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“Parents Separation, Motivation to Learn, and Self Efficacy among Muslim

Elementary Pupils in Southern Davao”

A Thesis Presented to the

College of Education and Liberal Arts

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education



Title Page

Approval Sheet


Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures



Background of the Study 4-5

Statement of the Problem 5-6

Null Hypothesis 6

Review of Related Literature 7-10

Theoretical Framework 11

Conceptual Framework 11

Scope and Limitation of the Study 12

Significance of the Study 12-13

Definition of Terms 14

Chapter 2: METHODS

Research Design 15

Research Locale 16

Research Respondents 17

Research Instruments 18-21

Data Gathering Procedure 21

Data Analysis Tools 22-23



Background of the Study

Parental separation has been associated with reduced cognitive development and

educational performance. Since parental separation can result in multiple negative effects,

including perceived guilt, blame, stressors, and diminished resources for the children, it is

not surprising that parental separation has also been reported to negatively affect a child’s

motivation, engagement, and learning-related behavior in the classroom.

Although several studies have investigated the impact of the timing of the parental

separation on scholastic performance, they have yielded discordant results. Most studies

found that for younger children (i.e. those in elementary school) the adverse impact was

more pronounced than for older children (i.e. those in high school), suggesting that

younger children may feel more anxious about abandonment and that they may be more

likely to blame themselves. However, others studies have found that divorce may

adversely affect adolescents more than elementary school-age children, or that the child’s

age did not alter the effect of divorce on academic achievement. Lastly, very few studies

have focused on the effect of parental separation on very young children.

In Ireland the number of separated couples is increasing, and public concern is

growing about the consequences for children who experience this kind of change in their

family life. The present study explores the experience of parental separation for children

aged 8-17. The aim of the study was to describe how parental separation affects

children’s lives, from their own perspectives, including their views and feelings about the

changes that occur in their everyday lives, such as at school, at home, and in their

relationships with parents and other family members. Another aim was to discover what

sort of support children experienced and needed, and the strategies they used to cope with

the changes in their family life.

In the Philippine, a relationship between attachment to parents and self-efficacy

lies at the heart of the study. Non-repeater 4th year high school students are excluded

from the study. Parental attachment is defined in this study as the relationship between

the parent and the child, whereas self-efficacy is defined as a person's perceived capacity

to complete a certain activity. The IPPA (Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment) was

used to assess 4th year students' parental attachment, which included certain

characteristics such as trust, communication, and alienation; however, the study only

employed the Parentscale. The researchers employed the GSA, or General Self-efficacy

Scale, to assess self-efficacy. The study is confined to 50 Prince Aries Christian School

4th year high school students. The study's findings revealed that there is no link between

parental connection and self-efficacy among the 50 fourth-year high school students.

Students in fourth year high school have a high level of self-efficacy, which indicates

they work hard for any given task.

In Davao Region, there is no study conducted yet about Parents Separation,

Motivation to Learn, and Self Efficacy.

Statement of the Problem

The issue of parental separation is an increasing social problem that has become a

topic for discussion in recent times; it is traumatic for those who experience it. Children

need a secure emotional base after their parents separate, exactly as they needed before

(McIntosh, 2005). The major protective factors that facilitate children’s adjustment to

separate are low inter-parental conflict, effective and constructive resolution of conflict

between the parents, the quality of the parent-child relationship, nurturing, authoritative

parenting from at least one parents, and cooperative co-parenting with good

communication (McIntosh, 2003).

Due to parent separation, living with or without his father or mother will instill

lack of motivation to learn and low esteem in the child. This study compares the

relationship between the parent separation to level of learning motivation and self -

efficacy of pupils.

Generally, the main objective of this study is to determine the relationship

between parent separation to level of motivation to learn and self – efficacy of pupils of

Muslim Elementary Pupils in Southern Davao. Specifically, it aims to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the level of learning motivation among Muslim elementary pupils?

2. What is the level of self-efficacy of Muslim elementary pupils?

Null Hypothesis

Ho; there is significant relationship between parental separation to levels of

motivation in learning and self-efficacy of Muslim Elementary pupils.

Review of Related Literature

According to Nwachi (2000), "the family is a social group characterized by shared

residence, economic cooperation, and production." It includes at least two adults of both

sexes who have a socially accepted relationship with one or more children or adopted

children of sexually cohabiting adults. During the formative years of a child, the family

has recognized functions such as procreation, education, and socialization. The family is

responsible for providing the care, protection, and education that serves as the foundation

for all other environmental influences such as the school peer group, church, and the

entire community.

According to Omoruyi (2014), family is the child's first point of contact with the

outside world. As a result, the child receives early education and socialization from his or

her parents and other significant family members. The family provides the psychological,

moral, and spiritual foundation for the child's overall development. Family/homes are

either broken or intact structurally. In this context, a broken home is one that is not

structurally intact as a result of divorce, separation, the death of one of the parents, or

illegitimacy. Children's illegitimacy, the label of adopted child, broken homes, divorce,

and parental deprivation all contribute to psychological home conditions.

Kelly (2004) concluded that divorce may have a more severe and long-lasting

effect on sons (males) than on daughters (female). According to Wallerain and Kelly

(2004), the absence of father is often viewed as partially harmful to self-esteem. Looking

at the above critically, one can conclude that a child who lacks self-esteem will not be

able to perform well in his academic work and thus will not perform well in school.

According to Burdon (1991), "such children without proper training due to

breakage of their families or marriage are trained at the mercy of other people, turn out to

be truants." It is clear from this assertion that surrogate mothers cannot monitor the

educational progress of children entrusted to their care. They are unable to assist in home

education because many are uneducated.

According to Green (2015), a broken family can have a negative impact on all

aspects of your child's development. The effects of a broken family on a child's

development are determined by a variety of factors, including the child's age at the time

of the parents' separation, as well as the child's personality and family relationships.

Although infants and young children may have few negative developmental effects, older

children and teenagers may have some difficulties with their social, emotional, and

educational functioning.

According to Crisostomo (2012), Romeo Enriquez, president of the PPA

(Philippine Psychiatric Association), stated that having a dysfunctional family is a

common problem that Filipinos face today. There are many issues that we face, such as

work, stress, and relationships, but the family is the most difficult issue that a Filipino

will face. Every year, an increasing number of Filipinos seek medical attention, and more

cases of mental illness are reported among Filipinos. Treatment for these conditions is

prohibitively expensive, and as a result, not everyone receives adequate medication.

  According to Eszewu (1990), "the family has the potential of exerting a strong

influence over the child's life in school and long after he has left school." He goes on to

say that the nature of the family into which the child is born may have a significant

impact on the child's mental and emotional development, both of which are important

factors in school education. A child who is raised in a stable home, is well fed, and is

given everything he needs will undoubtedly perform well in school. The type of

influences and level of educational attainment of children raised in various homes are

determined by the family's status.

According to Schultz (2016), "children living with their own married parents do

significantly better than other children when it comes to educational achievement."

Agulana (2000) stated that the family lays the psychological, moral, and spiritual

foundation in the overall development of the child. Family/homes are either broken or

intact structurally. In this context, a broken home is one that is not structurally intact as a

result of divorce, separation, the death of one of the parents, or illegitimacy.

According to Harmer (2007), motivation is a type of internal drive that

encourages people to do things in order to attain a goal. Purwanto (2011), defines

motivation as "everything that drives a person to act to do something" (Purwanto, 2011).

Motivation, according to Dimyati and Mudjiono (1994:75), is a mental encouragement

that moves and directs human conduct. While according to Brown (2207), motivation,

like self-esteem, can be global, situational, or task centered. Motivation is also common

 in terms of the learner's intrinsic and extrinsic motivations.

According to Bandura (1997) defined self-efficacy as self-perceptions or beliefs

about one's ability to learn or complete tasks at a certain level of difficulty levels. The

other authors have all sought to define self-efficacy, but they all paraphrase to refer to

Bandura’s definition. McCombs (2001) cites Bandura (1991), clarifying self-efficacy

judgements in light of the learner's assessment of his or her ability to complete a task

successfully. Self-efficacy is a concept in Bandura's theory of human functioning,

according to Schunk (2001), and it is defined as "beliefs about one's capacities to learn or

perform actions at designated levels." Self-efficacy, according to Pintrich and Schunk

(1996), is defined as "people's judgments of their abilities to organize and execute

courses of action required to achieve designated types of performances." 

Bandura was a pioneer in the field of self-efficacy research. Self-efficacy, he

defined, is a set of beliefs about how to motivate oneself. Self-efficacy is also thought to

be the foundation and framework for human motivation, achievement, and well-being.

(2002, Pajares). However, according to Pajares (2006), self-efficacy is not just about

learning to succeed; it is also about the ability to complete a task despite recurrent failure.

According to Bandura (1996), academic self-efficacy has been shown to increase

academic accomplishment both directly and indirectly by enhancing academic goals and

prosocial conduct. The concept of self-efficacy has also been shown to be a stronger

predictor of actual behavior, according to the report. Valentine et al., Multon, Brown &

Lent (1991), and Bandura (1986, 1997) (2004).

Since Bandura (1977) first proposed the concept of self-efficacy, he has claimed

that low self-efficacy is linked to low self-esteem, whereas Heslin and Klehe (2006) have

claimed that self-efficacy is linked to stress and work burnout.Bandura (1997) proposed

that people with high self-esteem should have high self-efficacy because they take on

more challenging tasks than those with low self-esteem.

Self-efficacy is described by Bandura (1997) and Omrod (2006) as a personal

conflict and personal perceived capability to complete a certain job in order to obtain the

intended results. Family, seen as an initial source of self-efficacy, can expand via

experiences by role-modeling and observation of parents, siblings, and peers, according

to Social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986). Attachment theory, on the other hand,

emphasizes the importance of the parent-child interaction during adolescence.

Theoretical Framework

Cognitivism has been viewed as a reaction to behaviorists' "rigid" reliance on

predictable stimulus and response (Harasim, 2012, p. 58). Cognitive theorists supported

the idea that the mind plays a major part in learning, focusing on the period of time

between the appearance of an external stimulus and the student's reaction. They

recognized mental processes like motivation and imagination as key components of

learning that connect environmental cues to student responses.

Conceptual Framework

This page comprises of how the two variables are connected to each other or have

its relationship with one another.

Separation of Parents Motivation to learn and self-


Parental Involvement
Fig. 1 Conceptualized correlation of the variable

This study consists of two variables. The independent variable is the Separation of

parents. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is the Motivation to learn and Self-efficacy.

Parental involvement is the moderator in relation between Separation of parents,

Motivation to learn, and Self-efficacy.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused on the Parent’s separation, Motivation to learn, and Self-

efficacy among Muslim elementary pupils in Southern Davao.

This study also seeks to identify the factors of Parent’s separation, Motivation to

learn, and Self-Efficacy among Muslim elementary pupils in Southern Davao. The

researchers focused only to the pupils in Southern Davao were in Sirawan Toril Davao

City and Inawayan Beach Sta. Cruz Davao Del Sur. In line with this, we choose this kind

of places where we are going to conduct our survey because it is more convenient and

mostly people living in these places are Muslim people.

Significance of the Study

The study about on Parent’s separation, Motivation to learn, and Self-efficacy

Among Muslim Elementary pupils in Southern Davao. This provide an awareness on

dwelling their situation and also to identify the factors of Parent’s separation, Motivation

to learn, and self-efficacy among Muslim elementary pupils. Through this study, the

future researchers can benefit as they will get information about the importance of

anxiety problems of Muslim Elementary pupils. Also, they can use it as a research basis

of another existing research. The following are the beneficiaries of this research:

School- School administrators will benefit to this study in such ways that they

will be mindful on how Parent’s separation among Muslim elementary pupils could affect

their motivation to learn and self-efficacy. Moreover, they can provide support and assist

the learners if needed.

Teachers. They will benefit this study in a way that it will help them to know

how Parents separation might affect their learner’s motivation to learn and self-efficacy

as well as they will be able to adjust and help them by guiding and manage the learner.

Students. This study will give knowledge and understanding among the students

about Parent’s separation and how they can cope up with this problem.

Parents. This study will provide relevant information that will benefit the parents

in a way that they will be able to know how Parent’s separation really could affect their

child motivation to learn and self-efficacy.

Definition of Terms

Parental Separation - parents not living together under the same roof, it should

be noted that our analyses included only non-separated and separated parents, meaning

children who only saw one parent or were living in blended families falling under the

second category.

Motivation- is a condition that activates and sustains behavior toward a goal.

Learners tend to persist in learning when they face a manageable challenge (neither too

easy nor too frustrating) and when they see the value and utility of what they are learning.

Self-Efficacy- refers to an individual's belief in his or her capacity to execute

behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments.

Family- a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a




This chapter presents the methodology of the research. This includes the

discussions of research design, research locale, research locale, research respondents,

research instruments, data gathering procedure and data analysis tools.

Research Design

This study will use descriptive research design. According to Gay (1992: 217),

descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to answer

questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study. Descriptive research is

scientific research that describes about event, phenomena or fact systematically dealing

with certain area or population. This method will be utilized in the study through

conducting a survey where both interview and distribution of survey questionnaires to the

respondents to collect series of information about Parent’s separation, Motivation to

learn, and self-efficacy Among Muslim Elementary Pupils in Southern Davao. This

research design provide basis for decision making and contribute in the establishment of

standard norms of conduct, behavior, or performance. This design is being used by the

researcher to gather information about present existing condition.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted at Sirawan, Toril Davao City and Inawayan beach

Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur in Region XI of the Philippines. The researchers have chosen

these places for conducting this study because of these reasons: Mostly, people living in

these places are Muslim people. Second, the place located at a very practical location for

the researchers; third, is the fact that the public elementary school has a booming

population. This study will be conducted in Sirawan, Toril Davao City and Inawayan

beach Santa Cruz. The course of this study started at the early November 2021, and will

end on January of 2021. The survey will start on _____ and is expected to end on ____.

Fig. 2 Map of Davao City and Davao del Sur, Philippines highlighting Sirawan Toril

District and Inawayan Santa Cruz.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers selected the Muslim elementary pupils of Sirawan Toril, Davao

City and Inawayan beach Santa. Cruz, Davao del Sur to be the respondents of the study.

Researchers came up with 60 Muslim elementary pupils as respondents from grade 4-6

both male and female. The personal information of those who took part in the survey was

kept strictly protected.

Sampling Technique

A simple random sampling procedure was used to cull a smaller sample size from

a larger population of respondents. This technique was employed to ensure a fairly equal

representation of the variables of the study. The advantages of a simple random sample

include its ease of use and its accurate representation of the larger population (Greg

Depersio 2018). This technique is useful to select the percentage of the respondents

without any biases to come up the exact number of respondents by getting the fifty

percent of each grade level of Muslim elementary pupils of Sirawan Toril Davao City and

Inawayan beach Santa Cruz Davao del Sur. From grade 4-6 Muslim elementary pupils.

Sample List of Respondents Final Respondents

Grade 4 15

Grade 5 15

Grade 6 15

Research Instrument

The research instrument is Survey Questionnaire. The Survey Questionnaire

contains of questions related to perceived anxiety and perception of quality time with

parents. The second part contained the perception of how separation of parents can affect

the child’s behavior. Third, and final part of the questionnaire contains the problems

encountered in coping mechanism of Muslim elementary pupils which measures into:

strongly agree (5), agree (4), neutral (3), disagree (2), and strongly disagree (1). To

interpret the level of the child’ behavior regarding to perceived anxiety and perception of

quality time with parents.

Questions on Motivation to learn

Questions SA A N D SD

1. Students perform well in school

because they live with their


2. Students cannot pay their tuition

fees because their parents has


3. Students perform well

academically because they live

with their father and not my


4. Students does not perform well

in school because they stayed

with their mother and there is no

bother about their education.

5. Children from separated home

don’t take their three square

meal in a day

6. Cannot comprehend well in

school because they don’t take

their breakfast before going to


7. Children from separated home

don’t always punctual in school.

8. Children from separated home

don’t pay their school fees


9. Students feel happy and

motivated when their parents

discuss their academic career

with them

10. Children perform well

academically when their parents

cater for their basic need on time


Questions on Self-efficacy

Questions SA A N D SD

1. When a task sounds very hard, I

tell myself that I can do hard


2. I feel discouraged when I’m told

I did something incorrectly.

3. I see making mistakes as a

normal part of learning.

4. I want to quit when I’m told I

did something incorrectly.

5. When I receive feedback that I

didn’t do well on something, I

try even harder to learn it.

6. I have negative thoughts about

myself when I make mistakes.

7. When I'm struggling to

accomplish something difficult, I

focus on my progress.

8. Sometimes I give up when I’m

afraid I can’t do something.

9. When I hear about how others

overcame difficulties, I feel like

I can succeed too.

10. When given a choice, I usually

take the easiest option.

Data Gathering Procedure

Data gathering was guided by the following procedures in order to ensure system

and order:

1. The researchers will ask permission to the parents of the child before conducting the


2. After asking the parents’ permission, the researchers will start to distribute the survey

questionnaires to 50 respondents.

3. The answered survey questionnaires will be collected one day after the distribution of

the questionnaires.

4. The gathered data will be tallied by the researchers to come up with findings and

interpretation of the data.

Data Gathering Technique

This study will use a survey questionnaire to gather the data. This technique suits

on this study since it is not time consuming, cheap, and easy to answer than other


Data Analysis Tool

The gathered data were analyzed using the following statistical tools:

Mean. This statistical tool was used to describe the perceived anxiety of Muslim

elementary pupils and quality time with parents of Sirawan Toril Davao City and

Inawayan Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur.

Pearson r. This study was used in determining the relationship between Perceived

anxiety among Muslim elementary pupils and the Perception of quality time with parents

in Sirawan Toril Davao City and Inawayan Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur.

Statistical Treatment

The gathered data were analyzed by using the statistical tool needed in order to know

the relationship of the two variables in the study. The statistical tool that the researchers

used to interpret the problems was the Mean. By using this formula, researchers will

determine the average score. So, this can help the researchers to analyze the gathered data

from their surveys.


μ = (∑ ( ¿ )¿ <= MEAN

x 100= p <= PERCENTAGE


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