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Chapter 33


We do not feel every drop of the rain unto our bodies. His grip so tight but the pain on my pulse doesn't
hurt more than the aching in my heart.

"Will you kill me then, Retard?" I look straight in his eyes and there I can see confusion. Like he is
fighting an urge or something.

I need no answer anymore. At one time, as my tears fall, I feel him attempting to thrust something on
my nape. I lift my two arms to his hips, I'm hugging him. His one hand sets ready to thrust the dagger,
the other strangling me breathless.

I smile. A bittersweet smile.

"Was all you've done only for nothing but a lie?" An almost whispering question I ask him. If this is my
last day, I want to know if he's done any, at least one that is real.

If we'll continue fighting, my defeat is certain. I'm so clouded, I can't concentrate. Funny to think that
the dreadful Underworld Goddess will finally come to an end.

When he doesn't answer, my tears, which are kept by the rain, race falling while I savor the look of his
face, tracing every feature. I bit my lower lip to suppress my whimper.

I already welcome death. The man I truly love had been long gone in this world. A thunder suddenly
strikes. The lamp posts along the shoreline burn out. One forgotten memory comes flashing back.

In my dimming vision, the Phoenix arrived. They hurriedly surround me. Starfire helped and guided me
while the other Phoenix members were fighting.

"Starfire, save the leader!" shouted Sprite who was occupied fighting.

But my eyes were searching for someone. I was looking for him. I searched for Ciel. Starfire jumped.
That's when I saw Ciel.

A man was hugging, tucking him in but what awakened me was the alarming blood all over his body, he
was losing a lot.

I let out a sharp shrill like I'm out of my sanity. Starfire had injected something which caused my vision
to blur. But I did not lose a sight of the person I love. The man who was hugging Ciel turned to look at
my direction and I saw how the same their faces looked. And my eyelids slowly went heavy.

After a few seconds I'm covered with my own blood. The rain doesn't help.
The pouring of the rain on the sand and sea, the muffled crashing of the waves on the shore and the
occasional gust of the wind are the only sounds I hear.

In every shower of rain, my blood sprawls doing the same. I fall down the sand. I fix my eyes on the
darkened sky as I gladly welcome the rain. The cold feeling running in my system. I don't fear death, I
fear for the people whom I will left behind.

In my dimming vision, I try to look at him who is just blankly standing, blankly staring at me. His eyes are
void with emotions. He drops the dagger.

"What's your name?" Hard but I try to loudly say those words. But he remains silent. I want to know the
name of Ciel's impostor.

He slowly comes near me, kneeling in front. He slowly pushes aside some of hair strands covering my
face. He caressed my face like he really treasure me but I knew better. I just let him. My body has gone
numb. My will to live is nowhere to be found upon knowing that the real Ciel was long gone.

At some point in life, despite how strong a person is, a time will come that there will be someone who
can tame its raging soul. True love has been my weakness. In every passing minute, the cold slowly
contaminates my system, my eyelids on the verge of giving up.

With my eyes half closed, I still stare upon his face.

My hands tremble, touching his hand on my face. I close my eyes pretending it was really him, my Ciel.
His smiling face is pictured out in my mind. A tear escapes from my closed eyes.

"I could kill you earlier but I didn't because I knew you'll send me to him," I say hardly breathing. I open
my eyes and I see him smile sadly. Or am I hallucinating?

"Nana, why does it have to be you?" His voice bears pain. I understand nothing with that. Seems like he
means something, wanting to admit. He carries me, hugging my frail body. I do not expect what else he
has to say. I don't understand him. I don't understand anything.

"Can't you really remember the 'me' one year ago?" As hard as I could, I raise my head to bring my eyes
to his, seeing him silently weeping. His tears landing on my weary cheeks. I can feel his tears much more
than the ever falling rain.

"Retard," he smiles sadly upon hearing what I call him. He kisses my forehead.

"I love you ever since. I don't care what I have to do. I love you not because of who you are but because
of what I am when I'm with you. I love you despite me knowing that this love is like taking a dagger
which I will thrust to myself. I love the one who killed my brother."
Again, I'm speechless. I don't understand. His actions contradict his words.

What is really true?

"Stop the act," my voice weakening with every word and my vision thinning. He keeps carrying me,
putting me inside his car.

"But first, you need to die in front of them. As Luciana Shiranui dies, you can live as Nana for the rest of
your life with me. Away from responsibilities, away from the two great houses, away from war and away
from the Realm. Just you and me."

Chapter 34


I freeze for a while after hearing what he just said, but because I'm good as dead right now, I choose to
just close my eyes. "What ifs" flooding in my mind. I don't know if I'm so stupid for letting my emotions
overcome my thinking. Being attached with him makes my strength decline.

"I haven't understood a thing, Retard," he takes a glimpse at my side. It's not impossible that he doesn't
hear that. He stops the car and he turns to me with this grim expression plastered on his face.

"I will tell you everything. Just wait for the right time," he gently answers. His eyes reflects confusion and
despair. I just nod then close my eyes. In the entire drive, we just remain silent, conscious about each
other's presence. The eminent dark is slowly taking my senses and my eyelids once again closing. I could
feel my blood dripping onto his car. I grin, I can't die yet. Not for my sake or for his sake but for the sake
of Realm. If his plan on killing me on the beliefs of the White Family and the entire Realm succeeds,
there's only one aftermath; the wrath of Phoenix which may result to their death. I can't fathom that.

I slyly take the blade from my side and cunningly hurl it against him. I know that he's gonna avoid that
but when he does, I jump out of his running car through its window, breaking it. My fall excruciates.

The car immediately stops meters far from where I have fallen. I quickly run to the woods. I jump from
branches to branches not minding my wound.

I used my Crimson Eyes for night vision ability making me easily jump from a branch to another. But
because of my wounds, my agility is affected. My speed is not enough and he is fast approaching behind
me. He probably smells my blood that's why he is able to follow me. That's how sensitive his senses are.

I'm already chasing breaths. I mentally cuss when I could sense him entering my nearest radius. I double
the speed I can master considering my state. I jump as far as I could but suddenly everything went black.
Shit not now!

I wake up out of time when my phone rings. A sudden wave of nervousness passes. I have no idea why I
instantly answer the phone. I do not finish what I am saying when Siren's panicking voice comes up.

"Starfire! Hurry up! Zero found out about the leader!" I automatically rise up from lying down.


I instantly end the call and turn on the GPS to track where they're having the beach camp. While waiting
for the exact location to pop up, I hopefully expect they are near this hotel I'm staying. I hurry to the
parking lot and haven't even changed clothes. I ready my gun in case I have no choice. The subject here
is our leader. Despite her love and foolishness for that crap, Zero will still kill her.

I don't know but a lot of mysteries cover up the fiasco a year ago.

I speed up the car when I find their location. Four kilometers away from the hotel I'm staying. Not bad.
And while driving, I contact other Phoenix members. I'm almost arriving at the location when I see a car
oddly parked. I'm about to get pass it when I smell the leader's blood causing me to break, slowing
down. The squeaking sound of the tires is the only noise to be heard in this place.

I follow the smell and to my shock, I can also smell Zero. If that's so, Fallen is wounded and Zero is
following her. I press the secret button on my pendant's locket. The necklace will auto alarms along with
Siren's and the other members of Phoenix. This is a distress signal sending immediately my current
location to the Phoenix members. I did not expect I'm using this especially for the leader.

This necklace is for situations like this. This has been one of Siren's invention. The blood smells near
which means I'm heading close to the Leader.

As I jump to the next branch, I see the Leader about to fall from a branch near me, a presence is behind
her. So with all my ability, I leap to catch her and quickly take her away from Zero.

"Zero," I say gritting my teeth.

"Starfire, you have someone that I need to talk to," his voice serious. He's on the opposite branch and
his eyes piercing. His countenance screams danger.

"Dude, do you think she can speak after you've stabbed her?" My irritation showing in my eyes. I'm
glaring at his eyes which plasters a battle.

"You know nothing about this and I don't want you to interfere so give her to me."

"Over my dead body," someone suddenly speaks at my back, causing Zero and I to look. And there,
Sprite in her robe shows from the dark. Obvious that she hurried her way here.

"Babe, clothe yourself," Nightwind mutters to her girlfriend as he comes at the hind of Sprite.

"Stay out of this, Phoenix."

"Didn't you hear the refusal?" Death Stalker suddenly appears from the tops of the trees with a deadly
stare against Zero. And on the adjacent tree lies Dark Phoenix with his gigantic weapon.

"You have no right to interfere. This has nothing to deal with you," Zero's voice is threatening so we set
ready. In a snap, we determine our weapons out.

"Beshy isn't yours can't you understand. She's our leader so she belongs to us!" Is Siren a mushroom?
She sprouts from my back to my side with her elbow on my shoulder.

"She is not yours in the first place. The White family has no right in her for she has taken the life of the
of the Dark Family’s heir. We abide one rule, a life for a life,” his eyes as dreadful as a wild beast when
he faces us. Unknowingly, we all step backwards.

"You're standing in front of us, right?" Sprite voicing out my question.

I unintentionally let go of the Leader when a sudden surge of force pushes me aside. And now she is
choking Zero with her Crimson Eyes in their full glory. Leader is furiously sitting on top of Zero's now
fallen body, insanely strangling him.

"I told you Nana to just wait for my explanation."

"And what? Be clueless of what's gonna happen? You know what Ciel, I no longer know who should I
believe on."

"Believe me when I say I love you."

Isn't it amazing? Wow! The timing of this guy. Unbelievable.

Silence envelops all of us. Suddenly, the clouds cover the moon. The place darkens all the more.
Darkness scatters until what's left for us to see are two pairs of glimmering eyes, the red and yellow
pairs of eyes.

"Who really are you?" I can feel the Leader's sorrow. Their silent painful cry.

Even tears can flow from that red-eyed warrior.

"Do you really not remember the guy who was playing the piano when you first saw him? I was so happy
to know that you came back for me but the one you saw was my twin, Ciel. Who am I? I'm the twin of
Ciel, the one you first loved."

What? Zero's confession goes like a bomb erupting all of a sudden. A deafening silence envelops us.
Even Leader stops and goes away from Zero. I understand nothing in all these. Questions race in our
minds and for sure, it's too much for Leader to fathom.

The Dark Family has done great for hiding this kind of secret from the Realm.

Chapter 35


A resounding silence is everything we can hear. Leader is still strangling Zero. Her bloody-red eyes and
her tears falling like rain is a scenario I do not expect from our Leader.

From the point she had been orphaned, Fallen Angel already got acquainted with the world's cruelty.
Unsurpassable training was everything she went through before she's become the Underworld Goddess.
She was strengthened by the sufferings the time has brought. I was still a kid back then and my gratitude
towards her can't be possibly paid. I owe her a lot.

It happened many years ago.

Inspite of my young age, I was never innocent when it comes to stealing. Life was hard. That foul
smelling area has been my dwelling place since my family died because of fire. From collecting to selling
garbage and scraps, begging and all, I was really nothing. All those done just to survive for a moment, for
a day.

One day, I heard a city under Metro Manila from a guy who threw a corpse below the bridge. At first, I
was amazed, can't really believe that such thing can exist. What hit my senses hard were the two
palaces with unusual riches that he said. I thought that these have many money I can steal. The night
after that day, I sneaked in and found out that the place is called Underworld Realm City. Because of my
escaping abilities I learned in stealing, I got passed through the gatekeepers. There were really absolute
two palaces I saw. One white and one black, of course, I headed toward the white one. The dark palace
looked creepy.

Just like how I escaped the gatekeepers, it was also easy escaping the guards of the white palace. I
searched and I got inside an old room. In my mind, I thought that was a jackpot but before I even left the
room, my vision collapsed. As I woke up, I was in a smelly room and my hands and feet were chained.
Even though I was freaking scared, I did not care to show it. They said my hands and my feet will be cut
and my body will be fed to their dogs but I did not show any trace of fear, not even shock.

They held me tight.

"Show to us kid, that face!"

"Start begging for you life," said a man while laughing.

I will die first before you get what you want! One guy pulled my hair.

"You stubborn!"

He took a knife and when he attempted to cut my left arm, the knife got flying away. I opened my eyes.

"Young lady!" A stuttered exclamation of a guy while looking at the door's direction.

"What are you doing?"

I heard a voice which sent too much shivers down my spine. My heartbeat was breaking my chest. I was
not scared of the guys, but I'm trembling with the voice.

"We caught her stealing in your room, young lady."

Slowly, a silhouette was forming from the door. And I gradually saw a face of a kid.

She carefully examined me. I wanted to look away but I did not so I just stared at the little girl I thought
is just of my age. After a little while, she smiled at me which shook me and the rest of the guys inside the

"Unchain her. She's my guest and she's allowed to enter my room," she coldly commanded the two guys
while her eyes, which just marked in my innocent mind, was looking into mine.

She saved me. Fallen Angel, who is better known as Underworld Goddess, was my very first family which
extended because of the rest of the Phoenix. Because of her, I met Nightwind so she deserves my full
trust and support.

She may love the enemy but I will serve her until the sun stops setting in the sky.


I quickly jump away from him. "I will not go with you," my voice full of conviction.

"If you will not come with me Nana, that means only one thing. That on our next encounter, we will be
enemies." His eyes fixes in mine.
"Are you declaring a war, Zero? "

"Maybe yes, maybe not. The decision is yours, Fallen Angel."

"You are really not the one I loved. Ciel won't do that to me." His expression darkens when I say that.

"Right. I am not Ciel." In a split second, he raises my body with his hand strangling my neck.

In my peripheral vision, I can see the Phoenix about to attack.

"Stay there! Stay where you are! That's an order!" Even if hard but I manage to say this to the Phoenix,
causing them to stop midair. My attention backs to Zero.

"You are not my air!"

"Hah! Fallen Angel, you killed my twin brother. And for the record, my name is Kiel."

"I did not kill him. Why would I kill the person I love?"

My eyes accumulate water in remembrance of Ciel. Pain crosses his angry face but that immediately
fades away. A cold stare replaces.

"The day that you were supposed to die was the day that he died in your steed!" His choke tightens and
not long, I come stumbling against the trees.

The Phoenix hurriedly chase after me. Amidst my blurring vision, I can still see him fading across the dark

I have many questions. I can't connect the puzzle. Is everything a lie? Am I living in a world wrapped with

My eyelids slowly giving up until everything goes black.

I wake up because of a noise. I gradually open my eyes.

"Beshy!" Siren is about to hug me when Starfire stops her.

"Oops! The patient's not yet okay," Starfire says which frowns Siren.

"Leader, you must see this." Death Stalker gives me a letter. I wonder, receiving it anyway.

"That's a letter Zero has left in this room," Nightwind's clarification at my confusion. My hands are
shaking as I open to read it.
The war has begun. Participate in this coming Gangster King Tournament.

"Let's join," I say. I do not think twice. As long as it's possible, I don't want the city's citizen to get hurt.

"Are you sure, Leader?" Sprite's brow raises.

"But Leader. We are not Gangsters. We are professional killers!" Nightwind protests.

I do not stress what they said. "I have a plan. Are you with me?"

I look at them one by one. "Tenzegen," their unified answer.

Chapter 36


One hard slap hits my cheek but it doesn't hurt enough to change my emotionless eyes. I do not even
feel the pain. There's gonna hurt more.

"You're a disgrace in this family! Have you forgotten? She killed your twin!" His voice roars in the whole

"Was it really her who killed Ciel, Dad?" I face his fiery eyes.

"Are you questioning me?"

I shrug as I stare at him intently. He's gonna say more but I choose to turn my back and walk out of his
office. I do not care about the Knightmares as I pass through them. They seem to know that I want to be
alone because they do not follow.

I sigh as I enter the Pint Bar. I head to the counter and order Vodka.

Ciel. I know he died because he sacrificed himself, catching the bullet meant for Nana. But the one who
shoot was Dad. He also has done wrong. Before, all in my heart was raging hate. If it wasn't because of
that love, my brother could've been alive until today but I can't blame him. To love someone like Nana is
most wonderful feeling I can feel. It was only for a few hours we were together but I fell hard on her.
Heck! I can do everything just to make her smile. In just a short time, I have love her fully. That's why I
know and I understand why Ciel chose to die for her. Losing her is like losing the will to live.

If I want to be with her as the woman I love, we must cut all our connections in the Realm. In short, she
must die as an Underworld Goddess in front of many.

I did not expect that she'll know my pretense. When she confronted me, my father's subordinates were
hiding in the dark to closely watch my moves. After all, my father's trust on me is still a question. I
needed to hurt Nana because I know the Reapers of my family were out there, recording the scene right
from the beach up until the woods. If I haven't done that, my family will surely be skeptic. They should
not doubt my fidelity, especially now or else, my plans will fail.

Gangster war. Due to the Gangster King's announcement, the gangster

society was stirred and I wanted to take the chance.

The next time we will see each other, it will be as enemies. It's reverberating inside my mind that she no
longer loves me, especially after knowing that I am not Ciel. I will make her mine! She will be mine even
if it means vanishing her memories of my brother.

And even if it means I have to eliminate both great houses. Because this is Kiel's Way. The bottle of
Vodka breaks in my grip. It is time to unleash my demon.

I close my eyes and as I open it, a ferocious eyes have taken place.

This is my second hidden eyes, my birthright, the serpent's eyes - the edge which will sweep off anyone
who's gonna come my way to Nana.


I carefully watch the now sleeping Leader. Though asleep, the pain is still traceable on her pretty face.
When she has awaken again and slept again, she was announced in comatose.

"Is she stable?" Nightwind asks me. "I hope so."

"She will be fine Starfire. Oh by the way, Death Stalker has already thought of choosing a representative
for the upcoming Gangster War," Dark Phoenix says seriously.

"What? We are not fighting?" I ask Dark Phoenix. "No." Most of them answer in Chorus.


"Because we have a war to prepare for. And we don't have a time for that guy's gimmick," Sprite
suddenly remarks. She doesn't use her Jejemon accent. In situations like this, Sprite is serious. She will
not be the President of Light Academy for nothing. Let's just say that her weird accent is her façade to
manipulate people. I sigh before I answer. We are not the Phoenix for nothing.

"Whoah! Stay cool guys." A Siren in uniform speaks.

"What's with that get up, Siren?" I say pointing to her clothes.
"I have a mission from the Leader. I just read it or should I say, It must've read before but it just
happened today is the schedule for me to read it. You know how she thinks," Siren explains noticing we
aren't fooling around.

"What mission?"

"I neglect to answer it, Dark Phoenix." Siren's answer locking her jaw.

"Sprite, you watch the Leader for the mean time while the rest of you will follow me to the headquarters
and we will train up, Phoenix." My order standing up from the leader's bedside.

We must get moving. Being the second in command, I will train them using the Hellhound Room. The
training room closed by the Realm because of much danger.

Who and where are we gonna search for the Phoenix representatives?


I can only find here in Pint Bar the Primo who is currently known as Zero. I've done the task he gave me.
I am about to go out when I step over something.

A viscous liquid. Blood?

I scan the place and there, I realize there's no one inside the Pint Bar. Smell of blood contaminates the
air. Only the banging music of the sound system makes the place lively the least. I guess I know what
happened. I continue walking to see a large pile of dead body, on top is the Hiruna.

"Primo," I call him. He instantly glances. Shivers run down my spine as I meet his second eyes, the
Serpent's eyes which is his original eyes but only few knows.

"She didn't wake up again. The wound on her neck is deep." I have more news to continue but I doubt
telling him. He might kill me.

"Tell me the goddamn whole story Aen." He stands up and swiftly shuffles me to the counter. I cough
blood. This is the real primo.

"Fine! You'll kill me for this," my silent whisper to myself.

"Her wound has gotten complicated. She's in come. Any minute from now her body might gi...Shit!" I
catapult again, this time at the stage. I think he will irrationally hit me again but as I gander, he's
nowhere to be found inside this Pint Bar.

I'm recovering my breathing and lay again. He's Kiel, the direct opposite of Ciel. How patience the latter
is just how hot-tempered Kiel is. Kiel is destructive. Only me among the Knightmares has the knowledge
that he is the Primo; the Mafia Emperor of the whole mafioso society in the world. He had been long
gone because he was faking as Ciel. Kiel is not the true Zero. Ciel is the real Zero who is the leader of

The group that Kiel is leading is the quiet inferno.


I'm now outside Nana's window. Sprite doesn't feel my presence. My heart is breaking at sight of Nana's
condition. Tubes to her body. The sound of machine that I loathe to hear feels worse now that it is
connected to support her heart.

I did that. If only I did not let my anger and my desire to fulfill the plan to surmount from the very start,
we could've have been conversing right now.

"You are only mine, Nana."

Chapter 37


I can see from my view up here a branch how Nana isn't waking up and how they leave her for a
training. Selfish bastards! They entrusted Nana to Sprite alone. Aren't they thinking? What if enemies

"Spying on us? Really Zero?" Someone speaks at my back.

"You shouldn't leave her like that, Sprite."

"Insolent fool!" She attacked me from the back. In just a millisecond, I have her neck in my hands.

"If I were you, I will just shut my mouth or you will die." I coldly warn her feeling the fear she's holding. I
let go of her. Catching her breath, she stands up.

"What do you want?"

I grin at her question, " if I tell you what I want, will you give it to me?" When she gets what I mean, she
sharply glares at me.

"Bastard," she hisses. I just raise the corner of my lip. Without looking back, I leap the distance from the
branch I'm standing to the open window of Nana's room, simultaneously hurling kunai against Sprite's
hem, pinning her on the trunk.

I effortlessly lands silently. I now see her closely. My chest beats again. I find it hard to breath. And
finally I'm able to touch her face. There are these unidentifiable sparks like voltages of electricity. In my
whole life, it's only her I can feel this.

I attach my forehead to hers. I inhale her scent like it is the air that can only save me from suffocation. I
could feel Sprite's presence but I don't budge.

"Wake up already, Nana. I'm still gonna say sorry to you. And I am still going to love you." I whisper the
last part.

Something falls on Nana's face. As I feel it, I realize it's a tear. I'm crying again. Because of her. The first
one was a year ago. I cried after knowing Ciel died. Second was when she ousted me in the forest. And
the third time, now. Who would thought the King of Inferno will cry because of a girl? Because of a girl I
wanted to revenge before.

I stand up when I hear footsteps coming closer.

"Not a word," I tell Sprite before leaving the room. A cold feeling chills my heart after leaving Shiranui's

I need to talk to the Inferno so I head straight to the private airport my family owns. Mithon meets me.

"Young master, Black Bird Jet Plane is ready for take off." I just nod and hop on.


I'm about to attack Zero but stop when I see him crying. He even stiffens as he realizes that he's crying. I
hear everything, the whisper as well. I sympathize his longing.

"Not a word," he warns before leaving. He's probably leaving because the members of the Phoenix are

Hay. Fate is really playful. Of all the people to love, why does it have to be an enemy? I come close to
the Leader who is peacefully sleeping.

"Leader, wake up already. Someone has been added to the number of people waiting for your

I'm about to turn around but I see her index finger moves.

I'm two hours late for the meeting so I'm sure they're already complete. I wearily enter our meeting


"Welcome back, Primo!"

"The Underworld God of Death is back!"

"How's your mission?"

Those I hear from my subordinates. The members of inferno.

"I did not return here to answer all your questions," I use my voice which dreads anyone who hears,
even the Inferno. What's the use of being the Head. They silent.

"We will break the law of the Underworld Realm Council. We will destroy the council in order to easily
find the traitor."

"May we know why we have to destruct the council, Primo?" says Sin, the Mafia Boss of the first

"We know there's a traitor who keeps the two Houses fighting."

"The extinction of the council is a Genesis of another Taetoku Great War." Belial, the fourth mafia boss
also speaks. Sin quiets while deep in thoughts, playing his weapon.

I smile meaningfully at them. They already get what I'm trying to deliver.

"At last! A thrill will end my boring life!" Lilith exclaims like a kid. She is the only female in the group, also
the second continent mafia lady boss.

"Shut up you Lilith," Hades hisses at his wife. He is the seventh continent mafia boss. Lilith just pouts.

"Lucifer, you are tasked to gather informations about the council so you need to come with me in the
Philippines." I face him who is sitting on a couch with a chick on his lap.

"What? That can't be, Primo. How about my chicks here?" Dramatic complain of the sixth continent
mafia boss.

"Urusai baka! (Shut up idiot!) There's a lot of kirei kanojo (pretty girls) in the Philippines," interferes
Secondus, my right hand in the Inferno. He is the third continent mafia boss.
"I heard Fallen Angel of White House is there. Oy! She's a chick they sa--" Demon doesn't finish what he
has to say as I hit him with my specialized dagger.

"Mine!!" My shout reverberating across the meeting area. They also see the Serpent's eyes. No one
touches what's mine.

Few millimeters left and this shit's forehead drilled. He stops the dagger before it officially lands but still
he gets a scrape.

"Chill Primo. We haven't undergone any briefing," defends Demon, the fifth continent mafia boss.

"Better clarified," my cold response.

Lillith laughs which breaks the silence. The assembly goes back to normal.


I'm one of Inferno's members. Everytime Primo speaks, we all shut up. His voice seems to be coming
from the grave, terrifying. Like you are actually facing an actual Grim Reaper, ready to take life with no

Inferno, a group of mafia boss feared by the entire world, government or even terrorists. Unlike
Phoenix, we are known even to those people who are clueless about the Realm. We do not have
members. But we haven't easily become mafia boss. We were trained to become mafioso of the
greatest famiglia in every continent. Well Primo is the Mafia Emperor of the world, of the seven
continents. Hence, we are his tentacles.

Kiel Loong - Mafia Emperor

Sin Montague - 1st Continent

Lilith Jedens Rafiq - 2nd Continent

Reaper Okamoto (Secondus) - 3rd Continent

Belial Davids - 4th Continent

Demon Vilfer - 5th Continent

Lucifer Mondragon - 6th Continent

Hades Rafiq - 7th Continent

Two of us have code names, Primo and Secondus. The rest are real names. May sound weird but our
names have connection to the Underworld. But all of it is pure coincidence, especially the second and
seventh continent mafioso couple.

Primo is known for his Serpent's eyes. What I know is the eyes were conjured by a mad science of Dark
Family to counter the illustrious Crimson Eyes of the White Family. We know that Angel's eyes are failed
eyes. When they found out that Project Serpent's Eyes is a success, they imprisoned Primo so they can
use him as a secret weapon to fight against Shiranui someday. What they don't see coming is the
connecting of the two hearts condemned by destiny.

Taetoku Great War. Again. A lot of lives will be taken and a lot of pure hands will be stained with blood.

Chapter 38


Test subjects. That's the reason of our eyes that have been handed out by generations to generations.
This is a status symbol. More like a mark and with every eye comes a great ability. Mad science can
explain it. Heck! We're not supernatural creatures to gain eyes with enhanced ability naturally.

"Primo." I glanc at the second continent Mafia lady boss who's now standing in front of me.


"When's the Council annihilation?" her eyes sparkles. She's like a kid who've gotten a ticket to Disney.

"Don't be too over excited. Hades will not let you participate," I inform her which earns me a frown from

"Primo is right Lilith," Hades comes out of nowhere.

"Really?" she grins. Hades blushes. This guy is whipped! I just stood there waiting for them to stop their

"Honey, I just don't want you and our baby to get hurt." he tries reasoning out but Lilith being Lilith, she
doesn't listen.

"You dickhead! Why did you yield me a child then kill me with boredom?" Her snarl contempt to Hades
who looks like a puppy in front of his wifezilla.

"I gave you the keys to the cells right? You can torture the captives there hon. Isn't it exciting?"
"Don't you dare use that tone on me, you moron! I'm not a child, shithead! I want live action!"

"Action you want honey?" A horny smile creeps on Hades' face.

"I don't know about you! Don't sleep with me! If you will, save you eyes from bruises." She storms out,
leaving me and Hades who look like he lost one of his luxury car.

"You're hopeless," I snide. He shrugs as he sits parallel to me.

"Trust me man, you'll understand it soon."

I already did; the answer I want to respond.

"Inform the Inferno. We'll annihilate the Council tomorrow evening which gives us time to travel back to
Philippines. We’ll go there together." I command him after I sip my wine. "How about the High Queen
and High King?"

"Leave no one alive."

High King and High Queen, what's their use in the Realm. They are nothing but dummies who are used
by the traitors to control the Realm. They are the peacemakers or can be treaty holders. And for the
citizens of the the Realm, they are the pillars between the two head families. If they just know that in
every passing day, hostility grows worse between the two head families.

"I'll inform the others."

I nod as response. I will see Nana again. A smile plasters on my face. I miss her already. I dial Aen's
number. It takes him three rings before he answers.

"Zero," though he knows it is me. He might be in companion with the Knightmares.

"How is she?"

I hear him sigh. I don't feel good about it, "She's barely holding on." His voice is low but it is enough to
be heard by my sensitive ears.

"What the heck do you mean Aen?" I drastically rise from my seat. A number of mafioso notice me.

"She had an attack yesterday while she's in coma--" I do not let him finish. Without a word I smash my
phone. I need to go back and mobilize the plan to see Nana and to perform the second plan too.

I summon the Inferno. They're already in front of me minutes after I order their presence.

"Change of plans. We'll be going to the Philippines. Now."

High Queen

I'm here outside the emergency room. I've been here for long. Sprite is on my right while on my left is
Death Stalker. Starfire is sitting on the floor. The rest of the Phoenix are startling. Siren is not here. The
feeling is dragging us. Nobody is speaking. But no one is also crying. A facade.

Fallen Angel was rushed when Sprite saw her index finger moved. She thought Fallen to wake up but
when she returned with the Doctors, Fallen had a heart attack. Heart attack has greater tendencies
specially to patients in coma.

Lucy and Karmy are one week absent, including Ci-Kiel.

I'm still not comfortable with all the revelations.

I'm going back to Underworld Realm Castle. What's new, I'm again welcome by a deafening silence. I
deeply sigh. I'm somehow used to loneliness and I'm slowly accepting it since I accepted the fact that
Yue's gone. Forever. Never coming back. Never be able to fulfill his promise.

I pace to my room. The High King is here but in a separate room. He is the King and I'm the Queen but
that's only it. We are together to bring peace or so as they thought. I lay down the large bed when the
window shakes. I immediately rise and check but nothing's up. I lay down again, losing my senses in a
dream where he is very alive.

Metals crashing.


The sound of empty shells from the guns as it fell to the ground.

Screaming, heat, smoke, roaring of grenades in everywhere but the metallic smell stand out, blood.

I instantly rise up feeling my thumping chest. I'm sweating and my heartbeats racing.

"What a nightmare--" I am cut off when a familiar reaper flies in my front.

Reality sinks in. We are under attack.

With my nighties on I grab my sword and bamboo flute before heading downstairs in bare feet. I'm not
up to care anymore. Smell of war greets me. Part of the castle is being burnt and the smoke scatters to
the atmosphere. Who the heck did this? Attacking the Council means declaring war. Not just here in the
Underworld Realm City but also in the whole world. I slash anyone on my way.

No one I mean no one messes up with me! I won't be the High Queen, one of the leaders that
maintained the balance of two houses, for no reason. I was trained to fight since I learned ABC's. Rage
takes over my system. I could also see the King fighting with our best fighters by his side.

As I observe, black suits, high-powered guns and unusual adept in fighting. Mafioso are attacking us. I'm
fighting against underlings. Until I notice something. Eight people watching the commotion comfortably
near the thrones.

I spot Ciel or right to say Kiel based on Starfire's story. Eight people. Mafia Inferno. It all click.

I engage towards them but they remain still. I'm being insulted. They're acting like I'm very weak. Curse
you all disrespectful bastards!

I sway my swords only to be caught be a pair of arms. I turn. Deep set of bright blue eyes greet me.
Because of the dark, I can't see the face. I sway my swords again. I'm able to cut his shirt. His a good

I pull his hand to kick him under but he defends. He gets my arm cut in the process. Feeling numb, my
right hand is twisted. I'm not giving up! Even if I die. At least I put up a good fight. I bang my head to his
causing him to loose grip. He throws me to the wall. I wince as my spine hurts like hell. A metal pierces
my back going out of my stomach. So I take my bamboo flute but before I even put it in my mouth, an
enemy sends it flying away. It's then that I cough blood as visions become vague around me. I stand up
but I fall again. The weight of metal causes the wound to get bigger so I took it out from my body. Why
couldn’t I feel the pain? I want to fight but my body can't hold it anymore.

I feel him walking towards me. Maybe to finish me. I wait for a couple of minutes but I'm still alive
though barely breathing. "Sin! Finish her before I do!" A girl screams. Irritation laces upon her voice.

Sin? So my opponent's name is Sin. What a cliche name. Though hard but I open my eyes. I want to see
the face of my enemy. It takes all my strength just to open my eyes. Shock is an understatement. With
the help of the fire around us, I see his face. What is going on?

"Yue?" my voice cracks. Tears are flowing freely.

His forehead creases. "Sin!" a frustrated shout of the woman.

"Stop whining Lillith."

That voice. Despite the 11 years of not hearing it, now that I do, it still gives me a surreal happiness. I
mourned infinitely after his death. How?

I look straight into his eyes. But his eyes are void of any emotion. A sudden pang in my heart makes me
struggle to breath. I am catching up my breath while clutching my nightie on my chest. I close my eyes
tight then I force to open it. If I die today, then I’ll die happily. I smile at him causing his eyebrows to
arch. A bitter sweet smile.
Lies. That's what binds us. Not love. I thought, and the darkness pulls me. I did not feel his caress on my

Chapter 39


It's not one of my plans to capture or to let the High Queen live. But for Sin, I'm breaking my rule. He's
also a brother to me. He might be anti-social but he was living like an empty shell.

"Sin!" I catch his attention because he is occupied staring and caressing the Queens unconscious face.

"Spare me with the questions, Primo," his voice deep. I nod as response. There's a right time for this.

"Lillith and Hades, go back to the quarters. Orders are waiting for you," I mandate the couple. They don't
complain or ask and quickly vanish out of sight. Last time they did, Hades got coma for a weak.

While we watch the castle collapsing from our view afar, I can't avoid to enliven the very first time I met

I was leaning on the cold wall while staring at the space. My one hand on top of my knee. Cold and
darkness surrounded the room.

Still far but I felt the White Family Reapers coming. I knew that by sunset, they will attack us. But my
sharp hearing and distinct senses did not fail to notice their footsteps getting louder in every passing

The door of the room which turned to be my version of Prison opened.

"Young Master," Butler Mithon called. In my entire life he is the only one I trust.

"Mithon," I said between my breath.

He untangled the chain around my neck and I felt the simultaneous quakes.

"White Family sent reapers and the Phoenix to infiltrate us," he said after finally freeing me then left. I
adjusted my dark polo leaving two open buttons. Because of being chained my hair is in mess. And
without a definite purpose, I went out of my room which had been my home for many years.

Blood, smoke, death and fire. Those were the words I can describe in all the corners I've passed. I took
out a katana from a dead body. I did not help the Dark Family. And I avoided White Family reapers. I
didn't find any interest towards them. My twin brother can handle that. I headed straight to the music
room. If I liked one place, that was the music room. The last memoir of my mother. The only person who
didn't see me as the 'Unknown' one.

I swiftly sat on the Piano's seat. My eyes mirrored angst and pain. The ache which caused the beast in
me to come alive.

Beethoven's piece. That's what I chose to play. I was on my own planet when I felt a presence of

The reaper's a she. From checking her out, I then met her gaze only to encounter the eyes that could
burn any soul. It's so beautiful. Simply breathtaking. Then at that point, I believed in love at first sight.

I laughed at my thought. I'm a beast with no heart. Or so I thought. Because when I saw her eyes and
when I saw how her lips parted as we talked, I knew the heart I already killed beat again.

I saw her reaction towards me. A grin formed on my lips. She left and vanished in the window.

Fallen Angel. The White Family's only heir.

I then stood up. But as I did, the door suddenly opened and my brother came. It's a family secret that
the Loongs has a twin. We're like divided fruit, very identical, but only one must be known. Well, yes I'm
the unfortunate hidden. Ciel, becoming the heir was not a hindrance for us to be close but Dad
separated us during our adolescence. We parted. He's outside as a Prince while I'm under like a scornful
beast, treated like a pest. And maybe that's why I act like one.

"Looks like your fight has been worse," I commented after seeing his wounds. He leaned on the wall.

"No gain no pain bro," he smirked. I chuckled in his childish comeback.

"I'll now leave Ciel. And hopefully, as we meet again, you already breakfree from dad's shadow," I said
as I vanished into the darkness.

That day, my brother, who had been dear to me, died in the arms of my beloved.

I was swallowed by ache and disgust that time. Because the only person who did not treat me as an
animal died and because of the truth that we both loved the same person.

"Primo," Belial suddenly interrupts which brings me back to my senses. I shot him a cold piercing glare.
He gulps and bows his head in submission.

"She's awake."

Those two words bring hope to me. To our love story. I can't say our love story is a love made in heaven
but I can guarantee anyone that our love story is yet to begin.
Blood may water our love but a love like ours is worth a war.

Chapter 40


It's been 5 hours since I wake up. Things were fast. The Phoenix and I are busy resuming the meeting for
the coming gangster war.

"I heard, neither Kiel nor I can participate this gangster king tournament."

"Affirmative. Which led us to one choice, to select a representative for Phoenix." Sprite confirms. She
inspects the armory. "Who thought that?"

"Sprite," they answer pointing to Sprite. She looks nervous but I shift my attention outside the window.

Though struggling, I force a seat and get rid off the apparatus attached on my body. I'm irritated with the
heart monitor so I smash it against the wall. The Phoenix has no reaction at all. They keep their emotions
blank. I know. They feel that.

I couldn't stop but laugh sardonically when I was able to get up. I laugh so hard that my stomach aches
but a minute later, I burst into crying. I'ma fool yes. When I am asleep, I couldn't help but to wish not to
wake up. Reality is a capital A-hole. I don't dare to look in their eyes. I don't need pity, that's the last
thing I want to receive.

"Hasn't Siren returned yet?" I ask instead after I recover from my insanity.

"Not yet Leader," says Dark Phoenix while playing darts with Nightwind and Death Stalker.

"Okay, now that I'm conscious, we need to resume all our pending tasks."

"Actually Leader, I already brought them there," Starfire points. My brow arches. I knew where he
meant, when I am still asleep I am very much aware of what was happening around me. Well, that
includes the intrusion of Kiel in my room. I look at them one by one and notice their strange aura.
Phoenix is stronger. Their aura screams danger that would make anyone shiver by just their presence. I
can't blame them, that place is known as suicidal training ground thus always closed.

"Good job Starfire, now let them rest. We have a search for mister or miss representative waiting."

"What about School," asks Nightwind.

"Your attending school like old times, nothing will change."

I know my plan is dangerous. But this is the only chance to defeat him, to defeat the demon within the
world's mafia emperor's self. Do I love him?

Call me numb but I still love that fucking bastard. Do I love him like how I loved Ciel? That, I still don't
know yet. All I know is Kiel has conquered a part of my heart already.

I'm on lanai sitting while sharpening the Enraiha when the sliding door violently opens. I glare to
whoever that jerk who crashes my peaceful bonding with my sword. It is a gasping reaper. Silver Ring, it
is my spy to the Underworld Realm Council.

"Leader," his eyes are uneasy. He's full of sweat and I am sensing a big problem here.

"You better have an enough reason to disturb my rest," I coldly snide. He gulps from what I said. "The
High Queen!" he breaths in so I'm left hanging a second.

"What?" I roar at him so the Phoenix comes rushing to me.

"Underworld castle was under attack last night." What he says next makes my eyes red. I am seeing red.

"Leader, calm down." The phoenix forge me to keep my nerves. They can plainly see the appearing of
my Crimson Eyes. "The High Queen and the High King?"

"The High King was found dead while there's no trace of the High Queen. I believe she's been taken."

"Who took her?" asks Death stalker, distasteful of what he hears.

"Inferno," it comes out from his lips like a whisper.

"Phoenix! To the base, now!"

"Tenzegen!" we hurry to our cars and instantly drive the path towards the Underworld Realm Castle.
Phoenix at my hind. We head closer and closer to the direction when all of a sudden, gunshots fire,
bringing us to step on the breaks hardly, tires squeaking.

"Code red," I shout through my window I know they hear.

Code Red means survive on your own and fight for your life. I don't easily give Code red. That, who fired
us with gunshots, I think I know.

"Inferno," I hiss after getting off the car. Two figures come out from the shadows.

"My my my, if it wasn't the Fallen Angel herself," one woman speaks with an accent like of an Australian.
"Come with us obediently and we promise you a death with no pain," one man with a deep voice
speaks. I almost laugh at his words.

"Oh, if it wasn't the couple of Inferno! I am more than flattered to know you came personally for me," I
said with a mock tone.

I use the Radius Technique. I slyly smile when I realize the Phoenix is executing the Code Red. They're
gone already, leaving their luxury cars here with me. I couldn't lose them, they still have a role to play.

They attack me or should I say the woman attacks me. I'm left with no choice but to counter her attacks
too. I unsheathe the Enraiha and transform it to Shukin. I'm swaying it, back and forth. On my fifth sway,
I hit her arm. Her lover attacks me from behind. He's fast so I fall hard face straight to the ground.

I curse and instantly stand back up again, kicking him on a spot where he feels most pain. Meanwhile,
the woman has recovered, attempting to attack me again but before she even takes a step, I turn
backing her. I press my smile against her neck.

'Tenzegen,' I whisper, she stiffens out of shock. But I do not attack her. Instead, I laugh. I laugh

My laughter is cut off when a cold thing is pressed against my throat. "Fuck you Kiel," I curse the person
behind me. I'm actually leaving. But he holds my hips tightly as he turns me around. My eyes widen and
my heart is beating so fast from anticipation.

He pushes me hard onto the ground. His right hand holding my both hands above my head as his left
hand softly caresses my face. What the hell is he up to?

"You know Nana, I would love to." His voice is so husky and his eyes are different, it’s not the Angel’s

Chapter 41


I stir as I feel the wind touching my back, my eyes still close. Instinct says, I search for heat and as I find, I
tuck myself. I bury myself in the comfortable warmth. It's so soft and I could feel the vibration.

I instantly open my eyes. Adjusting from the sudden light, I groan from the back of my throat. "Good
morning sleepyhead." A deep husky voice speaks under... me? To my schock, I jump at my feet far from
him. No other than Kiel with his infamous grin. He keeps on grinning as his eyes stares on me, no, not
my face but my body so I follow his gaze on my body.
I infinitely scream and I am shut up by his luscious lips.
Me. Him. In the bed. Both naked. Kissing. I push him away from me. I am very afraid that we might do it

"Nana, we have to talk." His voice is serious and the only thing that covers his body below is this thin
sheet of blanket. I gulp. Another distraction!

"N-no!" Shit! Why am I stuttering and shouting?

"I mean no. Last night was a mistake, you of all people know that!"

I cover my body with the table cloth from the side table. As I say that, his look darkens. He rises up,
sitting, exposing his bare chest studied with 8-pack abs. My eyes shut as I imagine myself touching his

I was snap out of my perverted daydream when he chuckles. Damn this hormones! Come to think of it,
we haven't done it only once. We made love until dawn. My face heats up, I unconsciously touch my

"You were a virgin," he states the obvious. I could tear his face with this lampshade. I fix my gaze away
from his sinfully gorgeous figure.

"So? What now? Kiel, let's not make this a big deal. We had sex, so what."

"I will take care of you," he is determined. Several warning bells ring in my mind, warning me it might be
one of his tricks.

"Come on. Stop being an old school! We are mature enough to handle this! I know you used a
protection," I know how irrational I am now. A war is coming and making my enemy a lover is insane.

"I didn't." His words shock me. He did not use? Why? If he didn't used any then I might get pregnant. A
tear escapes from my right eyes, feeling unfair from this sudden turn of events.

"Why?" I whispered. He stands up coming to me to hug me. It's too late to avoid him. I couldn't resist so
I cry.

"Because I want you to stop for a while and listen to me just this once," he caresses my face. I stay silent
in his arms. I have so many questions and I don't know where to start.

"How did you become Ciel and Kiel. I have not understood a single thing." Finally I ask him. He deeply
breaths first then kisses my forehead.

"The day you and your reapers attacked, the day you and my twin brother met, was also the day I am
freed from my chains. Seems that your infiltration saved me after all." I feel him smile slightly against my
"What? Freed from your chains?"

"Shhh. Let me do the talking," he says and I nod as response.

"When I say chains, I mean the literal chains bounded around my neck for almost five fucking years. I
was a prisoner in my own household. Until I met you in that music room," his eyes meet mine and his
eyes shine with happiness by its memory. That's why, that's the reason why Realm was unaware that
the Loong has a twin. They had imprisoned him.

This guy, I judged him right on the spot. But he does have a mistake. At least I have something that can
keep me away from blaming myself.

"The guy whom I talked to in the piano room before I left was you," it's not a question but an
affirmation. He nods and a surreal feeling of happiness overflows as I have been holding it since before.

That's it? All the doubts vanishes into thin air. Really unfair, how can I forgive him by just the mere sight
of him.
I smile genuinely. The very reason is because I met this guy first. The connection I felt. It's not just a lie.
He was all here, waiting to be remembered.

"It's me but when you returned, the one you were talking to was Ciel and I was left staring at you, at the
both of you, from afar. Unfortunately, I was too far to save my brother and for a year I blamed it against
you. I am so sorry, I am just too lost. I lost a brother. I lost you." The last words make us fall in tears. He
sounds like a child with a stolen candy.

Kiel Loong, the current Mafia Emperor is showing vulnerability in front of me, his current nemesis.

"Why did you pretend to be him? Why did you choose to make me hate you?"

"I guess stupidity runs in my veins. I thought by making a fool of you and by killing you eventually, I can
forget you and the guilt hitting two birds in one stone. Later on I decided to put a façade and planned
your fake death so that I can have you freely where you are, the Nana that I can love freely. But I--" he
explains looking at an opposite direction, trying to stop his tears from falling.

"You thought of revenge," I cut him. A sudden pang in my chest causes my eyes to water.

He has gotten his revenge. The pain was unbearable. I turned always skeptical to the people I know. I
thought I was always a failure; I, who is the Underworld Goddess.

"When you found out the real me, I felt so scared that everything might end for us," he chuckled
bitterly. He brings his hand to cover his face as if he's washing it just to flush off his anger and
I could still remember it. When I closed my eyes denoting a surrender of life. Being hopeless. But when I
look him in his eyes, all I see is pain. "Kiel, look at me," he is not facing me. I touch his left hand which he
uses to cover his face.

"Retard, please look at me," this time he does look at me. The pain in me doubles as I see his face wet
with tears. Then I realize, I love this guy. I may love Ciel too but he's gone. It's time to move forward for
the good of many. "You didn't proceed to your plan."

"I did! I hurt you," he loosens from me and walks quickly out of the room. No! You are not running away
from me - not again. I can no longer play this chasing game.

"Don't. Don't go. Stop this pain by staying in my side, Retard." I hug him from the back. It's now or never.

"You don't love me Nana. We'll end up breaking each other. I can't bear to hurt you again," his voice in

"Retard, I love you. Yes I was confused. Ciel has special part in my heart, always. But you, Kiel Loong, you
conquered a big part of my heart more than I have expected. You helped me. How about me, do you
love me?" I bravely face him to meet his blazing eyes. His eyes that scream for the answer of my
question. It's love.

"Haven't I showed that to you the night yesterday?" His eyes sparkle with mischief as he kisses my
fingers one by one. Tingles spread around my body. I match his smile with a seductive one as I trace his
jawline with my index finger. Two can play in a game hah!

Did he think I'm innocent? I'm in my toes to kiss him when his phone, out of all time, rings. The scenario
is unbearable. I am bursting in laugh as I hear the ringtone. "Where do broken hearts go" is the song. I
face him raising my brow. He blushes, enough cuteness to make me laugh harder all the more. He just
throw his cellphone without glancing who's the caller.

"Nana, let's begin again." He presses his body against mine, not minding that we are only separated by a
piece of cloth I am wearing.

I happily smile at him. "We will," I lean and tiptoe to kiss him while we're standing. Why is he so tall?
"Now where were we?" he mischievously asks me.

Chapter 42


The tension inside the burnt council is intense. This is the place I and Kiel agreed to meet our groups at.
After my "kiss and make up" session with Kiel, we thought of creating an alliance to restrain the traitors.
After the reconciliation, I came back to Phoenix. Explaining the situation was not easy. Though Starfire
was skeptical about Kiel's motif, the group still agreed to meet the Inferno. They are also aware of my
relationship's status with Ciel and Kiel since then until now.

"May I know why we are hear Leader of all places?" Sprite's snide opening. She is sitting on the ashes
from the ruins of the fire while holding the Samurai, gun at her back. I also bring the Enraiha tucked at
my back. The Inferno is on the opposite side from where we are now. I have been avoiding Kiel's vivid
look. The High Queen, meanwhile, is by the side of Sin who is also looking at me. I already talked to my
brother. I understand that he has forgotten that I'm his sister. We're wearing our masks as Phoenix.

"Kiel," I say catching his attention. I don't dare to call him retard or emperor.

He coughs before speaking. "We are here to clear things up. Before this assembly has been set, I and
Fallen Angel already talked."

"It turned out that every party has a mole, including the Council thus their reason behind the
annihilation of the Council," I explain to them. I also see the fisting of High Queen Stephanie's hands.
Who wouldn't get mad if you're people betrayed you?

"The moles have a source and that is still a mystery for us but we've gotten the Council already. We had
the first attack so we will expect their counter attack. Fallen and I came up with one deduction." Kiel
looks at his members then he looks at my Phoenix.

"Let us not blindly trust the reapers and the general warriors of the great houses. Both White Family and
Dark Family manors are suspects. They keep on clashing our groups against each other."

"Which means there will no longer be a conflict between Phoenix and...?" Nightwind seems to not know
what to say about the Inferno.

"Inferno," Starfire adds. Of course he'll know who these guys are after all, he was the Asia's mafia
emperor, one of the seven continent mafioso, before he handed over his title. Starfire has been quite
since the start. He is really warning this plan a red flag.

"So Knightmares is really not your group?" Siren asks. Though wearing a mask, I can feel the seriousness
in her face because of her tone. Kiel nods.

"For now, I will pretend as Ciel. Dark Family can't afford to let the Underworld Realm know that their
heir was long dead. That's why I have a role in the scene," Kiel gives me a knowing look.

"Primo, what'sour plan now?" one of his members asks.

"Continue what we have started. I will still pretend to be Ciel and we will also continue the gangster war
because this is the expected event where the traitors will show up. The traitors are just around us.
Maybe an official of Slaughter Community or Mercenaries Society has set this up. What's worse, the
traitors ally to disperse you," Ciel points us.

I do not wonder. Our group is a great barrier because we are known for killing and the countries
belonging our allegiance are being feared upon.

"No wonder why the conflict between two great houses is unending," Death Stalker comments.

"The gangster war, what I know is that there's changes. Anyone who has connections with the two great
houses is not allowed to join so we need to find representatives to win the battles on our behalf. The
winning representative will garner the title of Gangster King or Gangster Queen. Once we have this on
our side, our connection will deepen, creating a larger network unto the outside of the Realm." They're
nodding at my news.

"See you then at the Devil's tongue. That's the hive of the gangsters. It's also where the gangster match
will commence," I announce to them. The phoenix, answers in unison, "Tenzegen!" then turns aback.
Kiel nods.

"Wait! Since we are teaming up, may you take your masks off? I'm Sin by the way," we're shock and we
turn to face them. The Phoenix waiting for a signal so I nod as permission. And altogether, we take off
our masks. A collective grasp from the Inferno is heard.

"Whoah! It's you! The vocalist of the band Bullets, right?! So you are the brother of the crowned
prince?" Lillith exhilarating at the sight of Nightwind. He eyes twinkle.

"Can I have an autograph?" She is about to come close but Hades pulls her while Sprite step over

Nightwind chuckles. "Yep, Im Gerard from the Bullets," he smiles then.

"Hades! Let me go to him!" Like a brat Lillith commands her husband. Hades leans and whispers
something to her that made her blush and eventually stop.

Sprite is frowning all the more so Nightwind tucks her hips. They put on their masks again except me and

Someone whistles. "Whew, how beautiful can the leader be? I'm Lucifer at your service my lady.
Entertainer of the lonesome," in a split-second, he's in front of me and he kisses the back of my right
hand. I eventually take it back. How fast he went in front of me is just as fast when he lands on the
farther front. Kiel has just pushed him away.

"She's off limits, Lucifer," Kiel's voice is threatening and the Serpent's Eye is out.

Lucifer promptly raises both of jus arms to surrender. "Chill! Okay I won't do it ever again Primo," he
pleads at Kiel's deadly stare.

"Good," Kiel tucks my hips, putting the mask back to cover my face. "Because she's mine."

Defeaning. Messy. These are just some descriptions of the Devil's Tongue. This is the place, we the
Phoenix often hang out. Because you can actually take on a fight here wherever and whenever you
want. The Gangster King is also here, his eminent retirement is allover the street due to aging. He is a
close friend of the heads of the two great families. In short, he is a common friend of my father and
Kiel's father.

We enter separate gates. Inferno passes through the other entrance. As the Phoenix enters in masks,
the blaring place turns quiet. Meanwhile, Inferno is in hoods so they won't be known. In everywhere,
whispers will always be up. We clearly hear them. We walk straight to our usual seat. The inferno on the
other side. Some are giving them weird glances. Can't blame them.

"Sprite and Death Stalker, watch the place for tonight. Give me information as many as you can." They
nod and both fades in the dark.

"Siren. You observe every gang. I smell something bad in them."

"Haven't put Rexona on?" Siren jokes but we just give her a move-your-ass-or-else look. She sighes in
defeat as she murmurs 'KJ' though we are still able to hear her. Childlike.

"The rest of you, stay here and observe." I leave and head to the CR. There I put on my disguise.

I take off my mask and hide it with my clothes in a secluded part inside the CR. I'm disguising as a
gangster with a thicker eyeliner. I'm no longer catching attentions as I go out. I sit at the bar counter.

"Your order ma'am?," asks the bartender.

"Two shots of martini," I do not face him. I'm occupied observing the place.

"Are you a gangster ma'am? Or an assassin?" A sudden question of the bartender. Nosy bastard. I face
him only to be shocked by his demeanor.
He's not the typical bartender you'll see in the Realm. He's not the bulky type. Well he's the school boy
type. He's in eyeglasses. His body a twink build. His age around mine too.

"Tell me boy, how did you come here?" He smiles by my question as he hands me my order.

"I'm the Dark Family's slave that's why I work here. The house I live and the School I'm going to is also
here in the Realm," he explains. That's why.

As he continues I secretly observe him. His reflex as he mixes the liquid. His sharp eyes behind those
eyeglasses that screams intelligence.
I slyly take the blades from my shoes and hit him while his back is free. And I am not surprise when he
catches it despite facing back. Interesting.

"I believe this is yours," he gives me the blade while smiling. "Why thank you," I receive it in

"What is it in the flyer there?" I point the flyer pinned on the wall.

"Ah this," he takes it, giving to me.

"Greetings to all the blood thirsty warriors. I, Gangster King Leorio hereby declares the Gangster King
Tournament a week from now to pick the next in line for my title. Each group will have one
representative. And a lone warrior can join too. Two great houses are forbidden to join. Registration
form will be distributed by the Rank 1 gangster group. Shed some blood. -Leorio."

That's the flyer's content. I am right about us not allowed to join. That old gunk is wise. I approach to the
Equinox Gang, the current rank 1 for the form.

"You joining?" A girl member arches a brow.

"Just give me the damn papers," I say.

"Thina, give her what she needs." Lionheart, the Equinox Leader commands.

The girl hardly gives me the form. I eventually leave towards a corner to fill up the form but I don't have
a pen. So I take the pin from my hair and prick it to the neck of the passing person. Using its blood, I
write the joining name.

Applicant: Chase Rennon

That's the nameplate of the bartender. Now I have picked the spawn.

Chapter 43


"What in the world were you thinking, Fallen Angel?" Lillith's high-pitched voice breaks the silence after I
expose my plans to them.

"Oh shut the fuck up! Everything she did has a purpose," Sprite's cold remarks. She's obviously still
hating Lillith.
"I don't ask for permission when I plan things out," my only comment.


A guy. That catches my attention. She approached a guy lately. Why haven't I seen that? "What will we
do?" I ask her.

"For now? Nah just act the way you usually act. I'll train him. That's a piece of cake. I was observing him
and he has the potential." Am I hearing it right? She will be the one to train that guy?

"No!" I stand from my ground, what she said sinks in. No way in hell that I'll let some bastard touch
what's mine! I can feel the appearing of the Serpent's Eyes. I'm like this if I'm 'extra emotional' like now,
I am extra mad.

Inferno is suppressing laughs while Lillith and Sprite are both raising brows.

"Kiel, we've talked about this," so she's already mad since I can see her Crimson Eyes interchanging with
her normal one.

"Hey guys! Chill. You might destroy my building if you'll fight here," Secondus restrains us. The entire
Phoenix is silent. They don't want to interfere especially the two leaders are the subject.

"Fuck! I'll hate myself for this." I whisper but I know Inferno hears. "Fine do what you want with him but
I will help you train him," I say with finality.

She gives me a crazy glare but replaces it with a small smile which surprises her members.

"Wah! Beshy smiled!"

"What the fuck she smiled!"

"Did she just?"

"Shut up babes. We also have eyes."

"You are all OA," Dark Phoenix comments which earns a nod from Death Stalker.

Starfire just laughs at their reactions. I let out a small chuckle unknowingly.

And my members follows the commotion.


My car swiftly stops in front of an old yet lively small cabin at the Ground Zero near the Dark Family

Ground Zero, the place where the neutral citizens, supporting none of the two families, reside. Couples
coming from two families as well as the slaves stay here. This is no man's territory so both White and
Dark Family underlings can stay here.

The small gate opens, revealing the confused Chase Rennon. It's been three years since I signed up for
him. I know that he knows I'll be meeting because I called him yesterday but he doesn't know that I'll
personally pick him up.

"How did you know this place?"

"Connections. Now will you come with me and let's talk some matters over outside the city?" He nods

He hops in and we drive going to Metro Manila. I won't be cocky to talk in Underworld Realm City,
others might notice. Normal nomads may don't know me but those in Higher Ranks do. And if they'll find
out it will surely sabotage my plan. We drop by a popular coffee shop.

"So we went out of the City to talk," he starts the conversation.

"I can't risk it. So this is a contract," I take out legal contract.

"Contract for what?" his face full of questions.

"Reading is still a trend Chase Rennon."

He reads what's in the contract and after a few minutes, he's confused. Of course who wouldn't be
when he just read the copy of the papers I signed for him.

"Look Miss. I may not know you but I know you're not just a nobody to do this. And I'm just a slave." I
grin with his remark.
He stares right through my eyes so I decide to play with him. In a split second, I change my normal eyes
to Crimson Eyes then his eyes grow bigger.

"Your eyes!" his voice catches attentions as he says that loudly. I look at him innocently.

"My eyes? What happened?" I am mentally chuckling with his remark.

"Don't dent it. I saw that. Who are you really?"

"Let's just say you're in the perfect good hands. Be practical. I can help you reach your dream and you
will be my colleague," this time I stare at him intently.
"There's no such thing as perfect created by God," he whispers but I clearly hear.

Oh? How ironic, to think he lives in the harsh world where people almost don't believe in His existence.

"I'm created by no one,” I ride along what he says.

"And for a nomad who lives in the Realm, you're one funny guy." I say with a mock tone.

"If I agree, I'm like digging my own grave," he pitifully says.

"I told you 'you're in good hands' or else you'll end up dead tonight. After all, you're no use to me." If
you can't be convinced with a prayer, then I guess you're up for a haze.

"You're threatening me?"

"Believe me when I tell you this is not a threat for me, not yet."
He is silent for a moment. We just stare at each other. Him, figuring things out. Me, observing him. His
eyes contain fear. No, more like uncertainty.

He doesn't know his ability. I don't wonder, Dark Family tends to ruin their slave's ability to have

"Okay I'll try."

"Don't try. Just do it." I cut him off. If he surrenders on challenges, then he can't beat the Equinox Gang
or the other opponents. He must give his hundred percent in our trainings especially the contenders are

"I don't know how to fight," he lowers his head feeling ashamed of himself.

I grin, showing my Crimson Eyes to him. "That's why we'll train and for the record, my name is Lucy. I'll
be your trainor for a few days," I stand up and offer my right hand to him.

Seconds pass and his eyes still wear doubt. As he unsurely moves his hand to reach mine, I initiate to
grab it and shake his shaky hand.

Chapter 44

We're in the car on our way back to Underworld Realm City when I can't resist it. I yell at Chase.

"Will you just calm down? I can hear the erratic thumping of your chest!" He irritates me.

He taps his fingers against his right thigh earlier causing a very irritating sound.
"How can I relax when I'm dying later?" his voice sarcastic. I stare at him with my deadly eyes.

"You signed already so no more complains. And I guarantee you, you'll live to win. You're my current
masterpiece and I don't accept losing."

If the current Gangster King has not been wise, I will never lose. Chase is my new chess piece.

The car stops in front of an abandoned building here in the Realm City. I quickly go out to get his things
from the car's compartment. He just follows me as we strides into the warehouse. I can hear him
suppressing a vomit as we pass through the foul smelling, decaying human bodies scattered inside the
warehouse. We stop in front of a door to the basement.

"Where are we actually going?" he asks me out of nowhere.

"You'll see. Once we step inside the basement, your training starts. Finish the training and you'll live. Use
your brain and strengthen your stamina. That's your weak points but your eyes are different. In this
world we live in, not all things work best using strength alone. The brain must be used in fighting but
brain alone is not enough. Probably you're fight just started but your head flies off the corner. Be a
versatile warrior." I say and I disappear in the darkness. I'll be watching him and I won't help him even if
he'll die in the process.

He takes the first step of the staircase but on his first step, the ground opens, swallowing him. That's the
first trial, discovering his thirteenth sense. The thirteenth sense will be an asset. That's a basic learning
for a Class A warrior.

I'm going to my own room here in the Hellhound room. I can watch here the happenings in the
basement. Because in the basement, every step on the stair has a booby trap. It just happened that he is
too weak that's why he stumbled on the first step. He should have not stepped the right side of that
level. The first step of the stairs teaches you the art of thirteenth sense. Well I know he already has the
thirteenth sense but he doesn't know how to use it yet. Just like when we were in the Devil's Tongue, he
catches the blade I hurl despite him facing back.

I sip the wine from my wine glass as I watch the live show in my monitors. There's front view monitor, a
top view, side view, back view and close up monitors. I use all my monitors to carefully study him. An
through these, I can assess his potentials and his possible weaknesses. I'm so entertained to see him
clumsily avoiding knives and katanas simultaneously aiming him. That room has a secret weapon
machine assigned to throw knives and katanas against anyone the detector senses to be having
heartbeats. He lacks focus. He's more focused on avoiding the weapons and he's not using his brain. If
hello divert his focus, he will notice the pattern of the weapons.

One hour passes and he's tired. Heavy breathing can be heard from the monitor. Not just sweat comes
out of him but also blood seeping. That's not good.
A katana is coming to his front and to elude, he drops his body. His exhaustion shows. The katana
bounces, one of the tricks of the room, coming back to him. What keeps me intrigue is that, he remains
in his last position, eyes closed. My drink stops midair as I witness how he faces the nearing katana,
catching it in a time interval of five seconds.

"Expect the unexpected. You're not that bad after all, Chase Rennon." I say with a grin as I continue to
sip my wine.

To continue saving himself from all the weapons, he uses the katana he just got. When I look at the close
up footage, there I see his eyes. They are confident. Me being me, I stand up to get the remote. He has
done nothing great to act like that.

"Let's see if you'll have the confidence to face this,” I press the green button. I watch the live footage to
turn pitch black. I switch off the lights in that room. But the clashing of metals can still be heard.

The CCTV cameras immediately switch mode to night vision so I still have clear footage but this time, the
monitor's color is green.
"Shit!" I hear him cuss causing me to chuckle slightly. I want him to learn that one edge from an
opponent is not worth celebrating, not until the it is no longer breathing.

Like lately, he thought he will pass the challenge already just because he gained a katana and learned
the pattern through his eyes. His eyes are fast, fast and sharp like an eagle. The thing is, it lacks training
and that's what exactly we are doing.

In his current state, he's equal to a blindfolded person. And his eyes can't help him. To survive this room,
he must discover how to use wisely the thirteenth sense.

"You can't rely with your katana Chase. The number of weapons clashing against that will break that on
the process." And I turn out right. A lengthy sword is coming to his direction to his back. It's almost to
late to avoid so he smashes it. I'm amazed at his decision but because of it, his katana breaks into two.

I heard him cuss again.

I am intently observing his every move when I see him rip the bottom part of his shirt and he use it as his
blindfold. Finally, he realizes the existence of thirteenth sense.
Knowing what will be the result, I walk out of my room to go to him. I know he can pass. As soon as he
acknowledges the existence of sixth sense then things will get better.

Before I walk pass the door, I glance in the monitor as I grin. He's blindfolded but he seems to be
dancing through the motion as he swiftly receives and avoids coming weapons. He finally finds out the

A Chase catching his breath shows up to me as I enter the room. The machine has stopped. It is
programmed to stop once the pattern is busted.
"Where have you been?" That's his first airy words.

"I'm watching you the whole time so don't be dramatic out there." I stand in front of him and I initiate to
take his blindfold off. Yes, he has detected my presence because of his thirteenth sense. A fast

"Is this really the training for you? You almost killed me!"

"Almost. Well, you survived. And you learned something. The basics of a Class A warrior. The thirteenth
sense. Besides, you could take a week to master thirteenth sense but using that kind of training, you will
be pushed to your limits."

He stares at me with awe. He probably has just realized that now.

"You are no longer a slave Chase Rennon," I affirm standing up, then offer my hands to him which he
directly takes as he stands up from the now sweaty floor.


"Bro! How's the babes in New York?" Wolf asks me right after our fist bomb. We are in the headquarters
of the Knightmares. What they know about my unexpected disappearing is I went to New York. They still
thought of me as Ciel a.k.a. Zero except for Aen who is in conspiracy with me and dad.

"You're all but lustful, Hunter," Aen clarifies.

"You're no fun friend!" his pissed off respond to Aen but he refocuses to me.

"Did you have a good fuck bro? Or was it the best fuck?" Wolf's face looks like a thirsty dog - well, what
is wolf. I shot him a cold stare. He raises his hand in retreat. "Did you hear the news about Leorio's
"Yes Zero and we have knitted solutions for that," Zenon talks out of nowhere. A crease on my forehead
appears. "And what does that mean, Healer?"

"Someone volunteered as a representative for Knightmares."

Chapter 45

It's been 45 days since we started training. Chase has changed a lot. He's wiser. He's stronger and more
alert. This is his last day of training.

I'm sitting on the railings while eating an apple, watching a practice match of Siren and Chase. Of all the
Phoenix members, I chose Siren to take this on against Chase because I know she will not spare any
mercy though this is only a training. I want to test him how far is he from my Phoenix members. I
secretly grin with my new idea. I take the blade from my hair and throw it at them. It is a random throw
so each of them has equal tendencies to be hit. They won't die with a mere blade that's why I have put
poison to it.

He must prove to Siren that he deserves to be my disciple. Besides, it's getting boring. I miss Retard
already. Siren snaps it using her two fingers despite her not seeing it. She looks up on me and smirks
menacingly. I shrug and continue eating my apple. Then suddenly I notice an unguarded angle of Chase.
He is busy catching and avoiding Siren's attacks. They're doing a short range combat since that's Siren's
forte but Chase's vulnerability. To become strong, you must face your weakness and conquer it. I want
him to learn that. But not all lessons should be learned in a smooth way that's why he must learn it in
the hardest way possible, so he won’t forget.
"Give her your best Chase." I whisper in the wind then leave. I will return after 20 minutes.

Twenty minutes have passed that's why I'm pacing my way back to the last stage of the Hellhound room
now. For twenty minutes, I talked to elder Sieryo. He told that I will be a judge in the Gangster War
tomorrow. I did not object and I just agreed.

As I arrive at the arena, nobody is to be found. But when I look up, I can see them talking. Chase is badly
bruised all over his face and body while Siren has just had a cut on the lip. Oh, Chase did that? I will give
him an A for that. Siren rarely happens to be hit, no not in the face especially. Because she's a vain

"I guess the match is done?" and Chase wins. Rule of the fight that I set earlier: If Chase injures Siren,
then Chase wins but if Chase gets killed then Siren wins. Simple as that.

"Nice fight for a neophyte as you." Siren compliments him.

"I just fought for life."

"Exactly. Every fight I have I set it as the last. That's the art of survival Chase," Siren adds then stands up.
She picks up her masks, wearing it first before turning aback to leave.

"Take a rest Chase. You have the key to one of luxury rooms here," that room is Siren's room. Tomorrow
will be a hell of a day.

I wake up early and directly head to the room Chase is occupying. As I open the door, he's not there.
He's actually at the Arena sitting. I sit beside him. He slightly jumps at the notice of me. I chuckle lightly.
He is still so naive.

"No matter what happen, live and beat them," I tap his shoulder which makes him smile.

"You're a great instructor."

"I know. Now lets go and beat some asses." I say with a grin.
As we arrive, we are being welcomed by the headbanging Devil's Tongue. Foreign and local warriors are
here. Bitches and weeds everywhere. Typical unorganized Gangster lifestyle. I'm no longer with Chase
because applicants have their pwn entrande. I heard three hundred applicants joined. From E class to A
class desired to have the Gangster throne and get close to Underworld Realm's Social Society where I
belonged since I was born.
I am wearing my famous mask as the Underworld Goddess. I am wearing a black satin dress above the
knee length. My hair is fixed as my tiara, which represents my social status, is placed delicately above
my head. I'm wearing combat shoes with my Enraiha hanging at my back. I'm not sitting with the
Phoenix since I will be a judge representing the White Family. On my side is a the seat intended for the
High Queen, it is still a respect for her despite what happened. And beside it is the seat for the Dark
Family's representative.

From here, I can see Kiel and his company, he is looking at me. His eyes run down my dress and he
frowns. Doesn't he like it? I irritably turn my attention to the arena.

Since the fire ate the Underworld Realm Castle, a massive construction immediately took place to build
a new castle. Warriors and reapers remained silent about this matter. But I know the two great houses
are suspecting me.

The applicants are now revealing to the gigantic arena, falling in line. There are tags on there chests
bearing their names. Their in front of us. Steel bars and high-voltaged bulb wires are what separate us
from them. Screams of the people magnifies. Both anticipating for more death and blood. I notice
someone in mask, my forehead creases. His name is Wrath, weird name. As far as I remember yesterday
when I read the rules, masks are not allowed.

"You!" points a reaper. It's pointing the one in mask so our attentions diverting.

"Take off your mask if you don't want to be disqualified."

I just watch the scene intently waiting for the masked man to respond. Kiel's Inferno and the Phoenix
are already glued to the masked man. Wrath slowly takes off his mask causing me to shave out the
table. The erratic thumping of my heart is deafening. His face. I quickly turn my look to Retard back to
the man in front who is directly looking at me.

"Ciel?" a shocked High Queen is already beside me. I am nailed in the place I am standing. What the fuck
is happening?

Chapter 46


He's not an apparition. He is standing there a few feet from me. I look up at Kiel and there he is, intently
glued at Ciel. He is staring back at me. The memory with him that night is on the verge of flooding. His
smile to me. I can't move from this standing position. I know the people suddenly quieted because was
hysterical and they don't know who that guy is and the judges really startle at him. The guy I loved
before. I turn back away and immediately march out of the Devil's Tongue arena. I can't take the risk.
Even if I am wearing a mask, the people there aren't stupid to not even know that something is up
between me and that guy. I don't want to complicate things more. I'm confused. For the first time, I had
no idea what to do. I seem like a lost kid, don't know where to go. After eleven years, I feel how to be
lonely again.

I head directly to my car but before I even get inside, someone pulls me. As I face who it is, I can see that
face again. But when the wind blows his scent, I immediately recognize it. I'm about to cry again.

"So this is what happens to us huh?" his authoritative question. I could almost taste his lips because of
our minuscule distance.

"You don't understand me," I emphasize my answer. I couldn't look at those eyes. Not now.

"So after you gave yourself to me, that's it?" He shakes me and his voice is raising. Kiel is already
irritated so I give myself up. Yes, It's Kiel I'm with now and the reason I'm not looking at his eyes is I
remember Ciel.

"Just because you have seen him, you'll be coming back to him like a kitten? What! Talk!" he keeps
shaking me.

"What?! I'm not saying something like that! Besides, what are you to me?" I burst it out. I haven't
stopped my mouth. I bit my tongue upon realizing what I have just said. Damn myself! I thought I am
over with him. I need to sort this feeling. I don’t wantol to hurt Kiel. He is the last person I want to hate
me. Please not now.

"If you are with other guy, will you also give up your dignity? Will you, Luciana?" He steps back from me
like I'm a dirty shit. His eyes full of disgust.

"Will you just listen to yourself? I did not say anything like that! I just need time to be alone. So will you
please leave me alone?" I push him. He's close minded right now. He is not accepting reasons so it's
better I leave.

"Because I have seen how you stared at him! Damn Luciana! You're precious to me! Can't you see that? I
broke my own mission because I can't afford to kill you!"

"I did not command you to fail your mission. You want to kill me? Let's fight! Come on!"

"I can't because I love you!" He is so close to me. His eyes softens as he scans my face. He lightly touches
my face with his right knuckles. Sensation is there, still there.

"What a great way of reunion. My girl and my traitor twin brother," a cold voice wakes me up. I push
Kiel for the second time now.

Ciel is there, proudly standing before us. My eyes water as it meet his. I feel like I betrayed him. I
honestly don't know what to feel.

"Ciel," I whisper.

"Let's talk Fallen Angel," he says that seriously as he offers his right hand to me like he's inviting me.

"Nana, let's go home." Kiel steals my attention so I look back. Only to see him offering his right hand too.

Please, not this. Please don't let me choose between them now.

I take a step. I step it forward to reach Ciel's hand. We need to talk. I need to sort my feelings. I need
answers to questions which keep me up every night for a year now.

"If you'll take another step, it means I'll be gone in your life forever Nana."

I stop midway.


I watched my girl as she accepted my twin brother's right hand. I watched her stopped midway. I
watched her how she continued to walk away. Away from my life. The only consolation is, she hesitated.
That's all. That's fucking all.

"Primo, what do we do?" Belial asks. I do not notice they arrive. I was so preoccupied. I remained
standing here. I thought she just left awhile ago but goddammit! Its been 5 hours since they left! 5
fucking hours!

"Have gotten an intel?" I just ask instead. I don't answer Belial because I just don't know what to answer.
I still have no idea what to do. Belial nods and looks at Sin cautiously.

"There is a traitor in the Phoenix. I don't know but I saw a glitter, a different kind of glitter to be found
only in the masks of the Phoenix," Belial spits studyingly. Looks like he's remembering something.

"So what if you saw a glitter that can only be found from the Phoenix member's mask?" Lilith asks.

"Figures Lil, figures. I saw that kind of glitter in Wrath's mask he left in the arena." He is right. I also did
saw the glimmers on some parts of Wrath's mask or should I say Ciel. But I did not mind that.

"So what should we do now?" Lucifer sounds so serious. The air surrounding us is so thick.
"We observe and gather information," a short line from Demon which gains Hades' agreement who is
currently snaking the thighs of his wife, Lillith.

"No." I disagree. I am not the most ruthless Mafia Emperor for nothing. They all look at me, wondering.
They're used to me hiding my plans but it's different now.

"Load your guns Inferno. We're gonna bring the White family to hell," I grin evilly. Two can play in a
game. Two can play.

"Primo, I am still a White Family member." Sin suddenly speaks up from the corner. The High Queen is in
his side looking at us with terrified expression.

"No you're not. You're Sin, my member who vowed to obey me." I reply sternly.

"What are you planning to do Primo? Attack the White Family because their heiress left you? You are
starting a war!" Belial suddenly burst out. I anticipate this but I just trace the cob web.

"I am not starting a war. The war begun eleven years ago and someone is playing the game of death."

Why play it alone, Nana? I am always here. Always here for you no matter what especially now.

We're in a hidden headquarters of Inferno now. This place costs a fortune. We're about to head to the
White Family mansion. The eight of us will attack the Shiranuis. We ride to our individual cars. A plan has
been made, thanks to Belial and Lillith.

The Hiruna is gone. Someone has taken it for Ciel from me but I have my own. My very own fists. I am a
versatile warrior, anything can be a weapon. I also have a gun at my back. We split roads, each has its
own mission. I head straight the their mansion. I do not enter through the hidden gate at the back. I use
the front gate. When I approach near and the gate is seen, I speed up the car and just as I aim, I crash
the gates and I arrive stopping at their front door. The wheels screeching.

No need for silencer guns. I pick up two pistols. One from the left, one from the right. Just as I open the
door, I start firing aiming their foreheads. I kick the main door and eventually fire as they welcome with
bullets. Such hospitality. With the thirteenth sense, I can easily dodge them and shoot to kill their

I can also hear gunshots from the other sides of the mansion. Inferno has arrived.

"Die," I say smoothly firing bullets as I pave my way to the stairs. When the area is clear, I leap the
distance to the stairs.

Blood is scattering all over my way as I shot every reaper blocking me. My Serpent's Eyes are in display.
Just like the Underworld Goddess', this magnifies our vision a hundred times. My coat is soaking with
blood, so as my face.
I turn to an obviously secluded hallway and there I see the body of Slaughter Community Head, Seiryu.
He is still breathing yet shot in the chest. I stoop level his lying body then check his slowly beating pulse.
I mimick a bird's sound, that's a signal for Sin. It's time that he meet again his grandfather. After a couple
of minutes, bloody Sin arrives but I know it's not his blood.

"He's you..."

"I know." He doesn't let me finish and like a sack of rice, he carries Seiryu away from me. I just heave a
sigh when they're gone from my sight.

"I am ten minutes late I guess." I say to my self. I'm about to step my foot but it oddly numbs. I can't
even speak. I can only move my eyes. I will damn the one who did this to me.

"Yes you are very late, brother," somebody speaks behind me and it aims something against the back of
my head. A silencer gun base on its texture.

I slouch and grab his hand which is holding the gun. I elbow him to the face, he drops the gun. I
immediately grab it at and aim it at him. My body is heavy because of the poison.

"Oh yeah?" I say grinning. I pull the trigger but only it's repeating clicks are going out. Shit! You gotta be
kidding me! The silencer gun has no bullets. He aims his other gun against me. The first gun is just a

"Game is over brother," he stresses the word brother while laughingly looking at me. I'm about to bang
my head against my twin's head when someone speaks.

"Tell that to yourself, dickhead." A gunshot erupts. What happens doesn't sink in. Ciel falls down and the
gun he's holding trips down the floor.

Right before me, the Underworld Goddess who just shot my twin brother in the right leg.

"Luciana." Phoenix arrives but Ciel's gun when we are focusing on the arrival of Phoenix members.

She slowly walks towards me and I instantly notice something.

"Well, if you just trust me." and when we're close enough, she looks up only to let me see her Crimson
Eyes. She gives me the antidote of the poison.

"Love is not a matter of chance but it is a matter of choice. And I choose you," she continues while
pointing my heart.
Chapter 47


"Why are you here?" I tell her straight to her eyes, to her Crimson Eyes that mirrors sorrow and blood.
How could she do that? Staring into my eyes like some innocent.

"Tell me Nana, unto what extent are we gonna conceal him?" I ask him, unable to hold it. She stiffens at
my question. I know she's not expecting my question. She doesn't know that I already know the lost
information. An unidentifiable emotion floats in her eyes.

"So you know everything," the way she looks at me turns cold. My guesses now better confirmed.

"I can't believe that the Underworld Goddess could create this web."

She quiets and just stares at me like she wants to confess something.

"Brain Kiel, brain. I used brain, not heart." She aims the gun against me. As she says that, the Phoenix
comes backing her up. They're masked but I can see their determined countenance, ready to kill for
their Leader. I don't know if they are aware that Nana is just using them. But they remain true to her.

When she left with Ciel, I saw the glitters on her dress. It's on her shoulders but I know she didn't notice
it. I shoved it off but when I heard Belial, I was able to connect the puzzle. She's just fooling me. Ciel and
Luciana are in conspiracy. She came at the time that Ciel will be losing and she pretended to help me. If
the Inferno had come before her and the Phoenix, I could have cornered Ciel and I'd have the chance to
know more of his secrets. When she approached to fool me again, I saw clearly the glitters on her dress.

"You are not the one I love. You are the fake Nana," my emotionless statement. Just like how I feel for
her right now.

She laughs hard. "You fell to my pretenses, the painful truth for the Mafia Emperor." There's sarcasm to
her voice. I loved the woman who I thought saved me. But she actually sabotaged everything from the
start. All for revenge.

"You are never my downfall, Underworld Goddess." A sneer comes out of my voice as I say that but the
truth is, what I'm saying feels like an acid to my bleeding heart. I'm so funny. The well-known heartless
Mafia Emperor has been fooled. Crying. But worst of all, loved someone who fooled me right from the

Inferno suddenly appears backing me up. Seemingly a storm is up between the two groups. Nobody
dares to start, all of them confused especially Sin. Seems like he just realized the traitor is his sister.

"I can blow your head now Kiel but there is always a right time to settle scores." She's still aiming the
gun on me.

"Wait what is happening?" Lilith asks.

"He just found out that I am the traitor," Luciana answers with her voice bored.

"Let's settle this Underworld Goddess soon and when that time comes, it will be an all out war."

"A war between two families." After she says that, we the Inferno leap together out of a wide window at
our back, breaking it on the process. Yes, this is a war. A war where I will be fighting against a part of
myself who knows nothing but to love Luciana. How can I possibly hurt her?

I'll come back to collect your debt. And the payment will be your life, the Underworld Goddess.


"A war between two families," beshy is the one to add. The Inferno quickly leaps. They Kiel looks at us
brings me shivers.

"Leader, why did you claim it all to yourself?" Death Stalker speaks. Yes Kiel doesn't know a thing about
all these.

"I love him and I can't put him at stake, Death Stalker. He had once gotten hurt and I don't want to
repeat because of me," her simple answer. She's in front of us, staring at the broken window. I freely
keep an eye at his figure, her weary shoulders and her bowed down head.

"You claim his mistake. Will the Taetoku Great War gonna happen again, Leader?" now it's Sprite. The
Taetoku Great War feared by all.

"You are the last person who would want Kiel to get hurt, Leader. We know that."

"Sprite, shut up." I bid her. Sprite is also unknowing a thing. Now I'm the one Sprite focuses.

"Why are you so calm, Siren? Do you not pity the leader? Are you not...?" Sprite cuts off as a blade
coming from the leader passes in front of her face.

"I don't need your pity, Phoenix." She's facing aback as she did that.

Yes you do bheshy but you are too proud to admit that.

"Fuck that Sprite and Siren. We can do nothing about the Leader's decision. All we can do is support
her," calm but comes out as a warn from Dark Phoenix.

I saw it. I saw what happened before beshy got inside Ciel's car. I was near hiding behind a car, my aura
suppressed. I saw Ciel whispered something to Leader's ear which made her eyes dilate, unable to move
before getting in the car.

"Do you wanna know why? Why don't you ask the leader why she claimed his mistake." Leader finally
turns to face us and her blank face is in display.

"Leader." Sprite asks. All of us looking at her.

"Maybe I owe this to you because I'm sending you to a war. The glitters I got are from the traitor who is
our member before we headed here to the White Mansion which Kiel has also seen. I seized his
accusation because I need to stay away from him or he will be in danger."

Nightwind couldn't hold it so he quickly gets in front of leader then shakes her.

"Damn it Leader! Why did you claim what Starfire has done? Why? You are the Inferno's subject now,"
irritation and fear can be heard in his voice. Sprite comes to him then takes him away from leader's
darkening aura.

"Kiel has a minuscule bomb in his brain. They planted it with the Angel's Eyes and Kiel has the detonator
because he originally owns the Angel's Eyes to start with. Nightwind, I can't lose him! And when he
accused me lately, I wanted to tell him the truth because I don't want him to think I don't love him. I do
love him. I love him so much that I will sacrifice my life for him. That I welcome death for him," she spills
out bowing her head. Her testimony freezes us. She offers her hand, a little remote control.

"Starfire gave this to me and all I needed to do was to defuse it. When I approached Kiel lately, I already
defused the bomb inside his brain." She slowly raises her head from bowing but I do not expect what
beshy is about to do. She kneels in front of us.

"Secure his safety when I'm gone Phoenix. The deal between me and Ciel has been made. It is time that
I'll do the end of the deal. Kiel will be a fine leader."

I clearly see her tears falling. The tears of war. The tears of sorrow. The tears of sacrifice.

As her faithful subordinate, I bow down. They also bow. "Tenzegen!" as an affirmation to her command.
Meanwhile, If Kiel is occupied planning for beshy's end, Luciana on the other hand is doing her all to
safeguard the guy she loves greatly. Love is indeed selfless. Love is a miracle. It could make the heart of
stone bleed.

Chapter 48


"Load the guns and sharpen your weapons. Taetoku Great War II will have its continuation Inferno." I
make my voice sound normal. I won't command the Inferno with a cracking voice and I don't need their
pity. We're currently here at the Inferno's headquarters in the Philippines.

"Primo," Belial's appeal but I glare at him, making him incline to continue counting the firearms.

"That glare won't do a thing to me Primo. Me, of all the people, needs your explanation." I turn to see
Sin and Lucifer who have been at my back for a while now. Their faces are straight but their eyes scream
confusion. I can't blame them. One time the Phoenix and Inferno were fine but now a war between two
parties has been declared.

"Whether you like it or not, we will fight. It will be great, just think of it as your grand come back." I can't
feel any trace of doubt with my decision.

"She is my sister!"

"She was my lover Sin but she's our enemy and she also treats us as enemies even from the start." I
raise my voice. Everyone looks at our direction. Lucifer centers.

"Calm down, Primo. Sin has a right to ask too." Lucifer's voice has a catch to it. I won't attack Sin. I am
just overly stressing this emotion. This emotion I keep on suppressing.

Sin walks away and slams the door of the headquarters. I flop in my seat. I feel exhausted all of a
sudden. I want to shut my eyes close but I know that If I will, memory of Luciana's images will come
flooding. From now on, I shall think of her as an enemy not a lover. My heart aches at that thought but
just like what Luciana did, brain over heart.

"Primo, are we gonna chase Sin?" Hades asks.

"No. Let him be for now." I answer. Sin's mind might be clouded by questions by now. If his loyalty
belongs to me, then he'll be back.

I stand up and settles myself on a throne-like seat of mine. It's been long I haven't seated here. The last
time I did, it's the throne chair in Inferno's headquarter at Russia, a whole reigning famiglia was
annihilated by the Inferno.

Inferno immediately huddles over. They know a session will take place since I seated here. A session to
pin our next target.


"Yes, Primo?" Beside her is Hades. Her husband's eyes are warning me. He doesn't allow Lillith take on
action especially now that she's pregnant.

"When will be her coronation as the White Family Head?"

"Four days from now."

"Not bad, then we have three days and three nights to prepare. Lucifer," I call Lucifer who is currently
reading a porn magazine.

He jumps a little facing me. "Primo?"

"Go to Russia and gather your mafioso." Each member of the Inferno is a mafia boss of a different
continent. You chose the wrong barrier, Underworld Goddess. All of the world's famiglias are your foes

"Why only my famiglia Primo?" he protests but I flare at him.

"As you wish, Primo."

"I got a news Primo," a sudden interruption of Belial who has been busy typing on his improvised

"What news?" the room's attention on him.

"The Phoenix!"

"Fuck it Belial!" exclaims Lillith. Obvious that she's left hanging.

"They did not call for White Family's help." They did nat ask for the help of her influential family? If
that's so, it will be them alone to fight against the thousands of mafia members all out to fulfill one goal;
to kill her.

"Don't underestimate them. Just like the legendary bird, they always have arisen from the ashes."

"Their second in command is the former Asia Mafia Emperor while the third in command is the greatest
inventor who created Siren." Hades informs us.

"Then we will put them back from where they came from, to the ashes. Pulverize them and like old
times, leave no one alive."

And like the old times, they're silent at first but just like the old times, they look like wild beasts desirous
to devour whatever comes the way. They are the Inferno after all.

It's a clash of the influential, and the greatest shall remain. Blood for blood and life for life. Well I know
they aren't mere people to start celebrating now. I know they can be deadly.

The Underworld Goddess is not a fool to engage into a war without a plan of a bloody murder especially
that she is the one who declared a war.

The Phoenix are entirely class S+++ while Inferno has only three S+++ and the others are S++ or S+.

"One more thing Inferno," they're all ears waiting for my addendum.

"Their leader is mine," I coldly state. As cold as our love affair. They nod and individually returns sorting
out the firearms especially that there will be thousands coming from Lucifer's famiglia tomorrow noon.
They're weaker compared to Phoenix but their number will run out the Phoenix's energy. Thus earning
us an advantage already. An easy kill for us.

Underworld Realm's Dark Ages will happen again because of this eminent Taetoku Great War. The land
will drink a lot of blood but this is the world behind the reality of the world. In every victory of a person,
a mystery lies to support.

The world is not as simple as everyone thought.

I'm not insensitive and whether I admit it or not, I know and the Inferno knows that I am hurting. But I
am a leader first before a lover as she is a traitor first before a lover to me. Every action I made is a step
to my heart's grave.
I'm not pretending to be Zero anymore. I'm not pretending to be the Dark Schedulist anymore. I'm not
pretending to be Ciel Loong, Luciana's lover. I am Kiel loong, the Mafia Emperor.


"According to my intel, thousands of mafioso from Russia are coming." I announce as I arrive at our
headquarters. I see them training. Girls are wearing sports bra on top and shorts below. The boys are
wearing sandos on top and jogging pants below. They altogether stop then look at my direction.

"He's the Mafia Emperor so do not wonder," says Dark Phoenix on sparring with Death Stalker who just

The headquarters are divided unto six floors and we are currently on the fourth floor since the training
area is here. No reapers around, beshy gave them a mission.

Are you not wondering why the Phoenix reacted just that after I told them about the thousands of
mafioso reapers? Simple, because the Phoenix can knock them all down even only one will fight. That's
what an S+++ warrior can do.

"Where have you been by the way, Siren?" Sprite's wondering question after finishing a duel with
Nightwind. I mean more like a PDA session.

"I came to the reapers under Phoenix and told them the leader's words," then I take off my clothes
leaving my sports bra and my shorts. I get the dagger and my briefcase.
"Is that it?" Despite her back facing me, beshy knows I'm heading to her. She's just sitting on a mat, her
back to us, while facing the window which gives a complete view of the Underworld Realm City.

She's referring to the briefcase I'm bringing. This masterpiece was developed thru O'Hara Industries'
finest inventors with my supervision. I did not think I can use this for the nearing war.

"Yup. After a month, I finished this." Inside is my invention. I turn to face beshy but my throat dries up at
the sight of her eyes, the Crimson Eyes in its full strength.

As what I know, a confidential secret of both of the White and Dark family is the Eyes which is being
passed from generation to generations are actually from its original owner. It's already enhanced due to
experiments. Our family is one who experimented the red eyes. If the day will come that beshy will die,
we will take her eyes out and we will give it to the next heir of the White Family. Gross!

I open the remote control and one remote control and two micro chips, red and blue, reveal.

"Will that really work?" her voice is terrifying causing goosebumps about my neck.

"You know how I worked leader. Though you were giving me tasks, I still finished this on time making
two microchips. I tested several reapers and it did work." I do not finish what else I have to say when the
steel door of the room breaks. The area alerting and the rest pick up their weapons by their sides except
for me and leader who is comfortably looking at the smoking broken door. When the smoke disappears,
two images of people can be seen.

"Oh it's only Sean and Neon!" Sprite shouts after confirming it's the reapers of the Class A Phoenix. The
Phoenix drops their weapons but before they even do, the two reapers attack them. Out of shock, they
are hurt. Agility of the five in attacking can be seen. As Phoenix, they fight, a deadly fight. Clashes there
and bangs here. They are not coming to our direction while most of the training room is getting ruined. I
glance at beshy who is just sitting, watching them kill each other. Curses of the Phoenix erupt all over
the room. I look to where they are looking and I grin seeing Gio still standing after Sprite turned his head
180 degrees. My eyes go back to beshy as she is about to weaponize her Enraiha.

"Opps! Playtime's over!" I shout taking the briefcase to get the remote control and press the green
button. Like dolls, the two freeze then fall together.

They look at me except beshy who looks bad. "What have done to them Siren?" beshy asks with a low
voice. Oh my.

"My experiment has rejected microchips. I talked to them last night and they agreed."

"Agreed on what?"

"To be my test subjects, to be humanoids." Right they are humanoids. They are already robots because
they chose to give up their humanity. The seven of us and the two humanoids. We will carve a new
history in the Realm. We will give them a bloody war.

Chapter 49

"Today is the arrival of my people," Lucifer informs me. Underworld City is clueless of the coming storm.

"Good. Early as I anticipated then." I drink the remaining drink from the goblet I'm holding while staring
to the moon. Later we will go to the place where the very first Taetoku Great War happened. Our return
there is the signal of a another war.

"Tell Demon and Reaper to ready the weapons." The battle must be quickened to know whose blood will
flood this sinful land of the Underworld Realm City. Secondus and Belial are focused on their mission I
gave and today is their come back to headquarters.

"As you wish Primo." Lucifer is gone then.

I'm alone again in the headquarters. Before, when we're taking on a battle, I was so excited to hold the
blood of the enemy but now, there's this pain.

To be honest, I'm not mad because I was busted to the High Council I'm not afraid of. The power of the
Dark Family is way greater compared to it and my name being Mafia Emperor is unsurpassable. What
I'm furious about is she fooled me from the very start with my traitor brother. A lot of mysteries hasn't
unraveled yet and I know Luciano knows all of it.

Luciana is known as a Fallen Angel by the people of Underworld Realm. And because of her unusual
skills and ability in killing, her name popularized across the world of harassment. In her innocent age,
she had proven a lot which gained herself the title, 'The Underworld Goddess.' Many set her as a role
model in killing so for not long, a lot idolized her. Everytime she killed, the world is all eyes because she
kills ruthlessly. All those happened when she was just fourteen years old. During that time, I was
imprisoned inside a secret room in the mansion of the Dark Family but I heard from the whispers of the
retainers about her. After two years, she was being praised by some people in the Underworld Realm,
most of them were criminals from Ground Zero and newcomers to the Underworld Realm from here in
the country or from the other countries of the rest of the Underworld division. At that very age, she had
been the right hand of Seiryo in commanding the Slaughter Community and there they attacked our
mansion which freed me. The rest was history.

For two years after their attack, I secretly kept track of her but I failed for the first and a half year. She
suddenly disappeared. The time I couldn't find her, I dwelled in the other nations as a paid serial killer. I
was known in just one year until I joined the trade at the black market and participated in Underground
Battles. I started off as an underdog but ended up as a champion. I was feared. Meanwhile, I kept my
ears to the Underworld Realm, to the Dark Family most especially to Fallen Angel but no good news
came. I poured my wrath to Fall Angel who was better known as The Underworld Goddess. I had
forgotten the first reason why I searched for her and it was replaced with the goal to revenge for my
brother, the only person who treated me as family, whom she killed. Before I went back to the
Philippines, I was already a Mafia Emperor and I'm already the leader of the Mafioso Lords Organization,
the Inferno. Just in the middle of the second year, I found out that she had a selective amnesia and was
a new student to Dark High. Again, the rest was history.

My reminiscing cuts off when Lillith together with Sin enter.


I just glance at them.

"The Phoenix! They sent an invitation!" She throws a black envelope to my direction. When I fetch it, I
stare at it. Black with an adornment of "P" in color gold.

'Bloods and deaths, Inferno. Come here and meet your fate. - Phoenix F.A.'

I crumple it after reading. I can't wait to pulverize them with my bare hands. I can feel my eyes turning
into the Angel's Eyes but it was only in a matter of split second when it aches. I switch it into my
Serpent's eyes. I don't know why I can no longer use my Angel's Eyes after the last time I met Luciana.
Every time I use this, my head aches. I unknowingly touch my temples.

"What's written in there? Is it from my sister?" It is Sin. For sure, they see my reaction.

"Are you alright, Primo?" Lillith worries so I detach my hand from my temples.

"Lilith, I have a special mission to you." I say instead. Personal well being and personal emotions
shouldn't be my priority from now on.

She doesn't respond so I continue. "Fly back to Russia and get me the box in the bunker," she
contemplates and is about to speak but shuts her mouth as she sees my dead serious demeanor.

"Yes Primo." I know she's uneasy why I choose her for this. I'm the only one allowed to enter the bunker
in Russia headquarters but she needs to find ways because she must not be around during the battle.
That's the least I can do to Hades. I know he worries about his wife and baby.

It's already dusk when we proceed to a place where no one dares to build establishments here in the
Underworld Realm City due to the history of the place. The place where no single plant grows. The place
where millions of lives ended hundred years ago. The place where the very first Taetoku Great War

We eventually occupy a part of the plain. The seven of us are in front and I'm in the middle while the
thousands of Mafioso are at our back. They're carrying weapons I know they're adept at. They're set
ready to whatever I tell them. If they all die, thousands are reserved so there's no reason to lose.


Carrying the Enraiha in its first form, we arrive wearing masks. As I step on the ground, I instantly see
thousands of Mafioso, the Inferno at their fore.

Before taking a step again, I gaze back to my seven members.

"Stay here for a while and wait for my signal," they bow together in affirmation. In just a millisecond, I'm
only a meter close to the Inferno. The senses of the Mafioso at the back are sharp, they aim their
weapons at me eventually.

"Haven't I told you that when our paths cross again, one life shall end?" Kiel's voice is cold as he says
that to me. I meet his furious eyes and take the Enraiha hanging at my back.

I look at the back. I know it's too much for the Phoenix to hold just to not interfere. I just bitterly smile
and face Kiel again to see his blank emotion.

"I, the Underworld Goddess, declare the repeat of the Taetoku Great War!”

Chapter 50


I'm on top of a hill while sitting on the front side of a Ferrari Spider. The smell of the air is a smell of
eminent death. Nobody starts the action. I think Kiel and Luciana are still talking. I'm hear to witness the
Underworld Goddess as she fulfills the agreement.

I adjust the binoculars so that I could see clearly the happenings. My twin brother brought a thousand
mafioso while the Underworld Goddess brought seven men. I don't wonder why Starfire is nowhere to
be found. Luciana probably found out Starfire's the traitor. Starfire might be cold dead by now or he’s
lucky enough to be able to run away.

They are the only ones facing the thousands of foes and I know they don't have back up since nothing
suspicious is up.

Is she stupid? I no longer care for her after what she's done to me a year ago. Well it's my mistake. I'm a
Loong but I easily fell to the enemy's right hand. I even attempted to sacrifice my life for her. My hands
form fist and my grip on the binocular tightens when someone taps my right shoulder. I can see my dad.

"Dad," I acknowledge him. I notice he's bringing a wine. He hands me a goblet.


"You won," he sits beside me and takes the binocular from my hands to see the happenings on the

"After this bloodshed, we will rule the Underworld Realm forever." Happiness seeps in his voice.

"Right I win without my hands getting any stain of blood. Effortless. But I won't take the throne.

My dad nods. I don't want to be tied with the responsibility. I came back to play. Of course, my dad
wholeheartedly accepted my proposal because he badly desires the throne.

"Well your twin has a use, Ciel. I thought he will forever give me migraines. But turns out he's the one to
put an end to the life of the dreadful Underworld Goddess, terminating the history of the White Family
on the process." He laughs desirous of power.

Underworld Goddess, Luciana, if only you hadn't loved and betrayed.

I almost died in her strangle. Her eyes deep red.

"What do you mean?" After I took her from Kiel at the Devil's Tongue, I told her something that's why I
made her ride my car. 'How about we rekindle an old flame or I'll blow your new boyfriend's head?'

That's what I told her. I coughed hard when she loosened her grip. Damn that strength. She completely
let go of me and stepped backwards. When she was three steps far, she faced me and kicked my hard on
the chest. I flew with the car. She was damn strong.

"Damn! Aren't you happy to see me again, my Fallen Angel?" I stood up when she took the Enraiha out.
She would me, no doubt about that.

"Stop this nonsense and tell me what you want, clone." She was a meters away.

Clone? She thought I'm a clone. I was about to speak when I saw her crying eyes. Her face bore no
emotion but her tears were still falling. There were pinches of pains in my heart but I suppressed it. If it
was a different place and time, I might have felt something but no. Wrath had eaten my heart.

I laughed sardonically so her crying stopped. She looked at me confused.

"Angel, Angel, Angel." While I was saying that, I walked to her who was nailed at her ground. She was an
inch away already and I can smell her fresh breath.

"Who are you?" Her stressed question. I was glued to her lips everytime it parted. I saw her reddening
eyes while I switched my eyes from her eyes to her delectable lips. I slowly lowered my head to kiss her
when I felt the Enraiha, ready to kill me.
"You still don't believe me, do you? Then what about this?" I rolled up my polo shirt and I saw her
flushed face as she saw the familiar scar.


"You're right Fallen Angel. I resurrected from the dead because I forgot something." I grinned and
caressed here face


She pushed me and threw the Enraiha in my front.

"You want to kill me? Then do it while you still have the chance," she said emotionless. I picked up the
Enraiha and stepped towards her again. I knew she was waiting for me to sway the Enraiha against her
but she was shocked when I took her right hand and gave her the handle of the Enraiha.

"You are suppose to kill me."

"Yes I want you to die but not in my shall shall your blood flow. I know you fear no death, where's the
entertainment in that?" She smiled evilly this time and she put the Enraiha back to its place.

"Spit it out, Ciel."

"Still the smart ass, Angel. I want you to die from the hands of the Mafia Emperor himself."

Her face stormed in the mention of my brother. Wrong move, Fallen Angel.

She didn't react.

"What made you think that I'll do it?"

I expected that question so I took a thing from my pocket. "Because of this."

Luciana isn't stupic not to know what the remote can do. I saw her froze.

"Familiar right? Because you have this as well." This is a remote given to us after our eyes had been
implanted. She has Crimson Eyes so she has this.

"Sad to say, I don't have my Angel's Eyes anymore. My twin brother has it." I meaningfully smirked at
her to animatedly deliver what I'm trying to say. This remote can be a bomb detonator for security
measures. It will cause the microchips in the Angel's Eyes to explode. And I can use this now to control
the Underworld Goddess.
"Fuck you Ciel," her voice was still calm. Her red eyes showed no emotion as it stared at mine. Really the
Underworld Goddess is good at hiding emotions. Or just like before, he hadn't loved Kiel like what
happened to me.

"Do we have a deal?" She did not answer. Instead, she turned back and faded in the dark.

I loved you before Luciana. I loved you more than my life. I even sacrificed my life for you but my
foolishness had ended.
I know you will fulfill the agreement.

After all, I did my part in the bargain.

I was like floating in a deep well. I felt no pain. I hear nothing and I see nothing but an eternal darkness. I
felt like I have been there in so long until I saw a little sign of light which was blinding and it grew near. It
was about my grasp. And when I reached it...

A grunt was the first sound I made and the images were slowly clearing.

"It's good to have you back, son."

When I saw the person sitting beside my bed, it was my father and I'm at the hospital. What happened
gradually got clear, why I'm here. The attack, my brother, the fire, and the woman I love.

"You!" Though weak, I forced to rise up and I collared the person who shot me and the same person
who tried to kill Angel.

"You're furious, son." He said like he did nothing. The nurse stopped me so I laid down again.

"Where is she?" I said the words with stinging sound.

"How could you ask her first. Would you actually like to know how many days, months, years were you
asleep?!" As he said that, I felt flushed with cold water. How long have I been here anyway?

"Many things had happened, son. You were asleep a year already."

I've known from my father that after I went unconscious that night, my brother took me and the reapers
found me outside of the mansion. I lost my Angel's Eyes, Kiel took it according to my father. I still did not
surrender. What's important for me is Luciana, my Fallen Angel. That's why she's the first I searched for.
But not even in my dreams had I expected my brother Kiel and the woman I love to act like a couple in
the beach. Without looking back I left that place bringing hate against two people I once valued. My
traitor brother and my traitor lover caused all these.

"What a sight to witness that the two people who had forsaken you will kill each other a moment from
"You really are a Loong, Ciel." I answer with a sadist grin.

I take the binocular and I see Luciana and Kiel turning away each other. They're probably done with the
talking since they set ready.

In a midst of its silence, the horn is blown, the signal of the first cry of war.
Teatoku Great War II has just started.

Chapter 51


Beshy's aura is dark as she returns to us. She's carrying the Enraiha in its fifth form. Its shape is like a
boomerang that's gigantic.

"There's ten thousand Mafioso, we can all kill them." Her first words as she already comes close.

"But?" I ask her. I can sense the problem here. "Inferno has equal strength like that of the ten thousand
Mafioso combined."

We fall in deep thinking. Though we are wearing masks, our eyes scream love and valor to the promised
responsibility as Phoenix member.

"The two humanoids will take good care of the Mafioso," their attention focuses on me. We have
individual plans and we also have plans as a team.

"Leader?" Dark Phoenix asks beshy. She gives him a cold stare which sends us shivers.

"Yes, you do that but Primo is mine and you take care of the others. Dead or alive." We return a dog
smirk to leader.

"Tenzegen!" The signal blasts. From afar, we can see the ten thousand battalion racing. We're in one
line. Beshy is in front with her gigantic boomerang. I look at my team one by one. Death Stalker holds a
gun while there's a katana at his back. Dark Phoenix care less, his hands in his pocket and his weapon at
his back is still covered with a black cloth. Sprite who only brings kunai and poisons I have no idea where
she's hiding them. She's clinging unto Nightwind who only has needles hidden in his body. I get the
remote control then press the red button to activate my specialized humanoids. I caress them on the
cheeks. They died for a better cause. They died because they don't want us to lose and this is the only
way for them to help us. Yes they are skillful warriors but they know unto what extent their capacity can
reach so they chose to sacrifice. And for the record, I don't have any intention to lose.

"Oy Siren! Don't harass them!" Nightwind teases. I just struck him a sharp look and stand up
appropriately so my team laughs.

"Phoenix, you have five seconds to go away and never come back. You don't need to be in this hell hole
for me."

"Conceited as ever Fallen, you've underestimated our ability to decide." Death Stalker's serious remarks.

"You die, we die. You fall, we fall." Sprite's voice is determined and full of conviction.

"Well I can't forsake my girlfriend," supports Nightwind.

"Majority wins," Dark Phoenix states.

"What have you said again Fallen?" I ask her with a smirk.

Before running she shouts, "Tenzegen!" which we repeats, "Tenzegen!" We follow except the two
humanoids who suddenly disappears. Well, there invisibility is turned 'ON'. I'm genius I laugh to myself.

Base on beshy's direction, she's fearlessly heading to the coming enemies. Seemingly we're creating a
triangle while running, beshy in the middle front. I can see beshy taking out something throwing it to the
enemies approaching. The bomb gas explodes. Bomb gas is three times destructive than tear gas.

"Hasta lavista baby!" I bravely shout as I aim the M16 and shower gunshots across the thick smoke. I
look like possessed by demon while I wantonly fire like it's now or never. It's a euphoric sensation as
bloods splash to my mask. The thick smoke doesn't even hinder me. What is S+++ warrior for? I can feel
the mafioso, especially their fear. Gunshots blasting all over the place. The clashing of swords, the battle
cry of the wounded, and the smell of blood tainted with gunpowder.

My momentum stops as my M16 doesn't bang.

"What now. Your bullets ran out." I violently turn to face that voice.

"Belial." I confirm it's him, the well-built guy in front of me. I quickly put the magazine of bullets to M16
since it's just a pocket away.

"Shall we?" He gives me an evil grin which I return with a smirk.

Take care Phoenix.

Dark Phoenix

A bomb gas suddenly explodes and the next thing I hear are simultaneous gunshots from Siren. As
expected, they can't really see because of the smoke. I seize the moment. I take the seven feet long
chain which is composed of a ball covered with spines on its end while the other end is a dagger which
looks like a katana. In my every throw, many mafioso aren't able to parry so as it returns, the spines on
the ball is swarming with blood. One mafioso attempts to dart me with an arrow but I effortlessly avoid
it. A mafioso fearfully looks at my weapon.

"Please spare me!" It's teary-eyed in front of me.


And it starts to beg. Its cry is a music to my ears.

"I'm not that heartless." I turn around walking three steps away when I drop the other side of the chain
which wreck the mafioso's head.

I look back to see the spines pricked on its ruined head.

"I haven't actually said I won't kill you." I whisper silently.

"How brutal." I turn to face that voice.


"The one and only."

"What kind of death do you prefer?"

Don't die Phoenix.

Death Stalker

The bomb gas is a diversion and base on what I hear now, many mafioso are killed every passing minute.
I can also hear Siren's guffaw while she violently fires. I just shrug at her bullshit.

I'm aiming the foreheads of the Mafioso I encounter. An easy kill. I'm not like Siren and Dark Phoenix
who turns euphoric seeing a suffering enemy. Right when my bullets run out, five mafioso encircle me.
How lucky. I remain on my ground and let them attack me altogether. As their defense collapses, I hit
them with cards to their foreheads. These cards are made out of specialized titanium which have
threads connected to each of my fingers. As the cards lands, I pull the threads back to me.

Easy kill, clean aim, silent death. That's my style, a satisfying smile curves on my lips.

"Impressive. Clean shot!"

I turn to face the source of that voice.

"Reaper." I hiss his name. Of all the mafia bosses, I guess I'll be doing it with Reaper. He is known as the
bloody killer. He literally rips his opponent.

Take heed Phoenix.


My loves Nightwind and I seperate when Fallen drops a bomb gas. In battle like this, I set my feelings
aside. Fist to fist is the action in every mafioso which comes the way. Punch and kick, here and there.
These mafioso's stamina is impressive. Have they come from one famiglia? Well, I don't fucking care. I
am currently in action with around twenty mafioso when they suddenly cease their attacks and all of
them kneel at the same time. I smirk.

"Oops! Has it been three minutes already?" Nobody answers as they are busy chasing their breaths.

I'm really a pro. Bad timing 'coz I ain't gonna have a kiss from Nightwind my loves. Oh well, my perfume
today is a kind of poison and due to our close encounter, they smell it. The Phoenix is already immune
with this poison except me who personally made this. For it to be better effective, I must not be immune
so in my mouth, I chew the antidote, a specialized candy.

"May you rest in peace. I just anyway." I clap my hands to shake dusts off when someone suddenly kicks
me as I turn causing me to curse.

"It's my turn to enjoy." This one in front of me maliciously grins.

"In your fucking dream, Lucifer."

You can do it Phoenix.


Because of the bomb gas, I am currently separated from my girlfriend. A part of me fears for her safety
but the confidence that we will see each other again is satisfying. I love Sprite that I am not into dying. I
still want us to get married. I use my sixth sense so I know where the enemies are despite the thick
smoke. I hit them with kunais. In one strike, five to ten die. I'm known in the Phoenix as the fastest, I
move like the wind. I do not let them live longer.

On the preceding seconds, I continue throwing kunais until I see a familiar figure.

"Sprite?" It is suppose to be a whisper but due to our heightened senses, she turns to my direction.
Since she turns to me, a chain of the enemy hits her face breaking her mask.

Damn that bastard! I'm about to attack when a kunai that I threw grazes me.
"Where are you going?" I face the one who speaks and I see the elusive second in command of the
Inferno, Secondus.

We shall see again Phoenix, especially you Sprite.


After I throw the bomb gas, I set ready to leap high. I prepare the Enraiha and sway it to my target, Kiel.
He lowers to evade, then side kicks my legs. Instead of falling, I come tumbling backwards and quickly
attack him. He catches the Enraiha with his hands before I even tear his body. Right when I pull the
Enraiha back, he jumps far backwards. Before I attack him again, he sets at my back in all of a sudden.
He holds my hand and throws my body hard. Damn that hurts! I haven't even rouse back up, he attacks
me with a katana he gets from a dead mafioso. I counter it with the Enraiha. Everytime our faces come
close, I can't help to get hurt. I admit that I'm just equating his strength. I'm using my partial strength
only, not even eighty percent. Why would I even hurt him when the lone reason of all this is to protect

I decide to play a little.

"Why so serious, Kiel?" I wink at him but his face turns grim. I just shrugg and attack him again.

Like a dagger against my chest is the thought that I will die in the hands of the person I greatly love.

When you love, you tend to do things that seem to be so impossible for you.

I maximize the Enraiha and jump in front of him. From boomerang form, it transforms to the shape of a
katana, I change it midair. I straddle him as I land.

And the same as the day we first met, I am lost again in his eyes, it seems that we are the only two who
exist. I'm currently hugging him front side. Our faces two inches apart.

"It is my fate to drain your blood with my hands." He whispers those words. I clearly see his tears falling
down his face across his emotionless eyes.

I smile as blood starts to come out from my mouth.

Thank you Phoenix.

Chapter 52

I attack him like there's no tomorrow. I'm leveling the fastness of his kunai. So Belial is also a class S
warrior. I can feel the dripping of my sweats. It has been hours since the start of the war. Looks like
there's not only ten thousand mafioso since they're not even decreasing and more are coming from the

I tightly grip the M16 showering him bullets and all the mafioso beyond reach. He runs in a zigzag
manner making me hard to maneuver the M16 to hit him.

"Shit!" I cuss. He suddenly appears in front of me then kicks the M16 away.

He tries to kick me again but I dodge it. He is able to land a punch on my face.

I stumble away but I instantly stand up rolling. I take the dagger at the back of my thigh. I run towards
him and when we are close, I jump our distance.

What I don't expect is the weapon being thrown from him towards me. It's hard to move evade midair.
But I manage to back flip. However, my cheek grazed. Inspite of the mask, I am still hurt. It is a
specialized weapon for sure that my cheek damaged like this. I can feel the blood dripping down the
ground I'm standing.

He is able to avoid my attack as I land so I attack again. I'm in the middle of my attack when I suddenly
stop. The weapon which just grazed me is actually already at my back, stabbed. It's a semi-boomerang
dagger. I try to attack again like I'm all fine but it's my body already giving up. I can feel it numbing.

I gradually prostrate in his front.

Dark Phoenix

I finish the Inferno I'm against. I admit I'm badly hurt. I can't use my thirteenth sense anymore. I follow
my instinct to find my mates.

I can see Siren prostrating but my gaze turn to the scream of Sprite being attacked by her enemy. Amidst
the smokey atmosphere, I can see the running figure of Death Stalker towards Siren's direction. Damn

I see a mafioso about to dart Nightwind who is carrying Sprite with an arrow. I hurriedly strike the
mafioso with my weapon. Using the other side, the ball with spines, I effortlessly kill the mafioso. I smirk
with that accomplishment. Eat that.

"Dark Phoenix!" Sprite's very loud scream fills the battlefield and I feel a cold thing in my chest.

I look at it and I can see a katana stabbed on my chest.

"Fuck you." I hiss.

I badly want to help but Sprite is in my right hand while I continuously counter the attacks of the

I also utilize the poisons and the kunais to hit their hands so they can't trigger the bullets against me or

Instead of doing nothing, I continuously counter attacks and protect the unconscious Siren.

Death Stalker

"Dark Phoenix!" is Sprite's shout which takes my attention from Siren. I follow with my eyes what she's
looking and I am extremely horrified.

"No man please not this." I whisper to myself as I see my best friend being stabbed from his back by a

I straighten when someone laughs at my hind.

"Looks like Phoenix has fallen," says Belial. I face him with my grim expression.

"In your wildest dream," I grin taking my weapon.

I'm seeing red.


As I face Ciel, I realize how much I love him. If that's worthy to be called love. It's just an attraction
towards a person whose character is opposite with mine. Ciel was a happy guy when we knew each
other. Something that I am not. It's true that Ciel's dear to me and that memory of him I set as the
center of my world. Turns out I loved a memory alone.

I came back and became a student of Dark High. I met the fake Ciel and I loved it more. I joined the Rank
Examination and there I'd discovered the people who killed my parents. Starfire's parents and Starfire
himself killed them just like I expected after the Rank Examination.

I sent the Phoenix on a vacation and on a beach camp, I've known Kiel. I thought they were in conspiracy
with Starfire. But before I passed out in that forest, I have seen a figure of Ciel. When I woke up, I
thought to myself that I hadn't fail the game that I started.

But that day I gave up myself to Kiel, I already accepted my defeat. I have foreseen my destiny. Defeat
symbolizes death as a warrior. All I want was Kiel to know that his twin is alive. I made a way.

That's when Chase went in the picture. Siren told me Ciel will be joining the contest arranged by the
Gangster King. I forced the Gangster King to make us as Judges together with the Dark Family. And in
that night, Kiel knew Ciel is alive. And in that same night, I reaped Kiel's wrath.

Suzako, the father of the twin brothers was just an instrument too. Starfire was the root of all these.
From the very start, he was my playmate in this game. Starfire convinced me to pursue my feelings for
Ciel's facade. I was mistaken that he was concerned but he just did that so he can use Kiel against me. It
was also Starfire who forced me to return to the White Mansion to remind me of the Legacy.

The two families were just his pawns. That motherfucker fed lies to Ciel and Kiel. Kiel thought I am
responsible for his twin brother's death. Ciel thought I only played with his feelings. Who would've
thought that my second in command will be able to do this. Now I am standing in front of Kiel. He is my
greatest downfall. My downfall I am willing to accept.

"Retard." I touch his cheeks then I push him away.

He is some feet away from me. I'm pressing my bleeding side with pressure.

"Stop now Underworld Goddess, it's over," he says looking around the barren battlefield. I can't stop but
to flinch from the coldness of his voice. I change the Enraiha to its seventh form.

"We are far from over."

Chapter 53


It started with a music from the piano.

Chased by countless challenges and we thought that was all it, the sad end.
But after a year, our paths crossed. And just like before, challenges kept us running in circles. Challenges
which molded our individual beliefs, teaching me two words I didn't have before.

Not all unfavorable instances in our lives are all bad in purpose, that the Lord gave those to us just to
suffer. No. All that had happened were for us to learn. Sometimes, the most painful experiences will
serve as platforms to better face storms that are yet to come.

And letting go;

This is the hardest, easy to say and to think but very difficult to do. But to let go of the person we love
for the sake of his happiness is the most rational decision to do. This means giving up our own happiness
but if we genuinely love the person, we must learn how to let go, to set him free slowly until we lose the
grip, the contact of the last fingertips fading; until everything's over and all that's left to do is to kill our
character in his story. Yes, it hurts but it's inhumane to keep them from being happy.
The happiness of our beloved is also our happiness felt genuinely inside. He stands in front of me, close
enough to touch. But instead of a loving hug, he serves a deadly one. Inspite of my blank countenance,
my broken heart is actually breaking inside.

I hear a shout from Sprite and I turn my Crimson Eyes to their direction. Kiel abruptly attacks me from
the back but I roll away. Yes I will sacrifice but I won't sacrifice my team, so I let them join this war. I take
the prototype remote control then forcefully press the red button, breaking it, ensuring to never undo
what I have done.

"What was that?" He stands a foot away. He sees what I did but a shrug was just my response.

I'm scared, not of death but because of the people I will leave behind. My grandfather, the White family
and the Phoenix. But I can't be with them because all I am is a past of their future. I did not forsake
them. I ensured that before taking this battle. I sent grandpa away together with the mafias and reapers
who were loyal to us with their new identities. I already transferred the White family to a friend
organization from all over the world to protect them from the Dark family.


I again attacks him using the Enraiha. I hardly see him because of tears attempting to fall from my red
eyes. I sway the Enraiha forcefully yet calculated enough not to hurt him badly. On his sixth strike, I am
hit near my neck. The cut is long enough to damage my chest but I stand still. Just then, a red liquid
starts staining my gear. I bit my lower lip due to the extreme pain.


Sweat and blood race dripping but I shove them off. I catch him seeing my wound. I could sense him
restrain from his attacks and that's no way. He must not back up killing me. I should do what Ciel and I
agreed upon. I am a warrior of valor and honor. So long as I know Retard is far from danger.

I raise my attacking level, giving my all. A little joy in me sparks as I see him contemplate and that means
he still values me. That is enough. Enough sight I can bury with me in my grave.


At least, he counters the raised level of my attacks, just as how I planned. A bitter smile curves on my
lips. I'm still keeping my tears not to fall so he may ruthlessly put an end to my life. I want him to
succeed in killing me. I never planned to end my life like this but all good things must come to an end, a
painful truth for all people living in this damn world.


I feel the first quake which brings us to our knees. Right, the first bomb I planted just exploded. I did that
to destroy a massive number of enemies so the Phoenix will have the chance to escape since they are
badly wounded. Some of the family reapers as well as Chase are guiding the Phoenix on their escape
way to the tunnel with a chopper waiting at the end.

"You planted bombs." That's not a question from him but a statement.

"You got it right, Mafia Emperor." I smirk.

His vision darkens and we both attack each other again.


One by one, the bombs are exploding. The place terribly gets smokey but we're still in the fight. Screams
of pain and smell of blood contaminate the atmosphere. Death is everywhere. And finally I grasp a
rhythm and grudgingly attack him.

I'm exhausted.


"Nana," silently he utters my name. I just smile until my tears race down my dirty cheeks. From my face,
he runs down his eyes unto the sword settled in my chest even if only half of it is thrusting inside. Blood
suddenly creeps from my mouth. He is now an inch away. I want to hug him because I know this is the
last chance so I don't contemplate and I pull him close.


My arms wrap around his back while his just laid by his sides. I feel him stiffened, he feels cold. As I hug
him close, the sword settles deeper and deeper but it felt painless. Because I'm hugging him somehow.

Blood flowing out of my mouth increases, making me let out a small cough.


His breath is on my neck. It never fails to send shivers down my spine. If lately I smile bitterly, now I do
otherwise; sweet, very sweet.

"Retard," I whisper his name. I manage to lift my left hand and to touch his bruised cheek. I savor the
feeling of uttering his name because I know this will be the last. If only I can keep calling your name Kiel
Loong, the blood in my system, my life.

I surrender my senses as I get lost in the feeling of his skin touching my skin. The cold now seeping
through but all I feel is his warmth.

He still does not answer.


One after another, I feel a warm tingle on my shoulder and I realize he is crying, my love is crying. Pity or
love, I don't care what because it is. What I know is that it's enough that he's shedding tears before my
eminent passing.

"If I will be born again, I want to meet you the second time around. And maybe, just maybe, it will be
happy ever after." I whisper those words with so much effort.

I will miss you Retard. I will wait for you until the end of forever.

My tight hug is loosing. My eyes weary and heavy. Every second comes another pain. My knees crumble
but Kiel catches my fall. I struggle in pain but manage to look at him, to the face who changed my

As my eyes cloud, I smile while silently weeping. The blank countenance I was before is now replaced
with pain and love.

"Nana," is all he says with his tears dripping on my cheeks.

I part my lips to say a thing but I couldn't. A smile is all I can paint.

I thought you will never speak, Retard. That voice is all I'm waiting for.

My trembling hands pace their way to my bleeding chest then to his, next to his slowly beating heart.

'I love you.' This is what I want to say to you, Retard.


I enjoy the feeling being in his arms again. The closing of my eyes is in rhythm with the continuous
crashing of the war.
And I lost the chance to hear what Retard confesses.

"I love you, Nana."

Chapter 54


"If I will be born again, I want to meet you the second time around. And maybe, just maybe, it will be
happy ever after."
Those words unstoppably repeat in my mind. Those words that Luciana said. Everything that happened
that day is still very fresh in my memory.

In my arms was the woman I dearly loved, I still love and I will be loving for the rest of my life. I
enveloped her and I witnessed her passing every single second. And as every millisecond passed, myself
also slowly died. I had nothing left to say but her name only. Her name alone.

I was shocked with all that happened because whether I admit it or not, I just gave her a wound I knew
she would survive. I didn't want her to suffer. I just wanted her to collapse and defeat them. I was mad
at her, yes. But the feeling of being fooled and being conspired didn't suffice for my love for her to

But Nana made an attack I did not expect. She jumped atop so I attacked her. My attack was calculated
but she suddenly turned and held my the katana I was holding. It was too late for me to figure out what
she ought to do. She stabbed it against her chest, against her own self.

I froze. My eyes widened and I had no idea what to do. But she knew what to do. While I was left
immovable, she hugged me which made the katana thrust inside her all the way more.

I couldn't fathom things. I lost my strength, I couldn't hug her back. I didn't want to accept what
happened next. My tears overflowed like a dam that's been just opened. I also heard her cry, the cry of
my beloved.

I had many hopes. I hope you heard what I lastly said. I hope we never crossed paths if things will just
end this way. I hope our eyes did not meet. And I hope, I did not love you. But too late. I'm dead in love
with her. I loved her at first sight despite knowing she's an enemy. I loved her secretly. I still loved her
even if she loved the other me. I still loved her even if I blamed her for killing my now alive twin.

I loved her because she is Luciana Shiranui, the only woman who thawed my frozen heart. The only
woman who made my heart flutter.

I silently cried. I hardly hugged back, my mind and my heart fought. I did not want to accept that I ain't
gonna have her. That I will never hear her voice again. That never will I ever taste the warmth of her

Luciana Shiranui.
She can be compared to a white rose. One woman feared by many. You may back away because of her
thorns but when you look closely, she's as beautiful and as unique as the petals of that rose. She's also a
woman strengthened by time and loneliness.

Though painful to admit but I forgot this. When she spoke, I prayed for the first time. I asked the Lord to
spare her life for me. That I will make everything right. But He did not give me my request. Nana fell and
I carefully carried her. I really felt her body becoming cold as she caressed my cheek. She was slowly
passing in front of me and I had not even done a thing.

Both of our teary eyes met again. We might had not talked but our hearts conversed. And with my
trembling hands, I caressed her bleeding cheeks. She pointed her bleeding chest then she brought her
hand to my chest. She might didn't say it but I felt inside. She love me. She haven't heard what I said.
She's gone. She didn't even wait. One solitary scream. One scream of defeat and anguish.

I hugged her body, her hands laid falling. I didn't want to let go of her. She's gonna wake up, that's what
in my mind but reality came back when someone tapped on my shoulder. When I looked, I saw my twin
brother. He said things but I didn't understand him. I heard nothing but my beating heart. I didn't even
care about the exploding place.

Currently, I am in front of the Shiranui's castle. It is burnt and I have no idea who did this. A lot of
mysteries are left. Many people are left in the dark, finding their way out. And I am one of those people.

This is all a mystery for me. The Taetoku Great War II was just Nana's diversion. She's covering up
something or someone because she had to sacrifice her life for it.

Two weeks had already passed. Countless had been lost, left and wondering. The Dark Family is now the
commanding voice of the entire Underworld Realm. Innumerable changes occured after those weeks.
One is the avoidance of people from me, the avoidance of Inferno from me. I can't blame them. I did
change big time after she left me.

In my hand is a white rose for my beloved. Nana's passing is the death of my heart too. My heart is one
of the many things left there. I was not able to bring Nana's body because my team pulled me since the
place was exploding. She was left there. But I still remember the last spot I was with her, where I finally
felt complete.

This is our fate. We were born to be in this situation. We had the right love in a wrong time.

And just what Nana said, I hope we will be reincarnated to freely love each other again. Just the two of
us and our hearts.

Something clogs in my throat while I stop myself from crying. I have a mistake because I am the one who
killed her.

Everything is my fault.

But it was not my mistake to love her. That's the only right thing I did in my entire life.

I place the white rose on the ground and I let the wind blow the petals away, sending my longing to the
woman I love.

Why has it all turned this way?

Chapter 55


Two weeks had I thought of this. And I finally decided to stay away. Underworld Realm City has left me a
big scar. In almost every places, it's only her that I can see. Her smiling face and her serene image. Every
time I remember her that way, I can't help it but smile. But every time I turn to look at where their
mansion had been before, my heart aches. That's why I will lay myself out of sight. I already told the
Inferno about this plan and just like what they always do, they consented. Secondus will take my place
for the mean time. We will leave the Philippines altogether but as we arrive to Russia, I will depart from
them. Only fate knows what will happen next. The least thing I can do is to fly along the will of the wind.

I am driving towards the airport when someone calls suddenly. My mind arguing if I should answer or
not. A few hours from now will be the Inferno's flight but there's this strong force wanting me to accept
the call. I just exhale and answer the call without even checking who's calling then activate the

"You're leaving." It's not a question but a statement. Base on the voice, it's Aen on the other line.

"What did you call for Aen?" I directly ask him.

"It's about Luciana Shiranui." At the mention of her name, I suddenly turn the car to the roadside. The
beat of my heart fastens.

"What about her," my voice is hoarse.

"We better talk about the matter privately, Primo." His voice contains doubt.

"Let's meet outside the Underworld Realm City. The nearest coffee shop you'll see." I cuss loudly as I cut
off the call.

I quickly drive the car out and far from the Underworld Realm City. The idea that we need to talk outside
of the City means this is gonna be a confidential matter. And this is about Nana.

While I am driving, my mind blows out with many questions. Questions which might be answered. I
speed up the car. The guards rattling to open the gate when they see me coming fast.

I slow down after I've gotten out of the Underworld Realm City. Five kilometers from the Underworld
Realm City's gate, HKC Coffee Shop stands fine. Three cars are parked at the said establishment. Black
Ferrari is Aen's because it's familiar to me. I instantly hop off my Lamborghini Veron and get inside the
Coffee Shop.
I sense Aen's presence right away. I walk to him who is in the farthest part of the shop and sit in front of
him without any word.

"This must be important." My voice warns. The next thing I'm about to say pops like a bubble because of
the sadness I trace in his eyes. I don't like that look. The look he mirrors is pity for me. Pity is the least
thing I need now. I need no pity. I maintain my emotionless face. He places a box and a letter in front of
me. I intently look at it.

"A letter was left at the my window's grills. I was about to open it when I saw your name Primo. That's
when I realized it's from Luciana." His voice is low but it blasts my ear like a bomb. My eyes still on the
letter. I fear what I'm about to know. Will I find the answers to my questions here?

In my trembling hands, I read her letter.

To my retard,
Maybe when you read this, I'm already gone. Though not yet, still I miss our play times. And that will be
missed forever. I know you have many questions awaiting for answers but I hope you respect my
decision on not telling you. Remember everything has a reason. The closing of one door is the opening
of another door. I hope you've forgiven me and remember always that I love you so so much. I don't
wanna leave you with a hate upon your heart. I hope you don't think that I haven't loved you because
the truth is I will still love and love you even unto my next life. You need to know something. I wanted to
bury this with me but I don't want to commit more mistakes against you. I know you have the right to
know this.

I love you very much,


I haven't noticed Aen has left already and I'm left alone in the table. I continuously cry in silence. She
planned this from the start. But why? Why have she done this? Why?

I slowly open the box and when I see what's inside, it seems like heaven and earth befalls unto. I
accidentally drop the box.

A home pregnancy test with two red lines.

I'm a kid crying inside the coffee shop. Why is this happening? Is this the price I'm paying because of my
mistakes since before.

Chapter 56

Only a black hood covers my furious face. I'm here in the land where the White Family Mansion was
before. I know this is dangerous but I can't help it but get angry because of what happened. For two
weeks, a lot had changed, especially our group, the Phoenix, right when we lost our leader.

Starfire betrayed us.

Leader died.

A member died.

And again, my thoughts take a pilgrim unto that day. It was a plan. I thought that was our end because
we're losing it. But when the explosions began, we found our timing. Most of the Phoenix were tired but
none of us surrendered. If we die, we die together. And we won't ever leave leader.

When I remembered beshy that day, I hurriedly searched for here even if I was exhausted. I regretted
doing that because I saw her situation which pained my heart to the core.

The woman we look up to was awfully dying because of a guy. Not knowing it, Wolf was already at my

"Siren let's go." I was immovable. I felt nothing. He pulled me to run but I nailed myself there. I'm never
leaving beshy. But wolf forcefully shook me and reminded me of the situation.

"Siren! Go back to your senses! Look around you!" With that, I automatically scanned the battlefield.

Nightwind fell face flat on the ground while hugging Sprite. The High Queen was protecting them against
relentless attacks. On the other side, Dark Phoenix was bleeding and was unconscious but Sin was
protecting him from mafiaso and some of the Inferno members. It's so much to take. Good Lord. My
eyes turned watered as I gander at beshy's direction. I looked back again to my mates then to leader. I
looked to my Phoenix. I pulled my hand and ran towards my team. I took the remote control of the
humanoids and I activated the self destruction button. Upon the explosion of the humanoids, the smoke
made the place darker. We seized that moment to escape. As we reached enough distance, White
Family Reapers as well as Chase met us.

Everything was black and white and red. Things were happening really fast. I immediately decided. I
hurried back to the battlefield. I will come back for you beshy. I'm not leaving you. The Phoenix hadn't
noticed I left for sure. I know coming back was suicidal. I could picture out beshy's frustrated face for
foolishly returning but I'm never leaving her.

I am not afraid to die. Let death be afraid of me. That was beshy's motto when I joined Phoenix. I
witnessed how she became a leader and a friend. Forsaking us was never her mantra and I'm doing
same thing for her.
I gradually hear the beating of the drums which signaled the victory of the Dark Family. The Underworld
City knew the result but I'm not backing down. I continued running. I saw beshy's body. I hid my aura. I
saw beshy. I saw her awful body soaked in blood. The mafioso carelessly stepping over her. I stopped
running. The tears streaming down my face went unnoticed.

I was about to come near when a body hugged me rolled over the ground.

"Keep still Siren." whispered the one who pinned me and it was Chase. I looked back to beshy and I saw
Ciel coming with the Hiruna. I wanted to come freaking near but Chase tightened his grip. We both saw
how Ciel flipped beshy using his foot. Bastard! I fisted at that ruthless sight. Ciel regarded leader's body
like an animal. But what he did next was never in my wildest dreams. He stabbed the already dead
leader's body using the Hiruna and violently pulled it. I shouted but was cut off instantly as Chase
covered my mouth with his ice cold amd trembling hands.

He did it again and again. I cringed painfully. I couldn't take it. I mourned silently, crumbling myself up.

A tap on my shoulder brings me back to reality from reminiscing that dreadful day. I turn to look to the
hooded Nightwind. He has been crying. He had not only lost the leader but he also lost Sprite. Yes, the
two persons I treated as sister were gone. Beshy and Sprite were gone. Nightwind was able to rush
Sprite to the hospital but a lot of blood had been lost from her. She hadn't survived from it. I fist my
hands. I'm angry at them. I hate them who left. But most of all, I resent myself.

We are the Phoenix who lost the flame and now we are just ashes. But like the mythical Phoenix bird,
we shall return and on that time, we will be bearing an exceptional shine. A shine which will bring fire of
wrath and revenge.

"As long as one Phoenix member remains standing, we shall reign. And I, an O'Hara warrior will do
eveything to make that happen." Full of determination I say that, my tears never ceasing.

I silently walk leaving and will be planning things out.

This is not the end. In fact, this is a beginning of something bigger, something bloodier.

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