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Durboraw 1

Addison Durboraw

Mrs. Litle

Eng 1210001

31 January 2022

Doctor Doctor

A tall, lanky man in a dress coat stands staring intently at you. He pulls a strange device

out of his coat pocket. The gadget he points at you whirrs in an odd tone, displaying some sort

of readings to him. You know not who he is or why he is there. all he says to you with a quirky

smile and exuberant enthusiasm is “….Run!”. This is what one of many of The Doctor’s initial

encounters with others looks like. Hundreds of encounters just like this one are what make up

the Doctor Who fictional universe. Doctor Who is one of the most exciting and mesmerizing

characters there is. He proves over and over that it is always better to be diplomatic rather than


Doctor Who is a fictional character who is both eccentric and compassionate. The

Doctor’s look is something that is always changing. Throughout his adventures, he regenerates

into a multitude of physical appearances. His regenerations not only affect his appearance but

restore the Doctor’s health. One thing that remains the same with the Doctor however is his

style. His attire is usually trim and fit adorned in a dress coat and is overall nerdy-looking with a

hipster vibe. The Doctor is what is known as a Time Lord. Time Lords are a very old race of

aliens that can command time and perceive it non-linearly. It is assumed but not known that he

is roughly 900 years old. Doctor who was born on Gallifrey. The planet Gallifrey is

approximately 250 million light-years from Earth and is the home planet of the Time Lords.

Where he stole the Tardis and set out on his adventure to explore the universe and see all that
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there is to see. The T.A.R.D.I.S. (or Time And Relative Dimension In Space) is the Doctor’s

primary means of transportation. It allows him to travel forward and backward in time allowing

him to go on fantastical adventures throughout space and time. It is on these adventures that

the Doctor’s personality shows through. It is apparent throughout the show that the Doctor is

very much a pacifist. Choosing diplomacy rather than violence whenever possible.

Doctor Who travels throughout the universe intent on eliminating injustice. The Doctor

rarely fights his adversaries. His primary mission in conflict resolution is to find diplomatic

solutions to volatile situations. The Doctor is also very protective over the human race and is

particularly fond of planet Earth. Each encounter the Doctor finds himself on, always serves as a

lesson to the viewer that diplomacy is not only a viable strategy but preferable in most

instances. Diplomacy is usually accomplished by the Doctor finding some common ground and

negotiating. More often than not this leads to a peaceful resolution. The Doctor is often

accompanied by a companion, whom he has befriended that aids in this diplomacy. These

companions play an interesting and vital role in Doctor Who, which is connecting the Doctor to

humanity. The Doctor is a very old lifeform that sometimes loses touch with his inner drive to go

on which his companions help to remind him of. The Doctor is both loved and feared throughout

his universe thanks to his adventures in combating injustices. Amongst these are: Enemies that

he has defeated and negotiated with on the fearful side and many species of alien life forms

including humans that he has aided on the beloved side. The fame that the Doctor has and his

style of life are on the lonely side largely due to him being the last remaining Time Lord,

meaning every companion or acquaintance will grow old and die long before him.

From the beginning, this goofy character has dazzled viewers and if you give the Doctor

a chance I think he will captivate and inspire you as well. From beautiful planets and scenery to

epic battles and heroic victories Doctor Who has something for everyone. Life lessons to be

learned can be found throughout the Doctor who.

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Picture a strange man proceeding to open the door to a blue police box. You find it

rather odd, you don’t seem to recall seeing a police box in some time and have assumed that

they are obsolete. When you gaze inside the blue box it is vastly larger on the inside than the

out. A console of sorts sits in the center of the room with all kinds of switches, gadgets, lights,

and various monitors. As the man turns to walk inside he says: “Everything’s got to end

sometime. Otherwise, nothing would ever get started.” Would you go after him?
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Works Cited:

Moffat, Steven. “‘A Christmas Carol.’” Doctor Who, season 6, episode CS, BBC, 25 Dec.


“The Doctor.” Tardis,

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