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ODU Student Observation Form

Lesson Topic: _____Lacrosse_______________ Teacher: ___Mrs.

Hendriks_______________ Date: __March 18, 2022______
Grade: ___10th _________ # of students in class: __25______

Answer the following questions/descriptions for each section:

Provide a brief description of activities in lesson and the approximate time for each activity?

Class starting routine (students arrive to class and put the bag against the wall, they then walk
around the gymnasium for 5 to 10 minutes. After students are put into a single line and do
dynamic stretches across the gym approximately 5 minutes. Students then sit in front of the
teacher as she talks about what activities are planned for the day.)

Students were shown how to scoop, cradle, pass and throw by teachers, after they performed
drills on each skill in several single file lines. This took up the bulk of class time, each skill drill
took approximately 5 – 10 minutes.

Students were given 10 minutes of relaxation time prior to dismissal of class.

Describe the teaching style(s) used
Relaxing student-centered teaching style was used with examples given by teachers before

How does the teacher help students internalize essential knowledge? (Ask questions, have
student re-state information, give examples)
Teacher asked if students understand after directions and corrected students as needed during
activities. Students where not often asked to repeat or re-state information

How does the teacher encourage critical thinking through emphasizing accuracy and clarity?
(Link information to prior knowledge)
The teacher gave simple feedback but did not give much critical feedback during this lesson.

Describe how the teacher organized and prepared the classroom prior to class.
The lesson was planned days prior with fellow teachers, and before class reviewed. The
equipment was prepared before class started.

What stop/start signals are used?

A gym whistle is blown multiple times in succession to get the students attention, after the
teacher addresses the class.
How are transitions between activities organized and implemented?
Students are informed during the starting routine what they will be doing, throughout the lesson
the teacher blows their whistle and directs the class to the next activity.

How is equipment distributed and collected?
Cones for the drills were set up prior to students’ arrival and lacrosse sticks were in a stick
holder. Right before the teacher examples of the skills the students were asked to get a
lacrosse stick. When there wasn’t enough lacrosse sticks the students that when first in line
were instructed to pass off there stick to a student without one after their skill practice was

How does the teacher help students develop a sense of comfort and order?
A less restrictive environment encouraged students to feel free to express themselves and feel
relaxed in a classroom setting.

To what extent do students demonstrate that they feel positive about themselves, their peers,
their instructor, and the tasks they are assigned?
A minority of students acted unmotivated and performed slower than the other students, but a
majority of students seemed excited and happy, especially when around peers. Students
seemed to like passing but were not motivated in cradling.

What characteristics does the teacher possess that makes the entire lesson an enjoyable,
productive experience for the students?
The teacher displayed an overall positive and very relaxed demeanor which in turn allowed the
students to feel more relaxed in class. It seemed that the students enjoyed the environment
more than the activities but learned and had fun none the less.

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