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Comparing energy resources

There are different energy resources in the world and the amount of energy stored by them
varies greatly. For example, the nuclear energy within 1 kg of uranium contains a very large
amount of energy, but the gravitational potential energy stored by many thousands of tonnes of
water held back by a dam contains less.

Fossil fuels
Fossil fuels are a chemical store of energy and include coil, oil and natural gas. Most of the UK's
electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels, mainly natural gas (30% in 2015) and coal (23%).
A very small amount is produced from oil (under 1%).

Using fossil fuels to produce electricity

Fossil fuel is burnt to boil water and turn it into steam.
The steam rises past turbines and causes them to spin.
The turbines are connected to generators which are spun to generate electricity.
Transformers are used to step up the voltage before feeding the electricity into the National
Transformers are used to step down the voltage before feeding electricity into homes.

Advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuel power

Advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuel power
Readily available (at the moment)Non-renewable source – will eventually run out
Relatively easy to produce energy from themIncreasing fuel costs
Release carbon dioxide (CO2 ) when burnt – greenhouse gas
Release sulphur dioxide (SO2 ) when burnt – acid rain
Nuclear power
Electricity is generated in nuclear power stations using a fission reactor powered by uranium
fuel. 22% of the UK's electricity is generated using nuclear fission.
Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power
No release of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) – greenhouse gasNon-renewable source – will eventually
run out
No release of sulphur dioxide (SO2 ) – acid rainExpensive to commission and decommission
power stations
1 kg of uranium produces millions times more energy than 1 kg of coalHazardous radioactive
waste produced

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