Kites Lesson Plan For Portfolio PDF

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Amy McAfoose Date: 03/30/2022

Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 10th-11th

I. Topic: Properties of Kites

II. PA or Common Core Standards

A. G. Identify and/or use properties of quadrilaterals.

III. Learning Objectives: Objectives must be written using observable verbs

A. The student will be able to write the properties of a kite and use the properties to solve
numeric problems that find a side or angle measure.

IV. Materials
A. Teacher Materials:
i. Smartboard
ii. EasiTeach Program and Slides
iii. Kites In-Class Notes
iv. Kites Practice WS Key
B. Student Materials
i. Kites In-Class Notes
ii. Kites Practice WS
iii. Writing Utensil
iv. Protractors
v. Rulers
vi. Calculator (if desired)

V. Lesson Development
A. Introduction
i. Start the lesson by showing the physical kite and by having a discussion with the
students about their observations about the kite (which sides are congruent,

B. Lesson development (activities, procedures)

i. This lesson will be completed using the effective teaching strategies of explicit
instruction and hands-on activity.
ii. Lecture regarding kites and their properties. Increase student participation by
calling on students and asking for volunteers. Students should be filling out their
guided note sheets throughout the lesson.
iii. Work through multiple numeric examples to show students how to use the
properties of a kite to solve for a side or angle measure.
iv. Allow students to complete Kites Practice WS on their own, with teacher
support and direction throughout the period. Check students work as they
complete the worksheet.
v. After all students (or most) have completed the worksheet, begin the drawing
activity. Show students to start with a 90-degree intersection and then connect
the sides. Students will color-code the angles of the kite following the pattern of
the provided example.

C. Evidence of differentiated instruction (content, process, product, or learning

i. Process: Visual and Auditorial content, Students may use guided notes
ii. Period 3: This period is difficult to motivate to complete work. Keep the explicit
instruction short and call on students to answer questions. Ensure students get
one-on-one instruction throughout the practice time. Remind students of the
applicability of drawing with protractors.
iii. Period 6: Keep the explicit instruction brief and encourage student participation
by asking questions and calling on students. One-on-one instruction is extremely
helpful for this period and group work with Miss Keith for specific students.
iv. Period 9: Go deeper into explanation during explicit instruction and allow
students to have more independence when drawing the kite. Possibly ask their
ideas for how they would begin to draw it.

D. Closure (summary)
i. Verbally remind the students of the new kite properties and that we will be
continuing to review the kite the following day.

VI. Assessment/evaluation
A. Informal formative assessment through teacher observation, questioning, and student
answers to Kite Practice WS. The assessment will evaluate student capabilities to write
the properties of a kite and use the properties to solve numeric problems that find a
side or angle measure.

VII. Modifications or accommodations

A. Period 3: To meet the IEP requirements of the students in this class period, students will
be given extra time, small group settings to complete work with peers and teacher,
reduced workload on assessments, and guided note sheets during explicit instruction.
B. Period 6: To meet the IEP requirements of the students in this class period, students will
be given extra time, small group settings to complete work with peers and teacher,
reduced workload on assessments, and guided note sheets during explicit instruction.
C. No students in Period 9 require modifications or accommodations.

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