Additional Review For MMW

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Additional Review

Material for MMW

Analyzing Data
One hundred fifty students
were asked of their favorite pet.
Their responses are shown in the
graph below. How many students
chose cats as their favorite pet?

Answer: 45 students
Solution: 50 x 0.30 = 45

Data Analysis
Measure of Central Tendency
In a set of score arrange in order as from lowest to highest,
• Mean is the average score.
• Median is the middle most score
• Mode is the most frequent score.
• Range is highest score minus the lowest score
Common Operations on Sets
Union and intersection of sets
• Union The union of sets �� and ��, denoted by �� ∪ �� is the set that
contains all the elements that belong to �� or to ��, or to both.
• The intersection of sets �� and ��, denoted by �� ∩ ��, is the set of
elements common to both �� and ��.
Cardinality of the set:
The number of distinct element in a set.
Example: Given �� = {��, ��, ��} the cardinality of set ��
denoted by �� �� = 3. Since there are 3 elements in ��

Remember that �� �� ∪ �� = �� �� + �� �� − ��(�� ∩ ��)


What is the negation of the false proposition, “No doctors write in a legible
Correct Answer:
“Some doctors write in legible manner”
“ There exist at least one doctor who writes in a legible manner.”

The Conditional and Related Statements

• Converse
• Contrapositive

The converse of �� → �� is �� → ��
The inverse of �� → �� is ~�� → ~��
The contrapositive of �� → �� is ~�� → ~��
Example: Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive
of “If I get the job, then I will rent the apartment.” Answer:
If I rent the apartment, then I get the job.
If I do not get the job, then I will not rent the
apartment. Contrapositive:
If I do not rent the apartment, then I did not get the job.
Logic and Logic Connectives
Proposition - is the basic object of logic. • A
declarative sentence that is either true or false, but
not both.
• We use ��, ��, ��, … to denote propositions.
Example: Legazpi is a city in Bicol
Logic Connectives and Symbols
Statement Symbolic Form Logical operator/
Not �� ¬�� negation
�� and �� �� ^ �� conjunction
�� or �� �� v �� disjunction
If ��, then �� �� → �� conditional
�� if and only if �� ↔ �� biconditional

Truth Value
• The conjunction �� �� is true if and only if �� and �� are
true and the conjunction is false if either �� or �� is false.
• In general, the disjunction �� �� �� is true if �� is true or
�� is true or both �� and �� are true.
• The statement �� → �� is true when both �� and �� are
true and when �� is false (no matter what truth value �� has).

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