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1PPA Business English – Intermediate

Class 6 – T3

Team Building
For each category in this quiz, tick the three sentences that most apply to you.

1PPA Business English – Intermediate
Class 6 – T3

A – Match the prefixes of the words to their meanings.
Mismatch = ne pas aller ensemble
1b mis = do badly
2b pro = in favour of
3c pre = before
4a post = after
5c dis = not
6b ex = former (ancien)
7c bi = two
8a re = again
9b multi = many
10b hyper = very

1PPA Business English – Intermediate
Class 6 – T3

B – Complete this web advert using the correct form of words from Exercise A.
1. mismatched
2. disconnected
3. remotivate
4. multicultural
5. ex-military
6. pre-event
7. post-activity
8. hyperlink

1PPA Business English – Intermediate
Class 6 – T3

C – Complete the final part of the advert with the verbs in the box.
2. maximise potential
3. break down barriers
4. stimulate communication
5. inspire creativity
6. build relationships
7. reduce staff turnover

1PPA Business English – Intermediate
Class 6 – T3

D – Add prefixes to these words to give their opposite meaning.

1. uncommunicative
2. indecisive (indécis)
3. inefficient (inefficace)
4. unenthusiastic
5. inflexible (rigide)
6. unfocused
7. unimaginative
8. disloyal
9. disorganised
10. unpractical
11. unsociable
12. unstable
13. intolerant
14. impatient

1PPA Business English – Intermediate
Class 6 – T3

What qualities could you contribute to a team? What qualities would the other
members need to have to create an effective team?

A – Listen to an interview with Dan Collins, founder of team-building specialists Fresh group.
According to Dan, what is a team, and what is a leader’s role in a team?

B – Listen to the second part of the interview. Which four team roles does Dan mention?

C – Listen to the final part. What does Dan say about the attitudes to teams and how they
are led in:
a) Europe and the US
b) India and China


Sometimes verbs are followed by a word like in, off, at, etc. and this can change
the meaning of the verb.
1. He looked at the photograph. (the meaning of the verb doesn’t change)
2. I’m looking after my colleague’s clients while she’s away. (I’m taking care of
them). The word after gives the verb look a different meaning. Look after is a
phrasal verb.

1PPA Business English – Intermediate
Class 6 – T3

Sometimes it is possible to separate the two parts of a phrasal verb. Here is a

list of common separable phrasal verbs and their meanings:

Back…up (soutenir) Keep…down (maintenir à un bas niveau)

Clear…up (ranger) Look…up (rechercher dans une liste)
Close…down (fermer) Make…up (inventer)
Cut…off (interrompre) Put…off (reporter)
Fill…in (compléter) Put…through (mettre en relation)
Find…out (découvrir) Ring…up (téléphoner)
Give…up (abandonner) Take…over (prendre le contrôle)
Hold…up (retarder) Throw…away (jeter)

e.g. We had to put the meeting off. We had to put off the meeting.
We had to put it off.
Some two-part phrasal verbs and all three-part phrasal verbs are inseparable.
Here is a list of the most common:

Back out of (renoncer à) Get over (se remettre de)

Break down (tomber en panne) Go through (lire attentivement)
Call on (rendre visite) Hold on (attendre)
Carry on (continuer) Look after (s’occuper de)
Come across (donner l’impression) Look into (examiner, enquêter)
Come down (baisser les prix) Run into (rencontrer par hasard)
Check in (s’enregistrer) Run out of (être à court de)
Cut down on (reduce) Turn up (arriver)
Do without (se passer de)
Get on with (s’entendre avec)

e.g. We ran out of petrol on the motorway.

1PPA Business English – Intermediate
Class 6 – T3

You must call on me next time you’re in the States.

A – In the following sentences, decide whether the verb keeps its ordinary
meaning (OM) or whether it is a phrasal verb (PV).
1. What shall we give Amanda for a leaving present? OM
2. His doctor said he was drinking too much and should give it up. PV
3. I was talking to her on the phone, but we were suddenly cut off.
4. The other day, I cut my finger with a knife, but it’s not serious.
5. I’ll take your letter to the Post Office if you like.
6. Hanson PLC took the company over last year.
7. Sorry we’re late. We were held up by roadworks on the Ring Road.
8. He held his hand up because he wanted to ask a question.

B – In the following dialogue, fill in the blanks with a phrasal verb from the box
that means the same as the words in brackets.
Cut…off pick…up put…off put…through

A: Could you (connect me)……………………… extension 234 again?

B: Certainly. Ok, you’re through now.
C: Sorry about that. They (disconnected us)……………….for some reason.
A: I know. Anyway, I can’t make the meeting on the 18 th, as I’ll still be in
Germany, so could we (postpone it)………….until the 24th?
C: Yes, I can’t see any problem there.

1PPA Business English – Intermediate
Class 6 – T3

A: Good, can I have a word with Hugo? He’s coming over and I need to know
when he wants me to (collect him)………………..from the airport.

C – In the following sentences, choose the best option from the words a-d.
1. The latest iPhones are expensive, but if you wait, prices will……down.
a. back b. run c. turn d. come

2. I agree, and if they criticise you at the meeting, I will back you……………
a. up b. down c. in d. out

3. By the way, I…………into Siti in York, and she sends you her regards.
a. looked b. turned c. came d. ran

4. Could you ring British Airways and find…………..if there are any seats on the
flight to Rome?
a. up b. in c. over d. out

5. Work is always so much better if you have a boss you…………on with.

a. get b. carry c. take d. hold

1PPA Business English – Intermediate
Class 6 – T3


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