students to each get out their iPad with their
questions or their hard copy of questions. The teacher will then tell the students, “we are going to be
going over the answers to your questions. You must participate and answer at least one question
to receive your participation points.”.

o Lesson Development
The teacher will then ask the students, “what are the three main influences on your
personality?”. (Looking for the answers hereditary, environment, and behavior.) The teacher will then
ask the students, “which one do you feel is the most important and why?”. (Answers will vary.)
The teacher will then ask the students, “what are two ways a person can improve their mental
and emotional health?”. (Looking for the answers found on page 147, answers will vary from the list
of eight.)
The teacher will then ask the students, “what is the definition of resilience?”. (Looking for the
answer the ability to recover from problems or loss.)
The teacher will then ask the students, “what is the definition of self concept?”. (Looking for
the answer the way you view yourself overall.) The teacher will then ask the students, “what is the
definition of self esteem?”. (Looking for the answer how you feel about yourself.)
The teacher will then ask the students, “do you think the book’s suggestions on page 151
about building self esteem are good or no and why?”. (Answers will very.) The teacher will then ask
the students, “what are a couple of other suggestions did you write down?”. (Answers will vary.)
The teacher will then ask the students, “what is the definition of emotions?”. (Looking for the
answer feelings such as love, joy, or fear.)
The teacher will then ask the students, “what are the five main emotions?”. (Looking for the
answer happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and grief.) The teacher will then ask the students, “which do
you feel is the hardest to control?”. (Answers will vary.)
The teacher will then ask the students, “what are two healthy ways that a person can manage
their emotions?”. (Looking for answers found on pages 154 and 155, answers will vary from the list of
The teacher will then ask the students, “what is the definition of mental and emotional
disorders?”. (Looking for the answer illnesses that affect a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior.)
The teacher will then ask the students, “what is the definition of anxiety disorders?”. (Looking
for the answer extreme fears of real or imaginary situations that get in the way of normal activities.)
The teacher will then ask the students, “what is an example of an anxiety disorder?”. (Looking for
answers found on page 160, answers will vary from the list of four.)
The teacher will then ask the students, “what is the definition of mood disorders?”. (Looking
for the answer a mental and emotional problem in which a person undergoes mood swings that seem
extreme, inappropriate, or last a long time.) The teacher will then ask the students, “what is an
example of a mood disorder?”. (Looking for answers found on page 161, answers will vary from the
list of two.)

o Closure

To close the lesson, the teacher will take the class out to Rochy Café area to try six different
yoga stances. The teacher will demonstrate the yoga stances and the students will follow. Calming music
will be played in the background.
The teacher will then take the class back to the classroom and play calming music on the View
Board as students complete the Mental Health word search. The teacher will tell the students, “you must
finish the word search prior to having quiet free time.”

o Evidence of Differentiated Instruction

Process- The students are given a range of questions to answer in order to earn their participation points
for the discussion.

 Assessment/Evaluation
The students will be formally assessed by their participation during discussion.

 Modifications/Accommodations

 Self-Evaluation
This lesson ended up going super smoothly for my first ever co-teaching lesson being taught. I was
fortunate to have an amazing teacher to co-teach with that really went with the flow and we were able to
create a great plan. I was expecting this lesson to be harder than it was, so I think that helped me a lot. I was
quite nervous going into this lesson because I had only been in this classroom one other week prior to this
week, so I did not know the students super well, but it went really great.

Cooperating Teacher Approval: _________________________________

Date: _________________

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