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Tester name:


ID Function Name Function detail Remark

1 Admin
1.1 User Management
1.2 Job
1.3 Organization
1.4 Qualification
1.5 Nationalities
1.6 Configuration
Function Leave
Họ Tên: Nguyễn Nhơn Hòa

ID Test case name

Search My Leave List
Search_0 Search with "From date" before "To date"

Search_1 Search with "From date" after "To date"

Search_2 Search with Status "All"

Search_3 Search with Status "Rejected"

Search_4 Search with Status "Cancelled"

Search_5 Search with Status "Pending Approval"

Search_6 Search with Status "Scheduledl"

Search_7 Search with Status "Taken"

Add Entitlements
Add Entitlements_0 Add Leave Entitlement with empty info
Add Entitlements_1 Add Leave Entitlement with info

Add Entitlements_2 Add Leave Entitlement with info applied

to multiple employees

Search Leave Entitlements

Search Leave EntitlementSearch with empty info of Employee

Search Leave EntitlementSearch with existed Employee's info

Search Leave EntitlementSearch with nonexisted Employee's info

Search Leave Entitlements

Search My Leave Entitle Search with empty info of Employee

Search My Leave Entitle Search with existed Employee's info

Search My Leave Entitle Search with nonexisted Employee's info

Delete Leave Entitlements
Delete Leave EntitlementDelete leave record
Delete My Leave EntitlemDelete my leave record

View My Leave Entitlement and Usage Report

View_1 View with empty employee

View_2 View with existed employee

View_3 View with nonexisted employee

Add Leave Type

Add Leave Type_1 Add leave type with empty name

Add Leave Type_2 Add leave type with number in name

Add Leave Type_3 Add leave type with negative number in

Add Leave Type_4 Add leave type with decimal number in

Add Leave Type_5 Add leave type with special characters in


Add Leave Type_6 Add leave type with existed name

Delete Leave Type

Delete Leave Type_1 Delete 1 record

Delete Leave Type_2 Delete multiple records

Delete Leave Type_3 Delete all records

Search Holidays
Search Holidays_1 Search with "From date" before "To date"

Search Holidays_2 Search with "From date" after "To date"

Add Holidays
Add Holidays_1 Add holidays with no input in Name

Add Holidays_2 Add leave type with number in name

Add Holidays_3 Add leave type with negative number in


Add Holidays_4 Add leave type with decimal number in


Add Holidays_5 Add leave type with special characters in


Add Holidays_6 Add leave type with existed name

Delete Holidays
Delete Holidays_1 Delete 1 record
Delete Holidays_2 Delete multiple records

Delete Holidays_3 Delete all records

Search Leave List

Search Leave List_1 Search with "From date" before "To date"

Search Leave List_2 Search with "From date" after "To date"

Search Leave List_3 Search with Status "All"

Search Leave List_4 Search with Status "Rejected"

Search Leave List_5 Search with Status "Cancelled"

Search Leave List_6 Search with Status "Pending Approval"

Search Leave List_7 Search with Status "Scheduledl"

Search Leave List_8 Search with Status "Taken"

Search Leave List_9 Search with empty input in Employee

Search Leave List_10 Search with random input in Employee

Search Leave List_11 Search with existed Employee's name

Assign Leave
Assign Leave_1 Assign with "From date" before "To date"

Assign Leave_2 Assign with "From date" after "To date"

Assign Leave_3 Assign with empty input in Employee


Assign Leave_4 Assign with random input in Employee


Assign Leave_5 Assign with existed input in Employee


Assign Leave_6 Assign with no Leave Type

Assign Leave_7 Assign with no "From date" and "To date"

Assign Leave_8 Assign with Specify Time (From Time >
To time)

Assign Leave_9 Assign with Specify Time (Duration >

Work shift length )

GUI User

GUI_USER_01 Check the aesthetics of User page


Login with user role Admin

Go to Leave->My Leave-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave->My Leave-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave->My Leave-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave->My Leave-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave->My Leave-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave->My Leave-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave->My Leave-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave->My Leave-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Entitlements->Add
Login with user role Admin
Go to Entitlements->Add

Login with user role Admin

Go to Entitlements->Add

Login with user role Admin

Go to Entitlements-
>Employee Entitlements-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Entitlements-
>Employee Entitlements-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Entitlements-
>Employee Entitlements-

Login with user role Admin

Go to Entitlements-
>Employee Entitlements-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Entitlements-
>Employee Entitlements-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Entitlements-
>Employee Entitlements-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Entitlements-
>Employee Entitlements-
Login with user role Admin
Go to Entitlements -> My
Entitlements -> Delete

Login with user role Admin

Go to Reports -> My Leave
Entitlement and Usage Report
-> View
Login with user role Admin
Go to Reports -> My Leave
Entitlement and Usage Report
-> View
Login with user role Admin
Go to Reports -> My Leave
Entitlement and Usage Report
-> View

Login with user role Admin

Go to Configure ->Leave
Types -> Save
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure ->Leave
Types -> Save
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure ->Leave
Types with user role Admin
-> Save
Go to Configure ->Leave
Types -> Save
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure ->Leave
Types -> Save
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure ->Leave
Types -> Save
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure ->Leave
Types -> Delete
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure ->Leave
Types -> Delete
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure ->Leave
Types -> Delete
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure -> Holidays -
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure -> Holidays -

Login with user role Admin

Go to Configure -> Holidays -
> Add
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure -> Holidays -
> Add
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure -> Holidays -
> Add
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure -> Holidays -
> Add
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure -> Holidays -
> Add
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure -> Holidays -
> Add

Login with user role Admin

Go to Configure -> Holidays -
> Delete
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure -> Holidays -
> Delete
Login with user role Admin
Go to Configure -> Holidays -
> Delete

Login with user role Admin

Go to Leave-> Leave List -
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave-> Leave List -
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave-> Leave List -
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave-> Leave List -
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave-> Leave List -
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave-> Leave List -
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave-> Leave List -
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave-> Leave List -
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave-> Leave List -
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave-> Leave List -

Login with user role Admin

Go to Leave-> Leave List -

Login with user role Admin

Go to Leave-> Assign Leave
-> Assign

Login with user role Admin

Go to Leave-> Assign Leave
-> Assign
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave-> Assign Leave
-> Assign

Login with user role Admin

Go to Leave-> Assign Leave
-> Assign

Login with user role Admin

Go to Leave-> Assign Leave
-> Assign

Login with user role Admin

Go to Leave-> Assign Leave
-> Assign

Login with user role Admin

Go to Leave-> Assign Leave
-> Assign
Login with user role Admin
Go to Leave-> Assign Leave
-> Assign

Login with user role Admin

Go to Leave-> Assign Leave
-> Assign
Test step

1. Select "From date"

2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Uncheck "Add to Multiple Employees
2. Empty Employee
3. Empty Entitlement
1. Uncheck "Add to Multiple Employees
2. Fill info in Employee
3. Fill info in Entitlement
1. Check "Add to Multiple Employees
2.Select Location and Sub Unit
3. Fill info in Entitlement

1. Empty Employee
2. Press Search

1. Fill in with existed Employee's info

2. Press Search

1. Fill in with nonexisted Employee's info

2. Press Search

1. Empty Employee
2. Press Search

1. Fill in with existed Employee's info

2. Press Search

1. Fill in with nonexisted Employee's info

2. Press Search
1. Check the records
2. Press Delete
1. Check the records
2. Press Delete

1. Empty Employee
2. Press View

1. Fill in Employee's info

2. Press View

1. Fill in nonexisted Employee's info

2. Press View

1. Empty Name
2. Save

1. Fill number in Name

2. Save

1. Fill negative number in Name

2. Save
1. Fill decimal number in Name
2. Save

1. Fill special characters in Name

2. Save

1. Fill in existed name

2. Save
1. Check the record
2. Press Delete

1. Check the records

2. Press Delete

1. Check the records

2. Press Delete

1. Select "From date"

2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search

1. Empty input in Name

2. Empty input in Date
3. Press Save
1. Fill with number in Name
2. Select Date
3. Press Save
1. Fill with negative number in Name
2. Select Date
3. Press Save
1. Fill with in decimal number Name
2. Select Date
3. Press Save
1. Fill with special characters in Name
2. Select Date
3. Press Save
1. Fill in existed Name
2. Select different Date
3. Press Save

1. Check the record

2. Press Delete
1. Check the records
2. Press Delete

1. Check the records

2. Press Delete

1. Select "From date"

2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Empty input in Employee
4. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Fill random input in Employee
4. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Fill existed name in Employee
4. Press Search

1. Select "From date"

2. Select "To date"
3. Fill in Employee Name
3. Press Search
1. Select "From date"
2. Select "To date"
3. Press Search
1. Empty input in Employee Name
2. Select "From date"
3. Select "To date"
4. Press Assign
1. Fill random input in Employee Name
2. Select "From date"
3. Select "To date"
4. Press Assign
1. Fill existed input in Employee Name
2. Select "From date"
3. Select "To date"
4. Select Leave Type
5. Press Assign
1. Fill existed input in Employee Name
2. Select "From date"
3. Select "To date"
4. Press Assign
1. Fill existed input in Employee Name
2. Select Leave Type
3. Press Assign
1. Fill existed input in Employee Name
2. Select "From date"
3. Select "To date"
4. Select Leave Type
5. Select Partial Days
6. Press Assign

1. Fill existed input in Employee Name

2. Select "From date"
3. Select "To date"
4. Select Leave Type
5. Select Partial Days
6. Press Assign

1. Do the test GUI checklist

Tested data Expected Result

Results with all status

From date: 20/2/2045 To date should be after from date

To date: 20/2/2020

Results with all status

Results with status "Rejected"

Results with status "Cancelled"

Results with status "Pending Approval"

Results with status "Scheduled"

Results with status "Taken"

Employee: Required
Entitlement: Required
Successfully Added

Successfully Added

Employee: Required

Results related to employee

No Records Found

Employee: Required

Results related to employee

No Records Found

Successfully Deleted
Entitlement/s will not be deleted since it's a

Employee: Required

Results related to employee

Employee: Invalid

Name: Required

Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved
Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved

Name: Already existed

Successfully Deleted

Successfully Deleted

Successfully Deleted

Results about holidays

From date: 20/2/2045 To date should be after from date

To date: 20/2/2020

Name: Required
Date: Required

Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved

Successfully Deleted
Successfully Deleted

Successfully Deleted

Results with all status

From date: 20/2/2045 To date should be after from date

To date: 20/2/2020

Results with all status

Results with status "Rejected"

Results with status "Cancelled"

Results with status "Pending Approval"

Results with status "Scheduled"

Results with status "Taken"

Results of all employees

No Records Found

Results of related employee

Results with all status

From date: 20/2/2045 To date should be after from date

To date: 20/2/2020

Employee: Required

Employee: Invalid

Successfully Assigned

Leave Type: Required

Should be a valid date in yyyy-mm-dd

From time: 14:15 From time should be less than To time
To time: 1:30

From time: 13.00 Duration should be less than work shift

To time: 23.00 length

1. Result as the checklist

Actual Result Remark

Results with all status

To date should be after from date

Results with all status

'Results with status "Rejected"

Results with status "Cancelled"

Results with status "Pending Approval"

Results with status "Scheduled"

Results with status "Taken"

'Employee: Required
'Entitlement: Required
Successfully Added

Successfully Added

Employee: Required

Results related to employee

No Records Found

Employee: Required

Results related to employee

No Records Found

Successfully Deleted
Entitlement/s will not be deleted since it's already in use

Employee: Required

Results related to employee

Employee: Invalid

Name: Required

Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved
Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved

Name: Already existed

Successfully Deleted

Successfully Deleted

Successfully Deleted

Results about holidays

To date should be after from date

Name: Required
Date: Required

Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved

Successfully Saved

Successfully Deleted
Successfully Deleted

Successfully Deleted

Results with all status

To date should be after from date

Results with all status

'Results with status "Rejected"

Results with status "Cancelled"

Results with status "Pending Approval"

Results with status "Scheduled"

Results with status "Taken"

Results of all employees

No Records Found

Results of related employee

Results with all status

To date should be after from date

Employee: Required

Employee: Invalid

Successfully Assigned

Leave Type: Required

Should be a valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format

From time should be less than To time

Duration should be less than work shift length

Function User

ID Test case name

Job Titles Page

JOB_01 Check GUI

Check content of page

Precondition Test step

Login by Admin role

Go to page Admin->Job->Job Titles 1. Do the common check list
Login by Admin role
Go to page Admin->Job->Job Titles Observe the Job Titles page
Tested Data Expected Result Actual Result Tested Dat

Check result as in common check gui

There are 5 functions: Add, Edit, View, Search,
Delete Job Titles data
ID Test case name Precondition Test step
Add new user
Tested data Expected Result Actual ResuRemark
ID Test case name Precondition

Go to PIM->Employee List-
>Employee Information
EM_SE_01 Check button Reset
Test step Tested Date

1. Input data to the search fields, select the other item not only
default values. Input or select one of these fields or some of
them or all of them: Employee Name, Id, Employment Status,
Include, Supervisor Name, Job Title, Sub Unit
2. Press Reset
Expected Result Actual Result Remark

All fields are reset to default with

All fields are reset to default with the selection fields the selection fields or empty data
or empty data with textboxes with textboxes

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