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Structural architecture and Discrete Fracture

Network modelling of layered fractured
carbonates (Altamura Fm., Italy)


Impact Factor: 1.01 · DOI: 10.3301/IJG.2014.28




Elisa Panza Claudio Berto

Università degli Studi della Basilicata University of Ferrara


Fabrizio Agosta Giacomo Prosser

Università degli Studi della Basilicata Università degli Studi della Basilicata


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Fabrizio Agosta
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 11 January 2016
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Structural architecture and Discrete Fracture Network modelling

of layered fractured carbonates (Altamura Fm., Italy)

ABSTRACT porosity, due to fractures and faults, can also be strongly

modified after diagenetic processes and karst phenomena
This work focuses on the spacing and height distributions of
bed-perpendicular fracture sets present within a carbonate multi- (AGOSTA & AYDIN, 2006; AYDIN et alii, 2010; LAVENU et
layer, and on their effect on the volumetric (P32 and fracture porosity) alii, 2014). In the oil industry, fracture networks assessed
and hydraulic (correspondent permeability) properties of the rock by 1D well-data are often not representative of the 3D
mass computed after DFN modelling. Results of integrated field and fracture distribution. In fact, data gathered from well-
laboratory analyses are consistent with an uneven spacing distribution
of Strata-Bound (SB) fractures. The oldest SB fractures formed bores (logs, cores, borehole images or dynamic data)
within individual limestone beds bounded by bed interfaces, which provide information on smaller scale fractures, but are
likely acted as mechanical interfaces. Differently, the youngest strictly valid in the direct vicinity of the wells (GAUTHIER
SB fractures formed within smaller rock volumes bounded by the & LAKE, 1993). At larger scales, distribution parameters,
pre-existing fractures. Non Strata-Bound (NSB) fractures consist on
sheared bed-perpendicular fractures, originally compartmentalized spacing, and throws of faults in the order of, at least, a
within individual beds, which now form incipient strike-slip faults. several tens of meters are generally available after seismic
DFN modelling of representative rock volumes show that both data interpretation (NELSON, 2001). A significant scale
volumetric and hydraulic properties are strongly affected by the two gap between these subsurface data sources limits there-
main sets of NSB fractures, which form a conjugate system of
faults producing the principal structural anisotropy in the fractured fore a reliable fracture characterization on the intermediate
carbonate multi-layer. scales, which are typically those at which important fluid
production parameters such as well connectivity and
KEY WORDS: Fractured carbonates, fracture porosity, hydraulic early water breakthrough are controlled (BUSH, 2010;
properties, background deformation, Altamura Formation. QUESTIAUX et alii, 2010).
In order to fill the aforementioned dimensional gap,
in some cases, analogue outcrop studies can be used to
INTRODUCTION supply additional data required for inter-well fracture
property population (DE JEOSSINEAU & AYDIN, 2007;
Fractured carbonate reservoirs are often a puzzling AGOSTA et alii, 2009; AGOSTA et alii, 2010; RUSTICHELLI et
problem to be solved. Compared to other types of reser- alii, 2012, 2013a). In fact, outcrops are extremely reliable
voirs, in which porosity and permeability are mainly data sources, because they can provide continuous 2D to
dominated by matrix properties, their characterization is 3D data on the geometry and distribution of the fracture
often more complicated. In fact, according to the nature, network in relation to their controlling factors such layer
distribution, and diagenetic evolution of the constituting thickness, material properties, tectonic structures and
elements (grains, pores, cements), at shallow crustal lev- many others (CACAS et alii, 2001). Furthermore, the
els carbonate rocks are characterized not only by a great results of these studies can be imported as input data for
variety of porosity and permeability values (TIAB & DO- a 3D representation of fractured rock volume. Numerical
NALDSON, 1996; LUCIA, 1999; NELSON, 2001) but also by models play a key role in predicting both distribution and
different types of structural elements (AYDIN, 2000; GRA- intensity of the fractured rock volumes in the subsurface,
HAM et alii, 2003; TONDI et alii, 2006; AGOSTA, 2008; but the accurate 3D geometry of the whole fracture net-
ANTONELLINI et alii, 2008; AGOSTA et alii, 2010; TONDI et work (size, orientation and spacing), and in particular its
alii, 2012; LAVENU et alii, 2013). relation with bedding or other depositional features, can
In general, when a fracture network forms the princi- only be effectively estimated after studying outcropping
pal reservoir permeability and porosity, fluid flow pat- analogues (CACAS et alii, 2001).
terns in the reservoir are largely controlled by fracture Natural fracture networks occur in a great variety of
orientation, connectivity and aperture (ODLING et alii, structural styles. The vertical persistence and spacing of
1999). In carbonate rocks, it is known that secondary the different fracture sets are controlled by the geometrical
and mechanical properties of the individual mechanical
units (GROSS et alii, 1995; COOKE et alii, 2006; GUDMUNDS-
SON et alii, 2010; RUSTICHELLI et alii, 2012). A network may
(1) Department of Science, University of Basilicata, Italy. have a hierarchical structure, with fractures confined
(2) School of Science and Technology, University of Camerino, within individual beds, fractures crosscutting several beds
(3) Reservoir Characterization Project (
and other vertically persistent fractures dominating within
(4) Shell Italia E&P, Rome, Italy. given scale ranges (STRIJKER et alii, 2012, and references
(5) Total E&P Italia, Rome, Italy. therein). Pure shear structural elements form due to spe-

Fig. 1 - (A) Geological structural

synthetic map of Italy and location
of Apulian foreland; (B) Simplified
geologic map of Apulian foreland;
the rectangle marks the location
of the study area (after S PALLU -
TO, 2011)

cific deformation mechanisms and can be present as joints, micritic limestones of the Altamura Fm., Murge Area,
veins (joints sealed by precipitated minerals), stylolites Italy (BORGOMANO, 2000), which can be considered as a
(sensu FLETCHER & POLLARD, 1981) and compaction/dila- good surface analogue of the subsurface reservoirs pre-
tional bands (sensu AYDIN et alii, 2006). In particular, sent in southern Italy. The limestone rocks are arranged
joints are opening mode-fractures with a typical morpho- in 10’s of cm-thick, laterally continuous sub-horizontal
logy (plumose structure), which form perpendicular to the beds. Since the primary permeability and/or porosity of
least principal stress axis (POLLARD & AYDIN, 1988). Com- the limestone matrix is negligible, a DFN numerical
pared to the other mentioned structural elements, joints approach has been considered to compute the volumetric
are characterized by their own spacing distribution, con- and hydraulic properties of the fractured carbonates
nectivity, aperture and hydraulic properties (AYDIN, 2000). (CHESNAUX et alii, 2009). In particular, the focus is on the
Moreover, these opening-mode elements often form sys- relative role played by SB and NSB fractures on fracture
tematic sets (joints sub-parallel to each other), which can porosity and correspondent permeability.
be either confined within individual beds (Strata-Bound,
SB) or crosscut several beds (Non Strata-Bound, NSB).
Focusing on bed-perpendicular SB joints, numerous GEOLOGY OF THE STUDY AREA
studies documented that their spacing is proportional to
the bed thickness (GROSS, 1993; BAI & POLLARD, 2000; The studied outcrops are located in the Murge Plateau
UNDERWOOD et alii, 2003, and references therein). Two of southern Italy (fig. 1), which is characterized by the
main parameters have been proposed to describe the varia- Gargano, Murge and Salento structural highs (CIARANFI et
tion of fracture spacing with respect to the bed thickness, alii, 1983). The Murge Plateau, which is considered as part
the Fracture Spacing Ratio (FSR, GROSS, 1993) and the of the foreland domain of the Southern Apennine fold-and-
Fracture Spacing Index (FSI, NARR & SUPPE, 1991), thrust belt (SELLI, 1962; PIERI et alii, 1997), is made up of
respectively. The FSR represents the ratio between bed Cretaceous carbonates pertaining to the Apulian Platform
thickness and median fracture spacing, and therefore is (RICCHETTI et alii, 1988). The backbone of the Murge
related to individual beds. The FSI represents the slope of Plateau consists of shallow-water marine limestones and
the best-fit line, in a diagram fracture spacing vs bed thick- dolostones forming a shallowly dipping monocline, either to
ness, of data points representing several beds of the same the S or SE, slightly deformed by high-angle faults (FESTA,
lithology and, hence, refers to specific rock multi-layers. 2003; SPALLUTO, 2011). Specifically, the aforementioned
Differently, other authors (BAI & POLLARD, 2000; BAI et carbonates were deposited in a platform-interior environ-
alii, 2002) investigated the variation of the mean fracture ment, which lied in the inner sector of the Apulian Carbo-
spacing (S) with respect to the bed thickness (T) in order to nate Platform, isolated from terrigenous inputs (D’ARGENIO,
infer the amount of joint saturation on the basis of the 1974; CHANNEL et alii, 1979; ZAPPATERRA, 1990).
sequential infilling model proposed by GROSS et alii (1995). The outcropping carbonates of the Murge Plateau are
This paper reports the results of a study focused on the subdivided in two main lithostratigraphic units, respec-
structural analysis of outcropping fractured Santonian tively named Calcare di Altamura and Calcare di Bari

Fig. 2 - (a) View of the Pontrelli Quarry due to south and location of studied vertical outcrops (site_1, site_2, and site_3, respectively); (b) Aerial
view of the Pontrelli Quarry. Location of the thee study sites is highlighted. Traces of the major strike-slip fault zones are also reported; (c) Close
up of the three study vertical outcrops.

formations, separated by a Turonian unconformity. The joints and veins, sheared joints and veins. For background
Calcare di Altamura Formation is up to 1000 m-thick, deformation we define the association of structural ele-
Late Turonian to Maastrichtian in age, and includes ments exposed away from the strike-slip fault zones that
micritic and stromatolitic limestones (mainly wacke- crosscut carbonate beds; 2) persistent fracture zones, which
stone), at the base, and rudist-bearing limestones and bio- are a few tens of m-high sub-vertical faults with negligible
clastic grainstones, at the top (CHECCONI et alii, 2008). It throws (in the order of 10’s of cm to m’s) with thin and
is separated from the underlying Calcari di Bari Forma- discontinuous cataclastic fault rocks and asymmetric damage
tion by a 100-140 m-thick bauxite horizon (BORGOMANO, zones; 3) large fault zones with 10’s of m-throws, above
2000). The study outcrops expose 10’s of cm thick, planar, seismic resolution, made up of continuous fault cores of
sub-horizontal beds of whitish wackestone to mudstones, cataclastic breccia flanked by well-developed damage
either structure-less or with subtle kryptalgal lamination, zones. This paper focuses on the first structural domain.
crosscut by two main sets of strike-slip faults (KORNEVA
et alii, 2014) encompassing fractured volumes character-
ized by background deformation (fig. 2). METHODOLOGY
The investigated Upper Cretaceous shallow-water car-
bonates contain three main structural domains which may
play a key role for subsurface fluid flow (KORNEVA et alii, The field data derive from both qualitative and quanti-
2014): 1) background deformation, which consists of bed- tative structural analyses conducted on the vertical walls
parallel stylolites and several sets of bed-perpendicular and pavements of the Pontrelli Quarry, Altamura (Bari).

Away from the major fault zones, sites exposing the least meter Jv (Volumetric Joint count, PALMSTRÖM, 2001), a
deformed carbonates were selected for structural analysis measure for the number of joints intersecting a volume of
(sites 1, 2 and 3 in fig. 2). There, the background deforma- rock mass. It is expressed as number of joints per m³ as:
tion was studied in terms of nature, geometry, distribution,
n 3
and relative age of formation of SB and NSB fractures. Car- ( )
Jv = ––
bonate beds of different thickness were investigated along
walls roughly perpendicular to each other to document the where L is the scanline length and n the number of frac-
3D structural architecture of the study carbonates. Specifi- tures pertaining to a given set along the scanline (SALIU et
cally, sites 1 and 2 trend N50°E, whereas site 3 trends alii, 2012). The Jv parameter was obtained from scanlines
N140°E (fig. 2). Along the surveyed walls and pavements, oriented orthogonal to each other. The power law height
the following parameters have been measured by scan line distribution of SB and NSB fractures was assessed after
and scan area analyses: type, attitude, distance from the computation of the field data. As fracture orientation, a
scan line origin, length (which actually, along vertical walls, constant attitude corresponding to the most representa-
corresponds to the fracture height), abutting/crosscutting tive fracture orientation was assigned to individual frac-
relationships, infill if present, and aperture using either the ture sets. This assumption is justified by the negligible
caliper or a comparator (ORTEGA et alii, 2006; GUERRIERO variation interval for attitudes pertaining to individual
et alii, 2013). The joint roughness profiles are also mea- fracture sets. As a consequence, the MOVETM software
sured for each fracture investigated by using the profilome- generates parallel fractures for each specific set.
ter (BARTON & CHOUBEY, 1977). The spacing values have Both aspect ratio and aperture, revealed to be the most
been subsequently obtained for each fracture set by apply- critical parameters to deal with. Generally, the aspect ratio,
ing the Terzaghi correction (TERZAGHI, 1965). which corresponds to the ratio between the height and
Four different beds thickness comprised between 10 cm length of individual fractures, is very difficult to assess in
and 60 cm were surveyed along the three selected vertical the field for stratabound fractures. Differently, NSB frac-
walls. In particular, in correspondence of site 1 have been tures were not difficult to measure along the large pave-
recognized and investigated beds of 30 cm and 60 cm, ments of the Pontrelli Quarry. For this reason, a value of
whereas in site 2, sub-parallel to the previous one, is 1:4 was assigned to SB fractures, a value of 1:2 to NSB
investigated a bed of 20 cm. Along the third site we beds fractures. The former aspect ratio is typical of SB frac-
10, 20 and 60 cm-thick were studied. A total of six 10 meter- tures that propagate in a mechanically limited medium,
long scan lines, oriented parallel to bedding, and two while 1:2 is consistent with the measured values and cor-
1 m2-wide scan areas were performed along these responds to fractures propagating in a medium free of
selected vertical walls (oriented N50°E and N140°E, mechanical limitations (ODLING, 1997; OLSON, 2003).
respectively) and a total of 718 fractures were measured. Aperture is also a critical parameter, which is also
The acquired data have been elaborated in order to com- quite difficult to measure in the field. In this work, in
pute the FSR/FSI and S/T parameters of individual beds. addition to both caliper and comparator, fracture aperture
was computed by taking into account the Joint Roughness
DFN MODELLING Coefficient (JRC), obtained by using the typical profiles
proposed by BARTON & CHOUBEY (1977). Doing so, the
Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models were built by hydraulic aperture (e) has been deduced from the mea-
employing the MOVETM software by Midland Valley. sured aperture (E) and the JRC parameter on the basis of
DFN’s are stochastic models of fracture architecture, which the following equation (OLSSON & BARTON, 2001):
incorporate the statistical scaling rules derived from field
e = ––––––– (2)
analysis. DFN’s of representative rock volumes have been
constructed by taking into account only fractures at high- JRC2.5
angle to bedding. In fact, the bed-parallel stylolites were In light of the great variability of aperture for individual
not considered in the computation because they are quite fracture sets, mainly due to weathering, literature aperture
rare, and laterally discontinuous, in the studied outcrops. values proportional to either fracture length (NSB fractures)
Different DFN, have been built to evaluate the P32, and root of fracture length (SB fractures) have been adopted
porosity and correspondent permeability of each fracture for alternative DFN models (OLSON, 2003). Results of the
set. A 1.2 m×10 m×10 m geocellular volume, corresponding aforementioned DFN models are reported in terms of both
to the sum of the four investigated beds of different thick- volumetric and hydraulic properties for SB fractures, NSB
ness (10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, 60cm), was constructed in fractures, and both SB and NSB fractures, respectively.
MOVETM. The volume of each cell size in the geocellular
volume has been fixed to 125 cm3. This paper reports the
results of three different types of models: (i) DFN of SB RESULTS
fractures; (ii) DFN of only NSB fractures; (iii) DFN of
both SB and NSB fractures. As input data, DFN construc- QUALITATIVE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS
tion requires the intensity, height, attitude, aspect ratio, Along the studied outcrops, background deformation
and aperture of individual fracture sets. Intensity may be consists of one set of bed-parallel stylolites and several sets
provided either computing the number of fractures per of bed-perpendicular joints and sheared joints and veins.
m3 (P30 or N) or the sum of fracture areas per m3 (P32). Stylolites have a typical tooth-like trace, are generally a few
In this work we used the N parameter because it is easier cm-long and, like the carbonate beds, dip slightly to the
to obtain from the collected field data. Actually, P32 is south/southeast with dip angles in the order of 5° to 10°.
one of the output parameters computed by the MOVE Commonly, stylolites localize at the bed interfaces within
software. The number of fractures in a volume of 1m3, mm-thick, continuous, clay-rich marl levels. Less often,
N, was obtained from the equivalent geomechanical para- they are present within individual carbonate beds.

Fig. 3 - (a) Vertical wall of the Pon-

trelli Quarry exposing a carbonate
multilayer crosscut by high-angle
joints and sheared joints; (b) Rose
diagram of the strike-direction of
the 718 measured fractures along
the investigated sites. The color
code refers to the following fracture
sets: yellow - fracture set_1, green -
fracture set_2, red - fracture set_3,
blue - fracture set_4.

Fig. 4 - (a to d) Diagram median

spacing versus bed-thickness for
the different fracture sets; each
point corresponds to the median
fracture spacing within a specific
bed thickness (FSR); the regression
line is computed only for set_1 and
set_3, the slope correspond to FSI;
(e and f) bed thickness versus mean
spacing for set_1 and set_3; each
point correspond to the mean
fracture spacing within a specific
bed thickness. 188 data have been
employed for set_1, 143 for set_2,
60 for set_3 and 75 for set_4.

Open fractures may display hackles and ribs elements in this work as forming a significant part of the porosity
and, hence, are identified as joints. In some cases, a millimi- structure in the studied rocks. Conversely, fractures that
ter to centimeter offset of depositional surfaces is recognized crosscut several beds, or NSB fractures, will be treated sepa-
across them. For this reason, we consider the aforemen- rately. The latter fractures affect several beds for a thickness
tioned features as sheared joints, which are often character- of about 6 m, that is the height of the study outcrops.
ized by thin veneers of fragmented carbonates flanking one,
or both, sides of the fractures. The sub-vertical joints and QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS
veins and sheared joints and veins can be grouped into four
main sets (fig. 3). They may be confined within individual The strike-direction of the 718 high-angle fractures
carbonate beds (SB fractures) or, alternatively, crosscut sev- measured at the Pontrelli Quarry (both SB and NSB frac-
eral beds (NSB fractures). Sometime, sub-vertical fractures tures) is plotted in fig. 3b, which shows two main fracture
pertaining to different sets abut against each other, as shown sets oriented N115°-130°E (set_1, in yellow) and N140°-
along the large pavements. More frequently, fractures abut 155°E (set_2, in green), respectively. Two minor fracture
against the bed interfaces or the bed-parallel stylolites. sets oriented N25°-40°E (set_3, in red) and N50°-65°E
Regardless of the modalities of their formation, SB fractures (set_4, in blue) are also shown, respectively. Figs. 4a to 4d
consisting of joints and sheared joints will be treated togheter report the computed Fracture Spacing Ratio (FSR) and

Fig. 5 - Log-log graphs of cumulative frequency distribution for fracture heights: (a to d) Height distribution of SB fractures; the different
curves are related to fractures crosscutting the different beds; (e) Height distribution of NSB fractures; the different colors refer to individual
fracture sets.

Fracture Saturation Index (FSI) for each SB fracture set. tive correlation between median fracture spacing and bed
In order to compute the aforementioned graphs, the thickness, by plotting the computed mean fracture Spac-
median spacing value of each fracture set was employed. ing (S) against the bed Thickness (T). The resulting S/T
This type of analysis was done only for three carbonate values are comprised between about 0.4 (fracture set_1)
beds because not enough fracture spacing data were gath- and 1.4 (fracture sets_3).
ered from the fourth carbonate bed. SB fracture pertain- The results of a multi-scale analysis of height distri-
ing to both set_1 and set_3 are characterized by a median bution for all four sets of background fractures are
spacing that increases proportionally with the bed thick- shown in figs. 5a-5e. By taking into account all mea-
ness. Differently, a lack of correlation between the two sured fracture heights, data have been plotted sepa-
aforementioned variables is computed for SB fracture rately for SB and NSB fractures. Height distribution of
set_2 and set_4. SB fracture set_1 and set_2 was computed for the four
Fracture saturation analysis was performed only for surveyed carbonate beds (figs. 5a and 5b), while that of
fracture set_1 and set_3 (fig. 4 e-f), those showing a posi- SB fracture set_3 and fracture set_4 from data obtained

from three carbonate beds (figs. 5c and 5d). All SB

fracture height distributions show a common trend; in
fact, in correspondence of fractures heights slightly
smaller than individual bed thicknesses, a marked
change in the cumulative distribution is observed. By
considering values smaller than the aforementioned
threshold, the height distributions of SB fractures are
fit by power law relationships. The absolute values of the
power law coefficient (D-value) varies between 0.45 and
0.69 for set_1, 0.67 and 0.99 for set_2, 0.87 and 1.31 for
set_3, and 0.73 and 0.94 for set_4, respectively. A simi-
lar correlation is found for the four sets of NSB frac-
tures (fig. 5e). A power law distribution also chara-
cterizes the latter fractures, with a D-value comprised Fig. 6 - Geocellular volume, with dimensions of 1.2 m×10 m×10 m,
between 1.16 and 1.91. used for DFN modelling. Elevation scale, in meters, is shown on the
right. The cell size is 5 cm×5 cm.

In this section we report separately the results of
Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) modelling carried out
for SB fractures, NSB fractures and for both SB and
NSB fractures. DFN are generated stochastically based
on user-defined input parameters for each fracture set.
Fractures are generated in each cell on the basis of their
specific length distribution until the intensity values are
reached. Once the individual DFN are constructed using

permeability were computed. The porosity fraction, φ, is

the MOVETM, fracture porosity, P32, and correspondent

calculated as the ratio of total fracture volume in a cell,

per cell volume. P32 is obtained from the clipped frac- Fig. 7 - Fracture modelling results of strata-bound fractures obtained
ture polygons present in each cell. Calculation of the for the geocellular volumes reported in fig. 6 (set_1: yellow; set_2:
permeability tensor is based on the Oda’s methodology green; set_3: red; set_4: blue).
(ODA, 1985), which derives from both Darcy’s law and
laminar flow between parallel plates theory (LONG et
alii, 1996): respectively). This means that fractures within a 30 cm-
thick bed are generated only in a sub-volume of the same

A 12D ∂l μ
Q S3 ∂h ρg thickness. The results of fracture modelling are reported
–– = –––– –– –– (3)
in fig. 7. The total number of generated fractures is 6167.
The fracture set_1 is the dominant fracture set, in agree-
where Q is the flow rate, A the cross section area of the ment with the rose diagram of fig. 3b. The distribution of
modelled volume, S the fracture aperture, D the fracture fracture intensity (P32) and porosity computed for SB
spacing, h/l the pressure head, ρ the fluid density and fractures by using the theoretical fracture apertures are
µ the fluid dynamic viscosity. The result is a “geometric reported in figs. 8a and 8b, respectively. The average
permeability” depending on the cumulative fracture area, value of P32 is 0.49 m2/m3, while the computed average
or “void” spaces, of each cell and on fracture aperture. porosity is about 0.09%. Differently, fig. 8c shows the val-
First, the fractures present in the DFN model are clipped ues of correspondent permeability computed along the xx
to calculate the fracture sectors belonging to each cell. direction. We note that by assigning as input data the
Then, the software sums all the contributions from the measured values of fracture aperture, both fracture
920000 cells within the modelled volume. The resulting porosity (fig. 9a) and hydraulic properties (fig. 9b) appear
values of permeability are very sensitive to particular to be much smaller, while P32 values are unchanged. The
input parameters such as the clipped fracture polygon average porosity, in this case, is 0.8 * 10-3%, while the
area, fracture orientation, fracture aperture, and fracture maximum correspondent permeability (Kzz) is 3.04 * 10-5
connectivity because the laminar flow in parallel plates Darcy (tab. 1).
includes the cube of fracture aperture (LONG et alii,
1996). Since the permeability tensor is a 3×3 symmetric
matrix, the outputs are the six values defining this tensor NSB FRACTURES
(Kxx, Kyy, Kzz, Kxy, Kxz, Kyz).
935 NSB fractures were modeled to compute the vol-
umetric properties (P32 and porosity) as well as the cor-
SB FRACTURES respondent permeability (figs. 10 and 11, respectively).
Average computed P32 is 5.29 m2/m3, while the average
In order to model SB fractures, the geocellular vol- computed fracture porosity is 2.59% by inputting theoret-
ume of 1.2 m×10 m×10 m (fig. 6) was subdivided into ical values of fracture aperture. The correspondent per-
four distinct sub-volumes whose thicknesses correspond meability computed along the xx direction is reported in
to those of the surveyed beds (10, 20, 30, and 60 cm, fig. 11c. The average porosity obtained for NSB fractures

Fig. 9 - Results of DFN modelling of SB fractures with measured

aperture values: (a) Computed P32, the scale shown on the right is
m2/m3; (b) Computed porosity, the scale shown on the right is in
percent; (c) Computed correspondent permeability (Kxx), the scale
shown on the right is Darcy.

fracture stratigraphy, which means the distribution of SB

Fig. 8 - Results of DFN modelling of SB fractures with theoretical fractures within the carbonate multilayer. Subsequently,
aperture values: (a) Computed P32, the scale shown on the right is the volumetric and hydraulic properties of the fractured
m2/m3; (b) Computed porosity, the scale shown on the right is in carbonate multi-layer will be assessed by considering the
percent; (c) Computed correspondent permeability (Kxx), the scale results of DFN modelling.
shown on the right is mD.

(figs. 12a and b) by inputting the measured aperture val-
ues is 0.02%, while maximum correspondent permeability Fracture stratigraphy subdivides rocks into intervals
(Kzz) 2.94 * 10-4 Darcy (tab. 1). As expected, the maximum according to the vertical extent, density, or some other
permeability value is shown along the zz direction (tab. 1). observed attributes of fractures crosscutting a layered
rock mass (LAUBACH et alii, 2009, and references therein).
In the present study, the sub-horizontal platform car-
SB AND NSB FRACTURES bonates exposed at the Pontrelli Quarry are crosscut by
The result of DFN modelling of both SB and NSB frac- four sets of sub-vertical fractures, which, together with a
tures (N=6976) is shown in fig. 13. Figs. 14a to 14c report bed-parallel set of stylolites, form the background defor-
the computed volumetric (P32 and fracture porosity) and mation away from the two main high-angle faults (KOR-
relative permeability (Kxx) values for the 1.2 m×10 m×10 m NEVA et alii, 2014). The results of qualitative analysis are
volume. Average P32 values is 5.79 m2/m3, while average consistent with a background deformation being primarily
computed porosity is 2.68% by using theoretical values composed of joints and sheared joints, which are either
of fracture aperture. Fig. 12c shows the distribution of compartmentalized within individual carbonate beds
the computed relative permeability (Kxx direction). By (SB fractures) or crosscut multiple beds (NSB fractures).
inputting measured values of fracture aperture, the average Quantitative analysis of SB fracture distribution within
porosity is 0.02%, while the maximum correspondent per- four carbonate beds with different thickness values, all
meability (Kzz) is 3.02 * 10-4 Darcy (figs. 15a and b). We exposed along the vertical walls of the quarry, allowed the
note how the highest computed values localize in corre- computation of both FSR/FSI and S/T indexes. Fracture
spondence of the principal NSB fractures. stratigraphy of the study carbonate rocks will be assessed
therefore in terms of median and mean fracture spacing
vs. bed thickness. Considering the first two indexes, a
DISCUSSION positive linear correlation between the median fracture
spacing and bed thickness is found only for set_1 and
In this section, the results of field measurements and set_3. This type of correlation, in agreement with recent
their subsequent elaboration will be discussed in terms of findings of KORNEVA et alii (2014), shows that median

Results obtained after DFN modelling of SB fractures, NSB fractures and both SB and NSB fractures by using either
theoretical or measured fracture aperture values.

fracture spacing increases proportionally with bed thick-

ness (GROSS, 1993). Differently, both set_2 and set_4 frac-
tures do not show this type of correlation, likely due to a
lack of control played by the carbonate beds on their for-
mation. In fact, SB fracture set_2 and set_4 are associated
to strike-slip faulting (KORNEVA et alii, 2014).
Focusing on SB fracture set_1 and set_3, the oldest
fracture sets, due to their mutual abutting relationships,
which are nicely displayed on the pavements of the
quarry, they may have formed nearly at the same time
due to the stress state transition mechanism (BAI & POL-
LARD, 2000). This mechanism implies that fractures Fig. 10 - Fracture modelling results of NSB fractures obtained for

magnitude of the sub-horizontal σ2 and σ3 (BAI et alii,

developed in a stress state characterized by a similar the geocellular volumes reported in fig. 6 (set_1: yellow, set_2: green,
set_3: red, set_4: blue).
2002), similar to what it has been previously invoked for
the Miocene carbonate grainstones of the Granada Basin,
Spain (AGOSTA et alii, 2012; RUSTICHELLI et alii, 2013a,b), (WU & POLLARD, 1995). In sedimentary rocks, this value
as well as for the orthogonal sets of pressure solution corresponds approximately to the thickness of individual
seams associated the bed-parallel shortening of Lazio- beds. The computed S/T values of the two fracture sets
Abruzzi and Apulian carbonates of central Italy (AGOSTA are consistent with set_1 fractures over-saturating the
& AYDIN, 2006; ANTONELLINI et alii, 2008; AGOSTA et alii, carbonate beds (S/T of about 0.4). This value might be
2009; AYDIN et alii, 2010). due to high pore fluid pressure during joint formation, as
The S/T indexes computed for the set_1 and set_3 suggested by WU & POLLARD (1995), which can easily
fractures can be discussed in light of the “sequential infilling” occur in carbonates during burial diagenesis (RUSTI-
process proposed by HOBBS (1967) for joint development CHELLI et alii, 2012, and references therein). Alternatively,
in layered rocks. This author claimed that, as the remote the S/T of about 0.4 value can be due to the extensional
tensile stress increases, the joint spacing decreases within tectonics stage connected with flexure of the Apulian
a given sedimentary bed (mechanical unit) due to forma- foreland (BILLI & SALVINI, 2003; BILLI, 2005), which
tion of new joints in between the preexisting ones. When might have determined formation of new fractures sub-
joints reach a spacing value similar to the bed thickness, parallel to the pre-existing ones. These new opening-
no other fractures may form; in this case, the existing mode fractures (joints) might have formed within an
joints continue to open to accommodate the applied already fractured medium under a different stress state
stress (BAI & POLLARD, 2000). The value at which no conditions relative to those active during burial diagene-
other fractures may form is called “Fracture saturation” sis (BAI & POLLARD, 2000), and/or due to sealing by

Fig. 12 - Results of DFN modelling of NSB fractures with measured

aperture values: (a) Computed P32, the scale shown on the right is
m2/m3; (b) Computed porosity, the scale shown on the right is in
percent; (c) Computed correspondent permeability (Kxx), the scale
shown on the right is Darcy.

Fig. 11 - Results of DFN modelling of NSB fractures with theoretical VOLUMETRIC AND HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES
aperture values: (a) Computed P32, the scale shown on the right is
m2/m3; (b) Computed porosity, the scale shown on the right is in DFN modelling was aimed at deciphering the role
percent; (c) Computed correspondent permeability (Kxx), the scale
shown on the right is mD. exerted by SB and NSB on the volumetric and hydraulic
properties of the study rocks. In order to compute P32,
porosity and correspondent permeability of representa-
tive geocellular volumes, multiple DFN modelling were
performed. Results of such computations are reported in
tab. 1. As expected, in all models, the greatest correspon-
dent permeability values are attained along the vertical
direction (Kzz). For this reason, the correspondent perme-
ability computed along one of the horizontal directions,
Kxx, is shown in the article.
DFN modelling of SB fractures shows that volu-
metric properties are controlled by the oldest fracture

and φ values localize in correspondence of the largest

sets (set_1 and set_3). In particular, the highest P32
Fig. 13 - Fracture modelling results of SB & NSB fractures obtained set_1 fractures (figs. 8a, 8b, 9a). Similarly, SB fracture
for the geocellular volumes reported in fig. 6 (set_1: yellow, set_2:
green, set_3: red, set_4: blue). set_1 and set_3 are the main controls on the computed
correspondent permeability values (Kxx). Between these
two fracture sets, set_1 likely act as main fluid conduit
mineral precipitation (veining) of the pre-existing frac- due to its relative abundance. Comparing results
tures. Based upon the existing data, we cannot distin- obtained by inputting theoretical and measured aper-
guish between the aforementioned possible causes. ture values, it is observed that in the first case the com-
Regarding the fracture height distribution, SB frac- puted properties are too large to be considered represen-
tures show height values up to the bed thickness values. tative, whereas the latter data input provided more
The fracture length distribution of NSB fractures is nicely realistic porosity and correspondent permeability com-
fit by power laws, similar to the results of AGOSTA et alii putations (NELSON, 2001).
(2010) for Miocene carbonates of the Majella Mt., central DFN modelling of NSB fractures shows that both vol-
Italy, suggesting that the fracture length values are not umetric and hydraulic properties are mainly controlled
randomly distributed, but rather controlled by local stress by fracture set_1 and set_2. Despite the greater number of
conditions (GILLESPIE et alii, 1993). SB fractures (N=6167) relative to NSB fractures (N=935),

Fig. 15 - Results of DFN modelling of SB & NSB fractures with

measured aperture values: (a) Computed P32, the scale shown on the
right is m2/m3; (b) Computed porosity, the scale shown on the right
is in percent; (c) Computed correspondent permeability (Kxx), the
scale shown on the right is Darcy.

Fig. 14 - Results of DFN modelling of SB & NSB fractures with modalities taken by MOVETM to generate individual
theoretical aperture values: (a) Computed P32, the scale shown on fracture sets. The software places a generated fracture
the right is m2/m3; (b) Computed porosity, the scale shown on the set in a specific position within the geocellular volume
right is in percent; (c) Computed correspondent permeability (Kxx),
the scale shown on the right is mD. following a random distribution. When it populates the
volume with a second fracture set, the new fractures are
placed near the preexisting ones around the node in the
middle cell. Following this procedure, some SB frac-
the computed porosity and correspondent permeability tures can “covered” by larger NSB fractures. Neverthe-

metric properties (P32 and φ) are mainly influenced by

are much higher than those obtained for SB fractures (cf. less, the results of such a modelling shows that the volu-
tab. 1) because of the greater dimensional parameters of

set_3 SB fractures. The computed φ value obtained

NSB fractures, specifically height and aperture values. set_1 and set_2 NSB fractures and, then, by set_1 and
Height is controlled by bed thicknesses, that formed the

the sum of the φ values obtained from the two previous

main mechanical control on the development of SB frac- using theoretical aperture values (2.7%) corresponds to
tures. Meanwhile, the NSB fractures crosscut multiple

computed φ values for SB fractures is in line with the

carbonate beds due to shearing of pre-existing SB frac- models (0.1% and 2.6%, respectively). Although the
tures and linkage processes related to faulting (KORNEVA
et alii, 2014). Focusing on the permeability values (Kxx), numbers provided by NELSON (2001), the values associ-
the highest values are obtained in correspondence of the ated to NSB fractures largely exceed the aforementioned
largest set_1 and set_2 fractures. However, the correspon- window. A possible explanation for this discrepancy is
dent permeability locally increases in correspondence of the choice adopted to constrain the aspect ratios and
clusters of set_3 fractures, which may play a role in the aperture values of NSB fractures. As expected, the corre-
overall connectivity of the fracture network. Also in this spondent permeability computed along the three princi-
case the volumetric and hydraulic properties resulting, by pal directions (Kxx, Kyy, Kzz) is similar to that obtained
inserting the measured apertures of NSB fractures as for NSB fractures. Along the xx direction, the correspon-
input parameter, show that the resulting numerical values dent permeability is mainly affected by set_1 and set_2
of both porosity and permeability are more representa- NSB fractures, similar to what KORNEVA et alii (2014)
tives (tab. 1). documented for the two main sets of high-angle faults.
DFN modelling of both SB and NSB fractures gene- Results obtained by inputting theoretical and measured
rated a number of fractures, N=6976, which does not aperture values show that, likely in the aforementioned
corresponds to the sum of those generated after the two cases, the first ones, greatly overestimate both volumet-
aforementioned models (N=6167 and N=935, respec- ric and hydraulic properties and therefore result to be
tively). This results can be explained by considering the unrealistic.

CONCLUSIONS ditions. In fact, we provide useful information in terms of

fracture distributions, intensity, and relative influence (and
This work investigated the spacing and height distri- role) of the different fracture systems on fluid storage and
butions of Strata-Bound (SB) and Non Strata-Bound migration paths.
(NSB) fractures crosscutting a carbonate multi-layer per-
taining to the Altamura Formation. The goal was to deci-
pher the structural architecture of the fracture network ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
by means of scan line and scan area field measurements We acknowledge the revisions provided by two anonymous
and, subsequently, build up Discrete Fracture Network referees, and comments and suggestions of the associate editor. We
(DFN) modelling of representative rock volumes. Field also thank Canio Manniello for his help during fieldwork, and
Antonino Cilona for the support with DFN modelling. This work was
data have been discussed in terms of fracture stratigra- supported by the Reservoir Characterization Project (www.rechproject.
phy of the carbonate multi-layer, those obtained after com). The views and conclusions contained in this article are solely
DFN modelling to decipher the relative role of SB and those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily
NSB fractures on the volumetric and hydraulic proper- representing the views or the official policies, either expressed or
implied, of the TOTAL E &P GROUP.
ties of such a multi-layer.
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Manuscript received 21 March 2014; accepted 11 July 2014; editorial responsability and handling by L. Crispini.

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