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qui tam Abbreviation In a 

of qui tam pro tam action, one
domino rege who assists the
quam pro se prosecution of
ipso in hac a case is
parte sequitur, entitled to a
meaning "who proportion of
pursues in this any fines or
action as penalties
much for the assessed.
king as
quid pro quo this for that An equal  
exchange of
goods or
services, or of
money (or
of equal value)
for some goods
or services.
quo ante as before Returning to a  
specific state of
affairs which
preceded some
defined action.
quo by what A request  
warranto warrant? made to
some power, to
show by what
legal right they
are exercising
that power. A
type of writ.
quoad hoc as to this Used to mean  
"with respect
to" some
named thing,
such as when
stating what
the law is in
regards to that
named thing.
quod est What is    
necessariu necessary is
m est licitum lawful
R Rex or Regina King or Queen.  
In British
cases, will see
R v Freeman
Regina against
Changes with
King or Queen
on throne at
ratio Reason for The point in a  
decidendi the decision legal
proceeding, or
the legal
precedent so
involved, which
led to the final
decision being
what it was.
ratio scripta written reason The popular  
opinion of
Roman law,
held by those
in the Medieval
rationae soli by reason of "Certain rights  
the soil may arise by
virtue of
ownership of
the soil upon
which wild
animals are
rebus sic things thus A qualification  
stantibus standing in a treaty or
contract, that
allows for
nullification in
the event
reddendo referring The canon of  
singula solely to theconstruction
singulis last that in a list of
containing a
phrase at the
end, the
qualifier refers
only to the last
item in the list.
res thing, matter,    
issue, affair
res common to all Property  
communis constructs like
airspace and
water rights are
said to be res
communis -
that is, a thing
common to all,
and that could
not be the
subject of
With airspace,
the difficulty
has been to
identify where
the fee simple
holder's rights
to the heavens
end. Water is a
bit more
defined — it is
common until
res gestae things done Differing  
depending on
what type of
law is involved.
May refer to
the complete
act of a felony,
from start to
finish, or may
refer to
given that may
be exempt from
hearsay rules.
res ipsa the thing used in tort law  
loquitur speaks for when there is
itself no proof of
what caused
the harm, but it
is most likely
only the thing
that could have
caused the
res judicata a matter A matter that /ˈriːz dʒuːdɨ
judged has been finally ˈkeɪtə/,
adjudicated, /ˈreɪz/,
meaning no /dʒuːdɨˈkɑːtə/
further appeals
or legal actions
by the involved
parties is now
res nullius nobody's thing Ownerless  
property or
goods. Such
property or
goods are able
and subject to
being owned
by anybody.
res publica public affair All things  
subject to
concern by the
citizenry. The
root of the word
res publica Christian All things of  
christiana public affair concern to the
worldwide body
of Christianity
respondeat let the master A concept that  
superior answer the master
(e.g. employer)
is responsible
for the actions
of his
restitutio in total (1) Restoration  
integrum reinstatement of something,
such as a
building or
property, to its
(2) In contract
law, when
breach of
contract and
remedies, to
restore a party
to an original
rex non The king can Used to  
potest do no wrong describe the
peccare basis for
salus populi The good of Used variously  
suprema lex the people as a motto, a
esto shall be the reminder, or a
supreme law notion of how
the law and
governments in
general should
scandalum scandal of the Defamation  
magnatum magnates against a peer
in British law.
Now repealed
as a specific
scienter knowingly Used when
offenses or
torts were
committed with
the full
awareness of
the one so

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