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Nama : Ni Putu Mahera Nugrahayani

Fakultas/Prodi : Ilmu Hukum

Nim : 82122426
Dosen pengampu : Robert-Vasile Moisa

Study Tour
I Just wants to describe my trip three years ago. So, it was December. Our school holds a
tour outside Bali, the destination of the trip is Malang-Yogjakarta-Bandung-Jakarta. The trip
began a week after it was announced. I took the same bus with another class because not
many people joined this program in my class. The first and second days I spent completely
on the trip. According to the schedule, the bus stopped at the restaurant of course because we
needed to eat. It was 02.00 in the morning, I woke up and started to see a tall building that
felt strange. Feels like not in bali. of course I asked the tour guide and he said we have
arrived in Malang. My heart is happy and i can't wait for it. That afternoon we prayed at one
of the temples, I forget the name. It was very cold there and a lot of monkeys running
around. I'm a bit scared but also trying to be brave. I was very excited to see the farmers
harvesting the little green apples. they even offered us to try it, unfortunately it didn't last
long because we had to continue our journey.
Next, we stopped at a shopping center, there were lots of Malang souvenirs. I bought a few
but my friend almost bought all of them. I and four of my friends, Sulis, Sugi and Ayu chose
to sit and buy ice cream. In Malang the air is very clean and cool, I like that. it was the third
day, we arrived in Bandung and stayed at the hotel. there we are free to play but on condition
that we continue to report our activities so that nothing bad happens. I chose to sleep because
I was tired, my friend chose to go around using a grab car. the fourth day we arrived in
Jakarta and stayed again at the hotel. we went to monas, the monument was very high and
the weather was hot. we took some pictures. I just realized, we don't take many pictures and
I feel bad because we only have 2 days.
Other trips are very exciting, maybe there will be no end if I tell you. it was a travel
experience i will never forget. now i never meet with my classmate. I feel bad for not taking
pictures at that time. That's the reason I currently take lots of pictures with all the events of
my life so that I can remember them in the future. because this will not be repeated again.

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