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Online Practice ACCESS CODE Irregular Verb List

Scratch off:
Infinitive Simple past

become became
bring brought
build built
can could
catch caught
choose chose
come came
do did
drink drank
drive drove
eat ate
Then go to:
feed fed
find found
fly flew
get got
give gave go went
grow grew have had
hit hit
hold held hurt hurt
leave left
lose lost
make made
put put
read read
ride rode
run ran
Look Student Resources (including audio):
say said see saw
send sent
sleep slept
stand stood
swim swam
In this photo, blue maomao fish (their scientific
name is Scorpis aequipinnis) are swimming
take took
above a bed of kelp—a kind of seaweed. The fish think thought
live in the shallow water around the rocky coasts throw threw
of New Zealand and Australia. They often swim
wake up woke up
close together near the surface and make the
wear wore
water look bright blue.
© Brian Skerry / National Geographic Creative write wrote

Look_AmE_WBwOP_L3_9780357122105.indd 4-6 29/01/2019 09:41

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