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Public smoking bans seem to be tremendously effective in reducing heart attack and,

theoretically, might also help to prevent lung cancer and emphysema, diseases that
develop much more slowly than heart attacks. ... Direct smoking doubles the risk of
heart attack.
The cost of secondhand smoke. Smokers also pay more for life insurance and health
insurance than nonsmokers, because of their higher risk of health care costs. Smoking
lowers the potential resale value of home and cars, because most buyers are not
interested in purchasing a house or car that smells like cigarettes.
These findings are particularly important in light of mounting evidence that second-
hand smoke exposure is nearly as harmful to the heart as chronic active smoking.
when we ban smoking in public might also help to prevent lung cancer and
emphysema, diseases that develop much more slowly than heart attacks. ... Direct
smoking doubles the risk of heart attack. thats why my opnion is should be ban

second-hand smoke exposure is nearly as harmful to the heart as chronic active

Toxic fumes don't only affect the person actively smoking a cigarette – there are
significant health risks associated with second-hand smoke as well. Just being exposed
to second-hand smoke is harmful to the heart as chronic active smoking. ... Smoking
bans in public places significantly reduce the exposure of non-smokers to toxic fumes.
Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes,
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes
emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Even though people don’t smoking, they
still have bad healthy when smokers around them.
Fast food
Well, I have my doubts about that. We are unknown how much kids' consumption of
fast food would be reduced by banning fast foods in schools. If the ban didn't reduce
the amount of fast food that kids eat, the rate of heart disease would likely remain
unchanged. Besides, if children sneak in fast food from home, banning fast foods in
school wouldn't help children to learn healthier ways of eating for life. Instead, the
time and effort that went with sneaking in fast food could reinforce the habit of eating
it even more.

Marriage helps cultural groups to have a measure of control over

population growth by providing proscribed rules about when it is
appropriate to have children. Regulating sexual behavior helps to reduce
sexual competition and negative effects associate with sexual competition.

If one person smokes and the other does not, the

conversation will slow down because the strong
cigarette smoke causes the other person to choke on
the smoke and it also affects later.

eating Junk foods regular has been shown to lead to increased risks of obesity and
chronic diseases.
junk foods contain good amounts of antioxidants and they can in fact be good for the
heart. While it isn't recommended that one thrive on these foods, indulging in some of
them, in limit of course, may do you a whole lot of good.
Eating a poor quality diet high in junk food is linked to a higher risk of obesity,
depression, digestive issues, heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and
early death. And as you might expect, frequency matters when it comes to the impact
of junk food on your health. Another effect of just a couple of days of junk food is
poor digestion. Because junk food lacks fiber, eating too much of it could lead to
Young people use the internet and social media to:
 connect with, comment on and discuss things with others, through social
networking, emailing and online messaging
 find, create or share interesting photos, videos and articles
 join or follow interest groups
 play online games
 learn more about topics that interest them
 as a study tool for school.
By using the internet, they can:

easily access information to inform and educate themselves

maintain and develop supportive relationships
form their identities (through self-expression, learning and talking)
promote a sense of belonging and self-esteem through staying connected with friends
and being involved in diverse communities.
Research shows that the things that help young people have a positive experience
online are:

having a good understanding of the internet and how online media work (including
things like privacy settings)
having the skills to critically understand, analyse and create content that adds value for
themselves and others.

Some risks associated with being online are

 Cyberbullying: This is when people use technology to embarrass, harass or
bully someone. Cyberbullying can include posting mean or untrue statements,
making fake online profiles intended to embarrass people, sharing
embarrassing photos, and more.
 Trolling: This is when people deliberately try to start arguments or to upset
people on the internet, often causing considerable distress.
 Isolation: Too much time spent online and using technology is time not spent
face-to-face with family and friends, which can create barriers and contribute to
a sense of isolation.

Your dressing sense reflects your personality, character, mood, style and

what actually you are as an individual. People wearing gaudy clothes with
loud make up are generally extroverts and love partying. You really can make
out what sort of person an individual is by his/her dressing.

No I really can’t agree with you guys, I’m afraid. Although Others are more
comfortable with traditional forms of advertising like distributing fliers and
advertising in newspapers. Internet break small bussiness VN is data breaches and
additional costs in the online market.
More and more Vietnamese enterprises are applying e-commerce to support procurement,
goods exchange and export. E-commerce has grown rapidly and has become a prominent trend
of e-commerce in recent years. In today's epidemic situation, e-commerce is used more and
moreMore and more Vietnamese enterprises are applying e-commerce to support procurement,
goods exchange and export. E-commerce has grown rapidly and has become a prominent trend
of e-commerce in recent years. In today's epidemic situation, e-commerce is used more and
moreMore and more Vietnamese enterprises are applying e-commerce to support procurement,
goods exchange and export. E-commerce has grown rapidly and has become a prominent trend
of e-commerce in recent years. In today's epidemic situation, e-commerce is used more and

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